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I like this Christian Religion Quiz better

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Which Christian denomination do you belong to?Your Result: Calvinist



You adhere to the reformed theologies that stemmed from John Calvin in the sixteenth century. The idea of predestination is central to your beliefs. You believe that not only is salvation predestined by God, this election is unconditional, and cannot be either resisted or lost. As opposed to the Arminian belief in free will, Calvinists stress that men are born as sinners (total depravity), and that they do not have the ability to turn from sin by themselves (sovereign grace). As far as church organisation is concerned, you do not believe in authority resting sololely within an elite, but instead rely on a presbyterian polity to maintain a degree of unity between congregations.

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Interesting...I grew up Catholic, was saved in a non-denominational church, met and married DH in a Baptist church and now attend a non-denom. church. Here's where I landed, and they are probably right:


Your Result: Baptist



As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised as a public display of their faith. You are strongly opposed to the whole idea of infant baptism. After all, it's not recored in the Bible, and it is impossible for a child, still innocent in the eyes of God, to accept Christ with all its heart, and be forgiven for future sins. Baptists share many views with mainstream reformed churches regarding matters such as infallable scripture, evangelism, the Trinity, and the Second Coming of Christ. However, Baptists also place a huge emphasis on religious freedom, believing strongly in the autonomy of local churches, and more generally the separation of church and state.

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Interesting...I grew up Catholic, was saved in a non-denominational church, met and married DH in a Baptist church and now attend a non-denom. church. Here's where I landed, and they are probably right:


Your Result: Baptist



As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised as a public display of their faith. You are strongly opposed to the whole idea of infant baptism. After all, it's not recored in the Bible, and it is impossible for a child, still innocent in the eyes of God, to accept Christ with all its heart, and be forgiven for future sins. Baptists share many views with mainstream reformed churches regarding matters such as infallable scripture, evangelism, the Trinity, and the Second Coming of Christ. However, Baptists also place a huge emphasis on religious freedom, believing strongly in the autonomy of local churches, and more generally the separation of church and state.


This was me too.

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Interesting. I'm Anglican btw.




As a Pentecostal, you believe that with salvation comes a direct personal relationship with God, gained through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. You place faith above all other things, truly embracing the idea of being 'in this world, but not of it'. These beliefs are what unites an otherwise very broad category of Christians. Many Pentecostals identify themselves as being Protestant, Evangelical, or even Restorationist. The differences within Pentecostalism stem from one major split - that of the issue of the trinity. Whether or not you are a Trinitarian or a Oneness Pentecostal, you belief is a direct relationship with God through Baptism places you firmly in this grouping.

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dh, the theologian, and I had fun with this. I came out Puritan the first go round and Episcopalian after a slight adjustment. We had alot of fun seeing what it took to put you in particular denominations. He says it doesn't recognize the finer distinctions between the denominations. More fun than those crazy things the kids pass around. :)

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Um, well. Hmmm.


Some of those questions, I wasn't even sure what they were asking.


On others of the questions I didn't agree with any of the choices, either because you needed to combine two of them to get the right answer or because the right answer wasn't there at all. I guess the distinctives of Calvary Chapel haven't made it onto the radar yet.


On the other hand, it was an interesting glimpse into how other Christians view their faith. I've never heard certain beliefs expressed the way they were in this quiz.

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This one didn't even have answers that would lead to them figuring out what religion I am...


That was my experience, too. I had to leave several blank. Of course, I knew going in that it wouldn't be terribly meaningful, since I don't identify as a Christian.


The funny thing, though, was that it said with great authority that I am a Methodist.

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Interesting. I'm Anglican btw.




As a Pentecostal, you believe that with salvation comes a direct personal relationship with God, gained through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. You place faith above all other things, truly embracing the idea of being 'in this world, but not of it'. These beliefs are what unites an otherwise very broad category of Christians. Many Pentecostals identify themselves as being Protestant, Evangelical, or even Restorationist. The differences within Pentecostalism stem from one major split - that of the issue of the trinity. Whether or not you are a Trinitarian or a Oneness Pentecostal, you belief is a direct relationship with God through Baptism places you firmly in this grouping.


I'm Pentecostal, according to this, too! :001_huh: Completely baffled. :lol:

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That was my experience, too. I had to leave several blank. Of course, I knew going in that it wouldn't be terribly meaningful, since I don't identify as a Christian.


The funny thing, though, was that it said with great authority that I am a Methodist.

I need a giggle smiley!

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Guest Virginia Dawn
This is another pretty specific one, but I haven't taken it yet: http://www.selectsmart.com/plus/select.php?url=denomtradition


This one worked much better for me than the first one posted in this thread. It was extremely accurate.


In the first, I couldn't answer the questions well at all. I would have had to check more than one choice in some questions and in others there was no choice that fit.

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It said I'm Pentecostal, which is true, but the only difference between the doctrinal statements of the fellowship to which I belong--Assembly of God--and the church where I spent the first three years of my baby Christian life--Wesleyan Church--is that AG believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the Wesleyan Church does not. Otherwise, there's no real difference. This statement is not true: "As a Pentecostal, you believe that with salvation comes a direct personal relationship with God, gained through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit." I do *not* believe that at all: salvation is not gained through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Not impressed. ::shrugs::

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The first one had me as Puritan with Calvinist second. Pretty accurate, I think.


The second one was kinda weird with its results, I thought.


Baptist (non-Calvinistic)/Plymouth Brethren/Fundamentalist

(Can't imagine how anything non-Calvinistic came up first, since I am actually, though inaccurately, so Calvinistic that I have been called hyper.)


(98%) 2: Baptist (Reformed/Particular/Calvinistic)

This probably should have been first.



(94%) 3: Pentecostal/Charismatic/Assemblies of God

And I don't know how on earth they came up with this, since I am actually cessationist.:D

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