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The reason my house is not clean..............


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One child told me today that "Our house will NEVER be as clean as ............house as she has 6 kids to do all of the work and we only have 4" :confused1: ............hmm, that should make LESS mess to clean up.


Granted hers are 13-21 with only some emotional impairments and LDs while mine are 11-27 with LDs, cognitive impairments, and emotional impairments........but still, that does not negate the fact at all that they can clean up their own messes and help keep the house up.


I guess the answer is to take in 2 more kids as I am sure that will help. :closedeyes:

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That's why my house is a mess!  I only have one!  


I think you should try the strategy of adding two kids, and report back.


Alternately, perhaps you could lend the other mother two of yours.  If her house wins a housekeeping award then you will have proof that this strategy works.  

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Mine is not clean because:

1)  We have too much stuff.  We have big hobbies and we like to read, and we like antique gadgets, and it adds up.  It's not that big of a house to start with.  Every time I start going through things to get rid of stuff, I find cool things that I had kind of forgotten, and have to stop to figure out how to display them, and and and...

2)  I hate to clean--it makes me feel like a slave.  Plus I fundamentally don't think I should have to do it if everyone else does not pitch in.


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Because I made a conscious decision that I will embrace my messy house and instead of keeping it it immaculate will devote that time to playing with my kids, catching up on missed sleep, lounging when ai need it, and the occasional margarita.


At least, that's my official story and I am sticking to it😉

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Said friend does come across as super mom------and her house is always been neat and clean when we are there.  That said, she does spend a TON of time with her kids and she works 32 hours a week to boot.  I am sure it is because her 6 kids do all of the work..........NOT.


My kitchen has been really clean, company clean twice today and now is a disaster.  I have made 4 loaves of banana bread, 2 batches of oatmeal banana cookies, make fresh tortillas for lunch, and cleaned out several cupboards.  Give me a bit and it will be cleaner again.........just in time to start supper.


I am just not thinking that if I can't keep up with the messes of 4 kids and dh then adding more kids like dd suggests isn't likely to help with the clean factor.

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Mine is too big. :). I told DH this house would be too big and too hard to keep up and I was right.


And DH works too many hours.


And I'm frequently doing more important things like studying on how to be the best teacher and prepping stuff like stories to help DS memorize sight word spellings. School will always be more important than house work. But now we have a fairly clean school office that we enjoy being in for school so I may possibly branch out into the family room. Or not.

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If you had 50% more kids, would you have 50% less funding per kid for projects, hobbies, etc.?  Therefore each dc would have less to clean up, therefore you would in fact have a cleaner house.  Look at the Duggars: 18-20 kids, no books, only toys in one room, very clean.  


I think you should give her the sibling this dd clearly wants.  :)

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Does supermother homeschool too? That would be downright shocking! I used to have a clean house...when I had one child who was in full time day care and both DH and I worked full-time outside the home. I found it much easier to clean up after ourselves when we only cooked one meal at home most days and only had three or fewer hours that our one child was awake to make messes. Since he spent most of that time eating and bring bathed, the messes were just not an issue.


Now, I am at home full-time, we have three kids, two of whom have significant issues, and I homeschool. My house will never be neat again. I do work very hard to keep the kitchen clean. When it's a mess, I find myself unconsciously muttering things abut hating my house. When it's clean, I don't mutter.

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Mine is not clean because:

...I fundamentally don't think I should have to do it if everyone else does not pitch in.




I'm also a fairly low energy kind of gal, so that doesn't help. My kids have issues. My husband works weird hours. It's about the whole package, lol!


I am a clean up as I go along person unless pressed for time. Sadly, I am the only person in the house who even knows what that means. On the flip side, I don't necessarily pick something up until I am finished with it, so sometimes ongoing stuff is in the way. When I do clean, it's a lot at once, and houses stay neater if they are picked up more or less constantly.


We like to can produce and do things that take a lot of time at already busy times of year. We don't hire out for many jobs but we don't have enough time to be do-it-yourself folks (we are slowly able to budget for more things to be hired out than in the past).


The good news is that we've made great strides...the bad news is that it takes SO LITTLE to derail things.


I am okay about our current level of cleanliness because we are on a good trajectory (significant decluttering and reorganization has been working, and we're getting a shed for things that we need to keep but are cluttering up otherwise usable areas (we have no basement, attic, or garage). (The canning and other things we do involve tools that take up space we don't have in the house.)


Other than naturally neat people who just don't make messes, most people i know with a super clean house spend more time on it than I will EVER in a million years be willing to spend on cleaning and straightening up. I think that's okay. I wish I could say I spend it doing something super cool, but I'm pretty boring. I do spend a lot of time learning things that help my family out.

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I don't like housework; there's too much living to be done. Surprise, surprise, my girls all take after me.

I am right there with you.  I am trying to find a good balance.  As we are foster parents we do have to maintain a level of cleanliness as we can have surprise social worker visits at any given moment (but usually scheduled).


I just enjoy walking, kayaking, horseback riding, etc. much more than cleaning.  I would rather clean stalls/pastures than clean my house.

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Said friend does come across as super mom------and her house is always been neat and clean when we are there. That said, she does spend a TON of time with her kids and she works 32 hours a week to boot. I am sure it is because her 6 kids do all of the work..........NOT.


My kitchen has been really clean, company clean twice today and now is a disaster. I have made 4 loaves of banana bread, 2 batches of oatmeal banana cookies, make fresh tortillas for lunch, and cleaned out several cupboards. Give me a bit and it will be cleaner again.........just in time to start supper.


I am just not thinking that if I can't keep up with the messes of 4 kids and dh then adding more kids like dd suggests isn't likely to help with the clean factor.

Some seasons of life just stink for this. I'm neat as a pin normally, but have been behind the ball for six months. I'm just not getting it together again as my health allows and my baby is a little older and sleeping marginally better. And I have it on good authority from friends with older children that it is actually HARDER to manage messes with big people, because they are so busy they cannot really help with the chores anymore like they could when they were a little younger, and they generate their own piles.


Don't feel bad. You just do the best you can and so does your friend. It's not a contest for cleanest house OR the most kids ;)

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Don't feel bad. You just do the best you can and so does your friend. It's not a contest for cleanest house OR the most kids ;)

I don't really feel bad at all.  She is a bit of a motivation, but certainly not a contest at all.  They have their own struggles that we don't deal with and we have ours that they don't have.  I was just blessed to have 4 kids here who don't see messes.  One of mine does somewhat but the other 3 just think clutter and mess is "clean".

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My house isn't clean because I have a toddler. Boys are little tornadoes! I just can't keep up with his ongoing path of destruction. It would be a full time job in itself and I have better things to do.


My kitchen is perfectly clean once a day. My floor is perfectly free and clear of toys once a day. But it never lasts. :'(


My house stays cleaner on days my husband works. On his days off I dread the mess that will follow.


Time spent at home, meals home cooked, and age of children all really matters.


I could keep up with it before my son was born. Not now.


I give my daughter extra allowance money for helping me to pick up after her brother when company is coming over. That helps a lot. Maybe super mom pays her kids to clean? It's cheaper than a maid service and they try harder when there is money involved. [emoji14]


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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My house is not clean because Thing 1 and Thing 2 are shedding heavily. Again. Fluffing up for winter I suppose. Vacuuming is twice a day right now and still not keeping up.


My kids have all reached the age of neatness or at least picking up after themselves most days. No worse than the adults around here anyways.

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Because I don't like to, I have a 6 yr old who doesn't like to listen and a 19 month old mistress of destruction. I'm a full time college student (though right now all my classes are online). Too much crap and not enough room (4 people plus a dog in a 2 bedroom single wide). Dd1 goes to a private school on scholarship and with that comes volunteering commitments and she also has Girl Scouts and soccer (so far). And now that dh's boss is married, all business trips are now family adventures (like we went to Missouri last week and depending on my classes we may go to Chicago in February and there is another possible trip in there somewhere just not sure where).

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My house is never clean because neither I nor my family members care.  We often wonder why others need things spotless rather than lived in.


There is a point though.  We don't care to be a Hoarder's model.  I want clean dishes, laundry, and places to sit without having to clean off chairs.  No "paths" either - as long as you don't look in our attic.  But that hardly counts as "clean" to most and we're ok with that.


We'd much rather be doing things we like than spending time dusting, mopping, vacuuming, or similar.  When they were home, my boys could have games/toys (in use) left out for play the next day.  Why pick them up just to get them back out again?


I'd rather read, check out things online, play a game, do a puzzle, or head outside than clean.  I'm actually about to go outside and do critter chores plus pick peppers in our garden now.  Daylight helps with these things or I'd be out there already.

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My house is neat, but it doesn't sparkle.  And DS' most recent allergy results came back the other day.  He's allergic to a boat load of outdoor environmental stuff, but none of the indoor stuff like dust mites!  So now I don't have to feel bad that I don't dust every day. :)  As long as there aren't dirty dishes in the sink and I don't cringe stepping into the shower, I'm good.


ETA: Reading books definitely plays a role here, as well.  As does homeschooling and a 40+ hr/wk job. 

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