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Hello, again :)


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So - some of you may remember me. I see some old, familiar  names (& even some familiar avatars) & lots of new names. :)

I'm back, to fill my heart & mind with some support & humor & laughs & to make me feel marginally less insane.

It's first week of post-sec courses for my dd & it's been tough.  I've been scrolling through the college board & already I feel better. I see this is a tough transition for many of us & our kids.

I don't know how much time realistically I'll be able to spend here - but this weekend at least, I'll be around a bit.

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Hello! I was just thinking of you last night. My husband put on Horation Hornblower to watch last night for the first time in years and I sat there thinking their used to be someone on the WTM boards with that user name. I hadn't seen you post in a while (just realized) and was thinking I liked reading your post. Then get on this morning to see you are back!


Welcome back!



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Hi Hornblower!  I've been away for 5 or 6 weeks, and I see that this is a great weekend to jump back in!  Glad to see you!  There are quite a few of us here from years back, and I was about to post an invitation to everyone to be sure to invite any "oldtimers" they know IRL or that they are in touch with to be sure to make an appearance on October 1st.  Some time ago, a few years I think, there was a big thread about having twice yearly pop-ins for those who love the boards but don't or can't hang out year round.  I was going to see if we could get any traction on that.  At the time Oct 1 and April 1 were the dates floated.  I'll be starting a separate thread about it.


So, tell us about your daughter's accomplishments and her choice of post-sec. Does she have a career path or interest chosen?



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Hi Hornblower,

I was gone for a couple years, as well.  Had a total burn-out melt-down about three years ago.  Couldn't face starting over homeschooling a first grader after getting the first two to high school.  Put them all in school for a year, then (while the two olders stayed in high school in town) I homeschooled the little one half days for two years (public school half days).


 I feel much better now.  :o)


We just sent dd#1 off to college (hour and a half away), and brought dd#3 home full time.  It's going really well.  Ds changed to the local country high school, and he's much happier.  Everyone is doing well, and I find myself back here on the board, remembering people, but not remembering what I remember about them.  :o)


It's probably an age thing.  


Anyway, it's good to see you.  Welcome back!

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Good to see you hear!  I was off for a couple of years (and then lurked when I was on) after my dh died 3 years ago. I was insanely busy and it was hard to even be interested in homeschooling. We did push through though and it's been good to feel excited about homeschooling (and other things) again. 


Welcome back! To you too Suzanne in ABQ. 



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