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Do you read while utilizing the facilities?


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I have never done this.  Am I odd?  I have this thing where I like to be out of the bathroom as quickly as possible. Even to the point where I sometimes have to go immediately back in because I'm really not done.  TMI I'm sure, but yep that is how I am.  I can't imagine making an event out of it with reading.  LOL



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I'm not telling. DS had amassed quite a collection of Ranger Rick magazines in our bathroom that would lead to him taking way longer than needed in there. I finally had to ban reading material when he tried reading the magazine perched on the shelf opposite the toilet while standing for what should have been a much shorter visit. Little boys have bad enough aim as it is without trying to read over their shoulders at the same time. And that was probably way TMI, but I don't think anyone on here knows me IRL.

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I do all my book reading in the bathroom.  I never used to, before kids.  But as a working mom I never feel like my time is my own to the extent of reading a book.  Except *that* time.  It took me a couple of years as a parent before I decided, it was either keep a book in the bathroom, or never read for fun again.  :P  And since I live with some people I work with, who are workaholics and think I should be one too, it is easier to take a long bathroom break than to hang out reading somewhere else.

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Do not and never have. And have never understood it either. WTH? A book in the *bathroom*? How did that even come about?

My rule, when I allowed reading material in the bathroom, was that only magazines and parts of the newspaper that everyone else was finished with could go in. And then they couldn't come back out except to go in the recycling. Actual books, especially library books, we're not allowed in the bathroom.

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Do not and never have.  And have never understood it either.  WTH?  A book in the *bathroom*?  How did that even come about?


Yeah I don't know.  Some people spend a long time in the bathroom.  Maybe they get bored.  I just don't know why it takes so long.  I just wait until I really have to go.  I don't want to go in there and contemplate it for half an hour.  LOL

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Of course.  If I'm in the middle of a book, I only put it down for a life and death emergency.  The book goes with me.

I keep a stash of magazines in there....some days it's the only time I get a moment to page through them.

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Do not and never have. And have never understood it either. WTH? A book in the *bathroom*? How did that even come about?

Lol! I put a devotional in there once for my dh, he was aghast! The paper or readers digest is OK though. ☺

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Sure, if I have a book I'm engrossed in.  If I can sneak away and read a page or two, why not?  


Do y'all - those of you who are horrified with the idea of books in the bathroom - have nastiness flying around your bathroom all the time?  Do you not keep anything on your bathroom counters either?   


Read, put book down, clean up, close lid, flush, wash and dry hands, turn off light and leave the room.   Where's the problem? 

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I have read many a picture book to potty-training toddlers while they used the facilities, and I assume the same was done for me when I was that age, but, no, I have not done any reading to myself in the bathroom in the last, say, 32 years.



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Dh does, but I only do if a catalog comes in the mail. My policy is to look at it then recycle it so the bathroom is a good place for that.  


If I think I might want to order from a catalog, it doesn't go into the bathroom. 


I sound like a weirdo.  

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Well, I'll own up. I do sometimes. Though I'm more likely to do a sudoku. Sometimes you're in there for a few minutes, you know? Not like an hour, but long enough to want a, ahem, distraction to stay relaxed. We do have a book/magazine rack in there. It usually has comics for the kids. We don't take library books in there.


My feet don't comfortably reach the floor either - not since our bathroom got one of those tall toilets. I did not want that and they refused to believe me. I ended up pretty mad at them over it. Anyway, as a result, we have a squatty potty, which is a plastic thing below that your feet can rest on.


This whole post feels a little TMI.

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Well, I'll own up. I do sometimes. Though I'm more likely to do a sudoku. Sometimes you're in there for a few minutes, you know? Not like an hour, but long enough to want a, ahem, distraction to stay relaxed. We do have a book/magazine rack in there. It usually has comics for the kids. We don't take library books in there.


My feet don't comfortably reach the floor either - not since our bathroom got one of those tall toilets. I did not want that and they refused to believe me. I ended up pretty mad at them over it. Anyway, as a result, we have a squatty potty, which is a plastic thing below that your feet can rest on.


This whole post feels a little TMI.




I love sudoku.  Maybe i need to try that while in the bathroom. 

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Sure, if I have a book I'm engrossed in.  If I can sneak away and read a page or two, why not?  


Do y'all - those of you who are horrified with the idea of books in the bathroom - have nastiness flying around your bathroom all the time?  Do you not keep anything on your bathroom counters either?   


Read, put book down, clean up, close lid, flush, wash and dry hands, turn off light and leave the room.   Where's the problem? 


Yeah. I say we don't take the library books in there... But I also try not to take them in the kitchen for the same reason - sinks and water.

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Do you have drinking cups in there?  Do you drink out of them / rinse your mouth after you brush?  Do you leave your brushes sitting in the bathroom?  Why the ick factor for books and not stuff that is going in the mouth?

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DH brings his ipad in there and since we only have 1 bathroom, I spend more time than I'd like having to ask him to "please hurry up". 


When DS was smaller, I'd keep a book in the cupboard under the bathroom sink. I take showers at night and frequently that would be my only time to read. If he wasn't asleep when I finished my shower, I'd put my PJ's on, sit on the edge of the tub, feet on the (closet) toilet lid and read until he fell asleep. If I tried to leave, he'd start crying when he saw me from his crib. If he thought I was still in the shower, he'd chatter happily to himself until he fell asleep. 

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Yes, I would read books in a boat!
And I would read them with a goat...
And I will read them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.
They are so good so good you see!

So I will read them in a box.
And I will read them with a fox.
And I will read them in a house.
And I will read them with a mouse.
And I will read them here and there.
Say! I will read them ANYWHERE!


...including the potty. I also can be found reading books while jogging,  enjoying candlelit dinners, and taking long walks on the beach.

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My 8yo will hog the bathroom so she can finish her book.  And she will read while walking through parking lots (if I let her) and just about any other time.


My friends say I created a monster, because when my kids were little, we spent a lot of time in the bathroom with books.  Basically we had story time in there, and music time, and puzzle time, and ....

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This might explain why I don't read on the toilet. My feet don't rest flat on the floor when I sit on it. That's not comfortable at all.

This is what bathroom stools are for ;)


Growing up in a large family, the bathroom was just about the only place one could have some privacy; I did a lot of reading in there.

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I do. My dh must too, as he has obviously read bits and pieces of books I've left in there. I've actually used that knowledge to plant homeschooling method books in the bathroom for him. Well, it was a homeschooling book that tipped me off that he was reading books I'd left in there.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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If there is no 'literature' I am forced to read shampoo bottles. I keep a few catalogs in there to peruse. Stuff I don't need, should recycle anyway, but want to look at once. It's usually stuff like the Ulta flyer or those overpriced home/garden catalogs. I don't linger, but I can get through a flyer in 2-3 minutes then trash it.

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Occasionally.  It is really the only room in the house where no one will bother me.   


Dh, on the other hand, routinely camps out in there with a book or an iPad.  (it happens frequently enough that we call it his iPoop.)


This reminds me of a product that came out a year or two ago with an ipad attached to a potty seat.  I thought, do we really want our kids to think about pottying every time they are on the computer?  Not sure if that ever became popular or not.


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Perhaps some of you need more fiber??


Not necessarily. There are many normal ways to poop. Some people poop two or three times a day. Others poop two or three times a week. That's a normal range. It stands to reason that those who naturally poop less often will take more time while they're in there.


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Yes. How can one "go" without something to read? Desperate times calls for the back of shampoo bottles even. :)

We all do, too, for the same reason. But I agree that public or someone else's books don't go in there, just magazines and such that are disposable or personal.

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Ick. That's also why I don't use the library anymore. And, my sink is separate from the toilet because that is gross too. I watched some British tv show with women cleaning in which they tested the toothbrushes for fecal matter. It was one of the key moments that changed how I look at the world. Again, Ick.

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Ick. That's also why I don't use the library anymore. And, my sink is separate from the toilet because that is gross too. I watched some British tv show with women cleaning in which they tested the toothbrushes for fecal matter. It was one of the key moments that changed how I look at the world. Again, Ick.



Well, you might not want to read this, then:





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Did you manage to find a home with a door between the toilet and sink? Is that what you mean?? I heard on Myth Busters that even toothbrushes stored outside of the bathroom had fecal matter. :ack2:


It *is* really weird and gross that American homes combine the toilet with the bathtub, but you can custom build a home that has two half baths instead of a full bath - one with a toilet and sink, one with a sink and shower or tub.


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