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Considering the majority of that new fence is actually plastic construction mesh, they are full of crap. That type of fencing collapses when you put weight on it and will be torn down by the kids, dogs, and goats within a week.


Not to mention how long could that have taken to put up? They lost the kids 3 1/2 weeks ago. Are we supposed to believe they've been working their butts of and it took that long to put up a plastic construction mesh fence? 

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I've never heard of a fence around a pond. Are they seriously making them put a fence up around a pond?

Just guessing but it might be because the "house" is so close to the pond, there are no doors on the house to keep the kids from wandering, they have very young ones, and the pond is known to have polluted water due to all of the animal feces running into it. I don't think fencing in a pond is typical for cps but this is not a typical family.

It could also be what they are focusing on as it is the one thing people might question.... Therefore questioning everything Cps is doing. They likely aren't mentioning the four walls, roof, door, water and sewage stuff that is also likely in the list.

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I've never heard of a fence around a pond. Are they seriously making them put a fence up around a pond?


I still think that the "unfenced pond" was just a semi-random thing that CPS and/or the police stuck on the emergency custody request. They needed to list evidence that the children were in "imminent danger" in order to get the judge to sign off on the removal order, and since they hadn't been allowed to actually see the children or go inside the property, I think they just looked around, saw a lot of trash and broken glass and a scummy pond close to the shack and thought, "well, drowning and getting cut could be imminent dangers, so we'll list those."


I think Joe and Nicole are blatantly lying to their supporters that the only things CPS is requiring just happen to be the few things that were mentioned in the warrant. It's possible that CPS has no intention of returning the kids to that shack, so they really couldn't care less about the pond at this point. And if they actually do want it fenced, then that little plastic thing will not be remotely sufficient — which I'm sure Joe & Nicole know. So to me the half-assed "fencing job" looks like it was designed to placate the supporters, not meet any actual CPS requirements. 


But now, when they don't get their kids back on the 18th, they can wail about how they've done everything CPS asked and they're being totally persecuted for their beliefs.  :001_rolleyes:


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If the 4th wall was more of a sliding wall that could be closed to keep out the elements then yes I can see being ok with a 3 walled home on nice days. But right now they have basically a lean-to with little to no protection from bugs, weather, or animals and not even remotely enough space for 12 people (or 13). I suspect that if they did have mattresses for everyone there wouldn't even be enough room to put them all on the floor in the space that is covered by the "roof".

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You know, child services isn't going to troop into their house (once they HAVE a house) and make them put the kids to sleep in their own beds. I think that's more about giving each kid the option of their own sleeping space. In our society, that's the minimum of what people have in their homes - a toilet, a place to store food, and one bed per person (or a double bed for a married or cohabitating couple). It's not an unreasonable request. I slept with my sister in her bed too. The girls sleep together six nights out of seven, out of their own choice. But there are enough beds to go around in case somebody decides they do NOT want to share.

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I still think that the "unfenced pond" was just a semi-random thing that CPS and/or the police stuck on the emergency custody request. They needed to list evidence that the children were in "imminent danger" in order to get the judge to sign off on the removal order, and since they hadn't been allowed to actually see the children or go inside the property, I think they just looked around, saw a lot of trash and broken glass and a scummy pond close to the shack and thought, "well, drowning and getting cut could be imminent dangers, so we'll list those."


I think Joe and Nicole are blatantly lying to their supporters that the only things CPS is requiring just happen to be the few things that were mentioned in the warrant. It's possible that CPS has no intention of returning the kids to that shack, so they really couldn't care less about the pond at this point. And if they actually do want it fenced, then that little plastic thing will not be remotely sufficient — which I'm sure Joe & Nicole know. So to me the half-assed "fencing job" looks like it was designed to placate the supporters, not meet any actual CPS requirements. 


But now, when they don't get their kids back on the 18th, they can wail about how they've done everything CPS asked and they're being totally persecuted for their beliefs.  :001_rolleyes:


Yes to all of this.. plus I think they are purposely choosing the cheapest things to do to be sure they have most of the donation money for whatever they want to use it for (including running)

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You know, child services isn't going to troop into their house (once they HAVE a house) and make them put the kids to sleep in their own beds. I think that's more about giving each kid the option of their own sleeping space. In our society, that's the minimum of what people have in their homes - a toilet, a place to store food, and one bed per person (or a double bed for a married or cohabitating couple). It's not an unreasonable request. I slept with my sister in her bed too. The girls sleep together six nights out of seven, out of their own choice. But there are enough beds to go around in case somebody decides they do NOT want to share.


Not everyone has one bed per person in their home - not even in our society. Unless, we're counting any kind of sleeping spot - couch, sleeping bag, foam mat for the floor, air mattress, etc. It's just that every time I see "a bed per child," I think everyone is talking about a "real bed with/without frame and real mattress" and don't see that as the minimum of what most people have in their homes. But, it could also be indicative of where I live or what I have been exposed to.


ETA: I'm not saying that the platform is ok for the kids, just wondering about the "no big deal" cavalier attitude of having separate beds for 10 kids.



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We don't have one bed per person here. We sleep on mattresses and futons on the floor, three full size and two twins between the eight of us. Growing up, I sometimes had my own bed and sometimes shared, I preferred sharing. So far only one of my children prefers to sleep alone. And I prefer floor beds to frames; we have had bunk beds in the past but they were too much of a safety hazard with adventurous toddlers around.

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CPS requires all kinds of things that many families don't do, which you have to do once they get involved. I remember reading about this and perhaps even posted on this thread, about a mom who forwent foster parenting because her house, which was a nice house, with a bedroom, baby gating, etc. didn't meet the standards. Like, a few places didn't have locks, the stairs didn't have bumpers, the washing machine was too dirty (though she said, it was "normal dirty", just the scum, and so on). She realized that they were looking for someone who was really, really good at checkboxes and CYA and that she wasn't that person.


I could see that happening for us.



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Nicole is just looking worse and worse in my opinion. She needs a good healthy meal, or a dozen good healthy meals, and possibly some medical care or something. Maybe this is just a bad picture of her. Maybe the stress of the kids being gone is getting to her.


ETA: link to the picture I posted: http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/9e3bff266982469a700bebacaefc86fdaa29e89c/c=242-0-1678-1080&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2015/05/12/WHAS/WHAS/635670307059043303-Joseph-Naugler-and-Nichole-Naugler-05122015-xx-1.JPG

Edited by Mimm
Guys, you CAN'T post celebrity photos!!
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Not to mention how long could that have taken to put up? They lost the kids 3 1/2 weeks ago. Are we supposed to believe they've been working their butts of and it took that long to put up a plastic construction mesh fence? 


ooo...I can answer that one. About an hour. Or less.


I know this because I fence my garden this way to keep the chickens and dogs out.


So in 3 weeks, they did an hour of work. How productive. They sure are working hard. Guess they're going to need a vacation from all that exertion.


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I don't understand the "separate beds for each kid" thing. I keep seeing it everywhere. If they are siblings. can't it be two (same sex) to a bed? I'm just wondering...


It may vary by state, but in MD when we looked into fostering, each foster child would have to have a separate bed, but our bio children did not. 

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Nicole is just looking worse and worse in my opinion. She needs a good healthy meal, or a dozen good healthy meals, and possibly some medical care or something. Maybe this is just a bad picture of her. Maybe the stress of the kids being gone is getting to her.

She looks like the poster child for "abused woman".


I'm worried about that baby and what this stress is doing.

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You know, child services isn't going to troop into their house (once they HAVE a house) and make them put the kids to sleep in their own beds. I think that's more about giving each kid the option of their own sleeping space. In our society, that's the minimum of what people have in their homes - a toilet, a place to store food, and one bed per person (or a double bed for a married or cohabitating couple). It's not an unreasonable request. I slept with my sister in her bed too. The girls sleep together six nights out of seven, out of their own choice. But there are enough beds to go around in case somebody decides they do NOT want to share.


That's very true.  Our SW, who is very down to earth, realistic (and all around a very cool person) said something to this effect.  We were discussing bed requirements, and DH asked her what would happen if a kid ran into our bedroom at night, scared?  She smiled, and basically said we don't have to tell her everything.  She understands that it might happen, the kids just need to have their own space available.  

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CPS requires all kinds of things that many families don't do, which you have to do once they get involved.



I think this is the crux of the 'bed for everyone' requirement. Whether families choose to do it or not, it is considered a basic requirement to provide a place for everyone to sleep and CPS considers that one bed per person. There is no bed police for families but once you are in the system you have to follow their rules at least for a while. 

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I'm watching part 2. Dude, homeschooling and home birthing isn't why people don't like you.


Don't you know this whole town is dying for these people to go away??

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Nicole videotapes all of her encounters with police to show how they are oppressive and evil. All it has done is provided more evidence that the police are patient and calm with her and she's a nut job.


Seriously. I think people should video encounters with the police. I think all police should wear cameras. It protects them as much as everyone else. And Nicole's videos do her no favors. They show her being belligerent, fanatical and uncooperative while they are calm, firm, patient. They encourage her to video them and I don't blame them. When you encounter crazies like her, who knows what they might accuse you of.

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She said they had 9 children in the video, so whenever that was. She's afraid the officer is going to sexually assault her daughter? Crazy. Interesting that the video was uploaded today.

It could have been that someone downloading it from her channel and the uploaded it to their own channel. I have done that when people post videos of my son's group at meets so that I have a copy.

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She said they had 9 children in the video, so whenever that was. She's afraid the officer is going to sexually assault her daughter? Crazy. Interesting that the video was uploaded today.


She probably thinks it's video proof of the police harrassing her in the past. She honestly thinks the video will bring more supporters or something. "See? The system has always been against this poor innocent family." And she will probably get some vocal people who are of her own political persuasion agreeing with her.


And no, I don't think she thought the officers were going to harm her children. I think this was a simple case of standing up for her ideals to the detriment of her children.


Have we heard if anyone has managed to get the money they've donated back?

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She said they had 9 children in the video, so whenever that was. She's afraid the officer is going to sexually assault her daughter? Crazy. Interesting that the video was uploaded today.

I don't think Nicole uploaded it today, I think someone else just took it from her website and posted to YouTube today.

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OK, the person who posted on YouTube says this was March 2014.


She really does escalate things and make them worse.


And refuses to accept responsibility for it. It would be different if she had said, "Yes, I know this isn't the fastest way to deal with this, but I feel it's important to handle it like this." I could have some respect for that, but she shifts blame entirely over to the officers.

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Dang, where is part 4??? I hate cliffhangers.


Can you imagine what those kids hear when the camera isn't on?? Those two really think they are constitution experts!!

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I'm watching part 2. Dude, homeschooling and home birthing isn't why people don't like you.


Don't you know this whole town is dying for these people to go away??


This is definitely true - I both homeschool and have had home births and I find her dangerous and horrifying.

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I'm watching part 2. Dude, homeschooling and home birthing isn't why people don't like you.


Don't you know this whole town is dying for these people to go away??



Nicole is not a dude.  she's a dudette.



maybe, just maybe . . . they'll do that eval on her and send her to a mental hospital for treatment.  she is truly delusional and she seems to just be getting worse with her out-of-touch with reality.

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Nicole is not a dude. she's a dudette.



maybe, just maybe . . . they'll do that eval on her and send her to a mental hospital for treatment. she is truly delusional and she seems to just be getting worse with her out-of-touch with reality.

At the beginning of part 2, Joe the Constituion Expert tells the police officer that they have had issues before because they homeschool and home birth so people don't like them. Sadly, I think that that is what he believes.

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Olivia was found walking down a road alone. The sheriff comes to investigate. Joe is at work. N goes batshit. J comes home. They try to lock themselves in their cabin. They demand the state police come.


Really, you have to watch it to get the full effect. 

Is this when people said that Olivia was trying to run away?  Is it clear that she truly was trying to run away?  

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