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Tamales left out 48 hrs -- would you eat them?


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My daughter brought some tamales home from a friend's.  They'd been unrefrigerated since cooking, which was 2 days before.  She's unenthusiastic about eating them.


Is this just a thing that people do?   The microbiologist in me says no way.  Even if they were completely sterilized, it's not like they're sealed up afterwards.


But I'm searching the web and getting sites that say it's perfectly acceptable in Mexico -- that people do this all the time.  And that people in the US are just crazy with how they refrigerate everything.


These are meat filled tamales.

Am I missing something?

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Nope. I'm pretty lax but unless the ingredients were each stable on their own, like salted and preserved beef and cornmeal and NO dairy or veggies of any kind, that's just too long. This is not six hours on a countertop.


It might be safe, but I'd not personally want to test that theory.

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I would eat them after I had reheated them. I have eaten them that way.


I may well have the ability to do that though because I grew up eating things that were less than ideal by American standards. I'm not advising others to do so necessarily. I freeze mine though rather than leave them out. I do think that Americans in general overuse refrigeration and tend to toss out a lot of edible foods.

Edited by LucyStoner
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My husband would absolutely eat them. He grew up in the US but spent summers in Mexico with his family in a small town. I am amazed (and truthfully appalled at times) at what he will eat that hasn't been refrigerated, has expired, or has been bought from a really sketchy roadside stand. He feels like there is nothing wrong with leaving food out. The funny thing is that he never gets sick from food while I end up getting sick all the time from what I think is food poisoning. He feels it is wasteful to throw out food. He would just look to make sure nothing was crawling around on the tamales, heat them up and eat them up.

Edited by Nart
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I wouldn't if they had meat in them.


It is definitely different in some Latin American countries though.  My dd married a Costa Rican and they lived there for several years.  She was shocked that people didn't refrigerate their leftover meat after cooking it.  They just kept it on the counter and slowly ate it over several days until it was gone.  We wondered if they just don't have the same bacterial concerns as we do here.  Maybe they don't have factory tainted meats like we do that we need to protect against with refrigeration and high heat, or something like that.  My son-in-law says he never remembers anyone getting sick from it in his entire life!



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Well, they're currently in the freezer.  In case the friend wants them back.  This seems to be how that family deals with food.  So if they don't want them wasted, I suppose they're welcome to them.


But my daughter had eaten a couple before she knew the history.  She is sick, but it's hard to say if that's the culprit.  She's not laid up at home, but she hasn't exactly been able to eat much the past couple days.


I would imagine that tamales would be less likely to harbor bad bacteria, given the amount they're cooked.  But still....

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Well, they're currently in the freezer. In case the friend wants them back. This seems to be how that family deals with food. So if they don't want them wasted, I suppose they're welcome to them.


But my daughter had eaten a couple before she knew the history. She is sick, but it's hard to say if that's the culprit. She's not laid up at home, but she hasn't exactly been able to eat much the past couple days.


I would imagine that tamales would be less likely to harbor bad bacteria, given the amount they're cooked. But still....

They should go into the garbage. The friend wasted them by leaving them at room temperature for days.

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