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What is your service person holiday gift list


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I'm doing


Daily paper deliverer

My son's teacher [i have 1 at home, 1 in public school]

My son's 2 favorite specials teacher


What else should I be doing?

I'm wondering about:

mail lady?

I don't have a garbage man but I do have weekly dumpster pickup

homeschool swim & gym coach

boy scout leader?


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We do


teachers at public school (1 there, 3 at home)

public school bus driver

teachers at weekly Bible study for the 3 at home

trash men


That's it.  I appreciate a lot more people, but our budget doesn't go there.  Hmm.  I might add that to my July schedule.  Thank yous for the librarians, the lady at the Y child care, mail lady, and my favorite cashier at Kroger.  

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After I moved to Colombia (February 1995) I was introduced to the custom of tipping the men who work on the garbage truck. They come to our house twice a week. I told my wife, a day or 2 ago, that we need to have money set aside for them this week.  Other people, I tip when we receive service, such as the man who delivers the dog food and cat food to our house. 

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This year I bought specialty popcorn at a small local chain. It was caramel corn drizzled with chocolate. Yum!


All four of my children are in school this year, and they have many teachers who go the extra mile for them (including some intervention teachers serving IEPs), so we had a large list of teachers. I bought 25 small bags of popcorn and got a volume discount, which brought the cost down to $5.25 per bag. (The total was less than what I spent on gift cards last year for fewer teachers.) I did also buy $.50 gift bags at the dollar store.


Other than that, I haven't done anything yet. Our garbage men put a note on our can saying that tips can be taped inside the lid of the can. Our paper delivery person put a card with their contact info in last week's paper. I have to admit that I haven't tipped our service people in the past. I think I should tip  them, because they work hard for low pay, but I get confused about how much to give them and then end up doing nothing, unfortunately.

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Preschool teachers are getting Target gift cards. If I take DS for a haircut, I'll tip double. We have a bunch of different mail people. I don't know which one comes when or where to leave it. Our mailbox is stupidly designed.

Edited by zoobie
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How much do you guys put on the Starbucks cards? Do you put them inside a holiday card, or just the little envelope you get from Starbucks?


I feel like I should do more for the mailman, since I see him every day, but maybe get several small ones to hand out to the UPS guys, because it's not always the same person. And I've never even met the garbage collectors, since they come at 5:30 AM — in fact, I don't even know how many of them there are, and they seem to pick up the trash and recycling separately. So maybe two $5 Starbucks cards taped to each of the two separate bins (trash & recycling)?

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I hadn't really decided to give them anything - wasn't aware we should? However, in the FB feed, I've seen that people

leave out snacks and bottled water for them during this time of year, so that's what I started doing yesterday. We get enough

packages this time of year that it makes sense! And the UPS gal yesterday really appreciated it!

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I give my mailman and garbage men $10 gift cards to the local coffee shop with a card and a bag of Christmas cookies. 


DS's teachers get $25 cards and/or a gift. 


Our UPS guy should just be grateful I'm not complaining about his crappy deliveries this year.....

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How much do you guys put on the Starbucks cards? Do you put them inside a holiday card, or just the little envelope you get from Starbucks?


I feel like I should do more for the mailman, since I see him every day, but maybe get several small ones to hand out to the UPS guys, because it's not always the same person. And I've never even met the garbage collectors, since they come at 5:30 AM — in fact, I don't even know how many of them there are, and they seem to pick up the trash and recycling separately. So maybe two $5 Starbucks cards taped to each of the two separate bins (trash & recycling)?


I put it in an envelope with a card my son colored (for school people) and a generic non photo christmas card for others.



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I would leave something out for the garbage pickup people, but I think it would be more of a hassle for them than it's worth. The garbage trucks all have the arms that come out automatically and dump the can, so if people left out snacks they'd have to continually get out of their warm truck and into the freezing cold.

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I would leave something out for the garbage pickup people, but I think it would be more of a hassle for them than it's worth. The garbage trucks all have the arms that come out automatically and dump the can, so if people left out snacks they'd have to continually get out of their warm truck and into the freezing cold.


I have thought of this too.  My dad used to leave a 6-pack of beer out for each of the guys on the garbage truck.   But that was a long time ago, when they actually had to pick up the cans.


My usual method is giving people gift cards, but that would be impractical anyway for them - I can't leave an envelope on top of the garbage cans the night before.  I'd have to run out and catch them when they do the pickup!  


I stopped giving food a few years ago.   The gift cards I give are to a local convenience store chain that has hot food and a great coffee bar along with the usual convenience store offerings.   Oh, and some sell gas too.   I figure anyone can use one of those, or they can regift it easily.      (Wawa, for people on the east coast, PA and south.)

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I'm doing


Daily paper deliverer

My son's teacher [i have 1 at home, 1 in public school]

My son's 2 favorite specials teacher


What else should I be doing?


I'm wondering about:

mail lady?

I don't have a garbage man but I do have weekly dumpster pickup

homeschool swim & gym coach

boy scout leader?

I give cash in a Christmas card to a bunch of people:  Mailman (he does some extra stuff for me), yard service, another yard guy who does clean ups of overgrowth, no teachers now, but I gave each of them a Starbucks card before.   A few contractors, etc.  

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I don't really have any regular service people, except maybe our mail carrier. My kids don't go to school, dd's dance teachers asked us to donate to a dancer with cancer instead of giving them gifts, I go to a cheap walk-in hair salon, I've never met my garbage men, and we do our own lawn care. Some of you spend more on random service people than I can afford to spend on my parents, husband, or children!

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I would leave something out for the garbage pickup people, but I think it would be more of a hassle for them than it's worth. The garbage trucks all have the arms that come out automatically and dump the can, so if people left out snacks they'd have to continually get out of their warm truck and into the freezing cold.

While the cold isn't an issue, we too have automated collection. They only get out of the truck if there's a problem. I don't think they'd notice a gift.




How much do you guys put on the Starbucks cards? Do you put them inside a holiday card, or just the little envelope you get from Starbucks?


I feel like I should do more for the mailman, since I see him every day, but maybe get several small ones to hand out to the UPS guys, because it's not always the same person.

I don't always have the same UPS driver either. I used to, but for the past couple of years there are often different ones.


My mailman was teasing me today about all the Amazon packages he's been bring me. I have both Amazon and Starbucks gift cards, and can't decide which to leave for him. That's the only service person I give to.

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The 3 men who work on the garbage truck. They pick up the trash and garbage twice a week.  They came by awhile ago and I gave them the $ my wife gave me to give to them and a little cake and some cookies she had for them. I'm glad they came to our house when they did, because it just began to rain here...  This is my 22nd (?)  Christmas in Colombia and giving $ to the garbage men is a "custom" I was introduced to in 1995.  I'd never done that in the USA....  They work *VERY* hard and we appreciate the work they do!

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