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I break at least one toe about every 2 months. I do not like to wear shoes in the house (or anywhere really). 

We used to not have the money for the heating oil and would close off the living room and use the woodstove overnight, all sleeping in the living room, snug as bugs. Our van was wrecked by one of our new drivers, down to one vehicle. 

What is your side business?


Yikes, that's a lot of broken toes!  I would go crazy!


I sell handmade cake toppers that spin like yard whirligigs. This video shows some of them in action. The income has been steady but it's not much... I could do a lot better if I had more time to devote to it.

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Today is mine and DH's anniversary and we had a lovely date night last night to celebrate. :)


Today my DS11 has said some really hurtful things to me that I know is mostly preteen nonsense because I am making him do schoolwork, but his words really stung me and have basically ruined my mood on what should have been a special day.


Thank Heavens he and the other kids and are going to visit their grandmother later so I will just pamper myself while they're gone.

Happy Anniversary! I hope it turned into a beautiful day.


I heard some preteen nonsense today, too, due to schoolwork, and it colored my day as well. It's hard for me not to engage or take it personally some days. Let's hope for a better day tomorrow.

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I know parenting isn't a 9-5 job, but I've just woken up to parent a weeping 15 year old at 11:30pm as she realises what I've been telling her for weeks: she's not doing enough work to keep on track with schoolwork. Which would be OK if I wasn't a 45 year old who is having her own issues finding enough hours in the day to do her "school" work. Now I can't sleep and I need to get up early to supervise the teenager with overdue assignments and to do my own assignment...

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My youngest has a fever that popped up overnight. Because of it I got no sleep since I can't sleep if I'm cuddling someone who is perpetually overheating me. So now I have to figure out a way to function until 7:30, bedtime for the kids, and it is not going well. I have a headache from tense shoulders after holding this sick lady for over 12 hours, the other 3 kids are bored so they are starting to get on each other's nerves. And I don't know what is going to be for dinner


i am in the same boat today.



waving hello as we pass

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i am in the same boat today.



waving hello as we pass

I hope all runs smoothly for you. If I lived close I'd bring you dinner. My mom did that for me yesterday and it was the thing that got me through the day with some sanity left. Dd is no longer sick so now I'm trying to get as much in order as I can before another kid comes down with a fever.

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Why is this house in a perpetual state of disarray?!?!?! I feel like I'm constantly cleaning/ decluttering the same areas over and over again!


Today I'm locking myself in at least 2 rooms and not coming out until they are cleanes/organized to my liking.

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Just to update from my original vent, my mom just called after having her heart procedure done.  She had one artery at 99% blockage, but it now has a stent so all should be fine.


Not a bad result for a "pulled muscle" I suppose.  I still can't believe a doctor told her that (and to go home and take extra strength painkillers to see if it goes away) without checking cardiac issues, esp since what she reported seemed to be so "classic" as per all "warning signs" I've seen.


At least all's well that ends well.

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My daughter was hugged by a friend who told her friend's grandma (where friend stays often) has bedbugs. So DD called me terrified she might have brought them home, but balked last night at undressing and doing laundry (she has a tendency to sleep in her clothes). She called this morning because she has bug bites on her leg (though she said she was standing on an anthill yesterday). Quizzing determined that they are't lined up in a row, so hopefully she didn't manage to bring home any passengers.

But I'm making her do laundry, including her bedding, today anyway. If nothing else, it will make her feel like she did something about the problem (though she usually prefers to just complain and do nothing when she is anxious about something). 

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So last month, my youngest dd had a very bad asthma attack at college.  She was taken by ambulance to a hospital and admitted after the ER.  Even though she wasn't thinking well until they got her breathing better, she did manage to hand over her military id and her tricare supplement insurance card.  She said they took them to photocopy.  Well what they did with those copies I have no idea.  This week we started receiving bills that indicated she has no insurance.  SO far we got a hospital bill for 2000 and a pathologist bill for one hundred something.  Which led me to have to call these people and give them the insurance information again.  Now I am concerned because the hospital should have called Tricare for authorization.  I think they will cover it anyway since she was admitted from the ER and it certainly does not fall under optional care.  So we will wait and see what they all pay.  But I have now found out that she went to a hospital not in the network so I am glad I have a tricare supplement.  Without it, we would be owing a lot, I think.  


Of course, this hospital was the closest to her campus and when you are about to stop breathing, you aren't looking up which hospital is in network.  Here in my city, both of the two hospitals are in network. But she goes to college in a much larger city and so they have some hospitals in network and some not.  Now for all the headaches with insurances, different providers, etc.  We haven't gotten the charge from the ambulance yet and none from the pulmonologist who saw her and who know what other charges.

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Every time Baby Boy is finally settling for his afternoon nap, one of his older siblings just has to do something noisy to distract him from falling asleep. Like start playing the brand new recorder ds got at music class today or "whisper" to ask me a question that is absolutely not an emergency. Or just randomly start yelling at each other. I told them it was time to read quietly so I could nurse the baby down for his nap. Ds always tries to sneak off to read when he's supposed to be doing other school work. But ask them to read and let the poor baby fall asleep and they just can't manage to do it. He's not quite eleven months and just narrowly missed a failure to thrive diagnosis last month. He can't afford to miss his naps!

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Just to update from my original vent, my mom just called after having her heart procedure done. She had one artery at 99% blockage, but it now has a stent so all should be fine.


Not a bad result for a "pulled muscle" I suppose. I still can't believe a doctor told her that (and to go home and take extra strength painkillers to see if it goes away) without checking cardiac issues, esp since what she reported seemed to be so "classic" as per all "warning signs" I've seen.


At least all's well that ends well.

Glad to hear it!

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DH planned a camping trip with all 3 kids for Saturday night. His schedule has been crazy and he is generally reluctant to take all 3 anywhere if I am not there. I was looking forward to some extremely rare alone time. It was going to be just me and my 14 year-old dog for at least 24 hours.

Today DH got sent home from work sick. It looks like a stomach virus has been making its way through his office. Now not only no alone time but the prospect of kids or myself getting sick. Not the weekend I wanted.

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My dh was supposed to take both my kids hiking tomorrow with a local group, but it is "teen-led" and that means no one has sent out an email with any details and, once again, the hike likely will not be happening. For the last two years, this group has been "led" by a boy who pretty much let the group fall apart, and upon his leaving, he nominated his friend as the new president and she's turning out to be as bad as him. My kids need these social acivities with the others kids. They are nice kids and they have a good time on the rare occasion that they actually get together. My dh has been very involved with the group and has tried to get things going again, but when all communication is dependent on one irresponsible teen, nothing ever happens. So frustrating!

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My girls taught ds to be afraid of shots. He gets his blood drawn every 6 months no problem, all shots up to today no problem. Today he was great until the nurse came in with the shot and he seemed legitimately terrified and nothing I said was reaching him. As soon as the needle went in he was calm and smiled. Argh!

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I don't remember what I vented about and I'm too tired at the moment to hit the back button. Here's my update...

both DH and DD have been given the all clear from their skin cancer surgeries. While both had cancer, neither type was metastatic. The surgeons claim all cancer was removed and the post-op biopsies are clear. Both have follow ups scheduled after the new year.


Having two people diagnosed with skin cancer within days of each other was emotionally taxing. What's really interesting is that the cancers were in almost the exact same spot. 

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House hunting sucks.

I hope you find something you love in your budget!


As for me, I had to do my 28 week pregnancy labs and a few others, including a fasted glucose in place of the orange drink. Fine, but the appointment was at 2:15 and I hadn't eaten since last night. Cue chewing my arm off. I even fast daily already, but eighteen hours was a bit much even for me.

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Ds is home sick with the flu and I can't keep him and the toddler apart all day. Now she has just started coughing. We can't find the faster thermometer and couldn't get her to sit still long enough for the slower oral thermometer to check her temp.


I should have probably kept ds in his room for all his meals, but it didn't really occur to me to do that. I had sent him in there with liquid earlier. I really wish dh had mounted the TV in ds' room so he wouldn't feel like going to his room was like some jail sentence.

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My washer broke 2 weeks ago. I thought I knew what was wrong, so I ordered the parts and fixed it. Except I was wrong and it ended up being a catastrophic repair. 


We have a dear friend who owns an appliance shop. He offered us a pair of rebuilt machines for free. So we traded him. Which is amazing and awesome of him, except they were delivered yesterday and the dryer isn't working. It keeps cycling off. So now I need to call him and ask him to repair this dryer.


On top of that, I kind of hate the washer. We previously had high capacity machines. This washer's load size is basically half of my old washer. And it doesn't clean stuff as well. I sent dirty towels through yesterday and a washcloth came out with food still on it. And it uses what looks like 4 times the amount of water.


So I have a non-working dryer and a washer that I hate. This is definitely a first world problem, but ugh. I do so much laundry each week. 10 high capacity loads- so 20 now?!

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I'm slowly ticking things off my never ending list of things to do before December 7th. Some things are sorting themselves out:

- Today is dd's 16th birthday party, she's meeting friends at the beach and the weather is great.

- In a fit of madness I booked an apartment for my birthday night at the end of the month. It's on the beach. Only 25 min from our house but I don't care, I just have to step outside my life for a night

- I'm so far behind in university studies that I'm not trying to catch up any more, I'm just doing what I can.

- My work placement has been fully scheduled for 3 weeks, which helps a lot in taking the anxiety about the unknown out of things.


On the bad side:

- It looks like our house is not going to sell for what we paid for it. I'm not sure what to do about that.

- I still don't have everything fully booked for our month away in December.

- I still haven't figured out transport for the kids home from school for the 3 weeks I'm working.

- I have an essay and an exam to write in the next 3 weeks and I really don't care much anymore.

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Problems with my in-laws yet again. I dread being around them bc it's inevitable that my MIL will find something to get upset at me about. She's mad now because our schedule is really full right now, so the kids can't spend the weekend with them. Instead of sitting down and trying to find time to get together, she told the kids they should "just not show up" to their weekend sports and school commitments. She has also pestered me about this every time we've seen my ILs for the past few months, including at family gatherings and the kids' sporting events--definitely not the right time or place! What doesn't help is that she is just as busy as we are. But somehow it's personally my fault that we can't find a mutual good time? Sigh.


She also is mad bc I don't call her at her birthday or Christmas (her other DIL does this so I guess she's comparing us?). Except she's not taking into account that we see them every Christmas and that I'm the one who reminds my DH to buy her a gift and call her on her birthday. When it's not these petty grievances, she finds something else. I didn't say good morning when we stayed at their house. I didn't help wash the dishes one time. I invited her to order from my friend's natural products co-op and she recently accused me of not ever sending her order home with my FIL (implying I stole her items). She said this while at one of the kids' sporting events, where normally I wouldn't be prepared to defend myself. Thankfully I had her order info on my phone to show her to "prove" myself; otherwise, I would have been assumed to have been lying. Every time I correct one of these perceived faults, she finds something else.


What makes this all even worse is that she and my FIL are Christians, as are my DH and I. Their hypocrisy and unkindness shakes my faith and makes me feel so unloved. I told my DH that beyond being family through marriage they are spiritual family, yet they treat me far worse than anyone else I know. And they justify their behavior by misusing the "Honor your parents" commandment as well as other scripture. I want our kids to know their grandparents but I also want to stay far away from them.

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Meena, that sounds terrible. I am sorry. My petty vent today is that my mom sent a plaintive voicemail followed by a text about Thanksgiving. She never seems to remember that I have in law obligations as well. My nephew will be home on leave and is bring his (first) serious gf. Yes, that is important. And yes, that family obligation is the most important one this year.


This is wrapped up in a continual saga of annoying family stuff on my side. Always coming to a head at the minor holidays (Thanksgiving, Easter, Memorial Day).

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I've only talked about this with my spouse but it is stressing me out so I'm thankful for this venting thread today.


My sister, who is not on my facebook for a long list of reasons, messaged me out of the blue on there to accuse me of upsetting our grandfather who is my last kind relative and the only one from my side who acknowledges or does anything for the kids and one of four who has even met my kids. After accusing me of upsetting him, she then tells me he is sick, in hospital, confused, and asking after me. She agrees I should contact our mother to arrange a skype call.


This was four days ago and I've had silence ever since. I've gotten the distinct impression my sister particularly and likely my mother and such are upset he is asking specifically for me - if he is at all because I cannot get any confirmation. I'm bracing myself for the worst which for me would be told it's too late, he's gone, and him missing his last chance to talk or see me or the kids.


I don't know why she'd tell me at all just to then silence me out other than to once again lash out at me. I'm thousands of miles away and unable to go and even if I did I've no idea which hospital or if the rest of my family would block me.The only thing I can do is wait beside my phone and email and distract myself when it gets too much. In the process of distraction, I've run myself ragged and now pretty much all my issues, physical and mental, are flaring up at once. I just don't know how to cope with this. 

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Offering  :grouphug:  for several vents.  I wish we had a "support" button or something like that as adding "likes" seems pretty wrong under the circumstances.


My only vent today is a pretty petty one - very petty.  The room I'm working in (at school) is frigid!!!  I'm wearing a turtleneck, sweater and still freezing.  I swear they have the AC on or are pumping in air from outside.  (sigh)  The hallway is probably 20 degrees warmer, but we're not allowed to keep our doors open.

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Ugh! My vent of the day. My csection is scheduled for January 2nd. I have known this for weeks so I decided to ask my aunt if she'd stay with the other kids at our house the 2nd, 3rd, and possibly 4th. This is an aunt who recently moved back to our state and is getting by on doing odd jobs, Uber, pet sitting, babysitting, etc. She is wonderful with kids and had been a preschool teacher and live in nanny in the past. Usually my parents or siblings watch the kids and then I'll watch siblings' kids when they need it. It has always worked nicely. But this time I thought it'd be supper easy to hire my aunt so I don't have to pack clothes, get the kids off their routines, etc. I'm of course paying her nicely.


Well she called asking if there would be a way for her to get out of the house for an hour each day for a pet sitting gig. Her reason,' I don't want to pass down any paying gigs.' Umm, I'm a paying gig! And I'm likely paying her more than this gig! And she expects me to figure out how to get her this hour away each day. I was so thrown off guard that I said we'll figure it out. But I've decided my way of figuring it out is finding someone else to watch the kids. I hired her so I wouldn't be inconvenienced!! I'm so annoyed right now.

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Ugh! My vent of the day. My csection is scheduled for January 2nd. I have known this for weeks so I decided to ask my aunt if she'd stay with the other kids at our house the 2nd, 3rd, and possibly 4th. This is an aunt who recently moved back to our state and is getting by on doing odd jobs, Uber, pet sitting, babysitting, etc. She is wonderful with kids and had been a preschool teacher and live in nanny in the past. Usually my parents or siblings watch the kids and then I'll watch siblings' kids when they need it. It has always worked nicely. But this time I thought it'd be supper easy to hire my aunt so I don't have to pack clothes, get the kids off their routines, etc. I'm of course paying her nicely.


Well she called asking if there would be a way for her to get out of the house for an hour each day for a pet sitting gig. Her reason,' I don't want to pass down any paying gigs.' Umm, I'm a paying gig! And I'm likely paying her more than this gig! And she expects me to figure out how to get her this hour away each day. I was so thrown off guard that I said we'll figure it out. But I've decided my way of figuring it out is finding someone else to watch the kids. I hired her so I wouldn't be inconvenienced!! I'm so annoyed right now.

I agree with your solution! I hope you won't have any trouble lining someon else up.

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I agree with your solution! I hope you won't have any trouble lining someon else up.

I got so overwhelmed with it today that I emailed my mom, who is on a cruise so I generally don't interrupt her cruise time unless it is an emergency, and her and my dad are going to take the kids. I originally did ask them because having my aunt come was more convenient for me and my mom gets overwhelmed with all 4 kids after 2 days. So the solution is that they'll watch the kids but ask my aunt, her sister, to help when her schedule allows it.


All stress is relieved! The funny thing is my mom already thought that was the plan! My dad is overjoyed because he would spend every day of his life with his grandkids if he could.

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Now that it's over, I can vent about it:


A couple of months ago, we started letting DS walk to the park near our home (and next to his school, to which he walks every morning) by himself. He had done this several times, and then some busybody called the cops on him. The cops decided that he was "lost" because he didn't have our street address memorized (he knew perfectly well how to get home, just not the address to tell someone else), detained him, and made me go pick him up from the park (after calling and giving my mother in Texas a fright, because she was the person listed as "mom" in my cell phone, which DS had to play Pokemon Go in the park).


The police then reported us to DCS, who conducted an investigation.


Today we got back their determination that the report was "unsubstantiated." Yeah, no kidding.


Since then, DS has been a bit clingier in public, especially at parks, and won't go beyond the bounds of our townhouse complex on his own. Although he was not upset at the time (that should have been a clue, a kid who was actually lost would probably have been upset, not busy playing!), it was a real blow to his sense of independence.

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Now that it's over, I can vent about it:


A couple of months ago, we started letting DS walk to the park near our home (and next to his school, to which he walks every morning) by himself. He had done this several times, and then some busybody called the cops on him. The cops decided that he was "lost" because he didn't have our street address memorized (he knew perfectly well how to get home, just not the address to tell someone else), detained him, and made me go pick him up from the park (after calling and giving my mother in Texas a fright, because she was the person listed as "mom" in my cell phone, which DS had to play Pokemon Go in the park).


The police then reported us to DCS, who conducted an investigation.


Today we got back their determination that the report was "unsubstantiated." Yeah, no kidding.


Since then, DS has been a bit clingier in public, especially at parks, and won't go beyond the bounds of our townhouse complex on his own. Although he was not upset at the time (that should have been a clue, a kid who was actually lost would probably have been upset, not busy playing!), it was a real blow to his sense of independence.



Ugh, what a bummer!  We had a neighbor call the police on my two kids once when they were  8 and 5 because they were playing outside in the front yard while there was no car in the driveway.  Neighbor assumed we both left?  The policeman said we might want to look out for the neighbor, who seemed a bit overzealous.

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Now that it's over, I can vent about it:


A couple of months ago, we started letting DS walk to the park near our home (and next to his school, to which he walks every morning) by himself. He had done this several times, and then some busybody called the cops on him. The cops decided that he was "lost" because he didn't have our street address memorized (he knew perfectly well how to get home, just not the address to tell someone else), detained him, and made me go pick him up from the park (after calling and giving my mother in Texas a fright, because she was the person listed as "mom" in my cell phone, which DS had to play Pokemon Go in the park).


The police then reported us to DCS, who conducted an investigation.


Today we got back their determination that the report was "unsubstantiated." Yeah, no kidding.


Since then, DS has been a bit clingier in public, especially at parks, and won't go beyond the bounds of our townhouse complex on his own. Although he was not upset at the time (that should have been a clue, a kid who was actually lost would probably have been upset, not busy playing!), it was a real blow to his sense of independence.


That is terrible that a busybody would one, call, and two, that the police would assume he's lost and report you.


When my ds was 7 or 8, a father of his teammate brought ds home for us. Ds wouldn't talk to him or tell him our address. The father's ds ended up doing the talking for my ds and told him where we lived. Ds didn't really know the father and I guess was intimidated by him, so ds just stayed quiet. The mom was concerned for us because our ds didn't know his address. He did know, he just didn't want to tell that guy!

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My vent seems really petty after reading all the other ones.  Hugs to several of you!


Vent:  If you are not invited to an event by whoever is hosting said event, you are not invited.  Don't ask to come.  


When you are invited, and the invitation clearly specifies the time frame of the event, do not stay two hours longer.  There was a reason for the time frame!  

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I'm sick of seeing "Do good at any cost and you will be happy" type messages.  I paid too much, and now I'm working hard to repair a bunch of damage.  I feel TERRIFIC now that I accept that good is never good enough for some people and I have more important things to deal with than them!


(Okay, so that turned into a tiny happy dance, but I really am annoyed by the unrealistic messages.)

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I had a crying fit in the shower today after coming downstairs to roughly 150 brand new crayons all over the floor. The sound of the crayons woke me up and I knew exactly what the sound was yet somehow dh didn't notice it going on while 10 ft away from it making breakfast.


It was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back after just feeling extremely overwhelmed for the last few months. At least after the crying fit I felt ready to tackle the day

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My vent seems really petty after reading all the other ones.  Hugs to several of you!


Vent:  If you are not invited to an event by whoever is hosting said event, you are not invited.  Don't ask to come.  


When you are invited, and the invitation clearly specifies the time frame of the event, do not stay two hours longer.  There was a reason for the time frame!  


I'm going to be petty right there with you!  Had this exact issue this week.  It was related to a homeschool field trip.  If you don't see it posted on an open forum with an open invite, stop asking if you can join the event I planned.  Especially if your kids aren't remotely my own kid's ages!  Rude people.  And if I start letting in random people a good share won't show either because that's just how it rolls.  So over flaky homeschoolers. 

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Why does it always happen that just when you think you are going to make headway, Murphy strikes and it's back to square one?


We just made DS's final fall tuition payment and were hoping to be able to use my next couple of paychecks to save for Christmas and bring DS home for Thanksgiving. I don't know what will happen at this point but money is tight, again. We received the EOBs from DH's and DD's skin cancer biopsies and surgeries and our portion is higher than anticipated; almost twice what we expected to pay. DD's muffler fell of her car last night. This just after I paid to have some kind of gasket repaired on her engine last week. The dratted kitten is developing a milky eye and DD and DGD are afraid she is going blind. There is no money for a vet bill. The dryer took 3 hours to dry a load of laundry; it wouldn't heat properly so everything was just spinning with room temp air blowing on it. Our local bank's computer system was hacked and the bank put limitations on the use of debit cards without informing customers. Both DD and DH tried to use their cards this morning and were declined at the register. I called the bank and the rep said they sent an email out late this morning. Thanks for the notice.




I'm trying to count my blessings. I really am.

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Why does it always happen that just when you think you are going to make headway, Murphy strikes and it's back to square one?


We just made DS's final fall tuition payment and were hoping to be able to use my next couple of paychecks to save for Christmas and bring DS home for Thanksgiving. I don't know what will happen at this point but money is tight, again. We received the EOBs from DH's and DD's skin cancer biopsies and surgeries and our portion is higher than anticipated; almost twice what we expected to pay. DD's muffler fell of her car last night. This just after I paid to have some kind of gasket repaired on her engine last week. The dratted kitten is developing a milky eye and DD and DGD are afraid she is going blind. There is no money for a vet bill. The dryer took 3 hours to dry a load of laundry; it wouldn't heat properly so everything was just spinning with room temp air blowing on it. Our local bank's computer system was hacked and the bank put limitations on the use of debit cards without informing customers. Both DD and DH tried to use their cards this morning and were declined at the register. I called the bank and the rep said they sent an email out late this morning. Thanks for the notice.




I'm trying to count my blessings. I really am.


I'm sorry.  That sounds like a mess. :(


I hope things get better for you quickly. 


Edited by TranquilMind
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Dh and I live apart this year (job move).  It's normal in our circle of friends so whatever.  I'm good, he's good, the kids are good and Facetime is a wonderful invention.  However, I don't need anything else extra in my life!  No, I can't watch non-housebroken dogs!  No, I can't volunteer at xyz and commit every week.  If I tell you I just ran to the grocery store at 4am this week, it is because that is the only time I could do it and keep my sanity.  Please respect my lack of social commitments and choosing my extracurriculars based on how it makes me relax/recharge.

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I am MAD that my tire blew out on the freeway in our beater car this week and that now I have to car shop (there are other issues with the car so we have decided it is DONE for our needs) and I hate, hate, hate car dealers.  


We are test driving cars to figure out what we want and our budget is small this time around because we may need yet another car within a year or so with an added driver in the house.  


And then DH is being picky about the safety ratings, which means most cars are a no-go for him.  I should be thankful he is worried about our safety, but after test driving a car last night that is perfect for our needs and within budget, DH nixed it because it is a 2013 version and the 2014 is when they added some such safety feature for crash tests.


Ok, I will add that I am VERY thankful I have the resources to get another car.  Thankfully I have a DH who cares about our safety, and thankful that I didn't have the tire blowout in the middle of the freeway (I was on the off-ramp when it happened.)


So there ya go, Vent and Thankfulness all at once.

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Minor vent - why doesn't my husband's family love him?  Or rather, why are they so darn insistent on ignoring him/his family?  They have this total out of sight/out of mind thing going on that I thought would get better after I caved and did Facebook, but it hasn't.  They gave him grief about his service (because he doesn't live at home), ignored his retirement, and today, Veterans Day, not even a mention about the day.  We simply don't exist when they don't think about us.

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Minor vent - why doesn't my husband's family love him? Or rather, why are they so darn insistent on ignoring him/his family? They have this total out of sight/out of mind thing going on that I thought would get better after I caved and did Facebook, but it hasn't. They gave him grief about his service (because he doesn't live at home), ignored his retirement, and today, Veterans Day, not even a mention about the day. We simply don't exist when they don't think about us.

That is so hurtful, I'm sorry :(. Not all families are big on closeness and contact, including my own, but that's worlds away from how they are treating him. They sound enormously self absorbed.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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That is so hurtful, I'm sorry :(. Not all families are big on closeness and contact, including my own, but that's worlds away from how they are treating him. They sound enormously self absorbed.


He says it doesn't matter.  It does.  He feels less and less toward them each year.  Starts to make me wonder if we stink or something.

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