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Essential oils- shoot me now


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It drives me crazy because oils don't need to cost that much. You're just paying everyone's commissions.


Plus the "certified therapeutic grade" is a trademark, it means nothing.


ETA: The PMS blend from Eden's Garden really does work on cramps. :lol:

We learned that Eden Garden brand Head Ease blend works great for sinus and nasal congestion. Opens the airways immediately!


Can't imagine paying 40 plus each bottle for other brands.

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I've used them for a dozen years in simple homemade cleaning products and aromatherapy.


Some of the EO people smell like cat pee, which I hate.  There's no polite way to get away from the nice acquaintance at church that smells like she got doused in the bottle of Tom Cat Urine the neighbor sprays to repel armadillos.


There's only something like 4 essential oil distilleries in the world.  All brands sell exactly the same thing.  The only difference between food grade and non food grade is if something has been diluted with another oil.


If there is a quality difference, the cheap NOW brand has been top quality in my book.


Taking oils internally is very dangerous in my book.  Oils kill more bacteria than antibiotics, but people think that's not going to seriously have a negative impact on their microbiome?  Nuts.

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My thing is that I have a LTFA to cinnamon. So when someone comes in wearing, or worse, I go somewhere where they're diffusing a blend that contains cinnamon oil, it's bad. Like "get the Benedryl and keep the epipen handy" bad if I breathe too much of it. And a lot of the blends seem to contain cinnamon. My DD used to say that I was allergic to October, November and December (I'm also pretty seriously allergic to conifer trees) but it's gotten much worse since EO's became the craze.


Oh, man, that's rough!  I don't have that kind of reaction, but there are many EO's that make my asthma flare up.  It gets hard to breathe, but it's not a dangerous allergic reaction.  That's a scary thought!  


Specifically, it seems to be something that helps sore muscles/arthritis issues, because those are the people I now have to avoid at church functions.  They can't leave home without a fresh smear of oil to help their joints feel better.  :glare:   Part of me does understand, but there's a time to just take an ibuprofen and go about your day.   Then liberally apply oils when you are back in the comfort of your own home. 

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Back in the day we called MLM's a pyramid scheme. Some "pyramid's" were (still are) Shaklee, Amway, Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Creative Circle, etc. 


I like some oils...one of my favorites is called "Two Old Goats" and it has eo's in it. My husband and I like it for our arthritis or aches and pains (on occasion it's both).


I've used natural progesterone cream OTC until I needed a doctor's compound prescription to help me get to the "other side" of menopause. :hurray:

BUT YL is everywhere--church, homeschool groups, family/friends, neighbors, etc. I had to literally pick my jaw up off the floor when one claimed YL oils would cure my type 1 diabetic son..but then again, I've had other well meaning people claim diets and other fads will cure my T1D child, too. Many still don't know that Type 1 and Type 2 are different animals. <_<

I used to go off on a rant  :rant:  but now I just change the subject (if it's someone I care about) or walk away. It's not worth my blood pressure to rise because  some have $$ for eyes. I think my cynicism just oozes out of my system now, because I'm not being asked about it anymore. Or if I get the occasional, "Have you heard of YL Oils?" and I respond with a "Yeah, I have."


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IF you have a kindle you need to get this book http://www.amazon.com/Grace-Space-Direct-Sales-Tale-ebook/dp/B00R3M50D0/ref=zg_bs_158280011_f_3  It is a free one right now.  I just started it but it is funny/sad book on the multi level marketing and how this girl was roped into it.  It is mostly a spoof on the stuff so far and a fun read but makes you realize how easy it is to get duped.


I'm sure any similarity to Mary Kay is totally innocent and unintentional lol


I read Grace Space today.  Thank you for the recommendation!  It was truly a fabulous mind vacation.  SO funny.  This morning (at 25% read) I called my mom and told her to read it (she sold Mary Kay when I was a kid).  This afternoon (after I finished it) I called her again and said she MUST read it.

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thanks for the rec--I have so many issues with the MLM thing and this book looks funny :)


It was free for Kindle borrowing, yay!




IF you have a kindle you need to get this book http://www.amazon.com/Grace-Space-Direct-Sales-Tale-ebook/dp/B00R3M50D0/ref=zg_bs_158280011_f_3  It is a free one right now.  I just started it but it is funny/sad book on the multi level marketing and how this girl was roped into it.  It is mostly a spoof on the stuff so far and a fun read but makes you realize how easy it is to get duped.


I was just thinking earlier today that I wish I could just go buy a few Tastefully Simple spices as I really do like certain ones and find them very useful and a good value.........but I don't want a party, sales pitch, etc.......just a jar of the seasoning salt :-)  I can call someone though just to get this.


We do use some supplements based on the approval/suggestion of our medical doctors but they are not a cure all for my kids.  Helpful, yes, but not lifesaving like some of their others meds are.


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My thing is that I have a LTFA to cinnamon. So when someone comes in wearing, or worse, I go somewhere where they're diffusing a blend that contains cinnamon oil, it's bad. Like "get the Benedryl and keep the epipen handy" bad if I breathe too much of it. And a lot of the blends seem to contain cinnamon. My DD used to say that I was allergic to October, November and December (I'm also pretty seriously allergic to conifer trees) but it's gotten much worse since EO's became the craze.


I am allergic to conifer trees and I also am miserable from Halloween to New Years.  

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Can I give a shout out to JuicePlus in this thread? Because, hey, I like to chew my food. And I can't figure out how one can decry processed foods and then try to sell me a highly processed fruit and vegetable capsule that supposedly protects my DNA.

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Can anyone cure seizures, mitochondrial disorders and stuttering with oils???? Juicing??? Amway?


I hate these things as some of them really do have a good product that is helpful for some situations but the marketing is a huge turn off.

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JodiSue, I may have accidentally reported your comment when I meant to quote you. Sorry! I have a friend with a rather important job in a scientific field (although not biology-related) who sells that very enthusiastically on the side. I don't understand it.


I have a few Advocare friends whose posts I try to just ignore. They don't pressure people other than enthusiastically posting about how wonderful they feel and how grest their team is. I think an in-law may have been selling EOs, but her only FB marketing was to post about how much her kids' insomnia improved after she infused certain oils.

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I know, irl, 3 peeps who are making tens of thousands  a month from MLM's- one earned a Mecedes and over 6 figures within a couple of months of signing up with Yoli, another with OG and another with YL. They were all in the health field before they signed up for the MLM, but it's changed all of their financial lives.


I have a friend who is promoting YL for all of her dd's ODD issues- her grades are improved, her attitude, she is drug free. I'll be interested in seeing how this plays out long term. 

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I know, irl, 3 peeps who are making tens of thousands a month from MLM's- one earned a Mecedes and over 6 figures within a couple of months of signing up with Yoli, another with OG and another with YL. They were all in the health field before they signed up for the MLM, but it's changed all of their financial lives.


I have a friend who is promoting YL for all of her dd's ODD issues- her grades are improved, her attitude, she is drug free. I'll be interested in seeing how this plays out long term.

The people near the top of the pyramid always make bank. It's the many many more people at the base that get screwed, unless they are motivated enough to 'work the business' and create their own personal pyramid with lots of people under them. I will always find it a bit unsettling that your 'employees' are your primary customers in these things. The products just make it legal.

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I'm just one of those people who will come find you if I need your product and don't like pushy sales people.  However, I actually appreciate *many* of these companies.  But only because of the products themselves.  I used to *LOVE* Mary Kay products and even signed up just for the discount one time. My Director is the reason I moved away from the product lol.   Pampered Chef?  Yes please!  Love ALL of my PC products.  They have worked well and lasted many, many yearss.  EO's, I use from a lot of different places and have since 2008, but they've also made a huge positive impact in our home/health.  And so on.......


I also don't have ...issues...with the pushy people.  I'm pretty outspoken and say something along the lines of, "no thank you and if I need ________ I"ll let YOU know.  But thank you for thinking of me."  A few times they have called more than once and I ask to be taken off their call list, adding that I will think of them when I need to purchase again.  Social media is never a problem because I hide what I need to hide for peace.  But I do buy when I need to buy, letting them know I don't want to be contacted after the sale.


It's too bad the way some of the companies are run because it sure does distract from some of the great products.  I also know a few people who are rolling in the dough because this is their business.  Not my cuppa tea, but good for them.  And I don't feel sorry for anyone who is down-line from them because it's all a choice.  If you sign up for one of these businesses, and it's a flop or whatever, well it was your choice.  This is coming from someone who HAS done this.  I never made that choice again.   Some people are 'taken for a ride' with MLM but that depends on who you are, honestly. And who your Director is (in my case..now she was schemey).   Some are labeled as schemes that shouldn't be because the ingredients of the business are fully explained.  (yes, I know these are probably the exceptions).   And, some days, I don't see how it's *much* different than so many other business upstarts.  Building a business from nothing is a huge risk  from the needed supplies and inventory to rental space (if needed), etc.  YOu usually go in immediate debt to secure those things.  Everyone you purchase/rent from is making money off your start up and (hopefully) continuation of your business.  Your profit is no where to be seen for a while.  And you may go under if you didn't work your business right (same with the businesses mentioned in this thread, no?), leaving you in debt and owing those you were in business with.  Yes, there are big differences in MLM and other start up businesses but also many similarities.  Even after being super burned by MK, I don't hold a resentment but see it as a choice I learned from.  I would even buy MK again if the wind blew me that way.  (shrug)

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I am proud (and also a little embarrassed) to admit that I don't know anyone who sells essential oils nor have I ever used any. 



I do use essential oils, I really like them but I don't ingest them. Eating them is crazy IMO.


I am not saying people shouldn't use essential oils because I do think they have their uses but I don't think people should eat them.

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I just looked at the workshop schedule for our local homeschool convention, and there will be two workshops about using essential oils in the homeschool. That's right--reading, writing, arithmetic, and aromatherapy, the essential subjects.  :001_rolleyes:

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I just looked at the workshop schedule for our local homeschool convention, and there will be two workshops about using essential oils in the homeschool. That's right--reading, writing, arithmetic, and aromatherapy, the essential subjects. :001_rolleyes:

And people keep wondering why conference attendance is in decline.

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I just looked at the workshop schedule for our local homeschool convention, and there will be two workshops about using essential oils in the homeschool. That's right--reading, writing, arithmetic, and aromatherapy, the essential subjects. :001_rolleyes:

This is THE kookiest thing I've heard all day!

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I just looked at the workshop schedule for our local homeschool convention, and there will be two workshops about using essential oils in the homeschool. That's right--reading, writing, arithmetic, and aromatherapy, the essential subjects.  :001_rolleyes:


I couldn't believe it when I looked up the homeschool conference in my city this year.... the exhibitor list included a few curriculum publishers and a booth for essential oils.  Somehow it's related to homeschooling now?


That's besides the fact that the workshops aren't actually about homeschooling, but about Christian parenting.  I don't understand why the organizers think I would take time and money away from my family to go listen to more sermons. I already have a church, thank you!  I'd like a workshop about teaching Shakespeare or high school math.... please????

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We just had a post come through on the local homeschool board for the annoying yoga teacher lady who wants to sell us all doTerra. She chewed me out at the Christmas party when she showed up late and missed out on a bunch of stuff, so I'm glad to have another reason to avoid her. I swear some people join just to sell their stuff.

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I just looked at the workshop schedule for our local homeschool convention, and there will be two workshops about using essential oils in the homeschool. That's right--reading, writing, arithmetic, and aromatherapy, the essential subjects.  :001_rolleyes:


Using them to boost mental acuity?  Or teaching about them?  


Either way, this is exactly why I don't think I am missing anything by not going to homeschooling conferences.  

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I thought I was the only one!


Almost everybody in our church uses them. I absolutely hate it when they use them IN church because it drives my allergies nuts.


Even thought we know so many people (and family) that are involved in pyramid schemes we've never had anyone try to rope us in. Guess we don't look gullible ;)

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Oh my stars. I love my sister. I do. But she has been sucked into YL and has become really aggressive... We were visiting earlier  today. She runs a diffuser 24x7 -- she was diffusing an energizer blend, but then switched to a relaxing one mid-discussion (so the kids would fall asleep). We were all supposed to immediately feel sleepy and relaxed. She just talked to my kids about essential oils for 30 minutes and my son is convinced it will help him. That being said, I now have a raging headache and am nauseous, despite the fact that YL oils are **so pure** they can't give you headaches.




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Oh my stars. I love my sister. I do. But she has been sucked into YL and has become really aggressive... We were visiting earlier today. She runs a diffuser 24x7 -- she was diffusing an energizer blend, but then switched to a relaxing one mid-discussion (so the kids would fall asleep). We were all supposed to immediately feel sleepy and relaxed. She just talked to my kids about essential oils for 30 minutes and my son is convinced it will help him. That being said, I now have a raging headache and am nauseous, despite the fact that YL oils are **so pure** they can't give you headaches.




I was told by an oil gal that you could tell her oils were "pure" because, if you put a drop on your skin, it would INSTANTLY be absorbed. Much like an alien in a horror movie.

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Funny that this thread just resurfaced. I want a couple different essential oils. I just today went online to price compare YL to the Now brand that someone mentioned upthread. Holy super savings, Batman! I will be buying the Now brand from Vitacost.


Check out Eden's Garden. They have good oils at a good price. I was the biggest skeptic, but now I swear by a few of them that we have.

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It drives me crazy because oils don't need to cost that much. You're just paying everyone's commissions.


Plus the "certified therapeutic grade" is a trademark, it means nothing.


:iagree:  Absolutely... and I tell people this all the time. I am super popular, as you can imagine. :) 

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So, I know NOBODY who sells or touts essential oils.My homeschooling community and my facebook are EO free. (I do get invited to MLM parties, but it's always Jamberry nail wraps.) Is Young Living, etc. primarily a thing that's happening within evangelical Christian culture?



I just looked at the workshop schedule for our local homeschool convention, and there will be two workshops about using essential oils in the homeschool. That's right--reading, writing, arithmetic, and aromatherapy, the essential subjects.  :001_rolleyes:


I was asked to speak at a Classical Conversations-focused homeschool resource fair. My talk was "Learning Disabilities: An Introduction for Homeschooling Families." Nobody came, but the side room that had a YL essential oils presentation had eight or nine people in it.


Oh, my goodness!  I have a friend (a real life friend) who is all about YoungLiving and she kept posting articles (none scientific, all opinion of course) on how YL oils and ONLY YL oils cure Ebola so she wasn't worried at all.  I just rolled my eyes.  Repeatedly.




According to this site, the only reason the FDA is speaking out against EO cures for Ebola is that they're protecting the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. Those cads!


"The article reports that the FDA issued warning letters not only to the two large essential oils distributors, but also to the Natural Solutions Foundation, which is marketing a product called Nano Silver which could potentially kill the Ebola virus.

As has been documented in many other places, the Ebola crisis presents a huge market opportunity to the pharmaceutical industry to rush new drugs and vaccines into the market, and I have no doubt that one or more of these pharmaceutical giants have made complaints to the FDA against essential oils and other natural products that might cure Ebola. The U.S. government already owns a patent on the Ebola virus."


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I keep explaining to people that a substance with the biological potency to do everything essential oils are claimed to do (kill Ebola? Cure cancer?) will necessarily have other, potentially dangerous, side effects. Either the substances are harmless and innocuous and don't have much effect on anything at all, or they are powerfully bioactive and need to be treated with great care, studied closely, and not used indiscriminately. You can't have it both ways.

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I would have come to your talk. My youngest has dyslexia and because of this, she has been my biggest challenge. This is why I only went to one homeschool conference. I wanted help with homeschooling, not a bunch of other stuff. Kathryn Stout was actually at the one I attended, and I did like her talk. But the rest didn't help me with homeschooling.


ETA: Somehow I erased your whole quote. Oops!

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So, I know NOBODY who sells or touts essential oils.My homeschooling community and my facebook are EO free. (I do get invited to MLM parties, but it's always Jamberry nail wraps.) Is Young Living, etc. primarily a thing that's happening within evangelical Christian culture?


No evangelical Christian in my crowd but plenty of young living and doterra to go around.

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YL and DoTerra are popular because people make money off of them. Making money off of them depends on constant marketing. Constant marketing creates an illusion of significance. The illusion of significance causes more people to become involved in buying/using/selling. The cycle continues...

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Oh good lord one of dh's cousins cornered me yesterday and tried to smear some sort of EO on dd2's eczema.... Back off peoples we don't even know yet what is causing her eczema and for all I know whatever you just tried to put on her could be the cause!!!! Oh and the so called lavender you have... Isn't lavender, go to Walmart to the plants and sniff a real lavender plant.

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So, I know NOBODY who sells or touts essential oils.My homeschooling community and my facebook are EO free. (I do get invited to MLM parties, but it's always Jamberry nail wraps.) Is Young Living, etc. primarily a thing that's happening within evangelical Christian culture?



No.  None of the people I know touting the EOs are evangelical Christians, actually.


That being said, I now have a raging headache and am nauseous, despite the fact that YL oils are **so pure** they can't give you headaches.


Lies lol  I've been told that, too.  My experience, too, tells me that they most certainly can cause headaches.  Some don't.  Some do.  Thieves gives me nasty headaches, but I was told I am *wrong* and the headache must've come from something else (or was "toxins" coming out of my body) because Thieves is the best thing ever, don't you know.


Oh and the so called lavender you have... Isn't lavender, go to Walmart to the plants and sniff a real lavender plant.


DT and YL are very quick to tell you that all the other EOs claiming to be lavender are not lavender, but theirs most definitely are.  They have whole papers on this to explain this to you.  And, apparently, if you put any other brand lavender on your skin when the integrity is a problem (rash, sunburn, etc.) it will burn.  But, because I thought they were full of it, I tried NOW brand lavender on sunburn.  Shockingly, it did not burn.  But my YL friends told me I am *wrong* and it did burn because YL tells them it should burn.


It's kind of weird how often my YL/DT friends tell me I am wrong about EO related things.  Perhaps I challenge them a bit too much.  It's just so fun to see them parrot the more recent press releases!

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Does anyone know what has caused the new rise in EO sales? I mean, YL is a 30yo company and people who have been into health have btdt. Not necessarily with YL, but they know about EOs. Is it the health-nut newbies? Why has it become all such the rage all of a sudden? A new marketing push? Bloggers pushing them? New YL multi-level marketers opening, like DT?

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Does anyone know what has caused the new rise in EO sales? I mean, YL is a 30yo company and people who have been into health have btdt. Not necessarily with YL, but they know about EOs. Is it the health-nut newbies? Why has it become all such the rage all of a sudden? A new marketing push? Bloggers pushing them? New YL multi-level marketers opening, like DT?


I don't know for sure, but i have a suspicion..  I"ve observed a real spike in interest for a healthy more 'natural' lifestyle in the 3 areas I've lived in the last 10 yrs., in a very wide range of areas.  I'm only speaking about my personal experience, but I 'think' this has happened nationally, too.   I think EO's has become lumped into that because they can naturally do a thing or two.  Even though I'm a long time EO user of various brands, I find it super annoying that so many that are new to EOs are going nuts over it because the emphasis has gone from something occasionally very helpful, to complete skepticism from people who....very honestly, know NOTHING about them...as is evident on this board.    They only know that they are annoyed by something that has a particular selling practice or the pushy people selling them.  I agree, THAT is a turn off.  Too bad.  I want people to have benefits from things like this and this is why I don't sell them or try to educate anyone else about them.  I will only discuss them if someone finds out some other way I use them and asks ME.  If they get bored with the discussion pretty quick, I totally drop it.  I want to keep friends more than I want them to know about EOs. 


ETA:  One of my friends has used EO's since the 80's.  She hates that it's mainstream now because of what the attention does to the authenticity of it.  She says, if you are one to think of EO users as freaks, you should have seen the EO users in the 70's. LOL  


And, I use YL for some things.  But I buy on Ebay for a fraction of the price and I certainly think they could have done things differently along the way to help their image out, for sure.  I think the same of DoTerra.  But there are also a few other very worthy brands that are sold on shelves.  And I'm not talking about the NOW or Aura Cacia brand either. ;)  But some are just as economical, or close, and not diluted.  I also don't like how so many people feel their only choice is YL or DT.



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