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Okay, *NOW* I'm angry!

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Somebody stole all the Obama signs on my street last night! Including MINE! :cursing:


The McCain/Palin signs are still there, but all the Obama ones were stolen. GRRRRR!!!!!!!


I called the local Obama campaign HQ and was told that they have none in stock; so many folks are reporting them stolen and asking for new ones that they are fresh out. Double-GRRRR!



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I'm sorry that happened. It reminds me of something that happened to an aquaintance of mine during the last presidential election. She had a couple of Democratic-leaning stickers on her van, which she had left parked on the street. When she went out the next day, she discovered that the stickers had been torn off and one of her tires flattened.


Maybe you could print out your own sign? And put it up somewhere the vandals can't reach?

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astrid, I would be pretty miffed, too!! I'm not an Obama supporter but for ANYONE to come in my yard and take my stuff would be LOW!! So sorry! You ought to just make up your own signs and put a Lojack in there so you can track those folks down!


A few years back I had a big W sticker on my van, we came out and someone had taken a permanent marker and written obscenities on my sticker...we were on vacation at the beach..come on, why get political when you're at the beach?? It still irks me today they'd do that!



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Somebody stole all the Obama signs on my street last night! Including MINE! :cursing:


The McCain/Palin signs are still there, but all the Obama ones were stolen. GRRRRR!!!!!!!


I called the local Obama campaign HQ and was told that they have none in stock; so many folks are reporting them stolen and asking for new ones that they are fresh out. Double-GRRRR!




We had our Bush signs stolen several times last election and our house was egged.


Regardless of political persuasion, it stinks when people resort to that kind of behavior!


Hey--there's a guy up the street with an Obama sign--you want me to take it and send it to you? :leaving: ;)

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That is really horrible! I am honestly afraid to put things on my car (now that I finally have one) because of people slashing tires/keying cars here with liberal stickers, etc. I've known friends who have had their cars driven off the road WITH THEIR KIDS IN THEM!


This is truly a sad world. I'm very sorry. But I agree--it comes from both sides, all over. I'm sure it isn't just one side.

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Someone in our neighborhood has been spraying, in red, white and blue paint, OBAMA on lawns and telephone poles.


As we were driving by a fresh paint job the other day, I said to my boys, "Look! Vandalism: the new Get Out The Vote."


What is wrong with people?

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Reminds of the time the opposite happened to me! We woke up one morning to find a HUGE sign in our horse paddock. Someone had climbed over our fence in the night and put a political sign right on our property (facing the street). They used an auger to dig deep holes to put the sign posts in and everything.


We reported it to the sherrif, as well as the newspaper. And then we plastered the opposing candidate's sign right over it. Hee hee hee. And when the elections were over, we kept all the wood and used the posts for other things we needed around the property.


It's amazing what people will do!

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I really don't see the purpose.... I won't even mention how ugly bumper stickers are on cars....LOL.




I don't like bumper sticker either. However, we do yard signs for candidates we support simply because we are glad to answer questions from people in the neighborhood or share our opinions when asked. Some of the yard signs we have are also for personal friends of ours who don't have huge advertising budgets and we are glad to help in any way we can.

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The same thing has happened in my area. We have no sign yet because there is a shortage here. I have a big Obama sign taped up in my big bay window.




We don't have a McCain-Palin sign yet because the local GOP office ran out of them. I wonder if more people are putting signs up for this election.


I hadn't thought of putting a sign in my window. I might get my kids to make one.

Edited by LizzyBee
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I went to a wedding with my newborn babe in tow and one single bumper sticker. I came out of the reception hall in a public park in pelting rain to find all 4 of my tires slashed. It was just lovely. I had to stay overnight with my dh's relatives with a crying baby b/c we didn't have any comforts of home.


Needless to say, I don't have any political bumper stickers on my car anymore!


I still will go to rallies and protests though.

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I went to a wedding with my newborn babe in tow and one single bumper sticker. I came out of the reception hall in a public park in pelting rain to find all 4 of my tires slashed. It was just lovely. I had to stay overnight with my dh's relatives with a crying baby b/c we didn't have any comforts of home.


Needless to say, I don't have any political bumper stickers on my car anymore!


I still will go to rallies and protests though.


How did the vandals indicate that it was your bumper sticker that incited them?

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it's very low of people to do that sort of thing, and perhaps even criminal. The same thing has been happening in St. Louis to the McCain/Palin signs, so as someone else said, neither party is immune.


I heard of someone cementing their signs in their yard and putting sticky glue all over the edges. Extreme, but perhaps effective!

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it's very low of people to do that sort of thing, and perhaps even criminal. The same thing has been happening in St. Louis to the McCain/Palin signs, so as someone else said, neither party is immune.


I heard of someone cementing their signs in their yard and putting sticky glue all over the edges. Extreme, but perhaps effective!


Hmmm...booby trapping. I like the way you think. Makes me want another sign. :D Anyway to put an electric zapper on 'em? Could I count that as science? :tongue_smilie:

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I have a feeling if your neighbors wanted to talk politics.....you wouldn't need a sign in your yard to start a conversation.....certainly not with this election, LOL!


I think advertising who you are voting for.....well....brings out all the 'wrong' people (which equates to 'all the people voting for someone else').


I am glad it is working out for you though.....I will 'support' my candidate with my vote.



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I'm sorry that happened to you. Some people have no sense of decency. They belong to both parties. Our McCain sigh was stolen the first night it was out, but no Obama signs disappeared from our neighborhood. We got another and now we bring it in every night. Maybe you can find another one and do the same.

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I just don't get stealing them, for either party. Seriously. Are people not going to vote for Obama if they don't see a yard sign on the way to the polls?


It's just plain dumb.




So funny and nicely put! :D It's most likely teenagers finding a prank that they can only do during an election year. As someone who's had my mailbox smashed by teenagers, I'd rather they steal a political sign from my yard.

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It is really creepy to try to grab a sign at night (when most are stolen) and feel something greasy and possibly nasty all over your hands ...serves them right. Signs are a form of speech and to trespass onto anothers property and steal items from that property is disgraceful. During elections it is a constant problem.I tell people in my precinct to put the sign up staple all along the bottom so they cannot be grabbed easily and coat them with baby oil-our signs are still up. Unbelievable that people will commit trespass and vandalism and try to stifle First Amendment rights all in one fell swoop.

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That's rotten. And upsetting. Unfortunately, I've heard of it happening around here too. :glare:


In case you can't get replacements or want to post something (but maybe not political for fear of vandalism or worse), check out some of the "Get Out the Vote" posters (free, downloadable) on the AIGA site. As of this evening, it looks like they have over 200 designs to choose from. There are some pretty nifty signs. They could be great for your windows, your mailbox post, your car window, etc...

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Somebody stole all the Obama signs on my street last night! Including MINE! :cursing:


The McCain/Palin signs are still there, but all the Obama ones were stolen. GRRRRR!!!!!!!


I called the local Obama campaign HQ and was told that they have none in stock; so many folks are reporting them stolen and asking for new ones that they are fresh out. Double-GRRRR!




Oh, good grief. :confused:


I don't have any -- but maybe I could steal some from my neighbors and send 'em to you? Might as well wallow in the mud with the rest of the mature voters out there! :lol:

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Yep, we had several "Yes on Prop 8" (pro-traditional marriage in CA( signs stolen here over the weekend. No eggs this time. It stinks. It violates free speech rights. It violates property rights. It brings into question the validity of the opposing viewpoint...since they have to resort to theft instead of persuasion.
All the Prop 8 signs in our neighborhood were stolen last night, along with a bunch of McCain signs as well (but not all of them). Way to support the democratic process and reasonable discussion of ideas, guys!
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Guest Virginia Dawn

When Ron Paul was still campaigning during the primaries, dh and I saw an elderly woman walking her dog and pulling up his signs whenever she came to one.

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It is really creepy to try to grab a sign at night (when most are stolen) and feel something greasy and possibly nasty all over your hands ...serves them right. Signs are a form of speech and to trespass onto anothers property and steal items from that property is disgraceful. During elections it is a constant problem.I tell people in my precinct to put the sign up staple all along the bottom so they cannot be grabbed easily and coat them with baby oil-our signs are still up. Unbelievable that people will commit trespass and vandalism and try to stifle First Amendment rights all in one fell swoop.



My friends mother has tied a dead skunk to her McCain sign b/c it keeps getting stolen.


Note: the skunk was found dead, she didn't kill it.

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Yeah, it happened to a young couple in our congregation. Someone ripped their McCain/Palin bumber sticker right off their car. They, too, went down to the local McCain hq, and there were none left. So, they made their own sign, and placed it in the window of their apartment.

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And thus the reason I refuse to express my opinions on my car or in my yard. Too many jerks have forgotten that this country's foundations were to allow freedom of thought, belief, opinion, etc.


Same here. I will not put bumper stickers of any kind on my car.

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Astrid, you could do what someone in my town has done: he erected a wooden sign, about 5 feet across and maybe 8 feet high and has created his own show of support. It's permanently in his yard and when there's no election going on, he repaints to give some other pithy patriotic message. Right now, it says, "Palin/McCain" LOL (Usually it says "Support Our Troops" or something similar.


And, no one's ever defaced it. I see it at least 3x a week and it's always left unharmed. And, just so you know, IL is an Obama state, so it's not like this is a Republican area; it's not.

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I have a feeling if your neighbors wanted to talk politics.....you wouldn't need a sign in your yard to start a conversation.....certainly not with this election, LOL!


I think advertising who you are voting for.....well....brings out all the 'wrong' people (which equates to 'all the people voting for someone else').


I am glad it is working out for you though.....I will 'support' my candidate with my vote.




I betchya astrid supports her candidate by voting for him too. LOL


Perhaps advertising your political views does bring out the worse in people (so do a lot of other things), but if you let those rotten people keep you from displaying your views, then they win. LOL


We all have a right to display political views in our yards, on our cars. Its a shame those rotten people don't understand or respect that. I have signs and bumper stickers too. Someone touches them, I'm getting mad and then I'm getting new ones. I will show my support. LOL


You don't have to put anything on your car, but some of us like to. LOL


And you know, there are many times I don't bring up politics with people I'd like to talk politics with. I don't know what their views are, and I don't want to start something that may not end well. So its not easy to just strike up a political conversation. LOL

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Just as general information, I just talked with a friend of ours who is a policeman. He suggests that we put our driver's license #s on the inside of signs, so that if they are found in someone's car they can be traced and used as evidence. It's a misdemeanor, and the police (at least here) are interested in hearing about thefts and prosecuting when they can, but the signs need to be identifiable.


So: report it when your signs are stolen, and put some ID on them!




I just got a new sign and it's out on the lawn. Maybe I should be like the hydra: put out twice as many signs as get stolen? :D

Edited by dangermom
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I betchya astrid supports her candidate by voting for him too. LOL


Perhaps advertising your political views does bring out the worse in people (so do a lot of other things), but if you let those rotten people keep you from displaying your views, then they win. LOL


We all have a right to display political views in our yards, on our cars. Its a shame those rotten people don't understand or respect that. I have signs and bumper stickers too. Someone touches them, I'm getting mad and then I'm getting new ones. I will show my support. LOL


You don't have to put anything on your car, but some of us like to. LOL


And you know, there are many times I don't bring up politics with people I'd like to talk politics with. I don't know what their views are, and I don't want to start something that may not end well. So its not easy to just strike up a political conversation. LOL




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Hey--there's a guy up the street with an Obama sign--you want me to take it and send it to you? :leaving: ;)


Oh, JudoMom, you kill me!:lol:


Someone stole 2 of my Bush/Cheney during the last election.:glare: And someone painted over my sister's McCain/Palin sign. We joke that we are the only two Republicans in our town!:D

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