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We're Moving

Kim in Appalachia

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It's been a crazy summer.  My dh took a new job, a kind of change in direction career wise.  The job is in Texas.  This is a huge move for our family.  We are not from Texas and have one friend (whom he used to work with) in that town.  It's been a whirl wind of activity.  


When we move we are putting the 3 boys in public school.  The youngest 2 went to a private school last year, but the oldest, ds16 has only been homeschooled, and done co-ops.  Because we want to get them in school, we needed to quickly find a home and move me and the boys down there, and dh will join us a little over a month later. 


It's been really, really nuts.  We flew down and spent 2 days looking at houses.  The housing market there is a bit hot and there was very little to see.  While we were on the plane 2 of the houses (out of 7!) on our list went under contract.  We ended up putting a contract on a new place, though I feel we didn't get the best deal we could have because of our time constraints. Working out deals during lay overs is nuts.  I never want to do that again.  


We've been in our current house for 14 years, and in this area of the country for 20 years.  It's been  hard to be here (we are not from this area) but there has been good here and it will be a little sad to leave.


Right now I'm trying to start packing.  We have the money to pay for movers, but the more I do, the more we save.  I've thrown out so much stuff.  I'm tossing, selling, and donating what feels like is half our house (it's not, but boy, so much stuff).


Today I started packing books.  I had been thinning out our books for the last year, and even took 4 canvas bags filled to the used bookstore last week.  But still, as I packed I thought I should have sold more of them.  Even with some of my most loved books, I know I will never read them again, and I'm going to pay good money to ship them half way across the country to sit on a shelf.  


As I look around my house, I realize that there is so much more stuff to sort through and pack.  We are a family of 7, so we have a lot.


Other big news is that my oldest, who graduated college in May, got her first job in NC.  She's going to be an elementary school music teacher and she is so excited. We wanted that job in that place with all of her heart.  She even had a chance at a job in FL right near family and turned it down.  I would have liked her near family, but I'm glad she's getting what she wanted. Right now, all of her stuff is in my house too.  She is taking the kitchen table and chairs, her bed, dresser and desk, and a large leather chair from my living room.  She also has a wall of boxes filled with kitchen supplies all waiting to somehow (we haven't figured it all out) be moved around the same time we are trying to move.


My second dd starts college this fall.  She had planned to go to a school not too far from home, though she's living on campus. Now her school will be a plane ride away instead of just an hour a way.  I know she's a bit scared, but she's trying not to let on. I'm worried about her.  It's a good school, where she wanted to be, and she long time teacher she knows is there.  But this dd has struggled with so many things.  The last 5 years have been hard for her(we've been here for 14, but some changes 5 years ago made it even harder).  We currently live in a very isolated place and she did not do well here.  It was a bad fit for my girl and I'm sure she's a bit miffed that now that she's heading to school we're finally leaving this place.


This has been a hard place to be.  My dh loved this job but it's always been a huge sacrifice to be here.  We are far from family, there is nothing here, and I hate to say this, but the pay was not great either.  


I know the boys are going to have a rough transition to public school.  So am I. I looked over the class selections and was so overwhelmed I wanted to cry. I can't talk to anyone at the school yet because they are off contract and I've been told they work best when you are there in person. We can't get there until maybe a few days before school starts, so all of that just adds to our chaos.  


I wanted to share the news here.  I know I've been AWOL. I don't post much, but have been on these boards for over 15 years.  I really wanted to come on here and vent about a lot of stuff in the past couple of months but I knew I couldn't say it all on a public forum. :)  It was tempting.  So much has been going on and I haven't even been able to share it with people I know IRL (at least not those around me).  


I am a mess of emotions right now and can't figure out how to get everything done.  I used up all of the boxes I had today so I knew I had time to get on here and share. 


I will try and share little updates as it goes along.  This is going to be such a huge transition, which includes the end of my homeschooling.  I've homeschooled for 17 years, and to say I've burned out is an understatement.  But there was good too, and my kids did do well academically.  I know a lot of people worry about their kids and academics when you homeschool, but that part is almost (almost!!) easy.  Life is much harder.  :tongue_smilie:





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What a whirlwind!


I am usually a huge proponent of decluttering before moving, BUT I have also had to make a cross country move that quickly. My advice is not to stress over too many small decisions. If in doubt, just pack it.


It is much easier to do an organized sort/declutter when you're working one box at a time. Pack some very necessary things, write "open first" on all sides of those boxes; everyone can help unpack those. Then only you get to open the rest. As you unpack each box, one at a time, start with an empty "donate" box by your side and transfer "I don't actually need this" items immediately to the donate box. Drop those off at goodwill or wherever each time the trunk of your car gets full.


If you think you will have a lot of sellable books, put a "books to sell" box next to the donate box. Also have a trash can/box by your side. Things you unpack can only be put in a limited number of places: one of the boxes, or the new place it's going to live in your new house. Don't set anything in a separate location with the idea you will deal with it later. It will continue to haunt you.


Unpacking will go slower this way but you will have avoided bringing unwanted items all the way into your new home.


Best wishes on your move. Yes it's a hassle, but it's also the beginning of new adventures!!!

Edited by Seasider
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Well, who could blame you for being AWOL with so many changes going on?!

We have moved several times, but it is never ever easy.


So many emotions, so many details, so much STUFF.

And I hear ya on the books. We live in Scandinavia, and I just recycled so many good books. It made me sick, but there is no local interest, and they were not valuable enough to ship across the ocean. We moved locally into a smaller apartment, and the deed had to be done.


Good luck with your new adventure, and post some updates when you can manage it!

Edited by Penguin
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What area of Texas? I have a good bit of family in Texas. Maybe I could at least get you connected with someone that could help you get familiar with the area. My niece is a teacher, and my cousin is a retired teacher. If you would happen to be anywhere near either of them, they might be able to offer some insight.

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Does the 16 year old have to go to public school? Texas is very strict about making homeschoolers start in ninth grade.





I'm hoping it's not an issue.  We used an umbrella school in TN so he will have a transcript with the name of the school on it.  It's a real school, with an umbrella program, but the transcript just has the school name. There is also a school counselor to contact, not my name.


I don't know what I'll do if they figure it out and reject him.  I will cry for a long time and go into a hot panic, that's what I'll do. 

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Welcome to Texas,yes there are a few of us here!

Here in Dallas the hot real estate markets are Plano and Coppell. With Toyota's move to Plano the houses are

selling super fast and over asking.

GL with the move.Have questions ask away or pm.   :grouphug:

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Welcome to Texas!  I am in Corpus Christi.  I'm guessing you're not coming here since you say the market is HOT (although admittedly I have not been house shopping lately).


Take heart, that 9th grade Texas thing varies widely by district.  You'll probably be fine. 


Texans are a friendly group.  I think you'll like us.


Best of luck with everything!

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With a school transcript to use, I bet the transfer will be fine. 


We're in the Houston area, so if you are headed this way, let me know, I'd be happy to be an ear, a "get to know your new location" advise-giver, or anything else helpful. Lots of boardies around this area, too, I think. 


Praying for all of the transitions, and your dd starting college now far from home; hopefully the transition will go well for her too, and all of you. 

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I guess I'll post the place. We're heading to Waco.  :)  I know it's not a huge city, but it's huge to us. We're currently living in a town of 2,500 people so it will be a big change for us all.  I'm so excited to live near stuff.  It can be hard to appreciate the ability to be able to get to anything in less than an hours time.  We do have a Walmart 20 minutes from us, but now we will have so many stores.  And a church. And schools. And a movie theater. And a car mechanic. And people. 



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I'm at the end of a whirlwind cross-country move, so I'll keep you in my thoughts! In three days, I will finally see my new house/town/husband, and my kids will have their dad back (he'll have been gone for nearly 2 months). This was really hard. You can do it, but be kind to yourself when you are exhausted or overly emotional (being kind probably won't mean you get to rest or stop because the move has to happen, but give yourself a huge pat on the back and get back to work). You'll be awesome!

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Welcome to Texas,yes there are a few of us here!

Here in Dallas the hot real estate markets are Plano and Coppell. With Toyota's move to Plano the houses are

selling super fast and over asking.

GL with the move.Have questions ask away or pm.   :grouphug:


dd's in FW -and it's also very hot where they've been looking.  they've made several offers, and have yet to have one accepted.    so, now they've narrowed it down to two neighborhoods  and are more willing to bide their time to get what they want.


OP - areas can vary widely - if you will be in the DFW area (which is huge), I would encourage you to rent to get to know the area and where you actually want to live.   dd nearly bought a house on their employer provided house shopping "weekend" there - only when driving to it without their real estate agent did they realize that area did not have the support  infrastructure - like grocery stores - they would want to have nearby.   they were able to rent a good condo - and because it's a very hot model, if they give notice they can break their lease without penalty. 


there are also a lot of different school districts.  the better ones tend to be "north" - but they do vary.  those areas tend to cost more, and move faster.

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Thanks for sharing your update with us.  I know moving is hard, but I wish you the very best in Texas.



Just wanted to add a little envy here on my part...My sister, and her family live in Texas...I would love to move to Texas...

Edited by Tammyla
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It happens all the time--college, too!!

In Texas, the public schools are awful about taking home school transcripts. Colleges are not the same. However, I will say, no college have I ever heard of would take a "college home school" transcript. You cannot just give a transcript to the college and say you did freshman English and Biology 101 and Calculus and expect the college to give credit for that. Every college in Texas easily takes a home school high school transcript for admission, but unless you have DE, AP, or CLEP, you still have to take the classes at the college. And high schools, they do not give credit for anything from a homemade transcript. I have seen some charter schools that will, like RES ones, but otherwise, the regular school districts, the ISDs, will not. 

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In Texas, the public schools are awful about taking home school transcripts. Colleges are not the same. However, I will say, no college have I ever heard of would take a "college home school" transcript. You cannot just give a transcript to the college and say you did freshman English and Biology 101 and Calculus and expect the college to give credit for that. Every college in Texas easily takes a home school high school transcript for admission, but unless you have DE, AP, or CLEP, you still have to take the classes at the college. And high schools, they do not give credit for anything from a homemade transcript. I have seen some charter schools that will, like RES ones, but otherwise, the regular school districts, the ISDs, will not. 

Sorry-- I wasn't clear.  I meant that in addition to public high schools taking home school transcripts, colleges accept them, too.  I've not met anyone who home schooled for college.  

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Whoa!!! I was getting overwhelmed just reading, and I'm not in the middle of it. So many changes!! BIG changes!!! And all happening at the same time.


Please, try to catch a breath! Everything will fall in place, with time. Many prayers for you and your family!

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Take heart-you figured out how to raise fine children where you are currently, and built a good home in a difficult area. You will continue to be resourceful, and a caring and wise mom.

I speak these words over you in hope and know there is much joy awaiting you. 💙

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I currently live in Austin, but homeschooled in Waco and commute there 3 days a week while I finish graduate school at Baylor. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. You can PM me here or contact me at rebel "dot" sanders123 "at" gmail.com.

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You should have had the Gaines do your house for you! J/K But, aren't they in Waco? I love their Fixer Upper show. 


We've moved 4 times in the last 4 years (including one 2 cross country moves) and we have one more move in August. It's hard, but you can do it!!!! Best of luck!

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