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need a replacement for my favorite snack....


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I have always LOVED cheese...more than anything else...and I know that although it can be a good thing...I think anyway, that it also isn't such a good thing for my body as I get older.  (am I wrong?  please tell me I am wrong and that I can eat all of the cheese that I want :)  ) 


I love cheese and crackers, mac n cheese, cheese just by itself, cottage cheese, etc


If its not good, then tell me what I can replace it with...what might be acceptable options to my taste buds?


thanks so much!!!

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I have always LOVED cheese...more than anything else...and I know that although it can be a good thing...I think anyway, that it also isn't such a good thing for my body as I get older.  (am I wrong?  please tell me I am wrong and that I can eat all of the cheese that I want :)  ) 


I love cheese and crackers, mac n cheese, cheese just by itself, cottage cheese, etc


If its not good, then tell me what I can replace it with...what might be acceptable options to my taste buds?


thanks so much!!!


Maybe it's good for you. How do you know that it isn't? :-)


For myself, I have an autoimmune disease, and when I followed the Autoimmune Protocol, I discovered that the only food I react to is...dairy. When I have a cup of hot tea daily with a little cream in it, my hands hurt. So I avoid most dairy on a regular basis.


I'm also allergic to dust mites, which causes me to have a constant runny nose and general congestion, so that I cough and zonk in the morning to clear my throat. When I avoid dairy, I have much less mucous (I also take Allegra at night, and use a nasal spray in the morning).


So for me, avoiding dairy means much less congestion and pain-free hands.  I've just learned to eat other things. None of them taste like dairy :-) but for my health, I just set my face like flint and eat bacon instead, lol.

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I don't know if cheese us bad for you. It could be, or maybe not. I eat cheese daily and have for years. My doctors always compliment me on my fabulous cholesterol numbers and have zero concerns about my heart health. Of course you may be different.


Recently though I've discovered that I have a blood sugar issue, so I don't eat crackers too much anymore. Celery stuffed with cheese is my snack now. Or sometimes my lunch. Goat cheese is the best, but cheddar is pretty good too. Or feta. Or pretty much any kind.


When was your last physical with blood work? Base your diet decisions on that, not on your friends' health.

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I guess the fat in it.  We had a really good friend of our (same age) who just had a quad by-pass...90-100% blockages...and maybe that has scared me.  Do I not need to worry?  (oh, I worry about most everything...it's in my DNA)


There isn't much evidence that fat causes blockages. 


Sugar might be the bigger problem.


But opinions vary wildly and get heated over this. 

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I don't know if cheese us bad for you. It could be, or maybe not. I eat cheese daily and have for years. My doctors always compliment me on my fabulous cholesterol numbers and have zero concerns about my heart health. Of course you may be different.


Recently though I've discovered that I have a blood sugar issue, so I don't eat crackers too much anymore. Celery stuffed with cheese is my snack now. Or sometimes my lunch. Goat cheese is the best, but cheddar is pretty good too. Or feta. Or pretty much any kind.


When was your last physical with blood work? Base your diet decisions on that, not on your friends' health.


I eat cheese daily.  My favorite thing right now is cheese chips.  I just microwave a mound of shredded cheese until crisp.  So so good.

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I found a chocolate fudge cheese. I think that might be bad for me but it's so darned delicious. :D I only eat it on Thanksgiving or Christmas. I spread it on warmed GF french bread rounds.


I don't eat a lot of dairy due to unpleasant side effects but recently I have been craving Babybel cheeses. There's something fun about peeling off the wax casing. I have been eating 3-5 per week.

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you guys have just made my day. So, let me ask another (probably dumb question)....is there any cheese that is bad...like I know velveeta (which really isn't cheese) is bad. What about cheese spreads that are not homemade? are those ok....I eat a lot of cheese spread on crackers as a snack.

Well, what's in those spreads? Do you want to eat those things? Personally, I'd rather eat real, delicious cheese and skip the spreads. But if you don't mind eating whatever's in those spreads, then have at it! :-)



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you guys have just made my day.  So, let me ask another (probably dumb question)....is there any cheese that is bad...like I know velveeta (which really isn't cheese) is bad.  What about cheese spreads that are not homemade? are those ok....I eat a lot of cheese spread on crackers as a snack.


So, yeah, that thing I said about hydrogenated oils and simple carbs?  You might want to consider that.

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you guys have just made my day. So, let me ask another (probably dumb question)....is there any cheese that is bad...like I know velveeta (which really isn't cheese) is bad. What about cheese spreads that are not homemade? are those ok....I eat a lot of cheese spread on crackers as a snack.

Yeah, not so much. Eat real cheese. Cheddar, gouda, Swiss, Chunks of Parmesan...mmmm

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you guys have just made my day.  So, let me ask another (probably dumb question)....is there any cheese that is bad...like I know velveeta (which really isn't cheese) is bad.  What about cheese spreads that are not homemade? are those ok....I eat a lot of cheese spread on crackers as a snack.


The less processed and the fewer additives, the better. I'd rather have real cheese than processed spreads that have all kinds of other stuff in them. By real cheese I mean good cheese. Not the plastic stuff that passes for cheese in most US supermarkets.


This said: nothing is intriniscally "bad" - it is a question of dose. 

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I don't eat a lot of dairy due to unpleasant side effects but recently I have been craving Babybel cheeses. There's something fun about peeling off the wax casing. 


If you think that's fun, you should try keeping all the cases and intertwining them, building it up and up until one day your mom finds it and asks, "What is this weird red ball on your dresser?" 

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I adore cheese. I would give up sugar/sweets WAY before I'd quit dairy. I just prefer savory flavors. Toasted cheddar on sour dough is my life. My non-cheese favorites are cured or smoked meats, buttered popcorn, and hummus with those pretzel chips.


A little Kerrygold Dubliner wrapped in some smoked salmon...;)

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Do you have a family history of heart disease?  Have you had a physical lately?  Is your cholesterol in the low-normal range?


Some people can handle high fat diets with no problem.  Some people cannot.  It seems to be genetic and may have more to do with insulin resistance than with dietary fat.


I'd check with your doctor after a physical and see before you make any major changes.  But real cheese is definitely better for you than the fake kind.

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you guys have just made my day.  So, let me ask another (probably dumb question)....is there any cheese that is bad...like I know velveeta (which really isn't cheese) is bad.  What about cheese spreads that are not homemade? are those ok....I eat a lot of cheese spread on crackers as a snack.


Depends on the spread. Some of them are just basically flavored cream cheese  I eat them sometimes, but really my favorites aren't the spreads.  If you are concerned about funky ingredients, you could make your own flavored cream cheese.

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Wasn't there a board member with the name Sartori? She had a precious little girl (I think).

I remember her! We used a lot of the same curriculum in the K - 2 years, and she had a blog. I vaguely think her DD went to private school. Maybe?


Satori Smiles! That was her name. :)

Edited by Spryte
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I eat cheese daily.  My favorite thing right now is cheese chips.  I just microwave a mound of shredded cheese until crisp.  So so good.

How did I not know this was a thing!?! It sounds yummy and super easy.  I don't own a microwave (don't have the space for it in my kitchen) but now I feel that I must go and get one...

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How did I not know this was a thing!?! It sounds yummy and super easy. I don't own a microwave (don't have the space for it in my kitchen) but now I feel that I must go and get one...

It works in the oven! Use parchment paper and little mounds of shredded cheese. Mmmmm.

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I'd love to try this in the oven or microwave.  How do you know how long to cook it or when it's ready to eat?


I like how it comes out in the microwave best, but basically you have to just keep an eye on it.  It depends on how much cheese.  I haven't gotten it down exactly, but for a good size mound it's about 2 minutes in the micro.  I like it fairly crisp.  I do it until it just starts turning brown.  I put it on a paper towel and let it sit a minute to crisp up.  Then I break it into pieces.  But that's for a large amount.  A small mound wouldn't take that long.

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