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Class of 2017 Decisions thread

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Alma College - DD (Honorary) of Faithmanor - Nursing

Appalachian State University - DD of Paws4me - Poitical Science & Criminal Justice

Brigham Young University - DS of StephinSoCal

College of William & Mary - DD of Elise - Mathematics

Columbia University - DS of lisabees - Math and Computer Science; Kluge Scholar

Duke University - DD of Attolia - English & Creative Writing

Indiana University - DD of Luckymama - International Studies with a concentration in Diplomacy, Security, and Governance

Liberty University - DD of Minniewannabe

Local Community College - DDa of The Girl's Mom - Business

Michigan State University - DS of Anne1456 - Mechanical Engineering

Middle Tennessee State University - DDb of The Girl's Mom - Elementary Education

Northern Arizona University - Dd of JenneinAZ - Civil Engineering

Norwich University - DD of Margaret in CO- Computer Science & Cyber Security

Oberlin College - DS3 of harpymom - undecided

Ohio State University - DD of Gratia271 - Classics and Linguistics

Queens University of Charlotte - DS of corbster98 - Exercise & Sports Science

St. Louis University - DS of Regentrude - Athletic Training

Stanford University - DS of Sebastian (a lady) - Navy ROTC & ??

Seton Hill University  - DD of Rebel Yell - Dance Education/Pedagogy

Texas Christian University - DS of jdahlquist - Business

Union University - DD of Susan in TN - Nursing & Psychology

University of Alabama - Hunstville - DS of AFwife Claire - Engineering

University of California - Berkeley - College of Letters and Sciences - DS of Quark - Math

University of California - Berkeley - College of Chemistry - DD of elfgivas - Chemistry

University of California - Irvine - DS of Jilly - Film and Media Studies

University of Georgia - DD of Melabella - Chemistry or pharmaceutical sciences and French

University of Memphis - DS of Brenda inTenn - Mechanical Engineering

University of Redlands - DD of Jilly - Music Performance

University of South Carolina - DD of 8FilltheHeart - International Business & Economics

Vanderbilt University - DS of Julie of KY - Computer Science and Math

Wellesley College - DD of ArchatHome-  Undecided

Williams College - DS of Snowbeltmom - Math & Computer Science

Edited by Scoutermom
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DS#2--University of Alabama-Huntsville, majoring in engineering.  He received their "Charger Excellence" scholarship, which pays for 100% of tuition plus housing.  He also was awarded a 4 year type 1 AFROTC scholarship (100% tuition plus fees and books, and a monthly stipend), but he really didn't want to follow his older brother to VA Tech and be an engineering major in the Corps, just like oldest DS, (and he didn't want any other VA school, esp. not UVA).  So getting this scholarship from UAH is allowing him to go somewhere else and forge his own path, which was really important to him.  We both felt like he would be well-positioned to get a good job there without serving in the Air Force, so he'll be turing down the ROTC scholarship.  That hasn't been his life-time dream, like it was for his brother.  


We visited there back in January, and he really liked the school.  It's the right size for him, and everyone was very friendly.  We have good friends who retired from the AF down there, so we can stay with them when we visit, and they've already said they are happy to pick up DS whenever he wants and take him back to their house or shopping or church or wherever so that is really nice.  Also, he decided to do the Honors program there, so he'll be in the honors dorm.  

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DS #3 -University of Memphis to major in mechanical engineering.  Has received Presidential and engineering scholarships, along with the state lottery scholarships.  Has also been invited to join the Engineering Living Learning Community.

DS is SUPER excited to join the rest of his family and friends at UofM.  Go Tigers, Go!

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DS14 will attend UC Berkeley's College of Letters and Sciences, most likely as a math major with the possibility of another major or minor (too many interests right now to be sure! :laugh: ).


He was accepted as an early admit (Cal announces this in early Feb and extends this honor to the top 1% of freshman applicants, I think) and he was invited to interview for the Regents scholarship but was not awarded the scholarship in the end. No worries as we knew Cal was the most likely choice logistically and financially anyway. The scholarship would have helped only slightly with finances (it was the priority registration that DS was after). We also live within commuting distance and DS will live at home due to both age and for considerably lower first year fees (by half!!).


He has already been taking math circle and classes at Cal as a concurrently enrolled high schooler which helped a lot with getting to know the campus well. We think CC credits will transfer and provide more benefits such as added time to dabble and try different courses/ seminars/ more research opportunities. We'll see.


For now, we are paying the deposit and keeping fingers crossed that the kid will have the time of his life as a Golden Bear. :001_wub:

Edited by quark
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DS14 will attend UC Berkeley's College of Letters and Sciences, most likely as a math major with the possibility of another major or minor (too many interests right now to be sure! :laugh: ).


He was accepted as an early admit (Cal announces this in early Feb and extends this honor to the top 1% of freshman applicants, I think) and he was invited to interview for the Regents scholarship but was not awarded the scholarship in the end. No worries as we knew Cal was the most likely choice logistically and financially anyway. The scholarship would have helped only slightly with finances (it was the priority registration that DS was after). We also live within commuting distance and DS will live at home due to both age and for considerably lower first year fees (by half!!).


He has already been taking math circle and classes at Cal as a concurrently enrolled high schooler which helped a lot with getting to know the campus well. We think CC credits will transfer and provide more benefits such as added time to dabble and try different courses/ seminars/ more research opportunities. We'll see.


For now, we are paying the deposit and keeping fingers crossed that the kid will have the time of his life as a Golden Bear. :001_wub:

I am so happy for both of you!!!

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DD16a - Local community college, Business major.  Why - she decided that the Biology/Forensics major she's been planning on for 4 years is not her thing any longer, and she's really not sure what she wants to do.  We get two free years of CC, so while she's figuring out life she will get her Associates debt free. She picked Business as a major because it gives her the most job flexibility.  

DD16b - MTSU, Elementary Education major.  Why - her first pick was Union University, but even with several good scholarships, it was still going to be significantly more expensive than the state school, MTSU.  With plans to be a teacher, she knows that she can't afford to carry a bunch of student loans, and we can only help so much.  She chose MTSU over the local university because 1. she wants to experience life without being part of a set (twin) and 2. MTSU has a much smaller campus than our local school.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

...she wants to experience life without being part of a set (twin)...

This is exactly why my twins demanded to go to separate colleges, and tbh it's been good for them. Unfortunately, we are looking ahead to graduation next spring, and it appears they graduate on the same day, one in Texas, one in Ohio. Doh!

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Last night, my daughter accepted admission at Ohio State University.  She will double major in Classics and Linguistics. This combination leaves all paths open to her after graduation, whether grad school, law, medicine, or industry. 


OSU was clear choice across all indices.  OSU has strong academics in her areas of study. OSU is top 10 in US for Linguistics and has robust Classics program with graduate offerings to undergrads. Numerous Honors and advanced classes and research opportunities in her fields of interest. As an Eminence Fellow, she has a faculty mentor and program mentor to work with her throughout her studies. In terms of culture and fit, OSU again clearly wins for DD inasmuch as she has a close community of peers (fellow Eminence Scholars who live together in Honors dorm) within a large, diverse context-what DD really wanted for the college she would attend. In terms of finances, OSU is fully funding her education along with enrichment grants.  She is also within driving distance and can have a car on campus.  Since she has three new siblings, she really wanted to be relatively close to home if possible. The idea of having her own  car on campus didn't sound too bad to her either. LOL.



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DS- Queens University of Charlotte and also committed to swim with their Men's swimming program!  

Major: Exercise and Sports Science 




I haven't been following this thread, so I'm late to this party, but I have to say that I LOVE Queen's!  I've actually raved on here before about Queen's after we visited last spring.  My daughter (a HS junior) is also a swimmer and has a friend who swims for Queen's, which is how we first heard about it.  She has talked to their coach, and they're on her short list, but I don't think she loves it as much a I do.  She plays her cards pretty close to the vest, though, so we'll see.  I hope your son loves it, and congrats on yet another DII NCAA championship!  

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Last night, my daughter accepted admission at Ohio State University.  She will double major in Classics and Linguistics. This combination leaves all paths open to her after graduation, whether grad school, law, medicine, or industry. 


OSU was clear choice across all indices.  OSU has strong academics in her areas of study. OSU is top 10 in US for Linguistics and has robust Classics program with graduate offerings to undergrads. Numerous Honors and advanced classes and research opportunities in her fields of interest. As an Eminence Fellow, she has a faculty mentor and program mentor to work with her throughout her studies. In terms of culture and fit, OSU again clearly wins for DD inasmuch as she has a close community of peers (fellow Eminence Scholars who live together in Honors dorm) within a large, diverse context-what DD really wanted for the college she would attend. In terms of finances, OSU is fully funding her education along with enrichment grants.  She is also within driving distance and can have a car on campus.  Since she has three new siblings, she really wanted to be relatively close to home if possible. The idea of having her own  car on campus didn't sound too bad to her either. LOL.



Love, love, love how it all fell into place. :grouphug: :001_wub:

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DD has chosen, rather begrudgingly, UGA. It is the one school she always said she'd never consider. She wanted a small LAC,but they just weren't affordable for us even with some generous merit aid. She's planning to major in chemistry or pharmaceutical sciences and French.

Edited by Melabella
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DD has decided to go to The University of Redlands and will be pursuing a bachelors of music in performance. Although IU Jacobs School of Music was her first choice she didn't receive enough scholarship money to offset out-of-state tuition. She is actually very happy with her second choice. We have visited the campus numerous times and she has fallen in love with it. She likes the intimate feel of the campus and the music school. I think it will be a great match for her and I imagine she will really grow over the next four years. 


Her twin brother still cannot make a decision about where to go. Hopefully I will be updating the thread with his decision soon.  :)

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D has committed to Indiana University :) She will study International Studies with a concentration in Diplomacy, Security, and Governance. In addition, she will continue her study of Arabic and Chinese.


Why IU? She was first drawn to IU after learning that they added an Arabic Language Flagship program to their existing Chinese and Turkish programs. (See here https://www.thelanguageflagship.org/content/home for general Language Flagship info). Everyone she met during her long visit was encouraging and friendly. She did not feel like an oddity for wanting to pursue two critical languages at a high level. And, of course, the very generous scholarships helped :lol:


Her plan is to complete both the Arabic and Chinese Flagship requirements which include both study and internship periods abroad while receiving her BA from IU. This will only be possible because D has been studying both languages at the university level and because...


D will be spending the '17-'18 academic year as a Rotary Youth Exchange student in Taiwan :party: She will live with two or three host families in New Taipei City while she attends a Taiwanese high school and (hopefully) perfects her Chinese. D's current Chinese prof is from Taiwan and is so excited for her :)

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Well, technically Diamond is Homeschool Class of 2013, but I'm posting anyway :lol:


Diamond will be attending Seton Hill University as a Dance Education/Pedagogy major! Her associate degree in Small Business Management got her a generous academic scholarship, and also puts her just five credits short of Junior status.


She will be living on campus, about half an hour away.


A close family friend is a professor in the math dept, and funny: some of her students in the high school musicals she choreographed are/will be students there!

Edited by Rebel Yell
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Exciting times!  So happy that decisions are made and everyone is looking forward.  


No decision here, although ds is fairly certain which school it will be.  We are at an admitted students weekend now.  I am not sure if it will change his mind, as amazing as this place is.

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DS will be attending Appalachian State University and double majoring in political science and criminal justice.


Why --  I think the main reason is that he's 2e and feels very comfortable there. It's the place that feels right. They're also accepting all of his credits (he's an early college high school student who will get his AS next month). So he should be able to finish up with a double major in two or at the most two and a half years. They're also starting a program this year just for their early college students. The university is recognizing that these kids aren't true/typical freshmen and yet they don't quite fit in with the regular juniors who are starting their third year on campus, either. They'll have their own area in a dorm, their own club/group and a few other perks I've forgotten. Having a university really reach out to kids like him was appealing, I think.

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DD will be attending Duke in the fall.  She plans to major in English and minor in creative writing.  


Why Duke? She was already leaning toward Duke but then she was unexpectedly offered their full scholarship - tuition, room & board, books, and personal expenses for all four years.  I am guessing someone turned it down and dd was on a waiting list?  We never expected this and we sure are happy


Edited by Attolia
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DD will be attending Duke in fall. She plans to major in English and minor in creative writing.



Why Duke? She was already leaning toward Duke but was concerned about the finances being a bit higher than her other options. Then she was unexpectedly offered their full scholarship - tuition, room & board, books, and personal expenses for all four years. I am guessing someone turned it down and dd was on a waiting list? We never expected this and we sure are happy


That's astonishing and very well done your DD!
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DD will be attending Duke in fall.  She plans to major in English and minor in creative writing.  



Why Duke? She was already leaning toward Duke but was concerned about the finances being a bit higher than her other options.  Then she was unexpectedly offered their full scholarship - tuition, room & board, books, and personal expenses for all four years.  I am guessing someone turned it down and dd was on a waiting list?  We never expected this and we sure are happy



OH MY, Attolia!! THAT is an incredible ending to her story!! Love it. Congratulations to your girl!


Pawz4Me, great news for your student too! So exciting to see decisions finalized. The program sounds like a wonderful fit.

Edited by Gr8lander
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OH MY, Attolia!! THAT is an incredible ending to her story!! Love it. Congratulations to your girl!


Pawz4Me, great news for your student too! So exciting to see decisions finalized. The program sounds like a wonderful fit.



A very unexpected twist, indeed.  Initially she didn't think she would like Duke.  She then fell in love but was concerned about money and then bam...the truly unexpected.  She is super, super happy.


Y'all have been our greatest resource in this journey and I have no idea where my dd would be without you guys  :grouphug:

Edited by Attolia
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A very unexpected twist, indeed. Initially, she didn't think she would like Duke. She then fell in love but was concerned about money and then bam...the truly unexpected. She is super, super happy.


Y'all have been our greatest resource in this journey and I have no idea where my dd would be without you guys :grouphug:

That's so awesome! Same class year as your dd, but my friend's son is paying full tuition and board (so perhaps around 70k per year?) and he applied as an early decision applicant, so they knew he was headed to Duke in December. Edited by crazyforlatin
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That's so awesome! Same class year as your dd, but my friend's son is paying full tuition and board (so perhaps around 70k per year?) and he applied as an early decision applicant, so they knew he was headed to Duke in December.


congrats to your friend's son.  Duke is an awesome school and many families choose to pay the full cost because they can!  We simply couldn't (haha).  


The total package is $73,742/ year to be exact. That includes books and personal expenses too ;)

The cool thing is that she also gets to go to a summer program just for scholars and then next year she will be paid to mentor a freshman.  It also includes money for an internship to cover a typically unpaid internship.  It is a ridiculously awesome deal.  

Edited by Attolia
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Every time I read this thread I feel so proud of how far our homeschooled kids go. I am proud of my friends' PS/ private school kids too...but our homeschooled kids, usually at some type of a disadvantage, are just awesome aren't they? :001_wub:

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DS has decided to attend UC Irvine where he will be majoring in film and media studies and minoring in digital arts. He had trouble making the decision but feels confident about it now. He chose UCI because he can live at home and commute. Tuition is free for him so he will not need to take out any loans (that was important to him) and he feels that as a student with a disability he will find the support he needs at UCI.

Edited by Jilly
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DD has decided to attend Wellesley College. She is currently undecided with regard to her major but learned that she must decide by November of her Sophomore year to study abroad her Junior year - good incentive to make a decision. :-)


Wellesley was added to her list late in the process as she wanted another college on her list similar to Barnard which she loved but did not get accepted to. I even had her hold off applying to Wellesley until she had completed her other applications. Her Wellesley essay went together quickly one afternoon as opposed to the days she spent on essays for other colleges.


During the college application process, DD was drawn to high stats schools because she wanted to be immersed in an environment of people like her,  a need that honor programs and halls never quite met. At Wellesley, she felt like she had finally found her tribe. DD loved the Calculus III class she sat in on and the fact that there was chatter prior to both classes she observed. She is excited that Wellesley has a Supplemental Instructor program likes her CC and hopes that she can continue being a Supplemental Instructor as her work study job. DD was also impressed by the deliberate effort that Wellesley makes to create community. Being from the Midwest, Wellesley is a long way from home but she is totally ready for this move.

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DD has accepted her offer at the College of William & Mary to be a 1693 Scholar! She plans to major in Mathematics and possibly double-major/minor in Russian and Japanese. 


The 1693 Scholars Program will fully fund her undergraduate education and also allow her to begin or possibly complete a master's degree as well during her four years. All of the 300 and 400-level mathematics classes she completed while in high school will transfer, and she will be able to begin undergraduate research upon arrival. Additionally, the 1693 Program will fund a summer of research of her own choosing. She will receive specialized advising and lots of other perks like extra trips and weekly luncheons with faculty and visiting dignitaries. Luckily for her parents and siblings, she will also be pretty close to home.  :001_smile:


Dd has been so impressed by the faculty with whom she has spoken. They have been genuinely interested in her research and in her plans for the future. Several of the schools she applied to had good math departments but not really much to offer in foreign language, and I'm so thankful that she won't have to choose between her interests. She is excited by the list of advanced math classes available to her and is looking forward to joining in on Russian House events and classes in Japanese foodways. This is the best of all possible outcomes I could have envisioned for her!


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