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What subjects and curricula/curriculum are you doing with your 9th grader?

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Mine is only in eighth, but our tentative plan is:

Geometry -- AOPS

Medieval history -- History of the Medieval World, with guide

LA -- WWS2-3, medieval literature

Biology -- Miller-Levine

Spanish -- still working on specifics


For electives, she wants to continue Latin and music history/guitar/keyboard. Both of those are her favorites and should be fun and not too difficult electives.


She's been doing an online typing program this year. I need to check her progress with it and see how close she is to finishing. I would like her to finish it because I think it's a really useful skill to have.


I'm also still figuring out how I want to do family art study and composer study, whether I want to insist that she participate or not. I don't want her to feel left out, but I am concerned about hours in her day, especially since a family Tolkien study will be part of our day. Guess I need to talk to her about that.

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Ninth grade was the year my oldest tried public school :-), but for #2, she did Write at Home Comp 2, Derek Owens precalc, Thinkwell AP US Govt and Politics, Apologia Physics (in conjunction with a local lab class taught by a retired high school physics teacher), Mandarin at the local high school (we should have stuck with the tutor!), and a variety of PE and music electives (which I called courses that year, because they met specific requirements for our charter school, but became extracurriculars for subsequent years :-) )

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I have an 8th grader, but we've already got everything organized for 9th grade. We homeschool with support from our district, so that influences the classes a bit.


0.5 Health - Glencoe (also will read Spark and The Omnivore's Dilemma)

0.5 Civics - Holt Civics

1.0 Algebra - Prentice Hall

1.0 World Geography and Cultures - Glencoe (plus mapwork, cooking regional foods, Around the World in 80 Days, The House on Mango Street, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, The Samurai)

1.0 English 1 - McDougal Littell Literature 9 & Essentials in Writing 9 for specific assignments

0.5 Forces of Nature - Holt Earth Science selected chapters (plus North Pole/South Pole, Rare, A Short History of Nearly Everything)

0.5 Ecology - Holt Environmental Science (with No Turning Back, Undeniable Evolution)

0.5 Psychology - Holt Psychology: Principles in Practice (with Great Courses "Understanding the Mystery of Human Behavior," Phineas Gage: A Gruesome but True Story about Brain Science, The Mind's Eye, What Color is Your Parachute for Teens)

0.5 Music Survey - Coursera History of Rock Music 1 & 2 with textbook What's That Sound

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Life of Fred Algebra

Chemistry (Life of Fred and Great Courses and Bridget Arduin Labs)

Foundations of Western Literature (Roman Roads Media and Great Courses)

American History (Dave Raymond and Great Courses and Professor Carol)

Chinese (Pimsleur and Fundamental Written Chinese)

Latin (Lingua Latina)

Music Theory and Composition (Private Lessons)

Assorted Instrument Lessons, Choir, Band, Orchestra

Art Lessons

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0.5 Ecology - Holt Environmental Science (with No Turning Back, Undeniable Evolution)

I'm curious if you plan to use the current version with the teacher stuff all online?


We're using Holt for Bio this year & I'm thinking of adding Env Science to next year's line up as an extra science elective. I think I'd rather have an old school teachers manual- printing everything from the website is driving me crazy:). But it's harder to find all the right edition teacher test booklets &'stuff used online.

We may just read the text, answer the section & chapter end questions, & supplement with other books like E.O.Wilson's Diversity of Life, and not bother with the online content.


But, Holt may be too easy for my kiddo in 11th, since he did Env Sci already in Jr. High. May wind up using a college text or DE at CC. Can't decide. Otoh- he has a tough line up next year, so an easier Sci elective could be a nice break... Or, he'd be bored & annoyed with me.

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Dd13  is in 9th grade this year.


Saxon Algebra I

Apologia Physical Science and Apologia Biology -- she is aiming to complete one book by February and the other by July

Writing With Skill 1

Abeka Keyboarding

BJU Bible


Physical Education -- exercising at the gym (treadmill and pool)


and homemade courses:


Spanish 1

Early American History

American Literature

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Life of Fred Algebra

Chemistry (Life of Fred and Great Courses and Bridget Arduin Labs)

Foundations of Western Literature (Roman Roads Media and Great Courses)

American History (Dave Raymond and Great Courses and Professor Carol)

Chinese (Pimsleur and Fundamental Written Chinese)

Latin (Lingua Latina)

Music Theory and Composition (Private Lessons)

Assorted Instrument Lessons, Choir, Band, Orchestra

Art Lessons

Has your dc done Latin before Lingua Latina? What does a day with Lingua Latina look like? I am always intrigued by LL. We are using Henle 1 right now.
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Mine is in 8th.  My plan so far:


Biology - Campbell; some lab activities as desired, I bought a microscope and an activity kit to go with it so far  

History of the Ancient World, and guide - SWB

Introduction to Lit and Composition - Oak Meadow


Math at the CC. At that point probably pre-calc with geometry (he is starting with college algebra with trig this spring)

Russian - he started this in 8th.  He has a teacher at a Russian cultural center.

Drama class - he's been doing this for years

computer science, possibly another CC course  




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I'm curious if you plan to use the current version with the teacher stuff all online?


We're using Holt for Bio this year & I'm thinking of adding Env Science to next year's line up as an extra science elective. I think I'd rather have an old school teachers manual- printing everything from the website is driving me crazy:). But it's harder to find all the right edition teacher test booklets &'stuff used online.

We may just read the text, answer the section & chapter end questions, & supplement with other books like E.O.Wilson's Diversity of Life, and not bother with the online content.


But, Holt may be too easy for my kiddo in 11th, since he did Env Sci already in Jr. High. May wind up using a college text or DE at CC. Can't decide. Otoh- he has a tough line up next year, so an easier Sci elective could be a nice break... Or, he'd be bored & annoyed with me.


I do plan to use the current version, but I found all of the worksheets online (well, I am 90% sure they are for the current version). I have all of the lab worksheets, lesson reviews  & quizzes, chapter reviews, tests, etc.


Active Reading

Map Skills

Section Quizzes

Concept Reviews

Chapter Tests

Advanced Chapter Tests

Observation Labs

Modeling Labs

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Ancient Literature - Lukeion Project

Latin 2 - Lukeion Project

Geometry - Derek Owens

AP Geography - Pennsylvania Homeschoolers

Physics - Derek Owens

1/2 credit Fine Arts - glassblowing classes at a local museum


Edited to add classes/curricula

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Older son:


American literature: homegrown

Algebra II:  Lial's Intermediate Algebra

American history: The American Odyssey and assorted supplemental materials

Astronomy:  Understanding the Universe (Teaching Company) and The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium and assorted supplemental materials

Meteorology:  Visualizing Weather and Climate and assorted supplemental materials 

Latin I: Oak Meadow

Health: Health: Making Life Choices

Introduction to Viola



Younger son:


American literature: homegrown

Intermediate Algebra: Lial's Intermediate Algebra (I've decided that the Lial book doesn't merit the designation of Algebra II)

American history: The American Odyssey and assorted supplemental materials

Biology: Campbell Essential Biology with MasteringBiology and assorted supplemental materials

German I: Deutsch Aktuell I with tutor

Beginning guitar

Physical education


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This was last year:


Pre-calculus (with me, Art of Problem Solving, book only)

Intro to Number Theory (Art of Problem Solving, online class, 0.5 credit)

Chemistry (with me, using Chang)

Ancient World History (with me, using TC History of thr Ancient World: A Global Perspective plus library books)

AP Human Geography (with my approved syllabus)

Honors English 2 (outsourced, Blue Tent Online)

Arabic 1 (outsourced, Potters School)

Arabic 2 (outsourced summer intensive, Concordia Language Villages)

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Next year did will use:

Math Without Borders Geometry

Latin Book 2, begin Latin Via Ovid

Miller Levine Biology

Student's Friend world history

Oak Meadow English 9 -or- Lightning Lit, Lively Art of Writing, and Grammar for College Writing


She will also compete her phys ed credit with hockey and her fine arts credit with photography. I may add in health, as well.

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We did:

Science-- online honors bio course through school system using APEX Learning and teacher support, but I did change a number of the virtual labs to ones I liked better

English--online honors English 9 course through school system using APEX Learning and teacher support, along with a 14 week co-op class on Classical mythology that I taught using "Classical Mythology and More"

Math--online at your own pace Saxon algebra 1 class through the Virtual Homeschool Group (www.virtualhomeschoolgroup.org)

Social Studies---co-op civics class using Holt government textbook, added in H&R Block Budget Challenge 

Foreign language:  online Spanish 2 class through Harari College Worldwide (summer into early fall) and online Latin 1 class through the school system in spring

Elective career and college prep class online through school system using APEX Learning

Elective intro to visual ans performing arts--combined short co-op classes in photography, drawing, and painting, as well as attending numerous performances of various kinds, museum visits, and backstage community theatre work

PE--kept a log of hours she spent doing various activities--hiking, camping, swimming, biking, ice skating, kickboxing, workout videos, etc



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Next year our plans are:


Math - finish TT Algebra 1 and do TT Geometry

Literature - some LLATL World and a lot of reading/discussing

Composition - writing essays, learning research papers, perhaps Writing With a Thesis

Science - Apologia Biology

History - Notgrass World History - just the ancients section with a lot of supplementing

Bible - R&S

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My 9th grade unschooler's current resources include:


Various novels (incl. To Kill a Mockingbird and The Chosen)

Life of Fred Language Arts series

Paragraph editing workbooks

TT Algebra 2

Short Lessons in World History

Painless Life Science

Painless Earth Science

TASC and SAT prep workbooks

7-week drawing class at a community college (spring)

Tons of NYC field trips and restaurants

Plus all the interest-led self-study stuff, like:  Soprano and tenor ukulele, Songwriting, Computer programming, Coding, Graphic design, Nutrition & fitness, 2D animation (using various software and supplies), and researching which colleges have the best Design program.

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Has your dc done Latin before Lingua Latina? What does a day with Lingua Latina look like? I am always intrigued by LL. We are using Henle 1 right now.

She has done some Visual Latin, but it did not seem to be sticking well. She is totally on her own in Latin, though. Perhaps she would have done better if I were involved. But we are trying Lingua Latina to see if that works better.

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Current 9th grader:


Geometry (Jurgenson w/me)

Derek Owens Physics

AP Human Geography (PA Homeschoolers)

Literature (loosely Excellence in Literature) - outsourced

Latin - outsourced

Oak Meadow Integrated Health and Fitness

Spanish as an extra, probably won't put on transcript

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DD will be 9th next year, and I'm not fully set on everything. I'm trying to stay open minded until I get and get through TWTM 4th Edition!  For now, it's looking like


Geometry (Saxon)

Human Geography (possibly AP)

Oak Meadow US History (maybe)

Biology (possibly CK12)

Breaking the Barrier French I


I'm waiting to see what our co-op offerings for English will be before planning that out too much.


Every year, we spend a good chunk of time on health, nutrition, food, environmental science, and other similar topics.  I haven't decided which or whether or how to work things into her transcript.  


We won't get the schedule layout for co-op until late Spring.  I'm sure she'll have Musical Theater, but then she'll have to make choices between many worthy electives and possibly English/Science classes.



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This current year for us.  May evolve, especially since we're traveling a lot this year, but roughly:


1. Writing: Writing with a Thesis by Skwire and Skwire and other material.  Maybe a tutor for awhile.


1a. A student-led public speaking club to make this into somewhat of a communication "class"/credit


2. Ancient History using Great Courses History of the Ancient World: A Global Perspective as a spine, misc. readings including some coordinated with Great Books literature and some European travel in the fall. FYI, we're using SWB's History of the Ancient World book as a discussion point to discuss a different perspective on what's included in a history course vs. what's not.


3. Ancient Literature using a Great Books approach similar to WTM recommendations [i'll try to update with a link to our readings here]


4. Math. AoPS Intermediate Algebra (text only).  We may abandon the AoPS and go to Foerster's Precalculus (then Foerster Calculus as an alternative sequence)


5. Science. Home grown.


6. Spanish, roughly Spanish 4 (at home), reading short stories, a little bit of writing, grammar, and cultural studies.  We speak a lot of Spanish at home, so this is just starting to fill in gaps.



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Excellence in Literature: American Lit


US History using a variety of texts and documentaries


Holt McDougal Earth Science


Saxon Algebra I


Henle Latin I with Memoria Press study guide


He is also taking classes part time at the local high school: Band, Theater, Health, Phys Ed.



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Math: AoPS Intermediate Algebra

Competition math prep with AoPS online and independent study

Coursera Data Science


English/LA: Essay writing with a tutor via skype.  

Word Within Word II for vocabulary


History: Ancient Greece with independent student-led readings


Science: AP Chemistry at PA Homeschoolers


Spanish: Ray Leven Spanish I


Technology:  Electronics III with a variety of books and EEME

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Our 9th grade year:


Geometry (on-line)

Spanish I (on-line)

World History w/ K12's Our Human Story w/ corresponding readings from World History DetectivesDocument Based Assessment for Global History (not every week, when it corresponds), Crash Course History videos

Biology w/ Miller-Levine macaw edition

Hodgepodge for English including a Bravewriter class this fall, read The Odyssey and listened to Great Courses lectures by Vandiver, working on Adventures of Huckleberry Finn right now, also working with Writing With a Thesis. I am considering Expository Essay from Bravewriter for the spring, but I am not sure on that.

Health was completed over the summer and PE is on-going through the year. I am thinking about C25K for the 2nd semester. 


It doesn't look like much to me, but it has been a very challenging year and progress is being made. We'll probably get the hang of high school about the time it concludes! 



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Math: Saxon Algebra II

English 1: The Elegant Essay + Lightning Literature American (+ Wordly Wise 9, Easy Grammar Plus, Jensen's Punctuation).

Science: Biology with Exploring Life by Campbell + co-op Labs

Social Studies: World History (1450-1870) with Beautiful Feet

Spanish 1: Spanish is Fun 2 + Espanol Esencial 2+ in co-op class

Computer Literacy: Co-op class (includes history, parts of the computer, power-point, excel, windows, etc).

Fine Arts Credit: Oil Painting Class (3 hours/week)--adding hours for a credit

P.E: Swimming, and hiking--adding hours for a credit.

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DS is currently in 8th.  The plan at this point for next year looks like:


1) lit/writing - online course TBD

2) AOPS Geometry

3) HotMW

4) Chem - text TBD

5) German


not sure what else...feel like I need to add one more thing.

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We have two weeks of year 9 left! It looked like this (with some nagging, ranting and hair-tearing on my part and some grunting, whinging and general teenage vagueness on his)


English: Finished off Analytical Grammar, punctuation using Eats Shoots and Leaves, Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings, homeschool bookclub

Maths: Cambridge Maths (Australian curriculum). We're a bit behind in this one, but I'd rather have a solid foundation.

Science: Chemistry (Open2Study online, part of Open Universities Aust), Physics using Conceptual Integrated Science (this is FANTASTIC!!!) Human anatomy and physiology, Cellular Biology

Geography: globalisation, Mapping the World With Art, basic geography skills

History: World History Odyssey, Modern Times with Australian add-ons (up to 1918 - we'll complete this next year). I really like this supplier- I wish they had more level 3 stuff

Commerce: Personal finance, introduction to International Economics, consumer law

Drama: local production company: film making, production, three plays, various other performances, acting techniques


IT: designed and built (and saved up for) gaming computer, lots of fiddling and fixing and building Mac and PC systems for friends and family, some 3D and games design.

Study skills, a few read alouds, and some exercise with DH


Wow - I've been berating us for not getting everything done. I feel better now I've written all that down. No wonder we are both knackered!

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Last year my 9th grader did

MUS Alg,

Essentials (CC),  The Grammar of Poetry,Myths and Legends on line

Adv. Bio, Chem and Bio labs on line,

History of the Anc. World, History of the Ren World, American Hx, Old Western Culture -the Greeks (just watched the videos); Middle East studies/ geography

One Act Play, Drama Camp, Shakespeare Camp, water-color class

RS German, FFL

TeenPact State Class



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My twins for 9th grade-


ds - Thinkwell and LOF Alg II

dd -Thinkwell and finishing AOPS Algebra



MFW AHL - (Bible, History and English) we did sub Notgrass (so not our favorite) with SWB's Ancient History

Writing With Skill 2 - second half of book filling in when there are not writing assignments in AHL

Intermediate Music Theory through WTMA

Spanish 1 through Homeschool Spanish Academy


Critical Thinking and Logic


Extra Curricular

First Robotics


Bible Bowl

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Just curious.😊


Dolciani's Algebra I

Writing With Skill Level 3

Rod & Staff Grammar Levels 9 and 10 (she only does the grammar and proofreading lessons, not the writing lessons)

Ancient history and literature, using WTM methods (read, write, discuss, write, draw maps, analyze primary sources, etc.)

geology (1st sem.) and astronomy (2nd sem.), using WTM methods (read, write, discuss, write, demonstrate, observe, etc.)

recordkeeping (Rod & Staff)

French (using old Whitmarsh books and a study plan I mapped out)


And she is involved in about a gazillion local activities that she can walk/bike to or hitch rides with friends.  She also spends a lot of time doing creative writing and drawing.  She's a pretty talented young artist!


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Have you survived polynomials and inequalities?  Eek, that was rough.  


[Question was on AoPS Intermediate Algebra] No. We took a little over 2 months this fall to travel in Europe :-) and the AoPS was neglected :-(


DS picked the AoPS, but he's not that enthusiastic about it so far, thus not spending that much time on it, so progress is very slow..


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My 9th grader is doing:


Algebra 1  (Lials Introductory Algebra)

World Geography (Northstar Geography)

Dutch (Rosetta Stone using Lesson plans from MFW)

Choir (at public school)

Physical Education (various activities walking, hiking, horse riding, etc. plus CPR certification and First Aid Course)

English (following HOD World Geography guide using Bob Jones Literature and various books, Essentials in Writing 10) with Easy Grammar 

Biology  (Ace School of Tomorrow with DVD's plus Apologia Labs)






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Ohhh tell me about this.  Which books?  What is EEME?


I'm always happy to respond to someone with a pair of dancing bacon in her sig!  


EEME is a subscription-based electronics curriculum.  Every month he sends you a project to kit.  You put it together by following his sequence of short youtube videos on his website.  Along the way, he has online quizzes to test your understanding.  It's a big win for us.


EEME is particularly good for either younger students (late elementary or so), or students who need a lot of hand-holding.  If you don't know a resistor from a capacitor, this is for you.  Some of the materials (like the mini-breadboard) are reused each month, but he will send new components each month.  


It's a great place to start before moving on to other materials like Make: Electronics by Charles Platt, of which I am also a huge fan.


For more info about resources I've used for electronics, check out this old thread.

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My 9th grader is doing a mixture of homeschool and public high school.


At school:
honors Spanish 2


AP European history

honors English 10


At home:



math - Life of Fred plus Lial

computer science - kinda sorta - not much has been getting done



jazz band


swim team

debate team

maybe model UN (hasn't started yet)


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When my oldest DS was a freshman we tried to do mostly online. Boy, did we really learn that was a mistake! He also liked to load up with crazy schedules:


AP Psychology NU-CTD online

AP US History NU-CTD online

Spanish 1 tutor and online

Algebra I  tutor and online

Environmental Science online

Filming Macbeth-- adapted the play into a 10-min film, filmed and directed younger students at coop performing it and edited it into a short.

20th C. Russian Literature-- coop class

US Constitution -- coop class--1 semester

Shakespeare -- read 3 plays and performed in Antony and Cleopatra-- 1 semester


DS number 2: we learned better, but not by very much. Notice there was no math. We let him take a break after doing Geometry and Alg. II/Trig at the same time in 8th grade. That ended up being a HUGE mistake.


AP Psych-- NU CTD

AP English Comp -- coop class

Chemistry online-- NU CTD

Chemistry labs at Coop

War and Peace -- coop, 1 semester

Spanish III and a separate Spanish conversation class--2 different tutors

Post-modern Art History -- Coop, 1 semester

Art history ancient to Renaissance -- Coop, 1 semester

Graphic design -- online -- 1 semester


DD is in 8th grade. Have we learned anything? Will the third time be the charm? The plan so far:


AP Psych -- NU CTD

Pre-Calculus -- Teaching Textbooks

Spanish III -- tutor

Environmental Science -- NU CTD

19th C. Gothic Literature: Frankenstein and other monstrous literature (small coop, still under development)

19th C. history/social movements (packaged with the Frankenstein class, still under development)

Bioethics (packaged with Frankenstein, may be seminar-style)

Violin and orchestra















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This year my 9th grader is doing:


American History & Bible--Sonlight 100

American Literature--Sonlight 400


Geometry--Khan Academy

Algebra II--Khan Academy

Spanish II--All In One Highschool


World Regional Geography--dual enrollment

Theater Appreciation--dual enrollment

Veterinary Science--4-H

Phys Ed--homeschool track team

Driver's Ed--parent taught (with dh as instructor, who is both a better driver and calmer than I!)

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1. Grammar (AG, ACT/SAT prep books), Composition (ds's English 1010 book from CC), & Literature (Brave Writer book clubs, Intro to Lit Analysis, etc.)

2. Geometry - Wilson Hill Academy

3. Biology - Science Shepherd

4. German I - OSU

5. Honors U.S. History - The American Pageant, TGC's The History of the U.S., Lies My Teacher Told..., A  History of the American People, etc.

6. Formal Logic (taken in summer)

7. P.E. (taken in summer)

8. Health (taken in summer)

9. Fine Arts - Cello (lessons)

10. Music Theory - Coursera

11. COM 1040, COM 1050 - dual enrollment

12. possibly ART 1220 in spring - dual enrollment

edited for extracurrics & community service: orchestra, ASL club, Anime club, Film club, Women Empowerment club (all at cc), volunteers (IF she has a free weekend) at the local animal shelter


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We became official grade 9 today :) (dd passed the grade 8 requirements and has fullfilled the Flemish homeschool requirements!)


Dd picked the Latin-Modern Languages track and will have integrated Math en Integrated Science exams in grade 12

I'm not sure if we will continue with what we are doing now.


Latin, Dutch, English, French and German are required in this track, we will try to add ancient Greek.

History and Geography are also required.


Obviously we don't have the 'one hour per subject per day' system here so I am working on a schedule to fit this all in.


We try to add subjects of interest like Philosphy, Psychology, Ethics, Civics...

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