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I have never asked this here before

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but I am desperate! Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever you can so that our house sells. I am at my limit.


I had someone coming to see it today, but the booking company called to cancel. I am so discouraged! My husband is working in NJ, has been since May, and I am doing the single-full-time parent thing. I am so weary.


I had to clean up the Hannah storm mess all by myself. I am tired of mowing the lawn. I am tired of fixing the boys bikes. I am tired of childrens endless noise and need for food. I am tired of keeping the house clean. AND! My vacuum cleaner broke on Friday. :willy_nilly:



Any minute Alan Funt is going to show up at my front door and tell me to, Smile!! You're on candid camera! I feel like I am living in a practical joke.


Now I have to go to church and pretend that everything is honky-dorey.



I'm sorry to drone on and on. :nopity:

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but I am desperate! Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever you can so that our house sells. I am at my limit.


I will pray for you Elaine. You poor thing.


Now I have to go to church and pretend that everything is honky-dorey.


Elaine...don't. Let the people in your church know your needs so that they can help. Trust me. Most people are yearning to help, but need to be asked sometimes. :001_smile:

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Now I have to go to church and pretend that everything is honky-dorey.




Oh, honey, don't do that! Please. Church is supposed to be the place to dump out all those troubles, lay them at the feet of Jesus and lean on our brothers and sisters in Christ for support. Give them the chance to help you, instead of putting on your happy face! I'll just bet there is some young kid there who'd LOVE to mow your lawn/babysit your kids while you go have a coffee, and I'll bet his/her momma would love to have that coffee with you. Just let your needs be known.


That said, you have my prayers and :grouphug:!

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but I am desperate! Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever you can so that our house sells. I am at my limit.


I had someone coming to see it today, but the booking company called to cancel. I am so discouraged! My husband is working in NJ, has been since May, and I am doing the single-full-time parent thing. I am so weary.


I had to clean up the Hannah storm mess all by myself. I am tired of mowing the lawn. I am tired of fixing the boys bikes. I am tired of childrens endless noise and need for food. I am tired of keeping the house clean. AND! My vacuum cleaner broke on Friday. :willy_nilly:



Any minute Alan Funt is going to show up at my front door and tell me to, Smile!! You're on candid camera! I feel like I am living in a practical joke.


Now I have to go to church and pretend that everything is honky-dorey.



I'm sorry to drone on and on. :nopity:


Elaine, how long has your home been on the market? Would you like for us to add your name to the Current WTM Homes for Sale prayer list? http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42311

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You poor thing. :grouphug:Sending hugs and prayers your way.:grouphug:


but I am desperate! Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever you can so that our house sells. I am at my limit.


I had someone coming to see it today, but the booking company called to cancel. I am so discouraged! My husband is working in NJ, has been since May, and I am doing the single-full-time parent thing. I am so weary.


I had to clean up the Hannah storm mess all by myself. I am tired of mowing the lawn. I am tired of fixing the boys bikes. I am tired of childrens endless noise and need for food. I am tired of keeping the house clean. AND! My vacuum cleaner broke on Friday. :willy_nilly:



Any minute Alan Funt is going to show up at my front door and tell me to, Smile!! You're on candid camera! I feel like I am living in a practical joke.


Now I have to go to church and pretend that everything is honky-dorey.



I'm sorry to drone on and on. :nopity:

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:grouphug: and prayers coming to you from someone who has also BTDT although in my case it was only a month (though it seemed like forever, so I can only imagine how you are feeling after 4+ months on your own).


Please do ask your church community for any help they can provide. I was not very active in mine so I didn't feel comfortable doing this, however I know that it would have been a great relief to have someone help with the lawn (OH how I hated that lawn and edging/trimming just about put me over the edge)


Blessings to you in this difficult time!



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I was so stressed last fall when I had to put my house up for sale while my husband was deployed. I asked several friends from church and/or our circle of friends to help me out and they graciously did so. I did a tremendous amount of work by myself but I would *not* have been able to do it without some help. It's OK to ask for help.

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I have a dear friend who is also enduring this struggle. :grouphug: I am so sorry for your burden. I will be praying for you as I pray for her: that your home will sell quickly so that your family can be reunited and you get some much needed rest.



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Oh, Elaine!


Hang in there! It's hard! But you can do it. I'll pray for the sale of your house.


We just finished with the separation thing. Dh took a new job in April, and I was on my own with the kids for 4 months. (Through tornado season! Yokes!) Before that I had loads of time on my own when he travelled for interviews.


Sounds like you could do with a little virtual hot-tubbing to help you relax. (That clip reminds me of you!)

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I can't tell you what it means to come home to these wonderful messages, thank-you all.


I do have the kind of church where I can let my needs be known and the needs will be met. I have done that before. I don't know why it is so hard for me to admit that I need, and then accept, help.


I had a girl from church come over today and stay with my kids while I took a 3 hour nap.:eek: It's amazing what a little sleep can do for a person. She stayed after that, too while I went to teach my yoga class.


Our women's Bible study begins this week as does school so adding some structure to my days will be a good thing.



Anyway, I feel greatly encouraged by all of you.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: and prayers sweetie. BTDT and it is so hard. Pace yourself girl. Take what help you can get now because you will still need your strength on the other end of the move and you might not have a network in place there yet. Wishing you both a quick sale and the reserves to manage the workload.

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I will pray for you Elaine. You poor thing.




Elaine...don't. Let the people in your church know your needs so that they can help. Trust me. Most people are yearning to help, but need to be asked sometimes. :001_smile:



Really, don't. My class at church has taken on the job of mowing our yard while DH is gone. It is such a blessing to me to not have to worry about it. Also, today I couldn't pretend anymore. The kids had made me so angry before church that I couldn't sit and pretend that I am supermom who never has a bad day. A dear friend took the children ALL afternoon so I could get the house clean without kids around to spread destruction while my back was turned. I was also able to go get some new shirts and read part of my book. All I had to do was ask, but I'm not so great at that. Don't let pride and what you think other people's expectations of you are prevent you from receiving the blessings they would be willing to offer. (That last sentence is funky, but you know what I mean.) I have to swallow my pride a LOT these days, but I'm none the worse for it and I'm going to bed in a clean house tonight.

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but I am desperate! Please pray, send good thoughts, whatever you can so that our house sells. I am at my limit.


I had someone coming to see it today, but the booking company called to cancel. I am so discouraged! My husband is working in NJ, has been since May, and I am doing the single-full-time parent thing. I am so weary.


I had to clean up the Hannah storm mess all by myself. I am tired of mowing the lawn. I am tired of fixing the boys bikes. I am tired of childrens endless noise and need for food. I am tired of keeping the house clean. AND! My vacuum cleaner broke on Friday. :willy_nilly:



Any minute Alan Funt is going to show up at my front door and tell me to, Smile!! You're on candid camera! I feel like I am living in a practical joke.


Now I have to go to church and pretend that everything is honky-dorey.



I'm sorry to drone on and on. :nopity:


Praying for you, Elaine. I know it's hard for dh to be away and be everything. :grouphug:

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Really, don't. My class at church has taken on the job of mowing our yard while DH is gone. It is such a blessing to me to not have to worry about it. Also, today I couldn't pretend anymore. The kids had made me so angry before church that I couldn't sit and pretend that I am supermom who never has a bad day. A dear friend took the children ALL afternoon so I could get the house clean without kids around to spread destruction while my back was turned. I was also able to go get some new shirts and read part of my book. All I had to do was ask, but I'm not so great at that. Don't let pride and what you think other people's expectations of you are prevent you from receiving the blessings they would be willing to offer. (That last sentence is funky, but you know what I mean.) I have to swallow my pride a LOT these days, but I'm none the worse for it and I'm going to bed in a clean house tonight.


This was me this morning. I yelled at my four year old because he wanted me to make him oatmeal!:glare: Now, I ask you, who is the four year old? Ummm, me. I went to church in a funk which is always nice.:001_rolleyes:


Your last sentence was spot on! I am asking for help this week so I can clean out my attic and go to the homeschool store alone.

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Elaine...don't. Let the people in your church know your needs so that they can help. Trust me. Most people are yearning to help, but need to be asked sometimes. :001_smile:


I agree with this. I've spent time with some of those people, and they really do care for you a great deal. Be transparent with them. They love you and want to be there for you.


So do we.



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I can't tell you what it means to come home to these wonderful messages, thank-you all.


I do have the kind of church where I can let my needs be known and the needs will be met. I have done that before. I don't know why it is so hard for me to admit that I need, and then accept, help.


I had a girl from church come over today and stay with my kids while I took a 3 hour nap.:eek: It's amazing what a little sleep can do for a person. She stayed after that, too while I went to teach my yoga class.


Our women's Bible study begins this week as does school so adding some structure to my days will be a good thing.



Anyway, I feel greatly encouraged by all of you.:grouphug:


Elaine, I don't want to pressure you but, just in case it slipped through the cracks, would you like for me to add your home to the current list of WTM homes for sale prayer list? :) No problem, if you don't. I just wanted to be sure!

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Elaine, I don't want to pressure you but, just in case it slipped through the cracks, would you like for me to add your home to the current list of WTM homes for sale prayer list? :) No problem, if you don't. I just wanted to be sure!


Sharon, I'm sorry, I answered you in the prayer thread.:001_smile:

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I read this post last night before I went to bed and you have been heavy on my heart since.


We are facing similar frustration, but on the flip side. We have been trying to buy with much frustration. You don't know how many times we've heard our realtor say, "Wow, never seen that happen before!" This weekend dh and I both hit a bottom and really had to lay it all out with each other. I have been so angry and frustrated, and although it wasn't really with him or anyone in particular, I was blaming him and everyone else. We had to, again, turn the situation over to the Lord and trust in His plan. It is so frustrating not to understand God's ways, but the Bible does say that His ways are not our ways. I don't know what God has planned for you or for us, but praying that His will is revealed to us both....very soon!!!!


Praying for you and :grouphug:

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