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during filming - the millenium falcoln door fell on his leg.  (jj abrhams injured his back helping to get the door off HF.)  he broke his ankle (?) and had limited mobility while he recovered from that.  they actually rewrote parts to accomodate him.


Oh, I meant his plane crash. I see that he had already completed filming when he crashed his plane.

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Another sci-fi film recommendation. We just watched Ex Machina last night. DH joked that JJ Abrams must have really loved this movie. The First Order general and Poe actors are in the film. Very good sci-fi film that doesn't rely too much on special effects.

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DD#3 came home from the movie & said she wanted her money back.


She was mad this movie had NCB. (No Cute Boys)


In general, the movie was more disturbing than enjoyable for us. Y'all know which scene haunted some of our dreams!


There was one Scottish guy when we first met Han Solo (one of the 2 groups who came after their money). I would have really liked him to have a bigger part.  :lol:


Actually, my favorite part about the entire movie was all the non-American accents. Yay Rey and Fin!

Edited by wintermom
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Ooooo...I really like this as an explanation. It would fit that Leia wouldn't or couldn't tell Han. Would also explain why she needed to hide Rey...maybe with the old guy watching over her?


I thought the ship in the vision was the MF.

I just watched it yesterday again and looked closely and it was NOT the MF. (The ship that flew away when Rey was left.) I didn't recongnize it at all.

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So - is Rey Luke's kid? Who dumped her on the desert planet and why? Am I missing something?


I think so. They deliberately did not say in this movie.


I went to see the movies over the break.  I didn't love it. It was okay but I'm thinking I might skip the next movie and wait for the whole triology to be out to see it all together. Maybe then the inconsistencies won't bother me so much (Or will prove not to be inconsistencies at all -- Rey was taught Jedi stuff from a wee lass and so was only remembering what she was taught and blocked out So Long Ago)


There was a line in the ads that never happened in the movies -- Luke's voice saying something like "My father was strong in the force, my sister is strong in the force, I am strong in the force..."


Also, how is it that Kylo Ren was never told that Darth Vader turned to the light at the end, if Luke was his teacher?!!


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I don't see how there's any question about Rey's father.  The lightsaber made me think it, but seeing the island after Ben pulled those "dreams" out of her?  Well, where'd she get those dreams, growing up in the sand???  Only one way, imo.


I am struggling with the time frame.  I'm under the impression that Rey was left after Ben went bad (and Luke left), but he just didn't seem old enough to have been in training when she was still so little.  Maybe I just need to suspend disbelief?  I'm looking forward to learning how it all came to be.


The time frame bothers me too.

But then the time frame of the prequels bothered me as well. I'd always got the sense that the Empire had existed for a LONG time -- not less than one person's lifetime.  And how is it that the Republic won in 6 but there is still a  Resistance?!


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Just saw it last night.  Didn't anyone else think it was boring?  I was checking my phone every five minutes to see how much longer I had to sit there.  No imagination, no heart, utterly predictable action scenes (because they were all retreads from the original Star Wars trilogy)...


Ugh, this movie doesn't deserve the success it already has.

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Just saw it last night.  Didn't anyone else think it was boring?  I was checking my phone every five minutes to see how much longer I had to sit there.  No imagination, no heart, utterly predictable action scenes (because they were all retreads from the original Star Wars trilogy)...


Not boring - it kept my attention all the way through and it was interesting to see how they tied some things in (while still having the puzzles mentioned).


But I liked both The Martian and Jurassic World better.  I could probably think of quite a few movies I liked better if I wanted to post a list.  I wouldn't put this one on a boring or bad list though.  It's just certainly not my favorite Star Wars movie of the grouping.  The Empire Strikes Back holds that position.


This one would probably come in 4th for Star Wars movies for me - the first three (5/4/6) beating it and 1/2/3 - esp 3, being useless.

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I couldn't believe how strongly I was affected by Rey.  Star Wars was such a huge part of my play as a 70s-80s kid. I am thrilled for little girls that will get to play Rey!





(I'm not convinced Rey is Luke's daughter. It seems too easy.)


I'm not either. Why can't she be Ben's twin?


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Just saw it last night. Didn't anyone else think it was boring? I was checking my phone every five minutes to see how much longer I had to sit there. No imagination, no heart, utterly predictable action scenes (because they were all retreads from the original Star Wars trilogy)...


Ugh, this movie doesn't deserve the success it already has.

I didn't see anyone (the two times I saw it) looking at their phones. I was anticipating it, because it's one of the many reasons I prefer watching movies at home. I consider it rude to pull out a phone in a dark theater; no matter how well you hide it, someone will see the light. But it's Star Wars; I wanted my kids to know the fun of a shared movie experience.


I understand people who don't like it. It's derivative of the original Star Wars just as the original Star Wars was derivative of the hero's journey. For me, it was the return to the original that I enjoyed. The prequels were so awful and weird that it was like a reset-telling the audience the new series is returning to what made the original trilogy so popular. If the next two films are retreads of Empire and Jedi, I'll be disappointed. I hope the story focuses on Rey, Ben, and Finn, not the original Star Wars characters.


I consider Star Wars a sci-fi/fantasy epic. Like the epic fantasy genre in written works, fans are disappointed if there aren't certain story elements included. There must be a chosen hero. There must be a quest. If this movie didn't include these elements, there's a risk it becomes a repeat of the prequels.


I'm not often a fan of remakes, but I really hope one day, a good trilogy can be made about Anakin Skywalker's rise and fall.

Edited by ErinE
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My son and I saw it again last night. We both walked out the first time thinking Rey was Luke's daughter, but this time around we both shifted to thinking that she was Han and Leia's daughter. In fact, the first thing my son said as we left the theater was "She's a Solo." Watching Rey and Han together in the Millenium Falcoln especially made a strong case, as did Rey's comfortably taking over Han's pilot seat with co-pilot Chewie to seek out Luke. We also noticed that the scene shifted elsewhere so we couldn't hear Han's answering Maz's question "Who is the girl?"


Of course if she's a Solo, then she's also a Skywalker, which would explain the force and her piloting skills. And that she was using the force for good would explain why Luke's lightsaber and R2D2 responded when she was near. 


I was the one who above mentioned sexual tension between Kylo and Rey during the interrogation scene, so them being brother and sister presents a problem with this interpretation, or else a nod to Luke and Leia  :rolleyes: . But this time it came off differently to me--more like he was totally fascinated by her power. Either interpretation leaves us with the question of whether Han and Leia recognized who she was. 


What is clear is that Abrams left us with many unanswered questions to mull over until the next film. It seems so unlike Han and Leia to hide a daughter away without being completely assured of her welfare. 


I'm prepared to be totally wrong on this.  :coolgleamA:  Just passing along my latest musings. 


The film still worked well for me with the second showing. Han's death still seemed "off" to me, and I think the second half could have benefited from a few quieter moments. 


I was thinking maybe she is their daughter but was training with Luke at the baby Jedi school. We know they started training them from toddlerhood in the old days. They thought she was killed with all the rest when KR went bad, but someone (Luke?) rescued her and left her hidden on Jakku to keep her safe. That would explain her ability with the Force, she had early training and is genetically predisposed to be very powerful.

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There was one Scottish guy when we first met Han Solo (one of the 2 groups who came after their money). I would have really liked him to have a bigger part. :lol:


Actually, my favorite part about the entire movie was all the non-American accents. Yay Rey and Fin!

Finn had an American accent in the movie even though he's a British actor.

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We just saw it again for the second time. The ship leaving Rey when she was little was definitely not the Millenium Falcon - I paid special attention to that after reading this thread.


What is everyone's take on who the old man is in the beginning that gave the missing map piece to Poe Dameron? Although the old man is killed by Kylo Ren, I feel like he is significant - how did he get that, and how was he tracked down?


After seeing the movie the first time, I was convinced Rey was Luke's daughter, but now I'm not so sure.

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So my mom calls here today and ask for ds to tell him Happy Birthday and tells him that they went to see Star Wars....and tells him the biggest storyline of the movie. He had this "What the heck" look on his face till he got off the phone with her. Knowing I could care less about the movies, he tells me what she said. Now he is adamant that his siblings don't hear. They have avoided every online mention of it, and he doesn't want them to know. My mom just didn't get how important NOT telling those details is, lol.

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Just saw it last night.  Didn't anyone else think it was boring?  I was checking my phone every five minutes to see how much longer I had to sit there.  No imagination, no heart, utterly predictable action scenes (because they were all retreads from the original Star Wars trilogy)...


Ugh, this movie doesn't deserve the success it already has.



I didn't think it was boring, but not every movie will be a hit for everyone.  It's a shame you were disappointed.  You may be in a different place in your life where Star Wars just doesn't have the magic for you anymore.  Or you had an off day.  Or you just really wanted a different storyline.


I've noticed that people who were very much into all the books and stories about what happened after ep 6 seem to be disappointed in this movie.  The movie strayed from the lore of the books and I think it irritated a lot of people.


This movie made a billion dollars in 12 days.  And it hasn't even opened in China yet.  Just crazy!

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So my mom calls here today and ask for ds to tell him Happy Birthday and tells him that they went to see Star Wars....and tells him the biggest storyline of the movie. He had this "What the heck" look on his face till he got off the phone with her. Knowing I could care less about the movies, he tells me what she said. Now he is adamant that his siblings don't hear. They have avoided every online mention of it, and he doesn't want them to know. My mom just didn't get how important NOT telling those details is, lol.



Oh wow.  She's old enough to know better.  What's up with people?  Your poor son.  At least he kept the secret for his siblings.  He's a good guy!


We were careful not to say a word about anything we saw when we left the theater (all three times, because we've been 3 times), because we didn't want to spoil it for someone waiting in the lobby to see it.  We'd keep our comments for the car ride home.

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I don't think it's coincidence that the MFalcon ended up on Rey's planet along with the plans for finding Luke. She's connected somehow either by relation or they were waiting and watching like Ben. Rey has too many parallels to Luke. Her mechanical and salvaging skills remind me of Young Anakin, a natural.


Just loved it. Luuuuved it. It had just the right amount of nostalgia for the parents. I thought Han and Leia's scenes were touching considering what they have gone through. It was so sad to see Chewy in the MF with an empty seat next to him. Rey is going to be an awesome Jedi. She's fierce pre-training can't wait to see what she'll be like after.


We went home and started watching Return of the Jedi.



If the MF was left for her, then maybe it was meant for her to find Han with it.  But if the map was brought to her, then it was meant for her to find Luke with it. 


If she's like Anakin with her mechanical and salvaging skills then she could still come from him through either Luke or Leia.  Either way, Anakin is her grandfather. 


I think she's Luke's. Here's what I can think of off the top of my head:


There was a preview with a voice over of Luke recounting the people in his family who have the force, "My father had it, I have it, my sister has it, you have that power, too."  I've read that that is NOT something he says in ep 7, 8, or 9, but is a recording of what he said in 6 when he was talking to Leia, but the idea is that people in Luke's family have the force.  And it could be that his niece and nephew (Rey and Kylo) have it...but I think it's meant to imply that his direct descendent would have it.  There was no real need for them to have those lines in the voice over unless they were making a big point to us about LUKE's family being strong in the force.  And I don't think they meant niece.  I think they mean daughter.


The lightsaber called to her.  This is a weak argument, because it could have called to any person with Skywalker DNA (thru Luke or Leia) that walked in the door and she just happened to be the first one. But still...when you're telling a story, especially a mystery, you have to lay out the clues to be fair to your audience.  This is another clue toward Rey being Luke's daughter.


The lightsaber flew past Kylo to Rey.  Now, it could be that the saber only wanted to go to someone using the force for good...but I don't know how discerning lightsabers are.  It could just be that she's stronger, but..it feels right that it went to her because of the more direct bloodline.


When Kylo tells her, "You need someone to train you...I can help you reach the force" in the middle of their fight, she closes her eyes to think about it.  And they play the Force theme music, which is also more known as Luke Skywalker's theme music.  You know--that song when he's standing there looking at the two suns of Tatooine.  It could be that they played that piece of music because she was thinking about the force, but I kind of think that music is too linked to Luke for it to be just about the force and there was a reason they played Luke's theme when she was fighting with Luke's light saber and thinking about the force.


Anything to do with mechanical ability or piloting ability has to be tossed out because it can go either way.  Anakin, Luke, and Han all have the same skills in mechanics and piloting.  I don't know how much it came out in the movie, but in the radio version of Ep 4, they made a big deal about Luke's pilot abilities.


Ă¢â‚¬â€¹There's a 9 year age difference between Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley, so I don't think they're meant to be twins.  Now, granted, there was a 4 year age difference between Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil and they're supposed to be twins...so they could be pulling a Hollywood thing where women all have to be ridiculously young while the males can be older, but 9 years is a bit much.  She could be a younger sister, but I don't think she's the twin that the books have written about.  Of course, if she's a sister, they might have hidden her from Kylo if they thought he'd seek her out to harm her.  But since he's seeking out ANY Jedi to kill, they still could have hidden her because they're cousins for the same reason.  (Something  went terribly wrong with their hiding of her.)


I think they've peppered the movie with a lot of clues so that it's fair when they reveal who her parent is.  I think the clues lean more toward Luke.  I think it wouldn't be fair for there to be so many Luke clues, just for them to say, "Nah! Tricked you! She's Leia's and Han's!"


Oh, and one cheesy reason I think that she might be Luke's is because I'm not sure as a writer that I would be able to resist having Luke say to her, "Rey...I am your father."  You could make him look at tortured at having to say the words, because he would remember what it was like when Vader said them to him. 


Or maybe that's just too much cheese, even for Star Wars  :lol:

Edited by Garga
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:iagree:  :iagree:


I think Rey is Luke's- whether he knows he has a child or not remains to be seen.  I really loved the idea that she was related to either Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon instead of Luke, but last night I was informed by my kids that both of those Jedi were true to their Order- they would not have fathered a child. 


I suggested to my kids that perhaps she's actually The Chosen One who will bring balance to the galaxy.  They liked that idea.  


I still have no idea where Snoke comes from.  That's a puzzle that's going to bother me.  With clone technology available, part of me is wondering if he isn't a clone gone awry of Palpatine or Plageius.  All the cloners would have needed was one piece of DNA...


And I also would love to know exactly why R2-D2 powered back up when he did.  C3PO had said that R2 went into low power mode when Luke went away, but when he powered back up, the conversation was more like he'd been searching for something for all those years and finally found it.  But then when he revealed what he had, it was the map still missing a piece. I don't know, that wasn't really fully explained to my satisfaction.


I've now seen it 3 times.  What a movie! I went and saw this movie yesterday with the thought that I wanted to figure out why people didn't like it.  Thew biggest complaint I've heard is that it's like they just re-made the first Star Wars movie, only made it politically correct.  I guess I can see that with the cast, but... What a cast! The acting ability of these new people is SO much beyond that first movie made way back in the late 70's.


The story has similarities, that's obvious, but I really think that Disney and JJ Abrams was trying very hard to give the whole franchies a re-boot that honored the past, but clearly pointed toward the future.  There is no doubt that SW is a massive money machine that was almost completely ruined by the prequels.  They needed something that reminded people of the original three movies, but that didn't come off just as a one-off story.  The galaxy far, far away is massive, and there are big stories to tell.


When I got home last night from the movie, I had to go pull out my SW books from the shelves, because there are definitely echoes of the books in The Force Awakens.  There are similarities in this movie to the Jedi Search series, which makes me wonder if future movies will pull at all from any of the books that have been written.  There were definitely some lame storylines that I hope they stay away from...


I'm trying to figure out when we can squeak in a fourth trip to the theatre.  :laugh:

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Oh wow. She's old enough to know better. What's up with people? Your poor son. At least he kept the secret for his siblings. He's a good guy!


We were careful not to say a word about anything we saw when we left the theater (all three times, because we've been 3 times), because we didn't want to spoil it for someone waiting in the lobby to see it. We'd keep our comments for the car ride home.

On the other hand, people can't expect to be protected from Star Wars spoilers indefinitely. My first thought is that's unfortunate, but if you really care about not hearing or reading any spoilers, go see the movie already!

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Did anyone else see the mechanical hand of a hooded man touch R2-D2 in Rey's vision. The hand looked exactly like Luke's mechanical hand at the end! That was the clue that made me think she is his daughter, not Hans'.

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Did anyone else see the mechanical hand of a hooded man touch R2-D2 in Rey's vision. The hand looked exactly like Luke's mechanical hand at the end! That was the clue that made me think she is his daughter, not Hans'.

Yes, that was Luke.

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My son said R2's lights change briefly when he was touched by the hand. I think that's in the trailer so I'll have to check it out. I thought he woke up when Rey arrived?


Yep.  R2D2's waking up when Rey arrived and Luke being in her vision both make me think she's his daughter, and/or that she was trained as a Jedi when she was younger.  I don't think she just somehow knew how to use the Force effectively without any training at all.


I loved Rey so much in this movie.  

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DH said something about the released soundtrack, that Plageius' theme was used for Snoke's scenes, leaving a big fat hint. Something like that, I was only half listening.


As far as it being boring, I am not really a Star Wars fan. I live with four of them who have talked non stop about this movie for months, and one of them has read every extended canon book and was disgruntled at first and hesitant by the time we saw it. We all enjoyed it and want to see it again.


I might have teared up a bit when I got home and saw our Han and Leia hand towels in our master bathroom.

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Oh wow.  She's old enough to know better.  What's up with people?  Your poor son.  At least he kept the secret for his siblings.  He's a good guy!


We were careful not to say a word about anything we saw when we left the theater (all three times, because we've been 3 times), because we didn't want to spoil it for someone waiting in the lobby to see it.  We'd keep our comments for the car ride home.


After the movie, my kids started talking about it as we were walking in the parking lot. They got The Look and a quick shush. No spoilers were revealed, but we had a quick conversation in the car about not revealing important information.

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If the MF was left for her, then maybe it was meant for her to find Han with it.  But if the map was brought to her, then it was meant for her to find Luke with it. 


If she's like Anakin with her mechanical and salvaging skills then she could still come from him through either Luke or Leia.  Either way, Anakin is her grandfather. 


I think she's Luke's. Here's what I can think of off the top of my head:


There was a preview with a voice over of Luke recounting the people in his family who have the force, "My father had it, I have it, my sister has it, you have that power, too."  I've read that that is NOT something he says in ep 7, 8, or 9, but is a recording of what he said in 6 when he was talking to Leia, but the idea is that people in Luke's family have the force.  And it could be that his niece and nephew (Rey and Kylo) have it...but I think it's meant to imply that his direct descendent would have it.  There was no real need for them to have those lines in the voice over unless they were making a big point to us about LUKE's family being strong in the force.  And I don't think they meant niece.  I think they mean daughter.


The lightsaber called to her.  This is a weak argument, because it could have called to any person with Skywalker DNA (thru Luke or Leia) that walked in the door and she just happened to be the first one. But still...when you're telling a story, especially a mystery, you have to lay out the clues to be fair to your audience.  This is another clue toward Rey being Luke's daughter.


The lightsaber flew past Kylo to Rey.  Now, it could be that the saber only wanted to go to someone using the force for good...but I don't know how discerning lightsabers are.  It could just be that she's stronger, but..it feels right that it went to her because of the more direct bloodline.


When Kylo tells her, "You need someone to train you...I can help you reach the force" in the middle of their fight, she closes her eyes to think about it.  And they play the Force theme music, which is also more known as Luke Skywalker's theme music.  You know--that song when he's standing there looking at the two suns of Tatooine.  It could be that they played that piece of music because she was thinking about the force, but I kind of think that music is too linked to Luke for it to be just about the force and there was a reason they played Luke's theme when she was fighting with Luke's light saber and thinking about the force.


Anything to do with mechanical ability or piloting ability has to be tossed out because it can go either way.  Anakin, Luke, and Han all have the same skills in mechanics and piloting.  I don't know how much it came out in the movie, but in the radio version of Ep 4, they made a big deal about Luke's pilot abilities.


Ă¢â‚¬â€¹There's a 9 year age difference between Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley, so I don't think they're meant to be twins.  Now, granted, there was a 4 year age difference between Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamil and they're supposed to be twins...so they could be pulling a Hollywood thing where women all have to be ridiculously young while the males can be older, but 9 years is a bit much.  She could be a younger sister, but I don't think she's the twin that the books have written about.  Of course, if she's a sister, they might have hidden her from Kylo if they thought he'd seek her out to harm her.  But since he's seeking out ANY Jedi to kill, they still could have hidden her because they're cousins for the same reason.  (Something  went terribly wrong with their hiding of her.)


I think they've peppered the movie with a lot of clues so that it's fair when they reveal who her parent is.  I think the clues lean more toward Luke.  I think it wouldn't be fair for there to be so many Luke clues, just for them to say, "Nah! Tricked you! She's Leia's and Han's!"


Oh, and one cheesy reason I think that she might be Luke's is because I'm not sure as a writer that I would be able to resist having Luke say to her, "Rey...I am your father."  You could make him look at tortured at having to say the words, because he would remember what it was like when Vader said them to him. 


Or maybe that's just too much cheese, even for Star Wars  :lol:


To the bolded:  this is what speaks to me. I love Wagner's operas, especially Der Ring des Nibelungen, and in the Ring cycle the leitmotivs are *everything*. They move the operas' plots and remind audiences of what's happened. (Bear with me; I'm bringing this puppy home.) In the original Star Wars trilogy, John Williams employed many of the same composing techniques. (He probably did in the prequels, too; but, I refuse to acknowledge those because they were so bad.) I can't help but think that "Luke's" (aka the Force) motif was played for a reason - to link Rey to Luke. Although Williams has had many different influences on his music, I really think that the leitmotivs in Star Wars underpin the hero's journey and provide an aural accompaniment to the movies.



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To the bolded: this is what speaks to me. I love Wagner's operas, especially Der Ring des Nibelungen, and in the Ring cycle the leitmotivs are *everything*. They move the operas' plots and remind audiences of what's happened. (Bear with me; I'm bringing this puppy home.) In the original Star Wars trilogy, John Williams employed many of the same composing techniques. (He probably did in the prequels, too; but, I refuse to acknowledge those because they were so bad.) I can't help but think that "Luke's" (aka the Force) motif was played for a reason - to link Rey to Luke. Although Williams has had many different influences on his music, I really think that the leitmotivs in Star Wars underpin the hero's journey and provide an aural accompaniment to the movies.



I agree. That particular choice of music, and the voice over with Luke talking about how his family is strong in the force seemed to be the biggest clues. There was no good reason to use that voice over and no good reason to use that piece of music unless you wanted to give everyone big glowy clues that Rey is Luke's.

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On the other hand, people can't expect to be protected from Star Wars spoilers indefinitely. My first thought is that's unfortunate, but if you really care about not hearing or reading any spoilers, go see the movie already!

She spoiled it for a kid. How is a kid supposed to go see it already if he doesn't have a job and doesn't have a car? He's at the mercy of his family.


And it wasn't like he was online and read something or overheard a stranger. His own grandmother just flat out told him what happened in the movie.


It's true that people can't be protected, but in this case it was a bit strange that the grandma blurted it out to a grandson. People make mistakes and all, of course, but I don't think this is a case of, "Just go see it already."

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We saw it again yesterday. It still seems too obvious that Rey is Luke's daughter, but if that does turn out to be the case, it wouldn't be the first time Hollywood felt the need to bludgeon the audience over the head with leading clues instead of using subtlety.

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I read a blog post today that speculated Rey may be the granddaughter of Obi Wan Kenobi. It would be an interesting plot twist and seems as plausible as her being Luke's daughter. I think I would like this even more as it wouldn't be so expected.


The writer for that does make a compelling case! Interesting. It flies in the face of Obi Wan's monkish lifestyle, but I suppose it could be true. I can't wait to see how it all plays out. :) When does Ep 8 come out?!?

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Tbog, on 30 Dec 2015 - 8:46 PM, said:snapback.png

So my mom calls here today and ask for ds to tell him Happy Birthday and tells him that they went to see Star Wars....and tells him the biggest storyline of the movie. He had this "What the heck" look on his face till he got off the phone with her. Knowing I could care less about the movies, he tells me what she said. Now he is adamant that his siblings don't hear. They have avoided every online mention of it, and he doesn't want them to know. My mom just didn't get how important NOT telling those details is, lol.

Oh wow.  She's old enough to know better.  What's up with people?  Your poor son.  At least he kept the secret for his siblings.  He's a good guy!



I keep having this thought - some people take delight in spoiling things for others.  it gives them a sense of power.


that said, I would hope it's just utter cluelessness on her part.

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Finn had an American accent in the movie even though he's a British actor.


Yes, perhaps there couldn't be too many British accents for the US audiences? ;)  


Looking at the cast, there are quite a few non-US actors in this film (England, Ireland, Sweden, Mexico, Guatemala, Scotland, Finland). 

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Yes, May 2017 from what I've seen. I have been leaning more towards Rey being related to Obi-Wan too. It would be a nice parallel, since Obi-Wan first gave Luke that light saber and now his descendant is bringing it back to Luke.  Re: R2D2, his low power mode made me snicker - reminded me of the old guru meditation loop that the early Atari computers sometimes fell into.  :)

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She spoiled it for a kid. How is a kid supposed to go see it already if he doesn't have a job and doesn't have a car? He's at the mercy of his family.


And it wasn't like he was online and read something or overheard a stranger. His own grandmother just flat out told him what happened in the movie.


It's true that people can't be protected, but in this case it was a bit strange that the grandma blurted it out to a grandson. People make mistakes and all, of course, but I don't think this is a case of, "Just go see it already."

I agree it isn't his fault at all and didn't word that well.

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I read a blog post today that speculated Rey may be the granddaughter of Obi Wan Kenobi. It would be an interesting plot twist and seems as plausible as her being Luke's daughter. I think I would like this even more as it wouldn't be so expected.



That was super fun to read and think on!  It would be a great twist, that's for sure.

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I finally got to see The Force Awakens today.  Dh took ds15 last week while I stayed home with the girls.  I was planning to see the movie before today, but I've been suffering from a lot of headaches.  Thankfully, no one spoiled it for me.  Except JJ Abrams, who spoiled it by killing off a favorite character.


Anyway, I would love to see it again, but I won't spend the money.  (I *never* go to the movies.  The last movie I saw in a theater was The Return of the King.)  Hopefully Episode VII will be out on DVD tomorrow. ;)


I'm in the camp that believes Rey is Luke's daughter.  They played his music during several of her scenes.  That's my argument and I'm sticking to it.   :p

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Sorry, I'm completely rejecting the idea she could be Obi Wans. As a Jedi, you can't love or father. He lived as a hermit on Tatooine.


I know this is a reboot and so it won't necessarily follow the lore, but I can't picture that at all.


I'm not too hung up on whether this speculation is correct or not, but I will note that I've read an EU book in which either Obi Wan or Qui Gon  fell in love with a female Jedi and was planning to marry her.  


I think it was Qui Gon, but honestly, most of the books are such that I try to put them out of my mind and remember to not read any of them.  But then I get sucked in again, sigh....  Pretty sure it was in one of the YA series.


I don't recall anything explicit in the movies where they were saying, "Yo, can't do the parent thing 'cause JEDI." But, hey, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about these things; if it was in the prequels in particular it would've blown right passed me.  


Also, considering how much of the lore was pulled from Dune, and how the Bene Gesserit were all about the procreating, I'm open to suggestion that Jedi aren't necessarily celibate.

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Re the voice overs in some of the previews--


I swear I heard Rey's voice say the "cut me down and I'll be more powerful" line (that's not an exact quote) in a preview. I originally thought she'd perhaps kill Luke in this movie, so he could be "more powerful" and fight the bad guys. Silly, huh? lol


But I do think it was part of the previews I saw, so maybe Luke does die and becomes like Obi-Wan. I hope he hangs around a while, though.


And just a thought--could Luke have also left the Jedi stage because he'd fathered a child and that's a no-no?

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We just saw it today, in 3D at the Imax. Way fun! Loved it! (Even though I knew that HS would die.)

Loved seeing my kids love it. I was 11 when the first one came out in 1977. Dh is a huge SW fan.

I haven't enjoyed a movie this much in a long time. We loved all the echoes and connections with the original movie.


Ds got a set of the 18" TFA action figures for Christmas, but there is no Rey in it?! He didn't know who alll the people were before today. They put in the stormtrooper captain with the silver helmet, but not Rey. How dumb is that?!


I will definitely see this again in the theater.

Was disappointed to have a quiet crowd today. No clapping or cheering.


It is a long time til May 2017. Sigh.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Lol...to be fair it was my 20 yr old son. He lives with us. I honestly think she thought he had seen it already. Because it came out more like "I couldn't believe....". Ds was just like....uh, I haven't seen it. She isn't one to intentionally spoil things. I just told her that next time, ask if he's seen it first, lol.

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I'm not too hung up on whether this speculation is correct or not, but I will note that I've read an EU book in which either Obi Wan or Qui Gon  fell in love with a female Jedi and was planning to marry her.  


I think it was Qui Gon, but honestly, most of the books are such that I try to put them out of my mind and remember to not read any of them.  But then I get sucked in again, sigh....  Pretty sure it was in one of the YA series.


I don't recall anything explicit in the movies where they were saying, "Yo, can't do the parent thing 'cause JEDI." But, hey, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about these things; if it was in the prequels in particular it would've blown right passed me.  


Also, considering how much of the lore was pulled from Dune, and how the Bene Gesserit were all about the procreating, I'm open to suggestion that Jedi aren't necessarily celibate.


That was a fairly big thing that Padme kept repeating to Anakin in ep. 2 when arguing about why they should or should not explore their feelings for each other. 

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That was a fairly big thing that Padme kept repeating to Anakin in ep. 2 when arguing about why they should or should not explore their feelings for each other.

Okay, thanks. I undoubtably blocked it from my mind. Padme's stilted speech patterns and Anakin's acting apparently shut down my ability to listen.


Edited to add that one could argue that having feelings and having kids are two different things that don't necessarily coincide (again something that came up with the Bene Gesserit).

Edited by GailV
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A little off-topic, but I watched Episode 3 tonight for the first time. Ugh! I can see why everyone hates it - it really is that bad! I'm glad to see the transformation to Vader to complete the story in my head, but I'm so grateful for Episode 7 that we don't have to end with 3 as the most recent. The Force Awakens is soooooo much better in terms of acting (!) storyline, and overall interest.

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