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Who ranks posts with single stars???


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Well, it typically is my mistake but I may have intentionally ranked this one....

Why three? Should I write it in poetic form? A Haiku, perhaps?

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I never noticed we could star threads.

Go give this one five. Pretty please? I have bad cramps and have already over-used chocolate therapy.

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I assume it is either someone doing it by accident




a poster who needs more cupcakes!



I've accidentally clicked Not Helpful on Amazon reviews instead of next. I always feel so bad. It is easy to click the wrong thing on a phone.

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I never noticed we could star threads.  


Only on the Chat board, it would seem.  I don't get what point the stars serve.  Seems like the chat board would be better off without the stars.

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I did it the other day by total accident:(


On mobile devices if you accidentally touch apparently NEAR the stars..say when you are scrolling. BAM! Locked in.


The experience made me doubt the whole star system. I have a feeling his happens way too often!


And apologies to whomever, if anyone, my twitchy thumb may have offended yesterday at around 7 pm, lol😄

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Go give this one five. Pretty please? I have bad cramps and have already over-used chocolate therapy.

I clicked 5 stars. I could never imagine you would be ranked less!

Hope you feel better soon.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I've seen it mentioned on many threads, that it's very easy for those on phones (and iPads?) to accidentally hit a one star instead of something else on the screen. Don't take it personally!

No, not on ipad. I am nearly always on an ipad when i'm here now. I can see how it could be a problem on a phone.

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There are times when I accidentally click on someone's user name. I know immediately if I do that because the page changes. But if I accidentally click on stars then nothing changes on the screen. I can totally see doing that and not knowing that I've clicked anything.

This. Touchscreen devices make us look like meany-pants internet stalkers. :P

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There are times when I accidentally click on someone's user name.  I know immediately if I do that because the page changes.  But if I accidentally click on stars then nothing changes on the screen.  I can totally see doing that and not knowing that I've clicked anything.


I have done that, too, and then I wonder if the person is going to think I'm some kind of nosy stalker the next time they go to their profile page and see that I visited it. :blush:

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I agree that some of it is likely accidental. But, some people have admitted to one-starring threads that they disapproved of. :/



I have to admit I think it's very cool when someone accidentally one-stars a thread and then has the guts to post on that same thread and admit it. :thumbup:


I think the one-star ratings are mean, particularly when the thread is about a big problem someone is having, and sometimes it seems that there must be a few people who consistently give low ratings to threads started by people they don't like, because I have seen instances where there are already a couple of one-star ratings on a thread before anyone has even responded to it.

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Everyone is always talking about stars, and I cannot see ANY anywhere? I'm totally out of the loop on stars. I'm always on my phone, though.

If you are on a mobile device, scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'full version'. THEN the stars will be at the top of the first page of the thread:)


ETA: Fraidycat was faster!

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I have to admit I think it's very cool when someone accidentally one-stars a thread and then has the guts to post on that same thread and admit it. :thumbup:


I think the one-star ratings are mean, particularly when the thread is about a big problem someone is having, and sometimes it seems that there must be a few people who consistently give low ratings to threads started by people they don't like, because I have seen instances where there are already a couple of one-star ratings on a thread before anyone has even responded to it.

Wow. Havent seen that. How petty. 

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Me and my fat fingers :). It is always an accident and I always feel bad. I also (more often) visit people's profile pages :)

I visit people's profiles by accident a lot too. But, as above, I will admit to checking out a brand new poster with unusual activity.

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I don't use the full version on my phone, so I don't think I've ever accidentally rated a thread while using it.  But I'll admit to being clutzy enough that I've accidentally rated threads while on the computer. :blushing:   I wish we could undo a vote.  Even better, I wish the powers that be would get rid of the stars.

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Ok, I'll admit that when the star system first started I didn't get it at all. I interpreted it to mean how you felt about the issue, not necessarily the post or the person posting. 


So if someone posted "My dog died." I would have thought that was a one star topic because clearly it's very sad that the dog died. In reality, I don't really ever rate topics but that's how I read it until people started posting threads like this complaining about the one stars. 


I think most of the one stars are mistakes, and some are people who are star-illiterate like me and many a tiny few are mean-spirited. 

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O.k. I voted 5. Does that help?


But how did you know that Many clicked 3? Can you see who clicked how many stars? In that case, wouldn't OPs get to see who is voting those mean ole one stars at them?

No, I don't think there is any way to know who clicked it. I just saw it change to three right after Mandy said she would click it, so I assumed she rated it three.


It would be nice if there were no stars. I agree with those who say if you don't like a thread, close it and move on.

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No, I don't think there is any way to know who clicked it. I just saw it change to three right after Mandy said she would click it, so I assumed she rated it three.



If someone rates it a one and then someone rates it a five, it would change from one to three. It shows an average.
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If Amazon reviews are any indicator, it might not always be that the person hated the thread, but they actually thought it was great, lol. I don't know how often I have been reading one star reviews and the person is gushing about how great the product was. Not sure why people don't understand star ratings. I guess they are thinking of it like places in a contest. First place is best, and on down.  :001_rolleyes:

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Guest submarines

Ok, I'll admit that when the star system first started I didn't get it at all. I interpreted it to mean how you felt about the issue, not necessarily the post or the person posting. 


So if someone posted "My dog died." I would have thought that was a one star topic because clearly it's very sad that the dog died. In reality, I don't really ever rate topics but that's how I read it until people started posting threads like this complaining about the one stars. 


I think most of the one stars are mistakes, and some are people who are star-illiterate like me and many a tiny few are mean-spirited. 



I assumed I rate the thread / topic, not the person who posted it and not the first post. So it could be a controversial topic or something I don't personally agree with, but if it is discussed in a civil manner, and I'd be wow, great thread, 5 stars. Or if I learned something new. 5 stars.


Or if everyone is bickering, or posters gang up on the OP, I'd give it a 1 star. Tsk tsk tsk! Or I read through pages and pages and realize I wasted my time (my problem, I know) but the thread might get a 1 star--boring.


But I don't rate every thread I read. It gotta be either super exciting, or super bleh to make me scroll up and rate it.


So I admit, I've given a 1 star. And I've gotten 1 star. It never occurred to me  we are rating particular posters. I assumed we are rating a conversation. I've probably rated a thread down even if I agreed with the OP--if the thread went nuts, or something like that. I don't agree it is mean spirited to occasionally rate a topic down.


I'm sincerely sorry if I upset anyone. But I still maintain that "likes" are to show support to individual posters, and thread rating is just thread rating. It says "Rate Topic", not "Rate the OP."

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