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If you could vacation anywhere


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Can Europe count as one place? I would love to do a grand tour of Europe with my family.


If not, I'll pick Austria because of all the classical music composers that came from there. Besides my family can binge on Mozartkugel (chocolate). My cousin brought back those for me when he went Salzburg for training. I enjoy looking at old style architecture and my kids admire stain glass works.


My second choice would be world cruise. I love cruises especially if the liner is big. Me and kids are pukers if we go under deck as we need abundant air circulation.

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We are really fortunate that we travel a lot anyway partly due to my husband's job.  This year as a family we have done two weeks in Vietnam and two weeks in Paris, and we will do 4 weeks in Canada.  Last year we did two weeks in Thailand, two weeks in southwest Germany and Alsace, a week in Dublin and of course, the annual trip to Canada.  This year I will do a solo trip to India for about a week in late August.  I really love to travel and there are ways to do it cheaply with kids.  


But if we are talking about a magical free vacation I would pick a totally luxurious place like the Seychelles, Maldives, or French Polynesia and go all the way by staying in a top rated private house over the water.  I wouldn't lift a finger, wouldn't cook my own food or wash my own laundry.  I'd pick a place that has not only private glass bottomed huts over crystal clear water - I'd pick a place with a great kids club so that I could relax and they could have fun.  I'd stay long enough to get a scuba cert, so that I could go diving someplace beautiful.  I'd occasionally float in a yatch and have people bring me drinks and fresh fruit.  


I normally don't go for beach vacations because I prefer the type of holiday where I learn things, wander around nonstop, see historic sites and museums, and eat really amazing local food... and I'm cheap.  The flight costs for a french Polynesian vacation would be crazy, the hotel costs are unreasonable, and thinking about the money the entire time would ruin the entire trip.  So while there are lots of places I really want to visit that I have not seen yet - Cambodia, Japan, South Korea, Italy, Portugal, Jordan, Socotra, and Peru.... I'd pick this because I doubt I'm ever going to go there in real life.             


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I want to go on a really extensive tour of Australia and New Zealand, as in a couple of months. One trip with some added stops to places I want to take the dc's; Singapore, Hawaii, San Francisco for a start. Essentially a trip around the world. :lol:

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It would totally depend upon what my family liked doing.  We loved doing our month and two month long road trips mainly visiting National Parks.  We loved our month long trip to HI (this was the family favorite to be honest, but it was also pricier than our other trips).  We loved our three week trip to the Canadian Maritimes.  We love being able to compare oodles of beaches, mountains and similar.


My dream trip now is either French Polynesia (Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Bora) or Fiji - or maybe both and for as long as we could afford.


What isn't worth it for a single "can only do one" trip (for us) would be Disney or other amusement/theme parks.  My kids vastly prefer the real deals over their fake counterparts.


We're also not big city people.  We've been to some and wandered museums, etc, but again, those don't "move" us the same way as other trips.


BUT YMMV.  What's best for you will 100% depend upon your likes/dislikes.

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We have travelled alot...but one place I would do again in a heartbeat is Angkor Wat in Cambodia.  I would take a week and do the different temples on a much more leisurely pace.


Waiting to got to Egypt...not sure things are going to be stable enough there anytime soon for us to feel comfortable doing a family trip.

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If I was to ask my family that right now, we would all say England and Scotland.  We have been there before and didn't have nearly enough time.  My kids were little and their memories are fond but fading.  


Of course that can (probably will) change.





What isn't worth it for a single "can only do one" trip (for us) would be Disney or other amusement/theme parks.  My kids vastly prefer the real deals over their fake counterparts.


We asked our kids if they felt they would be missing out if we never went to Disney.  I have been to Disneyland many time, and my husband has been to Disney World but not in many years; much has changed.  I was surprised that they just shrugged it off.  I have always thought that was sort of an essential American "thing."  Probably because almost everyone I know has been there.  But, they said no, not interested.  Years ago (before we asked them about their interest) my husband and I talked about making a trip.  I was overwhelmed with the guidebook!


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The U.K., and if I have to be more specific, London. I want to see all the historical landmarks, and the royal ones, plus Legoland Windsor. Maybe take a cruise down the River Thames, and eat at a bunch of cool little pubs. We'd probably have to stay for like six months to see and do everything I want (and dh and I talk about living there temporarily when all of our children are out of the house someday), but a solid week would be a good start.

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Hmm... so many choices.


I would love to rent a house for a month... the places I'd want to go would be:


I'd love to go back to Scotland and visit the Outter Hebreides and basically tour around.


New Zealand.. I have a friend who lives on the North Island.  I would love to visit her and go kayaking with her.


Pacific NW - not any one place in particular... but definitely want to get along the coastline.  I'd love to rent a houseboat for about a month along the Wash. State/Canada borders.


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I'm scared of traveling outside my country so I don't think I ever will do it. However, for years I've dreamed of a tour of Scotland. I would want it to last as long as it would need to for exploration and not be pressured by deadline times to be on the bus and ready to depart to the next thing though. I think that would be just excellent.

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Why I opened an email from Disney... they have a cruise down the Amazon with lots of extras - kayaking to the pink dolphins' habitat, a night walk with a naturalist in the jungle and a 3 day trip to the Galgapalos (you take a plane). I have  never thought I would want to go to the Amazon, but if it is all planned and done with Disney's attention to detail, and providing meals for my food allergy.... just need lots of $$$ and lots of time!

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We asked our kids if they felt they would be missing out if we never went to Disney.  I have been to Disneyland many time, and my husband has been to Disney World but not in many years; much has changed.  I was surprised that they just shrugged it off.  I have always thought that was sort of an essential American "thing."  Probably because almost everyone I know has been there.  But, they said no, not interested.  Years ago (before we asked them about their interest) my husband and I talked about making a trip.  I was overwhelmed with the guidebook!


Ha- this is us. We thought we should 'want' to do a Disney trip and we talked about it a few times with the kids but they just never cared. Everyone thinks we're weirdos for not doing Disney.


 But they have always been interested in Germany. My mom's folks came here in the 1920's and my kids have always wanted to visit where their great grandparents were from.   Family dream trip would be Germany. If it's just me and dh, it would be a combo tour of Alaska- cruise ship and land travel through the state. 

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I would have to wait until my kids are all at least teenagers.  I really don't like travelling with small children -- I can't relax enough to enjoy myself.  I would like to go to England, but I'm not sure if that's my "dream" vacation.

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Where wouldn't I want to vacation?  There are probably fewer places that I don't want to travel to than places to which I would like to travel!


I would love to go to Petra, the Galapagos, Cyprus...


I'm with you!  My bucket list is super long, Petra, Galapagos and more are definitely on it.  My "nah" list is super short.  It's difficult to come up with examples but I suppose various McDs (or other US restaurants) and Disney Parks around the world would make it.  (I knew a man whose life traveling plan was to go to every foreign McD opened.  This man was a millionaire and he got to many of them.  I'm still scratching my head as to WHY that was his goal.)

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This is way too hard for me to decide and we're always discovering new places. And I'd rather live in most of my favorite places than vacationing/adventuring there.  


I want to see archaeological sites everywhere.  I'd really like to bike the Karakorum Highway.  I'd like to rent a car and travel all over China as this is getting more possible to do.  Actually, I'd like to just buy a car in the UK and sell it in Singapore a year or two later.  That would probably satisfy a bit of my wanderlust.

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I've always wanted to go to the Austrian Alps.


ETA: I don't really have a plan for how long.   Long enough.  And what would I do? Just be outside a lot and breathe.  Hike.  Stay in a cabin and play games.  Use my German for real.  Go to Vienna sometime to hear the Philharmonic play.

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Part of me wants to go do Britain and/or Italy thoroughly....part of me longs to go to see all the Harry Potter stuff in Florida (oh, maybe Disney too, although I am a DisneyLANDer through and through).



We seriously talked about taking our kids to Italy for our 25th anniversary this year. Our 16 year old daughter, would always say her life would more complete if we would take her to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. So... We did that and a much more reasonably priced and amazing cruise! Italy will be there some day, but taking the kids while they are kids to Harry Potter, that's a short, short time!

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I'd like to travel to Europe. I can't say one place because there are so many things I want to see. There is a town in Spain built around cliffs that is amazing (can't think of the name). I would love to see the Vatican, Paris again, the Cliffs of Moher again, the Netherlands. I want to see it all!


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Me, too! Bonus: I'd be home in time for the Alaska trip with dh :D


I'm envious.  We still need to get to Alaska.  It's the only state we haven't been to...  I keep having these visions of having time and finances work out to take all the boys (with their families if applicable) and finishing what we began years ago.  Unfortunately, coordinating time with all of us and the finances needed has proven to be quite the challenge (sigh).


Hubby and I could take off by ourselves, of course, but I'm having a tough time killing that dream.

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You lost me when you said I had to take my kids.  With them, Yellowstone National Park.  Without them, Roatan, Honduras for more than the few hours I have been there on a cruise.  It is highly rated in the dive community.

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You lost me when you said I had to take my kids.  With them, Yellowstone National Park.  Without them, Roatan, Honduras for more than the few hours I have been there on a cruise.  It is highly rated in the dive community.


???  My kids would love Roatan... and Yellowstone.

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Europe and Great Britain for a couple months.  I'd want to see all the buildings, coutryside, and beaches.  I'd probably spend a lot of time around the Mediterranean, I love the water. I want to do some hiking, fishing, and camping in cooler hilly/mountainous areas.  I'd want to hit a bunch of festivals..... hmmm, looking more like a 6 month vacation, I'm up for it but I doubt DH would be. 

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