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Update from hospital about Rep. Scalise UPDATE 7/13


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"Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet travelled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. He was transported in shock to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations. We will provide periodic updates."




I'm really nervous about the blood loss. That they had to go back in already to stop bleeding after the first surgery.





Update 7/6 in posts #51 & #52

Edited by unsinkable
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I'm afraid he's going to die and that's why they released this, as kind of a intermediate step. To prepare people that he's not doing well.


His family had to approve this release of info.

Oh wow. I hadn't thought of that. Terrible.

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He was hit and dragged himself away. But he had to lay there for at least 10 minutes before it was safe for his team mates (Congressmen who are doctors) to get to him to do first aid. His security detail really saved a lot of people today.


Medical personnel cannot be cleared to aid in a shooting until the LE has secured the site.


I'm quite glum about all this. Rep Paul Ryan gave a great speech today. It received a standing ovation by both parties.


I pray that when the dust settles we can look singularly at one another as people and Americans. That would be good to come from this evil. If the bickering and fighting starts up again, then I may just never participate in politics ever again.

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It was a small caliber bullet. People often mistakenly think that small caliber is somehow safer. It isn't really. .22 or what the shooter had .223 are preferred calibers for assassinations. Because they are smaller, they often do not pass straight through. In this case, with a shot to the hip, the bullet which did not come out according to the congressional Dr. on the scene, most likely shattered on impact with the hip bone and proceeded to send shrapnel throughout the area. Prayers continuing for him and the other victims as I am now awake again.

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He was hit and dragged himself away. But he had to lay there for at least 10 minutes before it was safe for his team mates (Congressmen who are doctors) to get to him to do first aid. His security detail really saved a lot of people today.


Medical personnel cannot be cleared to aid in a shooting until the LE has secured the site.


I'm quite glum about all this. Rep Paul Ryan gave a great speech today. It received a standing ovation by both parties.


I pray that when the dust settles we can look singularly at one another as people and Americans. That would be good to come from this evil. If the bickering and fighting starts up again, then I may just never participate in politics ever again.




I was so sad to hear his condition was downgraded to critical.  I hope he pulls through. 

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I pray that when the dust settles we can look singularly at one another as people and Americans. That would be good to come from this evil. If the bickering and fighting starts up again, then I may just never participate in politics ever again.


Quote from Mommyliberty5013



I was so sad to see on my Facebook feed this morning how one group is slamming Trump for his response, another praising it, one group slamming Democrats and blaming them while another praises their response.


This is a tragedy and should not be used to "further" a particular political agenda...and both sides are trying to do that. Where is the integrity?

Edited by Ottakee
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I am praying he makes it too. I worked critical care and pelvic injuries can be quite serious due to bleeding but folks can survive them. Thanks goodness is at a level 1 Trauma center. As for the update, I would not take it as preparing for his eventual death- most likely he is a national figure and I can see the family agreeing to this since the whole nation is worried:(

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I was really upset to hear that update and I hope I'm wrong about why they released the update.My husband said I was kind of reaching. He knows how much I worry and imagine the worst.


To those who said mentioned the bullet damage...sorry I didn't quote...that is probably what some of the future surgeries will be, for ortho to repair bone damage, as well as other damage.


I hope all the victims had a good night (as good as can be expected within the circumstances).

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I pray that when the dust settles we can look singularly at one another as people and Americans. That would be good to come from this evil. If the bickering and fighting starts up again, then I may just never participate in politics ever again.



I was so sad to see on my Facebook feed this morning how one group is slamming Trump for his response, another praising it, one group slamming Democrats and blaming them while another praises their response.


This is a tragedy and should not be used to "further" a particular political agenda...and both sides are trying to do that. Where is the integrity?



Please, please, please, don't withdraw.  I beg you. 


The only way this nation will heal and rebuild is if people of good faith and integrity stream toward the political process, and hang in across difficulty and differences.  




Holding Rep Scalise in the light.

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I don't think it's political. We're just sharing perspectives on what all this means for us as American voters. For me, I'm glad for these online forums, when people can build something in the way of unity. These forums and places like Facebook, are the new public square.


Ultimately, we cannot allow one another to dehumanize any "side" over another. Disagreement is one thing and many times healthy conflict causes the best to come to fruition in terms of legislation and ideas. Conflict that's held with respect has a place. We don't need to be homogenized.


But if we look through history, when rhetoric (speaking and images) turned nasty, hateful, personal - it dehumanizes whole groups in the eyes of others. Then those others lose an ability to see a man or see a woman as a Creation and instead view them as an idiot, an opposition, or worse - inhuman. That's when people act violently, such as what happened at the baseball field.


We can't hide or refuse to talk. I feel that if we hide from polite discourse across sides, we're giving an enemy in the fabric of America more of a foothold. Silence and being silenced for fear of PC isn't the answer. We have to talk. We have to share. We have to hurt together. If we don't, we stop being human and violence has an easier time.

Edited by MommyLiberty5013
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MommyLiberty...I appreciate your polite response.


This Chat Board does have a rule about no politics.


I began this thread about Scalise's medical condition. Once people start mentioning politics and political issues, it draws in posts that don't belong here.


There are "social groups" here where political talk IS allowed.

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Thank you for the polite notification. I'm new here and learning the community ropes, so to speak.


That makes sense. I participate in another forum online with many folks from all political leanings. We don't agree but we hold one another to a high standard of decorum and are quick to 'reprimand' any person being hostile to another poster or insulting to another thought ideology. It's worked. And in the process we've become a very tight community without fear of attack on any topic, including politics. I guess I just brought over my hopefulness from that Board to here and assumed it was the same way. That's my explanation for my behavior here, anyway. I'm sorry.

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Another update:


June 15, 2017, 8:10 pm


Earlier today, Congressman Steve Scalise underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg. He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours. The Congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time. At the request of the family, we will continue to provide periodic updates.

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Another update:


June 15, 2017, 8:10 pm


Earlier today, Congressman Steve Scalise underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg. He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours. The Congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time. At the request of the family, we will continue to provide periodic updates.




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Another update:


June 15, 2017, 8:10 pm


Earlier today, Congressman Steve Scalise underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg. He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours. The Congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time. At the request of the family, we will continue to provide periodic updates.




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Update from MedStar about Rep Scalise and Sp. Agent Griner


June 16, 2017


Press briefing remarks by Dr. Jack Sava, Director of Trauma for MedStar Washington Hospital Center

Shared on behalf of the Scalise family, June 16, 2017, 3:15 p.m.


We are aware that many in the nation are concerned about the patients brought to us for care, after the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, June 14. I want to provide some background and an update.


Special Agent Crystal Griner with the United States Capitol Police sustained a gunshot wound to the ankle, and remains hospitalized in good condition.


Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single wound from a rifle, entering in the area of his left hip. The bullet traveled straight across toward the other hip, in what we call a transpelvic gunshot wound. The round fragmented, and caused significant damage to bones, internal organs and blood vessels. I understand he was awake initially, but due to severe bleeding, by the time he arrived at MedSTAR by helicopter, he was in shock.


My partners, Dr. Tony Shiflett and Dr. Christine Trankiem, as well as other doctors and nurses, saw him in the trauma center, and immediately transported him to the operating room for surgery. In the OR, he was in critical condition and received many units of blood transfusion for ongoing hemorrhage from multiple locations. He received truly amazing anesthesia care from Dr. Scott Frank and Dr. Eric Skolnick. Largely due to their work, we were able to get him through the operation and take him to Interventional Radiology, where Dr. Arshad Khan performed another procedure to further control bleeding.


From there he was taken to intensive care under the care of Dr. Chadi Abouassaly. Over the course of Wednesday night, we were encouraged to see evidence that we had controlled the bleeding. Yesterday, (June 15, 2017) Dr. Trankiem and I performed a second operation, and Dr. Rob Golden, our director of orthopaedic trauma, repaired a bone in the leg.


The Congressman remains in critical condition. Over the last 36 hours, we have been encouraged to see some improvement in his condition. We have controlled the internal bleeding, and his vital signs have stabilized.


The Congressman will require additional operations to manage abdominal injuries and other broken bones. He will be in the hospital for some time. Predicting the length of that hospital stay will be much easier after a few more days have passed. After discharge he will need a period of healing and rehabilitation.


On behalf of the MedSTAR Trauma team, I’d like to thank the special agents on the scene for their outstanding life-saving response, and I’d like to thank the first responders for the excellent care given to all the people injured. We are aware here at the Hospital Center of their critical role, and we salute their commitment and dedication.





It sounds like if the anesthesia & OR team didn't stabilize him, he could have bled out before he got to IR.


I'm glad to hear special agent Griner is in good condition.

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Update from MedStar about Rep Scalise and Sp. Agent Griner


June 16, 2017


Press briefing remarks by Dr. Jack Sava, Director of Trauma for MedStar Washington Hospital Center

Shared on behalf of the Scalise family, June 16, 2017, 3:15 p.m.


We are aware that many in the nation are concerned about the patients brought to us for care, after the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, June 14. I want to provide some background and an update.


Special Agent Crystal Griner with the United States Capitol Police sustained a gunshot wound to the ankle, and remains hospitalized in good condition.


Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single wound from a rifle, entering in the area of his left hip. The bullet traveled straight across toward the other hip, in what we call a transpelvic gunshot wound. The round fragmented, and caused significant damage to bones, internal organs and blood vessels. I understand he was awake initially, but due to severe bleeding, by the time he arrived at MedSTAR by helicopter, he was in shock.


My partners, Dr. Tony Shiflett and Dr. Christine Trankiem, as well as other doctors and nurses, saw him in the trauma center, and immediately transported him to the operating room for surgery. In the OR, he was in critical condition and received many units of blood transfusion for ongoing hemorrhage from multiple locations. He received truly amazing anesthesia care from Dr. Scott Frank and Dr. Eric Skolnick. Largely due to their work, we were able to get him through the operation and take him to Interventional Radiology, where Dr. Arshad Khan performed another procedure to further control bleeding.


From there he was taken to intensive care under the care of Dr. Chadi Abouassaly. Over the course of Wednesday night, we were encouraged to see evidence that we had controlled the bleeding. Yesterday, (June 15, 2017) Dr. Trankiem and I performed a second operation, and Dr. Rob Golden, our director of orthopaedic trauma, repaired a bone in the leg.


The Congressman remains in critical condition. Over the last 36 hours, we have been encouraged to see some improvement in his condition. We have controlled the internal bleeding, and his vital signs have stabilized.


The Congressman will require additional operations to manage abdominal injuries and other broken bones. He will be in the hospital for some time. Predicting the length of that hospital stay will be much easier after a few more days have passed. After discharge he will need a period of healing and rehabilitation.


On behalf of the MedSTAR Trauma team, I’d like to thank the special agents on the scene for their outstanding life-saving response, and I’d like to thank the first responders for the excellent care given to all the people injured. We are aware here at the Hospital Center of their critical role, and we salute their commitment and dedication.





It sounds like if the anesthesia & OR team didn't stabilize him, he could have bled out before he got to IR.


I'm glad to hear special agent Griner is in good condition.

The variety of ethnic backgrounds suggested by the names of the doctors seems like an encouraging reminder of the good that we do have in this country.

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All good news! Yay to the doctors who worked hard on this, it's amazing what they can treat with the advanced imaging and cameras during surgery.

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It's sounding much more promising than it was yesterday. I'm so glad. 


I know this is a little OT, but I am surprised at how little security Senators and Reps have. I had NO idea they didn't all have at least a body guard until this incident. But even today, my husband was on a commercial plane with a pretty controversial U.S. Senator and he said nope. No security anywhere- in the terminal, or on the plane. Just a tiny little intern looking person that looked like a college student traveling with the person. I figured after this week, they'd all have reason for some detail, but alas not. I wish they would. I wouldn't mind my tax dollars going towards that. You shouldn't have to choose between personal safety and contributing to your country, you know? 

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It's sounding much more promising than it was yesterday. I'm so glad.


I know this is a little OT, but I am surprised at how little security Senators and Reps have. I had NO idea they didn't all have at least a body guard until this incident. But even today, my husband was on a commercial plane with a pretty controversial U.S. Senator and he said nope. No security anywhere- in the terminal, or on the plane. Just a tiny little intern looking person that looked like a college student traveling with the person. I figured after this week, they'd all have reason for some detail, but alas not. I wish they would. I wouldn't mind my tax dollars going towards that. You shouldn't have to choose between personal safety and contributing to your country, you know?

One of our senators visited the company I work for and several others in town a couple of weeks ago. It was just him in the meetings, though I think he had a staffer traveling with him. Edited by Word Nerd
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It's sounding much more promising than it was yesterday. I'm so glad. 


I know this is a little OT, but I am surprised at how little security Senators and Reps have. I had NO idea they didn't all have at least a body guard until this incident. But even today, my husband was on a commercial plane with a pretty controversial U.S. Senator and he said nope. No security anywhere- in the terminal, or on the plane. Just a tiny little intern looking person that looked like a college student traveling with the person. I figured after this week, they'd all have reason for some detail, but alas not. I wish they would. I wouldn't mind my tax dollars going towards that. You shouldn't have to choose between personal safety and contributing to your country, you know? 



Growing up, I was friends with the daughter of a Congressman. No security anywhere - they lived in a regular house in a regular neighborhood. 


This past election, I volunteered at our town hall on election day. Just before noon, a camera person from the local news came in, letting us know that Sen. Leahy was on his way to vote (he lives in my town). He came in with his wife, voted and then visited with us volunteers for a few minutes, chatting. He didn't have any security with him then. Really nice guy and his wife was as well!

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A few years back I attended a party that a senator also attended. He was neither majority nor minirity chair. He had a security detail.


And a photographer.

And a makeup artist, though s/he stayed hidden (the cosmetics were obvious).


His detail was dark suited and professional, and looked secret service agents in films, they were not carrying openly but had ear pieces. It's possible they were personal bodyguards hired by the official.

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Released on behalf of the Scalise family, Saturday, June 17, 2017, 6 p.m.


Congressman Steve Scalise is in serious condition. He underwent another surgery today, but continues to show signs of improvement. He is more responsive, and is speaking with his loved ones. The Scalise family greatly appreciates the outpouring of thoughts and prayers.


Note: This is the final update for the weekend.





I also heard on radio that Matt Mika had another surgery and is recovering.

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Very glad Rep Scalise going in the right direction.



In addition to doing Town Halls, local town party committee picnics, and various fundraisers (which are theoretically limited to members of his party, though in practice there's little way to check) our Representative regularly drops in on open-to-all Memorial Day parades, state championship soccer games, public high school graduations -- all sorts of things.  With a staffer or two, but no security.  


The initial press said that Rep Scalise had Capitol Police protection because he was House leadership, which does suggest that ordinary rank and file don't get it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is from yesterday...but I heard on the news Rep. Scalise had to have surgery today to address the infection. The hospital seems to post updates in the evening so maybe one for today is still possible.




"Congressman Steve Scalise has been readmitted to the Intensive Care Unit at MedStar Washington Hospital Center due to new concerns for infection. His condition is listed as serious. We will provide another update tomorrow, July 6."



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