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2017-2018 6th Grade Planning Thread


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These are my plans so far:

TT 6
LLATL tan, Pathway Reading 6
Spelling workout F
WTM writing
Logic Lift-off
Apologia Zoology 3
World geography (homemade and very basic)
Medieval history with siblings
Getting Started with French if he doesn't finish it this year L'art de Lire 2
Piano lessons, Bible memory, art

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AoPS Prealgebra


WP Sea and Sky for science and history


English... R&S Spelling plus ELTL 5

or R&S English 6 with WWS 2 and something for lit

or Serl's ILL with something for lit. Ok, now that I'm writing that out, I think I'll go with ELTL.


He wants to learn French. I think we'll either go with MP's First Start French or CAP's French for Children.


For extras he'll continue piano, guitar, and 4H.





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Plans so far:

Sonlight E

VP self paced modern

Apologia Botany

Lifepac Algebra

Rod and Staff English 6th grade

Writing with Skill 1


Might have to outsource art since I'm SUPER inconsistent with doing it.  Continue swimming lessons and ballet.  Hoffman Academy piano.

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Sonlight E continuing into F for history and geography
Sequential Spelling 2  Apples and Pears 2

Singapore Math 5 supplemented with Beast Academy  including Intensive Practice
Pathways Readers 4 and 5 (for fluency practice) but will now mostly use readings from MCT for this
Visualizing and Verbalizing (for comprehension practice) only bits and pieces
A Reason for Handwriting 5
Writing and grammar....an eclectic mix of Sonlight LA E for ideas, create better writers.com paragraph work, and Kilgallon Sentence Composing for Elementary or Middle  MCT Level 2
Sonlight E Science or an Apologia Exploring Creation title  Apologia General Science with Notebooking Journal

Apologia Who is God? plus Notebooking Journal


We're year-rounders, and we're slowly starting to implement some of these now. My 5th grader is doing the same.


Well, I guess that changed a lot, didn't it?







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This is what I currently have written down, though I'm still in the early thinking stage.


Saxon 76

Beast Academy 4


Elementary Science Logic Earth/Space

FLVS Science 6

Memoria Press Birds and Insects

Mystery Science


Writing with Skill I

Hake Grammar 5

Megawords or Sequential Spelling

Build Your Library 5 & 6 - American Literature

Build Your Library Harry Potter units 4-??


Build Your Library 5 & 6 - American History

Connect the Thoughts American History


FLVS Typing

Co-op Art/Art History

Co-op The Stock Market Game



Cross Country



Fitness Program






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Rod and Staff English 6 (grammar lessons only)

Writing and Rhetoric 3 and 4

Sequential Spelling online


Lively Latin 2

Rightstart G and Singapore 5b

Elementary Greek 2

Easy Spanish Step-by-Step and Destinos

SOTW and Cross Seven

Novare Earth Science

Ancient classic lit reading list, discussion (probably mostly audiobooks for this kid)

Science in the Ancient World, reading through independently

Evan Moor Daily Geography 6


Looks like a lot but some of it will be done with the 7th grader and some with the 5th grader too. I have to buy just 2 workbooks since this is kid number two and we own almost everything already. Yay!

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I can't believe I am already planning sixth for my oldest, but here goes:


Mind benders, Reading and Reasoning by CAP and Fallacy Detective for logic

Beast Academy for math with hopes of AOPS for seventh

MCT for LA and Writing and Rhetoric for additional writing and Pentime for penmanship

Ancient history...using Streams as a spine, but I may employ MFW or BF for guidance or just add my own spines like OUP and Augustus Caesar's World with supplemental reading and projects. Not completely sure yet.

Elemental Science biology for logic stage and then I am outsourcing science in seventh grade.

Health, art, horseback riding and music lessons as electives.

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What! I have to think about next year!  :scared:


He finally is finding a rhythm and not complaining (too much) about this year.... :sneaky2:


 You expect me to think about next year?! :svengo:



Here's what my limited brain-power can put forth right now:


Math-- Rod and Staff 6


Latin-- finish GSWL, then maybe begin Henle using Memoria Guide (if I can find it cheap)


Spelling-- continue with Spelling Plus and dictation


History and Geography -- maybe David Macaulay's books and whatever Genevieve Foster book he won't have fits over.  And Book of Marvels...


Lit.-- various bits of Ambleside Online's Year 4 and 5, plus whatever I can dig off the shelves here.  I might just throw the Treadwell SIxth Reader at him and call it good... He is such a goldilocks when it comes to reading material.


Science -- Sonlight Science E




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I can't believe my oldest will be in sixth!! Here's what I have planned so far...


MUS finish epsilon, then zeta

Spelling you see level G


BF history of science

BF history of California

Read various lit books and vintage science books


Duo lingo Spanish


Probably a ten week session of each of these: swimming, drawing, soccer or tennis

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Math - Algebra 1 using Art of Problem Solving to introduce topics and Saxon for review


Literature - Home grown lit list with store bought lit guides


Writing - Essentials in Writing 6


Science - Finish Real Science Odyssey Biology 2 and hopefully Earth and Space 2 if it comes out in time.


History - continue American History with Story of US 


Foreign Language - continue Hebrew and begin French or Spanish through Open Tent (online)


Programming - moving on to Python from Scratch


Extras include - competitive gymnastics, homeschool swim team in fall and spring, boy scouts, community theater, violin, co-op twice a week

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Math: finish MEP 6 OR AOPS Pre-Algebra, then start algebra (resource to be determined)

Language arts: undecided, leaning toward WWS 1

Typing: continue Typing.com


(All other subjects are combined 4th and 6th grades)

Literature: selected works, correlated to history studies

History: late medieval through 1700 plus ancient Americas, various resources

Science: Protozoa, [health], Cells or topics of interest

    Health: It's Perfectly Normal, Smokey's Wildfire Prevention Detectives

Greek: continue Elementary Greek 1

Latin: continue Latin Prep 1

Logic, art, music, P.E.: undecided

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Made some changes since I first posted. :)
Math: - TT 7
Spelling: AAS
Literature: Mosdos
Grammar: *probably* Easy Grammar    Fix It! Grammar
Writing: no idea BJU/Writing Strands (maybe)/Bravewriter combo
Vocab: We are going to start using INB's focusing on word roots and also playing Rummy Roots (which is collecting dust at the moment.)
Science: no idea.  The kids are loving Apologia Zoology 3, so we may move backwards and do Zoology 2 next year...  Abeka Science 6
History: thinking some Donna Ward books, but no idea which ones Courage & Conquest - Canadian history study
Geography: thinking about Map of the Whole World
Bible: Either using what we already own or buying Grapevine.  Depends how much I need something  new.  ;)  Guess I needed something new...we ended up going with Apologia Who is God?  And Can I Really Know Him?

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I'm going to ignore this thread and pretend I don't have a rising 6th grader!



Okay, I'll suck it up and get a list started...  :crying:


Math:  Math Mammoth 5 (hopefully get into 6)

Reading/Lit:  Mosdos 5 (we very much enjoyed Mosdos 4 this year) + a few novels

Spelling:  Apples & Pears - finish B/begin C

Grammar/Writing:  considering EiW 6  The Paragraph Book 1 & 2 Gah, IDK. Maybe EiW5 or 6.

Vocab: we are working through a Sylvan deck of vocab. cards...just continue into next deck

Science:  continue through online textbook we're using (try to get through grade 5 and 6) maybe apologia? BJU 6? interest led?

History:  we're going to do a semester of state history using Studies Weekly booklets...IDK about 2nd semester (maybe geog.) Hakim's concise American History books A & B

Bible:  something independent - maybe a Kay Arthur study I bought a journal we're going to work through together

Geography: maybe Memoria Press States & Capitals (which we were supposed to do this year but totally have blown off) just map work along with our history

Art:  Artistic Pursuits, grade 4-5 book...maybe darn it, I don't know.


Obviously, planning is not going well at the moment...

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My oldest starts 6th next week. Here's my plan:


Math -

Russian math 6

Jousting Armadillos

Life of fred preA 2

And sprinklings of BA5


LA -


Diagramming the scriptures

Spelling notebook

Writing across the curriculum

Booklist for assigned reading

Eta - forgot Shakespeare and our first foray into plutarch! Term 1- macbeth (we already saw a performance last month!), Term 2- plutarch priner, term 3- probably twelfth night.


Science -

Ellen mchenry's, finish The Elements and add some kitchen chemistry, then onto carbon chemistry.

A botany unit in last term using Mchenry's, quarks, and practical gardening.

And nature journal


History -

Reading through the genevieve foster books (from columbus) with some projects thrown in


Russian -


Rosetta Stone


Latin -

Latina Christiana


Art -

Harmony fine arts (with a friend)



Violin and swimming lessons.



All together we do bible, memory work, handicrafts and drawing.

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Russian math 6

Do you already have this?


Dd#3 tentative plans for the fall:


Math: finish Abeka Arithmetic 6 and start Russian Math 6


History: Light to the Nations 1 w/older sister


Science: no clue (maybe McHenry, maybe interest led botany or animal science)


English: thinking of having her try an online class like EW1 or 2 through WTMA or combined lit/writing with CLRC (skipping the grammar portion).


Religion: Baltimore Catechism #2 (part 3 of 3)


French w/me and older sister


Memory work

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Do you already have this?


Dd#3 tentative plans for the fall:


Math: finish Abeka Arithmetic 6 and start Russian Math 6


History: Light to the Nations 1 w/older sister


Science: no clue (maybe McHenry, maybe interest led botany or animal science)


English: thinking of having her try an online class like EW1 or 2 through WTMA or combined lit/writing with CLRC (skipping the grammar portion).


Religion: Baltimore Catechism #2 (part 3 of 3)


French w/me and older sister


Memory work

Yes, I bought the pdf and printed it last week. :)

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Saxon Math 7/6 - Khan Academy

IEW SICC - Writing With Skill 1

Cursive Handwriting - Spencerian


Geography - Memoria Press

History - A History of US, movies, various literature.

Elemental Biology

Latin Prep

Getting Started with French - First Start French, soon (Adding)

Easy Spanish Step by Step

Poetry memorization

Piano - Hoffman Academy

Teaching the Classics

And tons of literature

Snake and Fox for Logic

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My son is in the middle of 6th grade. This is what we use:


Art: Discovering Great Artists book. This is not a study of the artists themselves, except for a very short paragraph on each artist. It's a book of art projects. We've done 17 projects so far and all of them have worked beautifully.


Grammar: Christian Light Education (CLE). I've learned that for us, the entire year's worth of grammar is too much. We're only doing 1/2 of the year in 6th and we'll do the next half in 7th.


History: Mystery of History. I'm condensing a 4-year rotation into 3 years. We're definitely doing Vol I and II of MOH, but I might switch to something else for Vol III and IV, just to shake things up. We get bored with the same curric after a while.


Literature: All the Harry Potter books. Don't judge. I wish I had a reader, but I just don't. I have a huge (huge!) collection of quality children's literature that he won't touch. These Harry Potter books are the only things I've been able to get him to read without a fight. I'm content for now.


Logic (sort of): Perplexor workbooks, Analogies workbooks, Rush Hour game (there are little cars on a board and you have to shuffle them around.)



Math: CLE


Music: A book titled "Music" by Donna Latham. It teaches about American music. We've studied classical music in depth in the past and so this book is a fun way to learn about American music: Puritan hymns to jazz to rock and roll.


Science: BJU, 6th grade plus Bill Nye the Science Guy episodes.


Typing: typingclub.com (free)


Writing: Rod and Staff grammar book, but we use just the writing lessons, and Figuratively Speaking. We bounce back and forth between those books. I wouldn't have bought Rod and Staff grammar books for the writing lessons on their own--we just happened to already own the books, so we're using the writing portions of their grammar books.

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Well, I'm still figuring out this year, but I'll play. These are mostly guesses.


Math: AoPS

Language Arts: He's surprisingly getting into writing so I'm going to try to find something fun that will nurture this. Maybe a bravewriter class or two

Literature: Bravewriter Boomerang club

Spanish: Homeschool Spanish academy

Science: Astronomy - we are going to join a local astronomy club and maybe I'll find a coursera or great courses for him

History: Undecided. We are currently studying US history with The History of US, and he's just "meh" about it. I'll have to see how far we get since it's February and we are only on book 2. (Insert eye roll here.)

Computer science: I'd like him to do an online class, he's not a fan of online classes but he will make an exception for more coding / computer skills



He plays piano and will do swim team this summer

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I have no idea what I will use next year for him, sigh. I'm a tired mom right now, so online schooling looks oh so good. I will probably use a combo of time4learning and Acellus. I know, very un-well trained mind like. It is what it is. This is how I feel right now.


Come August , after summer break, and a fairy tale version of homeschooling fills my brain, I might try bookshark.

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Yay!!!  I've been waiting for these lol...

My middle kid will be in 6th next year.  Our plans:


Bible: Not sure yet.  Planning on trying to find something that is not 'Bible study'-ish, if that makes sense.  I'll know it when I find it lol.  :D


Grammar: Language Lessons for the Secondary Child Vol. 2 (from Queen Homeschool)


Writing: CAP Chreia & Proverb


Reading list from TWTM + additional books from the other book lists in there


History: WTM 6th grade history


Logic: James Madison Critical Thinking


Math: MUS Zeta


Science: Tossing around a few book ideas, but I know we'll be spending the year focusing on robotics and engineering.  The books I'm currently thinking (but will need to see in person to decide for sure): The Robot Book, Make: Electronics, and The Art of Construction.  We'll see, other stuff will pop up as well.


That's pretty much it.  I don't plan things like art & music.  He'll have 4 extracurricular classes at co-op, too.  This year the 6th graders have Current Events, Art, Woodworking, and P.E., so I'm guessing it will be similar to that.



6th grade feels familiar to me now lol.  Then again, my oldest is going into 8th grade, and that feels like more of what we're already doing, so that doesn't feel unfamiliar, either.  :)  


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I can't believe my oldest will be in sixth!! Here's what I have planned so far...


MUS finish epsilon, then zeta

Spelling you see level G


BF history of science

BF history of California

Read various lit books and vintage science books


Duo lingo Spanish


Probably a ten week session of each of these: swimming, drawing, soccer or tennis

I'm considering that maybe I should start gently increasing his workload by adding logic and word roots workbooks once a week. Or I could just wait till next year, because spelling you see will be finished.

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Is it time to start thinking about this already? (the other tabs open in my browser say yes lol)


- AOPS pre-algebra, with some MM7 too


- WWS, alternating with something Bravewriter-ish

- not sure about the rest of language arts (We took a year off of formal grammar so I would like to add that back in next year. Also trying to decide if she needs to continue spelling. Looking at literature guides - she likes the MBTP one we are doing right now, but they don't have some of the titles I want to include.)


- Elemental Logic stage earth science


- continue Latin for Children A-B


- finish Orbiting with Logic and ___?___


- continue SOTW with the family + logic stage extensions 


- maybe add piano lessons?

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Math: Rod and Staff 7

Latin: Third Form Latin

Grammar: Rod and Staff 6

Writing: Classical Composition Chreia/ Maxim

Reading: MP lit guides and poetry

History: Famous Men of the Middle Ages, MP Geography II, Christian Studies

Science: MP What's that BIrd, History of Medicine


Bible together: Long Story Short


ETA: edited with updates

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Finally making it back to post my thoughts for next year. Everything is still very up in the air honestly - it really depends on how much dd is able to finish of this years. Right now, it's looking like we will be schooling through summer. 


DD wants a Hogwarts year, so trying to figure out how to make that happen. 



Math: Saxon 65 1st/2nd edition. Followed immediately by Saxon 76 of the same editions. DD can't take a break from math or her skills slip. 


Current Events: Pick 3 articles from reputable news sources daily and discuss them with me. One Political, One local, and one of your choosing. 


Language Arts: Grammar with a Giggle along with probably a spectrum workbook. But I need to look at Lifepac as well - it has worked well for History this year so I'm considering it for LA. 


Writing: How to write an essay. Need to find something in my budget that works to teach it well. I also want to do creative writing for dd - I'm considering Cover Story but really want to look it over first as I've heard conflicting reviews. Maybe just turn dd loose with a loose guideline and see what she comes up with.


Reading: Don't have to do much here, though I think I will pull selected novels and have dd read & discuss. Probably going to pull from SL Core F and a mix of Dystopian novels. 


History: This is tricky. This year we did Lifepac History 5, and while boring it got done. I am unsure right now if Lifepac Grade 6 history would be a good fit or not. Might consider Sonlight Core F {already on my shelves} as I love it, but I STRONGLY worry about dd getting bogged down in academic reading as we did with SL in the past. Maybe use the books but change up the schedule or something so it's not all chopped up bits of books. I think the chopping up is what derailed us before. 


Science: The other tricky one. I am leaning towards Apologia General Science just because I have it, but I'm not thrilled with it either. I need to go looking for other options for a science loving advanced 6th grader. Considering the ACS Middle School Chem program as well, but I don't think it would cover a full year AND I am not sure on materials costs. I also have Lifepac Grade 8 science on my shelves, so that is a possible option as well. 


PE: Going to TRY to swing putting dd in martial arts once a week if I can. Hoping the local community ed does their program again as it's about $10 a week which I can afford if I budget it. DD will also work on learning Powwow dance from youtube videos. 


Art: Art program through the Art School 4 Saturdays of one month. 


Life Skills: Continue working on learning to cook, clean, do laundry, care for herself, etc. Begin to work on living skills such as grocery shopping. 


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6th grade is coming way to soon :(


Writing - IEW, Writing Strands 4 and Poetry for the Grammar Stage from Memoria Press

Grammar - Rod & Staff English 6

Vocabulary/Spelling - Vocabulary Workshop and McGuffey's Progressive Speller

Reading - Reading Strands with classic literature of her choosing

Math - Math Mammoth 6 and Life of Fred

Science - Building Foundations in Scientific Understanding

Geography - States and Capitals

History - SOTW 2 with supplemental reading

Cursive - Pentime 6


Not a clue what to do for social studies and health, probably just supplementing with resources


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Honestly, I have no idea. I plan a field at a time, and have several ideas for the threads that follow current stuff, Ischool year round, so below is as far  as my head has gotten for whatever comes after the current curricula. Updated 13/02 Updated 19/02 Updated 26/02




*Online: Brainpop & Literacy Planet (she loves them, so will use them till she runs out of lessons. Icivics, and sites similar. Skwirk to cover standards, Bravewriter Lifestyle with Simblings

*Continue Shakespeare Studies

*Math: Changing to Rightstart soon,even though it will add hours to my time (She has dyscalculia and I just can't keep on top of her lessons without a program (she recently came off of Dynamo Maths) Adding Imaths to cover grade level standards

*Subscriptions: Stembox, Get Kids Cooking,  probably add some more.

*Magazines: Double Helix, American Girl, Horrible Histories, Historicool

* Double Helix Lessons, then Supercharged Science? also getting books like Women in Science, that she wants.

*Currently doing Grammar curricula, then will switch to a writing curriculum, like IEW or novel writing, again, no idea, lol. Bravewriter and Cover Story Going to do a grammar run-through with Grammar-Land & Life of Fred Language Arts

* Literature, she choose her own literature, I'll add a few nice literary choices I believe she'll like. She wants intellectual devotionals as a daily mini read aloud too, We also have plenty of read alouds always going on here. Sprees on Scholastic

Prarie Primer Starting now, and then transfer to Konos with HomeschoolMentor later this year.

RIC Health to cover standards

Growin' Geers

* Learning Auslan (her choice) (actually she wanted the same as Helen Keller, but since we are in Australia, I explained Auslan was more useful :p )

*History: Finishing off Story of the World, then moving to Sunburnt Country, then to History of Politics (something she is interested in).

*I want to add a self defence class, swimming, some sort of drawing class, she'll probably want something bible (we finished TGS), shes currently learning the guitar so we'll also see where that goes, maybe work on her handwriting a bit more. I really want to do this health curriculum I saw about 2-3 years ago online, but I never found it again LOL, she does need a more "Awareness" health program though, so I need to tie that in somewhere. And at the end of the day, shes in charge of most of her school, so its always subject to change :001_rolleyes: Continue going through DIY.org (we do an offline version of it), Conitnue with Scratch Programming, when finished move to something like Python,

Own Studies to cover Design and Tech & The Arts

Art Projects

Adding UU Studies: Our Whole Lives & Sexuality and Our Faith

Garry's Mod & Other Games

Computer Piano

Trips: Theatre (monthly), Museums & Other Events


I've given her a Compass planner sheet so she can write down things she'd like to do (Books to Read, things to Improve, Places to go, Stuff to learn about).


It's pretty much all up in the air



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Math: continue Singapore Standard Edition, with BA slowly as a supplement

English: ELTL 3/4, AAS5/6, CAP Writing & Rhetoric

Literature: MOSDOS, if we like it (just started)

Science: finish Harcourt grade 6, then maybe physics and astronomy

History: finish world history, then?

Spanish or Latin:  ??

Religion: Baltimore Catechism #2, part 1 of 3, Bible History, part 2, and 57 Stories of the Saints, part 2

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I can't believe my oldest will be in sixth!! Here's what I have planned so far...


MUS finish epsilon, then zeta

Spelling you see level G

CTC Word Roots Beginning

DK geography workbook


BF history of science

BF history of California

Read various lit books and vintage science books


Duo lingo Spanish


Probably a ten week session of each of these: swimming, drawing, soccer or tennis

Already making changes. I've decided to have my 6th grader read BF CA history on his own, adding in a few other books on CA and early America to stretch this out for a full year. He will also do RS4K middle school physics textbook, TOPS electricity and magnetism, and some science kits to go along with those. I'm adding in BF geography for the whole family, he will participate in that. Not sure if I will drop the DK geography workbook or not.

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Well so far we have loved our year using Memoria Press, and their customer service and attention to their customers is amazing, so a lot of her curriculum will be continuations of the MP programs we are using this year.


History/Writing/Literature: Biblioplan Medieval, Year 2 We jump around between reading/writing in Biblioplan and the Memoria Press Literature and Composition, because she is a voracious reader and loves literature guides. It just so happens that the 6th grade year matches up quite well with Medieval history! Yay us!


Latin: First Form Latin

Grammar: English Grammar Recitation Books 2 & 3 (starting 2 this year)

Literature: 6th grade literature package from MP 

Composition: Classical Composition Narrative

Spelling: Spelling Workout G


Math: Math Mammoth 6 and Beast Academy 4 as needed to solidify more difficult concepts; we pick and choose


History: Biblioplan Medieval (we jump around with writing and 


Science: Apologia? I don't know. I haven't found the science that we love, but are using Apologia this year...looks like many of you like Apologia. 


Music: Piano for one more year and then she can decide to choose another instrument or stick with piano


P.E.: Swimming, skiing, and something else--actually trying to figure out what to do to finish up our year.

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Math - Algebra 1 using Art of Problem Solving to introduce topics and Saxon for review


Literature - Home grown lit list with store bought lit guides


Writing - Essentials in Writing 6


Science - Finish Real Science Odyssey Biology 2 and hopefully Earth and Space 2 if it comes out in time.


History - continue American History with Story of US 


Foreign Language - continue Hebrew and begin French or Spanish through Open Tent (online)


Programming - moving on to Python from Scratch


Extras include - competitive gymnastics, homeschool swim team in fall and spring, boy scouts, community theater, violin, co-op twice a week

Talk to me about real science.  How long have you been using it?  Is it secular?  I googled it, but I would like to hear your opinion. Pros and cons.  Do they have a chemistry for older kids?

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We are new to homeschooling after teaching private school for years. I think we are biting off more than we can chew curriculum wise, but it seems like we should be able to get so much done. (I am sure, I'll be proven wrong.) So excited to be teaching just one kid and be able to do exactly what he needs.  (Well three kids- but two are preschool, so some reading and math.) Here is our overambitious plan.


Bible:  1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, Luke, One Psalm and Proverb a month


Spelling/Vocab:  Spell to Read and Write (hopefully this will be the last year- and not all year) Word a Day, Latin Roots book?


History: All Oxford University Press- Ancient Near East, Ancient Egypt, South Asian World, Ancient Chinese World, Ancient Greek World,

            Ancient Roman World.  Book of Centuries


Literature:  Historical fiction and myths with the above cultures/time period plus A Christmas Carrol with the play


Shakespeare:  A Mid-Summer Nights Dream, Julius Caesar


Math- Hands On Equations, Aops Pre-Algebra moving to Algebra if time, Saxon Course 3 for Review


Grammar- Shurley Grammar 7 and a Sentence Diagraming Workbook


Composition:  IEW- Rockets, Radar, and Robotics -  Writing with Skill Level 1 or a Brave Writer class 


Science:  The Scientific Method and Chemistry-- Need a textbook for Chemistry (leaning toward Prentice Hall, because I taught the Earth

                   Science one before)  We havethe Kosmos and Thames kit 3000- (he wanted it for Christmas)  We might just do labs, but I feel  

                      like we should have a spine. He   

                   already knows a ton-- waymore than me. Suggestions?  Chem Matters magazine and The Story of Science by Hakim


Latin:       Latin Prep 1 and Lingua Latina for reading practice 


Logic:  The Thinking toolbox, the Fallacy Detective, and James Madison critical thinking??? 


Music Study/ Picture Study: Hymn of the month, Orchestra Concerts, Velasquez, Rembrandt, Fra Angelico (CM)  He wants to start the  

                 drums, but I'm thinking not.Maybe he can become amazing at the recorder???


Technology: Typing (This kid needs to learn how to type!!) Word, and Scratch 


PE:  Cross Country and Swim Team 







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AoPS Prealgebra


WP Sea and Sky for science and history


English... R&S Spelling plus ELTL 5

or R&S English 6 with WWS 2 and something for lit

or Serl's ILL with something for lit. Ok, now that I'm writing that out, I think I'll go with ELTL.


He wants to learn French. I think we'll either go with MP's First Start French or CAP's French for Children.


For extras he'll continue piano, guitar, and 4H.

Have you done (or anyone else who's reading) WP Sea & Sky before? I'm considering using it with my 4th, 6th, & 8th graders next year.

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Have you done (or anyone else who's reading) WP Sea & Sky before? I'm considering using it with my 4th, 6th, & 8th graders next year.

No, I haven't yet. Reading old threads I found very positive reviews, so I'm looking forward to it. I can't link right now but if you search Sea and Sky with silvermoon's user name, she has given some good detailed reviews.

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These item are a continuation of 5th grade:

CLE Math 600s

CLE Reading 600s -this should only take 1/2 the year, but might take my child all year. We'll see how it goes. He still really needs to do well with another reading program before I feel ok with 'releasing' him to literature. We'll listen to lots of audiobooks while we're in the car.

R&S grammar 6

How to Teach Spelling

Sign Language


New/undecided things:


We might do First Form Latin or continue to unschool Spanish with songs, movies, Salsa, Destinos, etc.


He might do VP self-paced history -or-

TOG year 3 (combine my 4-6-8-10 graders) 3 -or-

WP Sea & Sky (combine my 4-6-8 graders)


If we do TOG or VP, I'll sign him up for BJU press Science 6 online.


I think I'd rather do Sea & Sky, but I already have the books for BJU, VP, & TOG. But, he does better with more 'space' from me. So many wonderful choices! Anyone want to choose for me?

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A bunch of stuff is going to carry over from 5th. Last year, we moved back to the States into an apartment, then into our home so life went a bit crazy. We did school a lot in the summer though to try to salvage the year. I'm hoping 6th can go much more smoothly! 


Continued from wherever we end up by the fall: 


Math: Dolciani Pre-A w/ AoPs Pre-A. Might add in Alcumus


Writing: WWS1 w/ Kilgallon books..writing across curriculum


History: Human Odyssey 2 plus timeline, notebook, videos


Science: Holt Science and Tech Physical w/ Carbon Chemistry plus extras I like to add in


Geography: Rest of the SCM Visits to...series


Latin: LfC B


Grammar: R&S 6


Vocab: SAT words workbook she loves 


Everything else:


Logic: Fallacy Detective/Thinking Toolbox


Typing: Hoping we can get to Dance Mat 


Literature: work thru Figuratively Speaking then ??? Researching this one still and really unsure. Maybe Lightening Lit or Progeny Press guides


Art: Artistic Pursuits


Music: No idea yet. Maybe music lessons?? 


Extras: Girl Scouts, art class, book club at library, adding in gymnastics and music if I can find the time! 







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Math - AoPs Pre-Algebra

Writing - WWS 2

Grammar - Analytical Grammar Review and Reinforcement

Science - Local Stem Center Robotic and Engineering class

Latin - Latin Book Two

History - not sure she's requesting SoTW 3 with a minecraft class

Literature - lightening literature 7


Extra: Piano and Crossfit kids

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Math - considering taking a (hopefully) quick run through SM 6A and 6B and then moving on to pre-algebra, would like to use AoPS but that's probably more my style than hers so maybe JA


Writing - BW Faltering Ownership, probably CAP W & R Refutation


Reading - considering Mosdos, whatever their grade 6 program is, assuming I have enough $ to buy it in time, otherwise reading books assigned by me and discussing them with me


Grammar - MCT


Science - BFSU Vol 2 and Quark Zoology and Human Anatomy unit


History - SoTW 4 and some unit studies on specific time periods


Geography - ???


French - considering restarting - she's great with language but we dropped it a few years back due to time constraints


Other - piano, choir, Girl Guides, swimming, possibly art classes or climbing or swim club

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Honestly, I have no idea. I plan a field at a time, and have several ideas for the threads that follow current stuff.




*Online: Brainpop & Literacy Planet (she loves them, so will use them till she runs out of lessons. Icivics, and sites similar.

*Continue Shakespeare Studies

*We visit the theater monthly and have another trip/event of some sort every month

*Math: Math on the Level till finished, then  no idea. I haven't found a suitable replacement, maybe Real World Algebra by Zaccaro, Key to Stuff for transitioning, Thinkwell? nothing is really suitable. Luckily I have time to conitnue researching options

*Subscriptions: Stembox, Get Kids Cooking, American Girls, probably add some more.

*Magazines: Double Helix, American Girl, Horrible Histories, Historicool

* Double Helix Lessons, then Supercharged Science? also getting books like Women in Science, that she wants.

*Currently doing Grammar curricula, then will switch to a writing curriculum, like IEW or novel writing, again, no idea, lol.

* Literature, she choose her own literature, I'll add a few nice literary choices I believe she'll like. She wants intellectual devotionals as a daily mini read aloud too, We also have plenty of read alouds always going on here.

* Learning Auslan (her choice) (actually she wanted the same as Helen Keller, but since we are in Australia, I explained Auslan was more useful :p )

*History: Finishing off Story of the World, then moving ot Sunburnt Country, then to History of Politics (something she is interested in).

*Shes going to start programming and designing, so we want to work through scratch and a fashion design and web design courses

I want to add a self defence class, swimming, some sort of drawing class, he'll probably want something bible (we finished TGS), shes currently learning the guitar so we'll also see where that goes, maybe work on her handwriting a bit more. I really want to do this health curriculum I saw about 2-3 years ago online, but I never found it again LOL, she does need a more "Awareness" health program though, so I need to tie that in somewhere. And at the end of the day, shes in charge of most of her school, so its always subject to change :001_rolleyes:


It's pretty much all up in the air


This all sounds amazing and very much how I plan to school this coming year, but HOLD THE PHONE, Horrible Histories has a magazine? We need this in our lives.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Biblical studies


Math mammoth 6, with a focus on internalizing his multiplication facts.


Spelling workout


ALL as soon as we can view a sample to confirm it's what he and I would like.

Memorial Press Book Guides (maybe)


History Odyssey and SOTW 2 as a read aloud with brother


Both kids said life science, but read about science often, so it may end up just being units on Intro to Cells, Reproduction, Astronomy, and Meterology.


Trombone lessons


Swimming lessons


Outdoor life skills

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I love this thread because this is the first year I'm not making him tag along with his older sister :)


SIngapore Math alternating with Life of Fred


Jump In for writing


Easy Grammar


He has been working through Phonetic Zoo for spelling but I think I'll just scrap spelling for next year


Vocabulary Vine


Winter Promise Sea and Sky for history and science although he'll still probably do the labs for Apologia General Science with his sister since he loves science


Rosetta Stone French


Not sure on a Bible curriculum yet...maybe Apologia's Who is God?


Continue with drum lessons, swimming, running, skiing and outdoor education.


I am interested in doing Prepare and Pray but am having a hard time finding much information on it.

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I can't believe my oldest will be in sixth!! Here's what I have planned so far...


MUS finish epsilon, then zeta


Spelling you see level G


IEW co op class

Still deciding between Fix It grammar and doing the grammar in ELTL 4.

(Or if all I need is grammar, I should look at FLL 4 or the new ALL)

CTC Word Roots, beginning


BF history of science

RS4K middle school physics book, TOPS kits, maybe the Tiner physics book


BF history of California plus some early American books, on his own

(he'll have separate history for the first time!)

DK geography workbook

BF geography with the family


Read various lit books and vintage science books


Duo lingo Spanish


Probably a ten week session of each of these: swimming, drawing, soccer or tennis

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  • 3 weeks later...

DS has added French and Pirate to his language studies. Gotta love Mango. Otherwise, I think I'm waiting until test scores are back and I go to the convention to see If we need to fill in what we have planned.


Oh. And adding a trebuchet and other medieval physics studies. My brothers have promised they are going to build every thing big enough to chuck apples. The pumpkin chuckin will happen the next history cycle. {sigh}

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