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What are you reading aloud with your middle schooler?

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Little Men (Great start classics edition); we alternate reading chapters. We just finished Moby Dick (also great starts). Mine is only 5th grade, though. 


ETA:  8th grade  DD and I reading 12 Years A Slave.

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Around Christmas, we read Dickens' A Christmas Carol. We're gradually reading the following during Morning Time:


The Wild Muir: Twenty-two of John Muir's Greatest Adventures


101 Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals Who Changed US History


The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature


What Darwin Saw: Based on Charles Darwin's Recollections of his Voyage Around the World in the Ship Beagle


Abraham Lincoln's World

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We've committed to a reading steak in 2016 - our goal is read aloud everyday. There are a few books that I intended to read to her years ago, but they always got kicked to the side. We've decided to dive into them and we're both so glad we did. We read The Family Under the Bridge last week and both loved it. Now, we're reading All of A Kind Family and really enjoying the sweetness of the story. We plan to stay in the same era and read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn next. Some other books on our TBR list this year are:

Watership Down

The Book Thief

The Magician's Elephant

The Hiding Place

Half Magic - another book we've intended to read for years

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Dh is reading the Westmark books.

I'm reading Flying Solo for read aloud so time and am about to start The Complete Book of Marvels for school time.


ETA: Sometimes the autocorrects on my ipad are so mysterious. It should say I'm reading Flying Solo for read alouds time. I suppose it moved the s from the imaginary "alouds" and decided I must have meant "so." Sigh.

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I'm reading Flying Solo for read aloud so time and am about to start The Complete Book of Marvels for school time.

Complete book of marvels--I have this! I plan to read this! Allow me a moment of complete wonder that I may be doing something contemporaneously with the great Farrar versus just doing it because she mentioned it on her blog.

But, are you just reading it? For fun? I've had the book a while and I've postponed because I keep thinking the need to augment and update would drive me crazy. I don't want to do that with a read aloud.

For purposes of the thread, Id like to state that DH has agreed to read A Short History of Nearly Everything--we shall see.

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Complete book of marvels--I have this! I plan to read this! Allow me a moment of complete wonder that I may be doing something contemporaneously with the great Farrar versus just doing it because she mentioned it on her blog.

But, are you just reading it? For fun? I've had the book a while and I've postponed because I keep thinking he need to augment and update would drive me crazy. I don't want to do that with a read aloud.

For purposes of the thread, Id like to state that DH has agreed to read A Short History of Nearly Everything--we shall see.


I got it because Alte Veste had sung its praises. And now we're doing a unit on geography so I thought it would be perfect. We also just finished Around the World in 80 Days (and we're watching the Michael Palin series, which, fascinatingly, is ALSO like a peek into the past, having been made when I wasn't much older than my kids are now, in the pre-cell phone, pre-just bring your credit card to travel internationally world). I've read bits of it, but, yeah, it's the first time I will have read it. I'm very much looking forward to it. I'm okay with the outdatedness of it. I think it'll be sort of fun - it's another little trip into the past.

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We have several going at one time--usually one school-related book and a fun one



The Shakespeare Stealer

Itch: The Explosive Adventures of an Element Hunter



The Land I Lost

Big Game

Ooh, is the Explosive one a chemistry related book? DS would be thrilled. He keeps begging for a hands on chemistry class and just more chemistry in general but I haven't been able to find one and no landry intensives in this part of the country. Thanks!
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The Great Turkey Walk - an easy read but fun and all are enjoying it


The Book of the Dun Cow - picked it up at Andrew Pudewa's suggestion. IMO a very weird book

Dun Cow was the first Hive recommended selection that bombed for us. We left off half-way through.








Edited to fix spelling error. :(

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Ooh, is the Explosive one a chemistry related book? DS would be thrilled. He keeps begging for a hands on chemistry class and just more chemistry in general but I haven't been able to find one and no landry intensives in this part of the country. Thanks!


Yup!  It is about a kid who is out to collect every element on the periodic table.  Action, mystery, science.  I read about it here (not sure who originally posted about it), but there is also a sequel called Itch Rocks.

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With my 8th grader, I'm reading aloud The Voyage of the Beagle, SWB's Story of Science, and Shakespeare's Sonnets.  We just finished a buddy read of The Tempest and we're going to do the same for Richard III next. We have kind of given up on bedtime reads together , sadly, because the girls are almost constantly at theater rehearsals in the evening. I do miss reading stories with my big girl, but it just isn't the best use of her time right now.  So for lit, and even for pleasure reading, we both read the same book, but not together. And we recommend books to each other - I just handed her The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey to read alongside Richard III, and she had me read Paper Towns by John Green.  I do not love YA fiction, but I figure if I expect her to read my recommendations, I should read some of hers.


With my 4th grader, I'm reading aloud Robin Hood, the Green version, and she's reading aloud Lord and Lady Bunny by Polly Horvath.  It's a funny book, and my dd is a hoot, a very good comic reader, so it's fun to listen to the story, and to listen to her read it.


Shannon loved Itch and Itch rocks, and is impatiently waiting for the 3rd book in the series.  I read Itch, and it was pretty good! It wouldn't be a bad read-aloud.

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We just finished the most recent Wings of Fire book (Escaping Peril).  :hurray:

We're in the middle of the Am. Girl Julie books. ( :crying: )

We're going to start the first Winston Breen book based on some recommendations here. Can't get the puzzles from the webpage, though. Because, you know, everyone will want their own to solve!  :confused1:

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With both girls, we're reading Huck Finn and will be starting Idylls of the King and Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution this week.


With my older daughter, we're about to start the Greek Tragedies and will use Vandiver's lectures to accompany them.


With my younger daughter, she's reading Treasure Island (out loud right now but maybe alone soon...we will still do some chapter prep work together before she reads either way) but we're about to start The Sea Around Us together and we're also reading Ivanhoe together.


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I am reading the Prydain chronicles series with DD. I think her brothers would like it too, but I started the series with DD when we were on a mother /daughter trip, so this is "our series" right now and I guess I will start it from the beginning later with them. After that I think we'll read Echo and The War That Saved My Life (Newberry honor books this year).

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Yup!  It is about a kid who is out to collect every element on the periodic table.  Action, mystery, science.  I read about it here (not sure who originally posted about it), but there is also a sequel called Itch Rocks.


My kids LOVED Itch!!  My oldest read the sequel, too.  Awesome!

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