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Would this annoy you?


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We live in a subdivision with 40 ft wide lots.

Our Neighbours house is slightly higher elevation than ours to begin with.


They have built a large deck so high, that when standing on it we can see them from the shoulder up, over our 8 ft privacy fence, and they are not tall people.

They can see right in our windows!


They are now putting up lattice on the side, which will provide some amount of privacy.

The poles and lattice will reach a height of 13-15 feet when done.


Am I wrong to be annoyed?

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Yes. I think you are wrong to be annoyed.


Why shouldn't your neighbors be allowed to put a deck on their own home?


I'm not saying you have to like it that you are losing some of your privacy, but I'm assuming that the new deck is attached to their house and that they didn't just randomly put a two-story-high deck somewhere on their property.

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Yes. I think you are wrong to be annoyed.


Why shouldn't your neighbors be allowed to put a deck on their own home?


I'm not saying you have to like it that you are losing some of your privacy, but I'm assuming that the new deck is attached to their house and that they didn't just randomly put a two-story-high deck somewhere on their property.

Yes, it is attached to the house. ;)

They could have easily built it a bit lower to the ground. It would have been 2 steps down from the door instead of level with the door.

The bylaws here say max 8 ft fence which we put in so we could have as much privacy as you can get in a subdivision.

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Well, if I were going to build a deck, I'd prefer it to be the same height as the back door as well.  It sounds like they are trying to create some privacy with the lattice.  Maybe plant some tall fast growing trees as well??

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Yes, it is attached to the house. ;)

They could have easily built it a bit lower to the ground. It would have been 2 steps down from the door instead of level with the door.

The bylaws here say max 8 ft fence which we put in so we could have as much privacy as you can get in a subdivision.

I can understand wanting the deck to be level with the door. I can also sympathize with you for feeling annoyed about losing privacy. Privacy can be a real problem when houses are close together.


One good thing is that your neighbors must want some privacy as well, if they are putting up the lattice. Maybe they will hang some vines or plants on it, or put their seating against it so they are facing away from your house instead of toward it.

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You can be annoyed if you want to be as long as you realize that your neighbors haven't gone anything wrong. They are just trying to enjoy their yard. Rest assured that their motivations for building the deck did not include a better view of your home and windows. I understand your frustration. Personally, I don't think I'd be annoyed because I recognize the hazards of living close to neighbors.

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Good idea, I will suggest vines to them. :)


I guess I'm just getting annoyed with subdivision life in general. Off to look for my acre in the country. ;)

What? No, don't suggest that to them unless you want them to be annoyed with you. I would not appreciate a neighbor making suggestions like that.

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I don't think you're wrong to be annoyed, because you're losing privacy and that is irritating.


I do think that if it's directed at them--as if they had to consult you about their own house--that's unreasonable. If you don't want anyone to be able to see you no matter what they build you need to move to the boonies. I know people who've done it, people who are quite nice but just like total privacy, and I respect that.


Living in the suburbs involves some lack of privacy which one exchanges for convenience.

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I guess I'm just getting annoyed with subdivision life in general. Off to look for my acre in the country. ;)


More than one acre is needed, btw. Your neighbors, particularly in a new subdivision, might decide to cut down every darn tree and have a used car farm instead.  :001_rolleyes:  It's happened.

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What? No, don't suggest that to them unless you want them to be annoyed with you. I would not appreciate a neighbor making suggestions like that.

We know them quite well. :)

They would think nothing of makings similar suggestion to us. Otherwise I wouldn't do it.


My annoyance isn't really directed at them, but rather subdivision life. I'm really disliking all the noise, and lack of privacy.

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No, it would not annoy me.  I would expect that if I bought a house in an area like that (as I have done, by the way) that I would be fully aware of how close the houses are and how the neighbors would have a higher elevation.  I would put in some blinds or curtains or a lattice of my own if I was so concerned about it.  

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A deck level with the door makes perfect sense. Why built something inaccessible when you don't need to? I wouldn't be annoyed. Don't they have a similar view from the door leading to the deck? Can you put a foot of lattice on top of the fence to block their heads? Or mount some flower boxes to the fence and plant something that grows a foot or two? It sounds like they're taking care of privacy screening, so I'm not sure what's bothering you.

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I don't think it would annoy me.


Would you be as annoyed if they built a 2nd floor balcony instead of a 1st floor deck?


Around here, 2nd floor balconies are not uncommon.  Actually an 8' high fence is much more uncommon here.  :P So I guess I wouldn't think this was any big deal.

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In the UK there is an expectation of privacy that covers things like new balconies that overlook other people's gardens.  I'm not sure about a deck, which wouldn't normally require planning permission.  A row of bamboo (in a series of planters so it can't spread) on your side might solve your problem.

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Bamboo in planters is good. Bamboo does spread like crazy and is very hard,maybe impossible to get rid of.it does create a wall rather quickly.


I have Cyprus trees that were small when I moved in, but I now have a wall much higher than my house.


Measure the space you have and consult a garden center about what might grow well, provide privacy and be permitted within the covenants of your subdivision (bamboo is not permitted in mine, because if not contained it becomes a serious problem).

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I wouldn't want a 15ft tall lattice fence in my backyard nor would I want to loose all my privacy.... but that is why I didn't buy a house on a hill.  The lower property always looses in those situations.  

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More than one acre is needed, btw. Your neighbors, particularly in a new subdivision, might decide to cut down every darn tree and have a used car farm instead. :001_rolleyes: It's happened.

10 acres here and we still see our neighbours flourishing rust crop!!! Long skinny block sadly...

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I guess I'm just getting annoyed with subdivision life in general. Off to look for my acre in the country. ;)


This is what we did back in 1996, except we are on 23 acres.  No regrets at all!  No deck involved either.  We just didn't care for the small lot sizes of city/suburban living.


We were out (again) last night enjoying the thousands of fireflies between us and neighboring houses.

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Wouldn't even occur to be to be annoyed.  We have two-story decks on many of the houses in our neighborhood.  We look down on the yards of the houses behind us (in a different neighborhood).  I only have neighbors on one side, but I can see into their backyard from the upper level of our deck and probably could see into their windows if I wanted to.  They are actually on a slightly higher elevation than we are so surely they can see into our yard, too.  We just wave to each other.

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Since they realized that if they can see you, you can see them, and are putting up a bit of lattice to block the mutual view, then stop complaining and plant some vines (or have them plant vines, depending on which side of the fence/lattice gets the most sun).


If I was to add a deck to my house, I would want it level with the floor of the room it was attached to.


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I know it is too late now, but whenever looking at a place to live, consider what the neighbors can do and if that will be a negative for you.......and never depend on your neighbors for YOUR privacy.  We had that here.  Our next door neighbor cut down all of their trees almost to the lot line (which is totally fine) but then were a bit upset when we cut down 2 acres of trees that gave them privacy to put up our horse pasture.  We were kind enough to leave about 30 of woods all around the perimeter.


We have just over 5 acres which gives us a lot of freedom in our township.........but on the flip side, it also gives our neighbors that much freedom.  If they want to get 100 pigs today they certainly have every right to.

We purposely rejected a very nice house on acreage due to the neighbor and the shared driveway.  We just saw it as potential problems in the future.

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Yes, I'd be annoyed. I would know it was one of those things that happen in a subdivision, but it would suck. We had a microburst take out a few 40 year old red tips that provided perfect privacy between us and neighbors. One is right at our hot tub, and the neighbor put his garden on the other side of the fence right there. The dude gardens at night (?) with a headlamp. The one night DH and I got the little kids down early and were going to go relax in the hot tub with a glass of something, Mr. Greenjeans was out there gardening. Annoying! We didn't say anything of course, but we had the right to our feelings. If I could afford 10 acres in this close proximity to DH's office and a caretaker, that'd be great. I don't think there are many 10 acre lots in the city though. Always a tradeoff, right? Hope your neighbor's vines are prolific! ;)

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I would not be annoyed. When you buy in the suburbs you give up some privacy. You knew that when you bought the house. I would never expect my neighbors to make their deck harder to access so that I feel like I have more privacy.


My neighbors asked me to put curtains on my kitchen windows so I couldn't see into their kitchen while I was washing my dishes. Um, no. If I want to look out my window, I will. If you don't like it, put up your own darn curtains (they did).

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My husband is annoyed by a particular neighbor, so we planted quick growing pine trees that max out around 30 feet for privacy.  He got the idea from her neighbor on the other side of her property, who did exactly the same thing.


You can assume that as much as you don't want them looking into your yard, they also don't want to look into your yard.  You might consider planting some sort of bushes that will grow to restore some of your privacy.

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I guess I don't see the difference between a raised deck / balcony and upstairs windows.  I have windows and I can look down on all my neighbors' yards - and into their windows - any old time I want to.  Being on the other side of the wall while doing it wouldn't make a difference, except that you'd see me looking.


That's why they invented curtains/blinds, I thought.


(For the record, I have no interest in looking at my neighbors all day, but I don't think it's wrong to do so if they are in their yards.)

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I'd maybe find it somewhat annoying, but I'd check it off to living in a neighborhood.  At least they're trying to put up some privacy.  Living in a neighborhood always has its little annoyances, unfortunately...  I'm sure when our quiet, retired neighbors learned that a family with five children 6 and under were moving in, they were annoyed as well.



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