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Anyone else ditch school on a whim for Halloween?

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I planned to do school today. Really, I did. We have had a busy week and school has been fit in here and there. I woke up this morning with a plan to do school early and then carve pumpkins. Well... we have been moving really slowly and now it has turned into a "just do math and we will call it good" type of day. On to Halloween fun!

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My 8yo's had a cold all week, so we've been schooling light the past few days. Today we're making a volcano from a kit and carving a pumpkin. I think all that can count for science and art. :)


We may also do a very brief unit study on The Nutritional Value of the Skittle.


Ah...Halloween! ;)

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We rushed home last night after my son's choir practice so that he and my husband could finish decorating our front hall. My son has dance classes Friday evenings, so everything had to be done in advance.


We let him stay up a bit late to finish carving pumpkins.


And, to top it off, today is my birthday. So, I really, really don't want to do any work.


However, we are still struggling to make up the almost two weeks of schoolwork that piled up surrounding our vacation. So, I'm forcing us to keep our noses to the grindstone for most of the day.


We have to leave shortly after 2:00 so he can get in some organ practice before dance. We have agreed, though, that he will skip the second dance class this evening so that we can be home in time for most of the trick or treaters.

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Yes. I was going to make them at least do math but our day got off to such a bad start with a lot of shrieking that I decided to bag it. Dh has been gone all week and we are all quite thoroughly sick of each other.


*If* they can behave themselves, we might go spend their Halloween gift cards from their grandparents. I make no promises though. I'd also like to go take their pictures by the giant pumpkin at the horse barn. Too bad I didn't think of that when we went for lessons last night.:glare: But, they weren't wearing their Halloween clothes then anyway.


If it tells you anything about our day, I've already threatened that trick-or-treating is a privilege and if they are rotten, Daddy isn't going to agree to take them. And I meant it.

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I was TOTALLY going to do school today! As it turns out, It's 11:00 and I'm still in my PJ's:blush: Then again, so are my kids. Really, why dress them when we're just going to have to shower and dress again in a couple of hours. Someone remind me not to schedule school on Halloween next year.



Oh, wait, it will be on a Saturday next year:thumbup:

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Well, I'm glad I'm not alone! We decided to stop for doughnuts before going to the library, then decided "just math," realized we forgot ds7's math books, so ds7 did grammar & spelling (his 2 favs) and ds8 did math. Then we got 2 great library books about Native Americans. One called "The European Invasion" and one that is hands-on and covers everything from Native Amercan religion to warfare/hunting. We called it a day. Of course it didn't help that I let the kids wear their costumes from the moment they got up. Our decision was spur of the moment and made easier by the fact that all the public school in our area are off for today.

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I did not plan any school for today. We took the entire week off - the kids' mom's birthday was Monday, my birthday is tomorrow. We had birthday presents to make and wrap, and halloween decorating to do, costumes to finish up, and cooking for a halloween dinner party tonight. So, no school at all for us.

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Actually I planned to have the day off. My dh was wondering what was going on when the kids were still up at 10:00 last night watching a movie. I forgot to tell him we weren't having school today. My dh and my dd (who goes to high school) were jealous.


I let the younger 2 sleep late and then surprised them by taking them bowling. On the way home we stopped at the store to try to figure out a costume for their big sis.


Actually my dh is having a Halloween party at work so I figured we could have fun today too. I just feel sorry for older dd since she has to go to school and they don't allow any kind of Halloween activities at her school.

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We have a cold here and have been taking most of the week light. Today is a day off but the way the week has been, I am not surprised. Of course, the kids are well enough to go trick-or-treating. I'm the only one really "in bed sick". They have enough energy to run a power plant!! :001_rolleyes:

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I planned to do school today. Really, I did. We have had a busy week and school has been fit in here and there. I woke up this morning with a plan to do school early and then carve pumpkins. Well... we have been moving really slowly and now it has turned into a "just do math and we will call it good" type of day. On to Halloween fun!


Gosh, I do that on a regular basis.


On a side note, our school district gave the public school kids the day off today.

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yes! we spent the morning putting last minute touches on halloween costumes. this involved the sewing machine, so while i had it out i showed the boys how it works. that counts as home economics, right...:lol:


Gosh, I would totally count that. Do you think I can count "The View?" They were all dressed like Presidents and talked about what they had done for our country. It was actually really interesting. OH, and Regis and Kelly were educational. . . . ummm maybe not:lol:


OH, The People's Court is on! That's totally educational - gotta go!

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Nope. Absolutely not. School is scheduled for today.


Of course, the kid's attention span stinks, but this is a learning experience that we can't just ditch academics for every whim.


But please understand that I don't get into Halloween and I refuse to let it screw up my schedule. For other holidays I feel differently.



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My 8yo's had a cold all week, so we've been schooling light the past few days. Today we're making a volcano from a kit and carving a pumpkin. I think all that can count for science and art. :)


We may also do a very brief unit study on The Nutritional Value of the Skittle.


Ah...Halloween! ;)


I convinced my mom when I was in highschool that a bottle of orange juice and skittles were as good as vitamin c pills during cold season. There's lots of vit. c in that combo!

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We skipped it today. Totally unplanned.


We were supposed to do art, nature walk, reading, and science.


Instead we finished the boys' costumes and made Halloween cards. Which could count as art, I suppose, since it would if they'd done those projects in public school.


Then we went t-or-t at the library....oooo! Reading! And we checked out Bill Nye the Science Guy, which the guys are watching as I type, so that's science.


Now if only I could somehow turn a trip to Safeway for candles for the pumpkins and steamers at Starbucks into a nature study, we'd be set.



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We have a cold here and have been taking most of the week light. Today is a day off but the way the week has been, I am not surprised. Of course, the kids are well enough to go trick-or-treating. I'm the only one really "in bed sick". They have enough energy to run a power plant!! :001_rolleyes:


Us too! We've been taking it easy all week, so the kids will be well enough to go trick or treating!

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The math book is unopened. The copy work is untouched. Wow. I forgot to do school today.


How did that happen?


I made oatmeal for breakfast to help balance out all the unhealthy things they will eat today. We went to the parts store 'cause the car needed oil - boyz apparently don't know to check oil in cars.


Then we went to pick the Halloween candy and some last minute decorations since they were on sale and I got paid today.


Then we dug out the big extension cord and rearranged the decorations and put up the new ones. Then filled up the bucket 'o candy and mixed the rest of the candy in a big bag to refill the bucket.


Then I started more laundry, made lunch, got ready for work, showed ds how to adjust the belt that was squeaking on his car after I had replaced the alternator (yeah - I am cool!), washed the grease off my hands Again, packed my food for the day, started dinner, made trick-or-treat arrangements for dh and the kids, went to the bank, dropped off the mail-in ballots, and made it to work on time.


Yikes! I did forget school. Wow. We usually do that right after breakfast.

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We did here. I had us scheduled for school and decided this morning to ditch it all. We went out to lunch all together, made sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, mocha monkey bread, carved the pumpkins and cooked the pumpkin seeds. It's been really good.


Now we are just waiting about 20min more for dusk to hit, going for a quick round around the neighborhood and then out to Old Mill restaurant where the servers all dress up and you get to vote for best costume.


It's been a good day and I'm really glad we ditched school on a whim this time. :)

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I planned to do school today. Really, I did. We have had a busy week and school has been fit in here and there. I woke up this morning with a plan to do school early and then carve pumpkins. Well... we have been moving really slowly and now it has turned into a "just do math and we will call it good" type of day. On to Halloween fun!



We always do!! Creating holiday memories with the kiddos is will always be way more important than school work any day. We also take 6 weeks off at Christmas, all of December and into January to celebrate the New Year!

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