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Am I the only adult who drinks real milk?

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I love milk! Not only milk, but anything dairy. My only problem is I'm lactose intolerant. I used to be able to drink it and it would only make me a little gasy but now I get cramps. I can handle cheese and yogurt but ice cream and milk ... I have to do the lactose free stuff which isn't bad.

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I drink a lot of milk. I love it. Plus, I have read that women who drink milk have more stable emotions. (LOL) Seriously! So you get that benefit, too! :D


Maybe that's my problem. I've never liked milk. My mom used to drop a M&M in my glass to get me to drink it as a kid. I had my priorities straight even as a wee lass---get the chocolate.

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I don't know anybody else who drinks milk! I like to have milk with my chocolate. Am I the only one?


Hardly! I have a tall, cold (skim) one every day with lunch, sometimes mixed with chai and sometimes with Ovaltine. And sometimes I drink it straight up. I'm tough that way. :D

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Do you mean plain milk or whole milk only? I drink 2% all the time. I drink normally three cups a day. My whole family drinks milk except my husband who is lactose intolerant. My unusual problem is that I am Vit. d deficient even though I do drink all this milk, often have a scoop of ice cream for dessert after dinner, and live in Florida. I am now having to supplement with D pills.

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I don't know anybody else who drinks milk! I like to have milk with my chocolate. Am I the only one?


Sorry -- I never liked milk as a kid, and it didn't get better when I got older --


BUT Sweetie loves it. The Kid downs two gallons a week, and if Sweetie is going to be home for the weekend, I need to add another gallon to the shopping list.


Whole milk -- they won't touch the other stuff.

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I like the way milk tastes with brownies especially, and I'm not in the milk-is-bad-for-you camp, so long as we're talking about local raw milk from happy cows. But it makes me sick. Not cheese, not butter, just milk always makes me sick. Happily, I enjoy rice milk a great deal. A carton of Rice Dream goes faster than juice around here. (We only buy juice for fancy suppers w/ friends, so it goes fast too.)

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I don't know anybody else who drinks milk! I like to have milk with my chocolate. Am I the only one?



After years of not enjoying milk, I've been able to drink it again. We're getting fresh, glass bottled, non-homog milk delivered and it actually TASTES GOOD. I was amazed at the difference.

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I didn't drink it for years, but now that I buy raw milk, I do drink it. It tastes so much better, plus all those probiotics. :001_smile: We go through 11 gallons a week.


We love milk, and dh, dd and I drink a lot of it. But 11 gallons? Wow ! HOw many in your family? And have you considered buying a cow, like Tracy in KY? Buying eleven gallons of milk per week has got to be expensive! Or maybe you DO have a cow......either way, good job getting your calcium! :-)



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Nothing beats warm cookies right out of the oven with a glass of cold milk! I have always loved milk. One of my favorite things is to crumble cornbread and have it in a bowl with milk. My mom would cook white rice for breakfast and put sugar and milk on it. It's yummy! I have not done this for my kids because they are not lovers of rice, but it's probably because I buy whole grain. How I miss the days of not knowing so much is bad for you!

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WOW - a lot of milk-drinkers here. I'm not a fan of milk - I don't think I've had a glass of milk since I was about 10. Dh and two of my older sons LOVE milk here.


Really? Don't you ever want to make a cookie moist by dipping it into a glass of milk? :lol::lol::lol:

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