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Should she stay or should she go? A parenting WWYD.


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This has been a rough year on dd, friends-wise. Two people she thought were her friends are most decidedly NOT and she's pretty hurt and feeling a bit abandoned. Tonight is our church's NYE potluck and "talent" show. I was planning on going, but she doesn't want to. She'd rather stay home alone and watch tv. I don't want to leave her alone on NYE and I'm not sure making her go with me to the potluck is the best idea. I do want to go, but I'm not sure if I should just ditch it and stay home with her. Add to all this, her "father" (and I use the term loosely!) had made plans with her for the afternoon, then changed them. He's too stupid to realize we do compare texts, and what he says to her is different than what he says to me. He invited her over to play video games, but his new BF has moved in and is there, and EX won't admit the new BF has moved in. It's all ridiculous. 


So, given all that, would you stay home with your dejected teen, go to the potluck and let her be by herself, or make her go with the idea it might be more fun that she thinks? I don't want to smother her, but I don't want to bail on her, either. 

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If I thought she was going to stay home and mope, I'd probably try to drag her along, with the intent to leave early if she clearly wasn't having fun.


If she just wants a quiet evening at home and is perfectly content with that, I don't see why that would be a problem tonight unless you don't leave her home along regardless.

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I vote stay home. But... if your dd would feel bad you missed your night, then go to the event alone for just a little while (only saying you have other plans, but not what), then come home and spend the rest of the evening with her. If she is upset, you might have to bake cookies alone (mine will then come down to get dough leftovers with of course her favorite movie playing...). Be prepared for her to not being at her best, and don't even think about telling her you missed your evening for that. She will appreciate and remember it forever, guaranteed.

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How close is the potluck?  If it;s a 10-min drive or so, I;d go for a short time. Have looser plans for tonight at home with her- food that can be picked at, rather than a "meal" that must be eaten all at once at a specific time. Netfix or DVD that you can watch anytime, not a movie out.


That gives more flexibility, and if she truly wants to be alone she won't feel like she has to eat this meal or go to the theater because you went to all that trouble, KWIM???

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Ok, we talked about it a few times this afternoon. She doesn't want to go to the potluck at all. I offered to get some junk food and soda and spend the night with her--she could watch what ever she wants on TV (we have netflix and hulu+). She said she wants to watch Big Bang Theory on her ipad. I made cheesy dip and smokies in blankets for her and she said she's fine with that. She told me to go to the potluck; she's fine. I told her that if she changes her mind, to just text me or just come down to the potluck. It's only 8 minutes away, and I won't be there late--probably home by 9. I think I'll stop on the way home for some sparkling apple juice for us to have at 12. 


I think she's more angry at her dad and not wanting to be around people. I have heard her laughing at her show so she's not moping.  She did call him on his crap and he ignored it and refused to acknowledge she was even addressing it. It's so ridiculous. He will NOT admit to her he's moved this new guy in. And, because we're not morons, it's pretty obvious he has. And who cares? She hasn't stayed over night with her dad in a few years because of the previous BF. It's not like anyone would be shocked. 


Thanks for all the input. I'll be texting her while I'm gone, make sure she's fine. 

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After the potluck, some friends invited people over and I texted DD to see if she wanted to go. She did, so I picked her up and we went over and brought the new year in there. It was fun and she got to hang with one of her friend's who's home from college for the holidays. :)

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