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King-sized bed, but you & spouse have separate blankets?


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Help me think this through.


DH & I share a King-sized bed.  We have different temperature needs.  He sometimes sleeps on top of the covers, sometimes he just shoves them to the foot of the bed.  Rarely, he actually sleeps under them.  I need the sheet & blanket most nights.  Sometimes (often, lately), It is difficult for me to use the covers, depending on how he has fallen asleep.  So I'm considering scrapping the King-sized duvet & getting each of us a twin-size duvet.  


We have used this set-up in europe while travelling, but never long-term.  Is there a negative to going this route?

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No negatives here.


Dh is European & this is exactly the set-up we have -- two twin-sized duvets on a king size. It also works great because I can have a heavier duvet on my side while he uses a much lighter one.


And when you want to, two can snuggle just fine under one small blanket. ;) :)

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We did that for years with a queen size bed. If the appearance bothers you, you could throw a bedspread on top of the duvets to cover everything up, but no one looks in our bedroom so I never cared. ;) With the way dh keeps grabbing the blankets and rolling away with them, I might go back to that system.

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We both have separate quilts, no sheets. I'm a blanket hog and so is he. So I use his blanket to make the bed and I just fold mine nicely at the foot of the bed. Works great.

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Your bed will never look made nicely, but other than that, no there wasn't any negatives.

We get around this by having a thin king duvet on top of the two individual duvets. The single duvets are folded lengthways and meet in the middle of the bed so it all looks neat and even when the king duvet is over. These things are important to me 😊

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We have separate sheets and covers. DH is constantly "fluffing" his sheet up and it lets a cool breeze down my back. I can't stand it! I hadn't know about this concept until last year when some friends told me about traveling in Europe. I changed the bed that night and never looked back. DH doesn't prefer it and would rather we share blankets, but that's because he always had the parts of the sheet & cover that he wanted, and I had the bits that were left!

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Help me think this through.


DH & I share a King-sized bed.  We have different temperature needs.  He sometimes sleeps on top of the covers, sometimes he just shoves them to the foot of the bed.  Rarely, he actually sleeps under them.  I need the sheet & blanket most nights.  Sometimes (often, lately), It is difficult for me to use the covers, depending on how he has fallen asleep.  So I'm considering scrapping the King-sized duvet & getting each of us a twin-size duvet.  


We have used this set-up in europe while travelling, but never long-term.  Is there a negative to going this route?


We've done this for over 20 years  :-D  I bought us 2 matching single duvet covers & insert into each a single duvet of the warmth we each desire. In the heat of the summer we each may only use the cover, but as things cool down I add in warmer duvet liners.  At the moment dh is using only the cover, while I have a fall/spring weight duvet in mine.  In the coolest part of winter dh has a summer duvet in his & I have a winter duvet in mine.  


This set-up has saved us heaps of hassles over the years.  Our bed still looks fine as I shake out the duvets each morning & as they are matching, when they overlap they they look fine.   We choose not to use top sheets, but instead I wash the covers each time I change the sheets.  

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We did this for the longest time!  (and we live in Europe, lol)  


We just recently switched back to one duvet.  Our main reason was because of co-sleeping with babies.  I wanted to have total "cover control" so that DH couldn't accidentally pull a cover up during the night over the baby.  So baby and I had one duvet, and DH another.  We had this set-up for years and years.  It makes the bed look a little lumpier when made, but otherwise, it was fine!  


We just have a fitted sheet plus covered duvets, no flat sheet.  

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I don't make my bed, so, I don't have to worry about it! lol


We have a king bed. We share a king sheet, but have seperate blankets. In winter when it's cold enough we share a light quilt that my grandmother made but still use our separate blankets on top of it (I like to be warm!)


I.... honestly had no idea this was a thing until right now. Wow. We aren't weird! We're just 'European'!

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I.... honestly had no idea this was a thing until right now. Wow. We aren't weird! We're just 'European'!

I heard about it from a woman whose husband was Danish (and it was suggested as a way to protect baby from getting covered when co-sleeping). But recently someone (originally from Europe) told me they also have separate mattresses (I think on one base?) so you can control the preference there too. I'm not sure if that's common or not, though.

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We did that with our king and also now with our queen. My DH likes to wrap the covers around himself and then roll over taking the whole thing with him. I used to be cold all the time because I would end up with nothing on me. We each have our own blanket and then there is a queen size duvet on top.

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We also have a king bed with separate sheet, blanket and quilt. For too many years I suffered with him taking the covers and rolling over in them leaving me with nothing. He isn't happy about the separate blankets but I sleep better. 

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We have a queen with regular sheets and covers but we keep twin size blankets on or near the bed in case one of us is a blanket hog in the middle of the night. Also, I'm always hot at night and Dh is always cold so in planning on getting a heated mattress pad with dual controls so that we can set the temp for each side independently.



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When we visited Germany, everywhere we stayed had the fitted bottom sheet / 2 separate duvets with covers / no top sheet, made up like in Stacia's linked picture:



Re: making the bed...


I just fold each duvet in half & put them on each side of the bed, like shown in the picture here or here. I love the way it looks; to me, it's clean & simple. (But it doesn't look like the standard bedspread, dust ruffle style bed.) I guess it just depends on what you like.


I thought it was BRILLIANT and the next time I replace our bedding I am definitely going this route, with a mondo heavy weight duvet for me and an itty bitty skimpy thing for him.  The man is a furnace.


In the interim, I actually keep one of those silk sleeping sacks (like for camping) under my pillow, and when I get cold I whip it out.  It's remarkable how well those things work.

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Re: making the bed...


I just fold each duvet in half & put them on each side of the bed, like shown in the picture here or here. I love the way it looks; to me, it's clean & simple. (But it doesn't look like the standard bedspread, dust ruffle style bed.) I guess it just depends on what you like.

I LOVE the look of the first one. So the bed-making thing is a positive, not negative lol.


Ok - I don't want to invest in new duvets right now, but we've got plenty of blankets already, I'll make something work.


Yay!! I'm excited!

Thanks everyone!

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We both have separate quilts, no sheets. I'm a blanket hog and so is he. So I use his blanket to make the bed and I just fold mine nicely at the foot of the bed. Works great.


Queen sized bed, one quilt for "Making the bed" purposes. But it gets folded down and we sleep under individual blankets.  1) Blanket hog issues and 2) Liking different textures in our blanket


Edited by vonfirmath
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Have had separate blankets for 20 years. So much better. No squabbling or freezing or broiling (especially with hot flashes on the horizon). I tried to convince my elderly grandmother to do the same (she was barely getting any sleep to begin with as she slept lightly fearing my grandfather who had Alzheimer's might wake and wander off) when she complained of grandpa stealing the covers, I suggested two sets of twin blankets, but she just couldn't do it. It would have at least relieved of few of her numerous nightly wake ups, but the shared blanket thing is so ingrained in our culture she just couldn't make the leap. I believe interrupted sleep impacts our health, so separate covers are perfect for avoiding one source of these sleep stealing wake ups.

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I could never sleep with a shared blanket.

We have been using separate blankets for 25 years.

I cannot see any negatives to getting a good night's sleep.


We are from Germany where a blanket per person is the norm. I have never been able to see any advantage of the American setup.

That includes the ridiculous sheets that move during the night. A duvet cover is a much more practical solution.

Edited by regentrude
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We use separate blankets for similar reasons. I have a king sized comforter that I use and that is used to make the bed. DH has his own smaller blanket of whatever size he picked (really, I pay no attention), that he usually keeps under the king sized blanket so that it makes up nicely. At night, he throws all of my blanket onto my side and I bundle up. I like having a ton of blanket to poof around me in a big cocoon or to rest my arms on. I don't know why we didn't think of it sooner- we spent about 15yrs fighting over blankets and temperature before we got smart! 

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I could never sleep with a shared blanket.

We have been using separate blankets for 25 years.

I cannot see any negatives to getting a good night's sleep.


We are from Germany where a blanket per person is the norm. I have never been able to see any advantage of the American setup.

That includes the ridiculous sheets that move during the night. A duvet cover is a much more practical solution.


As well, if you have a king sized duvet with washable cover like we do, it takes, oh, a day and a half on HIGH HEAT to dry the dang thing.  And the duvet itself doesn't fit in the washer so I have to take it to one of the supersize machines at the laundromat.  Which maybe happens once a year  :o .  So I expect our hygiene regime to step up impressively when we transition over to 2 smaller duvet setups.

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When we visited Germany, everywhere we stayed had the fitted bottom sheet / 2 separate duvets with covers / no top sheet


Please tell me the duvet covers get washed between each guest. I'm just picturing the American hotel set up--fitted sheet, flat sheet, blanket, bedspread. I worked in a hotel laundry, and I know the blankets and bedspreads almost NEVER get washed.  :ack2:

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My compliant about those duvet covers is that the ones in the US cost a zillion dollars.  What is up with that?!

They are super-easy to sew.  You can start with a purchased sheet set (use one each for top and bottom of the cover), or with nice cotton yardage.  Ikea and other Euro-style retailers carry them, and sometimes you can find them at discount stores like TJ Maxx.

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Please tell me the duvet covers get washed between each guest. I'm just picturing the American hotel set up--fitted sheet, flat sheet, blanket, bedspread. I worked in a hotel laundry, and I know the blankets and bedspreads almost NEVER get washed.  :ack2:


Gracious, of course.  The duvet covers are washable sheet-like fabric, and are washed between each guest.  Just like pillowcases get washed here!  

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They are super-easy to sew.  You can start with a purchased sheet set (use one each for top and bottom of the cover), or with nice cotton yardage.  Ikea and other Euro-style retailers carry them, and sometimes you can find them at discount stores like TJ Maxx.


Buying inexpensive sheets might not make it too expensive, but the amount of fabric needed is very expensive.  I once considered making some myself and it was just too expensive.


No IKEA here and their shipping is ridiculous.


We get them from Germany, but shipping also makes it expensive.  Well in fact we have to get them from Germany because we got the blankets from Germany.  So the sizing isn't the same. 


It would just be nice to have some new ones, but damn they are expensive.  I just don't understand why. 

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Queen sized bed. I make the bed with a fitted sheet, flat sheet, blanket and covering quilt. At night, do has his own twin sized blanket and the rest gets shoved over onto my side for me to use.

I may have to reconsider though after reading this because the bed is always a disaster and annoying to make. I'm imagining how much easier it would be with just the fitted sheet, a blanket each, and a quilt to cover it all during the day.

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I have to say, "making" a bed when you have a duvet goes like this: 1.  Give duvet a vigorous shake; 2. Plonk duvet down over fitted sheet; 3. Tug head-side end over pillow/smooth out lumps.  It takes maybe 15 seconds, less if the sleeper hasn't done the wrap-like-a-burrito thing and in so doing shifted contents within the cover.  Even my 17 yo son can manage and he is about as unmotivated on matters of tidiness as it gets.  


I  :001_wub: duvets.

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Yes, but in the big picture, that's a total of $5 per year of they last you eight years.... Shipping from Germany is just crazy


Well the IKEA covers won't fit anyway.  I had considered getting new blankets so I can buy the covers here, but it's really not cheaper.


Shipping from Germany is almost half of what it costs to ship from here.  I mailed a CD a couple of weeks ago and it came to $14.  It's just so ridiculous.

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