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I've had it up to here^


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With neighbors!


We live in a small rural neighborhood with an HOA.  A few years ago, one neighbor called CPS on us because two of my kids had an argument in front of her house.  All three were riding bikes down the street....they were probably 12, 9, and 7 at the time.  They were together with oldest ds in charge.  Youngest, which is dd, got mad at her brothers because they were ready to come home and she was not and is/was not allowed to be alone.  Their solution was that oldest came home, TWO DOORS DOWN (literally, I can see where they were from my kitchen windows and she could have heard me if I stepped outside and called), to get me.  My other ds stayed with her.   This neighbor walks outside and starts asking them what is going on.  They had never met the woman.  Then, she tells my ds to leave his sister alone because he is trying to pull her away from this stranger, which he knows they are not to be talking with.  Dh was down there to get dd in a matter of minutes.  Yet, she called CPS on us because ds was abusing dd....WHAT?  The lady from CPS actually laughed during her interview with us, but the whole business was emotionally scarring to us all, and embarrassing.  She also called our pastor to "tell" on us.  I later found out that she works for the ps and has a major issue with hsers.  She is also an instigator and causes issues wherever she goes.


Since then, we have had multiple complaints about our yard.  The mowing and weed eating is done weekly, so that isn't an issue.  The shrubs are trimmed yearly, but no more.  Trees are kept trimmed.  We only get around to weeding the flower beds occasionally.  No one can say anything about any of that because they still are neat.  We do not plant flowers or have potted plants sitting around.  Neither dh nor I enjoy lawn work/gardening.  As long as the lawn is neat, we are not interested in having it ornate.  It isn't important to us.  Again, no one can say much about that.  But, since we live in a sea of people that either garden as a hobby or pay a fortune for landscaping companies to take care of their yards, we probably look plain.  I am sure that is annoying to them.  I think this makes us a target when something goes wrong that they can complain about instead of them giving us some grace for a few days.


Once many of us were the target of some vandalism.  I left my house that morning unaware that my front side walk had been spray painted, just like several other houses in the neighborhood.  Mine was just a smiley face or something, while some people had very vulgar pictures.  Anyway, a neighbor called me AT CHURCH on a Sunday to insist that I come home right now to take care of it.  I got home and was SO MAD.  It could have waited a few hours!


One neighbor has griped at my ds when he was mowing about the way he did his rows.  That ticked me off.  It is my yard, as long as he is not throwing the grass on your yard, back off.  Two days ago, I noticed that one of the sprinklers from the aerobic system was not oscillating.  I told dh, who will work on it this weekend when he has a chance.  I am well aware that it is causing a mud puddle, and when dh is home before dark and has time to look at it, it will be taken care of.  They should know from the years that we have lived here that he will get it fixed within days.  He just isn't home TODAY to make it happen.  While ds was mowing this morning, he got the lawn mower stuck in this puddle.  The other kids and I helped him get it out.  After I came inside, my retirement aged neighbor comes outside and proceeds to tell my 14yo ds that we need to get this taken care of.  I was just out there, she could have approached me if she had an issue.  She could have come to my door to talk with me.  No, she goes to a child to address something that is out of his control.


And it irritates me even more because she has lived here just as long as we have.  She knows we will take care of it.  I am sorry that I am not retired and enjoy working four hours every day in my yard like she does.  I have a young family, including a baby that does not nap.  I barely keep up with what needs to be done INSIDE my house.  I don't care if the yard is not up to your appealing standards.  It is clean and neat.  Things break, and we fix them as soon as we can.  If it was an emergency and flooding everything, I would call someone to fix it.  Otherwise, it can wait the few days until dh can handle it.  This is my property and what happens on it is none of your business.  And, do not approach my child about an issue.  Talk to me, like an adult.


And, for the record...our HOA has NEVER said anything to us about anything on our property in the decade that we have lived here because we do not break any of the restrictions and any issues with things breaking are taken care of in a timely fashion.  People just think they can butt their noses into others business and I am tired of it.  I think I am going to start prepping to put our house on the market.  I want to live in the country anyway...for more than one reason. 


Rant over, but I am still TICKED!!!

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Perhaps your ds should move the yard in a spiral next time, rather than rows. Not just to vex them, but to call their attention to the freedom you have to do your yard as you like.


I would be tempted to mow words into the front yard. Maybe our spelling list for next week? Tell them to kiss your behind. 

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Perhaps your ds should move the yard in a spiral next time, rather than rows. Not just to vex them, but to call their attention to the freedom you have to do your yard as you like.

 I love to mow the lawn in zig zags or spirals, and and any other weird patterns I can come up with, just because I can. :laugh:  

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Ugh!  How utterly frustrating!  Is there any way you can talk to her?  


My first reaction would be to tell her no more talking to my kids...but you have been neighbors for a long time.  Any chance that you could open some inroads here?   Maybe invite the neighbor over for dinner and give them a chance to actually get to know your family, maybe create a stronger connection?  They may be making all kinds of assumptions in their heads about your family that could hopefully be dispelled if they just really got to know you all better.

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OK--your neighbors are NUTS!


Don't even begin to think that what they are doing is in ANY way reasonable.


This is a free country.  If your lawn is mowed and your trees off their property, they



Stand up for yourself and tell them they do not get to dictate your life for you!

(I don't do well with people, so it's easy for me to give advice -- in your situation

I would be stressed beyond belief.)


What these people are doing is wrong.  Just plain old wrong.  Harassing a young family

for no good reason, because they have nothing else to do!!!

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That would grate on me enough to bring out my a few of my vices.


Like passive aggressive warfare and momma bear mouth.


I would be standing in my yard either reminding myself, "bless her heart; shut my mouth", or shouting, "Jesus, take the wheel" in the hopes I might calm myself down with some levity. (And potentially let them think I'm unstable enough to be left alone.)

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As a family with somewhat challenging neighbors, I totally sympathize, by the way.


BLA5 I am going to have "Jesus Take the Wheel" blaring in my head every time I see my neighbors now. :) Not sure I am brave enough to sing it out loud, though.

You know, I have actually never heard the song; reading the lyrics was enough for me to start using the phrase as a way to make myself laugh. (Since I am frequently the only one I am amusing!)




I sense an afternoon's avoidance of finishing cleaning the office coming on.....

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A risky idea, but if you know your aren't in violation of the HoA, You could tell the neighbors if they have a problem with your yard to file it with the HoA. Eventually, the HoA will set them straight and/or completely ignore complaints coming their way re you....or your neighbors will become the new HoA nazis. :leaving:

I'd be tempted to see exactly what I could get away with based on the HOA agreement.


Would digging up the yard and replacing it with permaculture landscaping violate the terms?


Would turning it into a putting green?


A rock garden?


A ground covering that doesn't need mowing?


If I had the money to put in the project, I'd figure out a way to make my yard no longer need mowing and not violate the HOA. I'd view it as my little way of flipping them the bird, perpetually.


(See why I need Jesus to take my wheel!)

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Before we moved to CA our neighborhood in OR was becoming more and more of a retirement community and we were having more and more issues. We were not bad neighbors, but we also do not enjoy gardening and we put more importance on spending time with our teens than making home improvements. We, also, were having some tense times with our neighbors, including one who called the police EVERY day when my son practiced the drums. The police wanted my son to quit playing the drums because they kept having to come out and I had to get firm with them that we were below the decipal level required and we were doing nothing wrong and there are retirement communities where these people could have moved to and I was not going to restrict my son's childhood unfairly because they didn't want to pay to move to one.



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Perhaps your ds should move the yard in a spiral next time, rather than rows. Not just to vex them, but to call their attention to the freedom you have to do your yard as you like.

He is leaving for a week soon to go on a trip.  I just may have him show me how to use the mower and tick off all of the neighbors with my skills while he is gone!!!


Wow.  I agree with you that is really intrusive and excessive.

I would address any of the neighbors who were speaking to my children and tell them to stop immediately.

I am probably going out to discuss this issue soon.  I am way too angry right now to confront her...I will add the update in a bit.


Ugh!  How utterly frustrating!  Is there any way you can talk to her?  


My first reaction would be to tell her no more talking to my kids...but you have been neighbors for a long time.  Any chance that you could open some inroads here?   Maybe invite the neighbor over for dinner and give them a chance to actually get to know your family, maybe create a stronger connection?  They may be making all kinds of assumptions in their heads about your family that could hopefully be dispelled if they just really got to know you all better.


I have tried talking with her in a friendly manner, dh too.  I told ds if she approaches him again to just kindly tell her to talk to me.

A risky idea, but if you know your aren't in violation of the HoA, You could tell the neighbors if they have a problem with your yard to file it with the HoA. Eventually, the HoA will set them straight and/or completely ignore complaints coming their way re you....or your neighbors will become the new HoA nazis. :leaving:


I don't attend HOA meetings.  I have better things to do.  But, I have been told by others that these two neighbors constantly complain about us.  They are always told that we are not violating any rules or laws, so they can't do anything.

I'd be tempted to see exactly what I could get away with based on the HOA agreement.


Would digging up the yard and replacing it with permaculture landscaping violate the terms?


Would turning it into a putting green?


A rock garden?


A ground covering that doesn't need mowing?


If I had the money to put in the project, I'd figure out a way to make my yard no longer need mowing and not violate the HOA. I'd view it as my little way of flipping them the bird, perpetually.


(See why I need Jesus to take my wheel!)

Ha Ha!  I am tempted to do what my dad always said, "Pour concrete and paint it green."  Unfortunately, we don't have money to do anything like this.


Before we moved to CA our neighborhood in OR was becoming more and more of a retirement community and we were having more and more issues. We were not bad neighbors, but we also do not enjoy gardening and we put more importance on spending time with our teens than making home improvements. We, also, were having some tense times with our neighbors, including one who called the police EVERY day when my son practiced the drums. The police wanted my son to quit playing the drums because they kept having to come out and I had to get firm with them that we were below the decipal level required and we were doing nothing wrong and there are retirement communities where these people could have moved to and I was not going to restrict my son's childhood unfairly because they didn't want to pay to move to one.



This is much of the issue.  The two complainers are retired widows in a well-to-do neighborhood.  They both apparently love to spend time in their yards and have lots of money.  I think they forget that when you have a young family, you don't have time to spend half the day working in your yard.  I am not exaggerating when I say that one literally mows her yard every other day.  My kids call her The Mowing Lady.  They both wake up early and stay in their yards until it is too hot, then are back out in the evenings, every evening.  That is great that they can enjoy spending their time that way, but with four kids to school, run to events, and enjoy, I do not have that time nor do I have the desire.  I think they also forget that money can be tight and husbands are not on call to run home if something is broken.  I am sure they both can afford to call someone the minute something breaks.  We can't and have to rely on dh to do repairs when he isn't working.  I also woke up to a truck with dead batteries and am stuck home today until he can get off work.  Get off it lady, there are more important things in need of our time.

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Update...I am now sooooo fuming.  I had a man knock on my door from my septic inspection company.  He said that our neighbor had complained to the county about the puddle in OUR yard and that it stinks like sewer.  He was called since all of the info is on record at the county office.  He inspected it and said that NOTHING is wrong with it other than the sprinkler not oscillating, which dh is fixing soon.  He said that is not a violation anyway unless it was a LONG standing issue and the puddle expanded to take in her property.  He could tell it had only been broken a short time.  He also said there is no odor.  He said he would be telling the county agency that our system was fine and we just have a nuisance of a neighbor!


I think the lady has no idea how aerobic systems work.  They are not like old septic systems.  The water from the sprinklers has been treated and is considered sanitary.  That is her complaint: that we are improperly disposing of sewage.  The inspector said that he would inform the county that our system is functioning just fine and no there is no sanitation issue.

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I'd be tempted to see exactly what I could get away with based on the HOA agreement.


Would digging up the yard and replacing it with permaculture landscaping violate the terms?


Would turning it into a putting green?


A rock garden?


A ground covering that doesn't need mowing?


If I had the money to put in the project, I'd figure out a way to make my yard no longer need mowing and not violate the HOA. I'd view it as my little way of flipping them the bird, perpetually.


(See why I need Jesus to take my wheel!)

I'd go with a "fake flowers and big plastic pink flamingos" motif... guarded by a few dozen creepy garden gnomes. And a big gargoyle on the mailbox. Plastic, of course. :D


And I would decorate very heavily for every possible holiday -- particularly the ones that no one has ever heard of -- with the biggest, tackiest stuff I could find at the dollar store.


I would also find out all of the neighbors' birthdays so I could put a giant banner on the front lawn announcing, "Honk your horn! Gloria Smith is 53 today!!!"


But I have a mean streak.

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Update...I am now sooooo fuming.  I had a man knock on my door from my septic inspection company.  He said that our neighbor had complained to the county about the puddle in OUR yard and that it stinks like sewer.  He was called since all of the info is on record at the county office.  He inspected it and said that NOTHING is wrong with it other than the sprinkler not oscillating, which dh is fixing soon.  He said that is not a violation anyway unless it was a LONG standing issue and the puddle expanded to take in her property.  He could tell it had only been broken a short time.  He also said there is no odor.  He said he would be telling the county agency that our system was fine and we just have a nuisance of a neighbor!


I think the lady has no idea how aerobic systems work.  They are not like old septic systems.  The water from the sprinklers has been treated and is considered sanitary.  That is her complaint: that we are improperly disposing of sewage.  The inspector said that he would inform the county that our system is functioning just fine and no there is no sanitation issue.

report her for harassment  :lol:  just kidding sort of

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Update...I am now sooooo fuming. I had a man knock on my door from my septic inspection company. He said that our neighbor had complained to the county about the puddle in OUR yard and that it stinks like sewer. He was called since all of the info is on record at the county office. He inspected it and said that NOTHING is wrong with it other than the sprinkler not oscillating, which dh is fixing soon. He said that is not a violation anyway unless it was a LONG standing issue and the puddle expanded to take in her property. He could tell it had only been broken a short time. He also said there is no odor. He said he would be telling the county agency that our system was fine and we just have a nuisance of a neighbor!


I think the lady has no idea how aerobic systems work. They are not like old septic systems. The water from the sprinklers has been treated and is considered sanitary. That is her complaint: that we are improperly disposing of sewage. The inspector said that he would inform the county that our system is functioning just fine and no there is no sanitation issue.

Don't give her so much credit.


She is a busybody troublemaker, nothing more.


I would file a complaint with the HOA.

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This is a boundary issue, in terms of interaction with your dc, in terms of your property, and in terms of your basic rights.


First, I would write an open letter to the HOA regarding harassment that has been escalating and is nearing an untenable level. And give examples. Perhaps they can read it aloud at the next meeting. I would include something about "hating to resort to legal measures to stop the bullying, but are increasingly feeling forced to consider that action". I would also speak to her immediately (with a witness present) regarding the problem of speaking to your dc. If she has anything she wishes to communicate with your family, she should do so directly to one of the adults.


Second, is there any type of lawn decoration that would be okay with the HOA but annoying to the bully? If so, I would buy them in bulk and let it be known that every time she (or others) complain about you when you are not breaking a rule, another garden gnome will appear - looking directly in her direction, watching her. You could call them Sentinels of Shame or something similar that would provide quite a bit of levity for your family, but probably drive her to distraction. I'd be up front about it. If she insists on complaining about you publicly, then she shouldn't be surprised when you respond in the same arena.


Third, I would research (and let it be widely known that you are doing so) the laws in your area regarding restraining orders and bullying. Find out if you have any legal recourse. Talk to the PTB of the HOA. Ask them how they think it would be best to respond to someone who is overstepping her boundaries to this degree.


I am sure you initially tried being nice. Unfortunately, some people don't understand "nice". They think it is permission to trample all over you. If "nice" isn't working and the problem is getting worse, then I would move on to reflecting whatever she brings to you right back at her. She needs to learn that not only will her meddling not bring her the desired result, it will cause her to experience public embarrassment equal to that which she is trying to dish out, legal trouble if she is trying to get you into legal trouble, HOA problems if she is trying to cause HOA problems for you. Don't get sucked in to arguing with her directly, just reflect back at her what she is trying to put on you.


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I would be very frustrated in your situation, too. I am grateful to live in a middle class neighborhood that is neat but without obsessive neighbors.

I agree and me too!


Have you ever read any of the articles on 27bslash6.com by David Thorne? "Justin's Floodlight", "Massanutten", "Grubby Tenant", "Strata Agreement", and "Party in Apartment 3" might be somewhat therapeutic. (Not for children's eyes)

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I'd go with a "fake flowers and big plastic pink flamingos" motif... guarded by a few dozen creepy garden gnomes. And a big gargoyle on the mailbox. Plastic, of course. :D


And I would decorate very heavily for every possible holiday -- particularly the ones that no one has ever heard of -- with the biggest, tackiest stuff I could find at the dollar store.


I would also find out all of the neighbors' birthdays so I could put a giant banner on the front lawn announcing, "Honk your horn! Gloria Smith is 53 today!!!"


But I have a mean streak.


I like your style, Cat.


Except that instead of a plastic gargoyle, I'd go with one of those fake-moldy lions. And a gigantic faux lighthouse. Preferably with working light that shines in her window.


Seriously, OP, I feel for you. This is exactly why we live in the country. (((Hugs)))


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I like your style, Cat.


Except that instead of a plastic gargoyle, I'd go with one of those fake-moldy lions. And a gigantic faux lighthouse. Preferably with working light that shines in her window.


Seriously, OP, I feel for you. This is exactly why we live in the country. (((Hugs)))


I like your ideas better than mine. :)

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Ugh!  How utterly frustrating!  Is there any way you can talk to her?  


My first reaction would be to tell her no more talking to my kids...but you have been neighbors for a long time.  Any chance that you could open some inroads here?   Maybe invite the neighbor over for dinner and give them a chance to actually get to know your family, maybe create a stronger connection?  They may be making all kinds of assumptions in their heads about your family that could hopefully be dispelled if they just really got to know you all better.


:iagree: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!


Was it Ben Franklin who recommended asking someone to do you a small favor to prime them for being easier to deal with?

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I like your style, Cat.


Except that instead of a plastic gargoyle, I'd go with one of those fake-moldy lions. And a gigantic faux lighthouse. Preferably with working light that shines in her window.


Seriously, OP, I feel for you. This is exactly why we live in the country. (((Hugs)))


Or one of the ten foot tall wooden carvings with a giant spread-winged eagle on top?


Friends of ours around the corner had neighbors in an annoyance war. One put up a 400 bazillion watt floodlight that somehow got knocked when they installed the bulb to point directly into the other's master bedroom window. It lights up the whole cul de sac.

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I like your style, Cat.


Except that instead of a plastic gargoyle, I'd go with one of those fake-moldy lions. And a gigantic faux lighthouse. Preferably with working light that shines in her window.


Seriously, OP, I feel for you. This is exactly why we live in the country. (((Hugs)))


True story-


Someone in my Mom's neighborhood has a stone lighthouse in their front yard. If I can find the picture of the monstrosity I will post it later...


It is that awesome.

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Nuts. And retired nuts. Retired nuts are so difficult because they have so much time on their hands. Why they don't remember what it's like to have little kids, I don't know.


But I agree: you're dealing with people who have personality disorders and one of the symptoms is horrendously poor boundaries.


Your yard sounds like it's in incredible shape given your young kids. I would likely say to an adult who confronts my child, "If you have something to say, you need to talk to me. Now, what is it you need to tell me?"


And then I'd hand them the non-emergency police # and remind them that you're doing nothing illegal and that if the harassment continues -- you'll be taking action.


These are bullies. Edited to add: :grouphug:



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True story-


Someone in my Mom's neighborhood has a stone lighthouse in their front yard. If I can find the picture of the monstrosity I will post it later...


It is that awesome.


I would loooove to see that!


No offense intended, but I am truly baffled by the front yard lighthouse phenomenon. It is rampant around here (200+ miles from the coast!). I didn't realize cruiseliners running aground was such a threat in our neck of the woods. :tongue_smilie:


Some folks up the road from my parents used to have one that was at least 15 feet tall. Hey, if you're going to go, go all out, right?

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I would loooove to see that!


No offense intended, but I am truly baffled by the front yard lighthouse phenomenon. It is rampant around here (200+ miles from the coast!). I didn't realize cruiseliners running aground was such a threat in our neck of the woods. :tongue_smilie:


Some folks up the road from my parents used to have one that was at least 15 feet tall. Hey, if you're going to go, go all out, right?

My mom lives at least 6 hours from the coast.


I have a picture.....


But it is on the laptop with DH across town. Pffftht.


I WILL return tomorrow with photographic evidence.


Words alone just will not do it justice,

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Or one of the ten foot tall wooden carvings with a giant spread-winged eagle on top?


Friends of ours around the corner had neighbors in an annoyance war. One put up a 400 bazillion watt floodlight that somehow got knocked when they installed the bulb to point directly into the other's master bedroom window. It lights up the whole cul de sac.


Some years ago, a guy in our town shaped his shrubs into very...masculine...forms. I don't think he did it intentionally to annoy the neighbors. He just liked them that way. There was no HOA, so I think they stayed like that for quite some time.


I'd rather that than than the floodlight you describe.

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I would loooove to see that!


No offense intended, but I am truly baffled by the front yard lighthouse phenomenon. It is rampant around here (200+ miles from the coast!). I didn't realize cruiseliners running aground was such a threat in our neck of the woods. :tongue_smilie:


Some folks up the road from my parents used to have one that was at least 15 feet tall. Hey, if you're going to go, go all out, right?

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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We have no HOA, but our next door neighbor wishes we did.  She's taken it upon herself to attempt to BE the neighborhood HOA.  No one really cares for it, but they sort of let it go. 


She complained a lot to other neighbors and to the city, but never once talked to us nicely about her issues.  Although, I would have told her to pound sand for most of them.  She doesn't like our van, doesn't like that we fixed a dead spot in our front yard with seed instead of sod, doesn't like anything.


Well.  One day, during the summer while I was pregnant with my second, on partial bed rest, and had a husband working 70 hour weeks doing physical labor she got mad about the brown spots in our lawn.  Which we were watering in accordance with city laws, but it wasn't going fast enough for her-she complained and told the city we weren't taking any steps to fix the dead lawn and that we were violating the percentage of living plant material we had to have.  This wasn't true and the worker realized that pretty quick.


She also has cats that she lets roam the neighborhood which I found out is illegal in our city.  I went over to her house and quietly told her that for every complaint she directed our way I would call the city and complain about her cats. Who do roam in my yard daily.  She could choose the kind of neighbors we were going to be.  She could quit gossiping about us, quit complaining, and quit looking for things to be annoyed by or I could be just as gossipy and annoyed as she could.  I just happened to have an actual legal leg to stand on.


She's shut her trap since then.


I don't suppose your neighbors have cats?  :lol:


ETA:  Our home was a vacant for 2 years foreclosure when we moved in.  The lawn had seen no care during most of that time and it took work and time to bring it up to snuff.  Which is why we had brown spots and dead spots, the lawn was undernourished for a long time. 

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Can your HOA prevent you from celebrating a holiday? As homeschoolers you have a great opportunity to celebrate as many international holidays as possible in the name of education. There's one for just about every day of the year. I would install a chalkboard out front and get the kids to write "Happy ______" each day for a different holiday. Get something flashy from the dollar store to decorate the sides of the chalkboard too.


And some holidays may require pink flamingos.

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Update...I am now sooooo fuming.  I had a man knock on my door from my septic inspection company.  He said that our neighbor had complained to the county about the puddle in OUR yard and that it stinks like sewer.  He was called since all of the info is on record at the county office.  He inspected it and said that NOTHING is wrong with it other than the sprinkler not oscillating, which dh is fixing soon.  He said that is not a violation anyway unless it was a LONG standing issue and the puddle expanded to take in her property.  He could tell it had only been broken a short time.  He also said there is no odor.  He said he would be telling the county agency that our system was fine and we just have a nuisance of a neighbor!


I think the lady has no idea how aerobic systems work.  They are not like old septic systems.  The water from the sprinklers has been treated and is considered sanitary.  That is her complaint: that we are improperly disposing of sewage.  The inspector said that he would inform the county that our system is functioning just fine and no there is no sanitation issue.

I also had to deal with DEQ when my then 16yo son was accused of dumping paint down a drain. I had to explain that he aimed the hose incorrectly for a second when cleaning the paint sprayer. The poor DEQ man had to climb down into the drain to be able to prove that we had not contaminated the water supply. 

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Can your HOA prevent you from celebrating a holiday? As homeschoolers you have a great opportunity to celebrate as many international holidays as possible in the name of education. There's one for just about every day of the year. I would install a chalkboard out front and get the kids to write "Happy ______" each day for a different holiday. Get something flashy from the dollar store to decorate the sides of the chalkboard too.


And some holidays may require pink flamingos.


Especially pink flamingos.

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I would loooove to see that!


No offense intended, but I am truly baffled by the front yard lighthouse phenomenon. It is rampant around here (200+ miles from the coast!). I didn't realize cruiseliners running aground was such a threat in our neck of the woods. :tongue_smilie:


Some folks up the road from my parents used to have one that was at least 15 feet tall. Hey, if you're going to go, go all out, right?

Hope you like it!

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And here it is.


That's, uh, well.  It's something.  Hope they love it.


OP, get one of those and add some pink flamingos and those plastic geese with bonnets and then decorate them for EVERY holiday.  Along with the dollar store stuff.  ;)


I saw a garden gnome on Think Geek that looked like Godzilla eating an actual garden gnome too.....

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I happen to like lighthouses on front lawns, But then I lived on an island for 20 years so maybe I just got used to seeing so many people having them on their lawns.  Also in 1901 there was a shipwreck (not enough lighthouses in town,at that time I guess) and the ship is still there, buried under sand right on the beach.  Goggle Ocean City NJ Sindia shipwreck if you want to know more about it.

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Wow. That whole yard is just... wow.


I happen to like lighthouses on front lawns, But then I lived on an island for 20 years so maybe I just got used to seeing so many people having them on their lawns.  Also in 1901 there was a shipwreck (not enough lighthouses in town,at that time I guess) and the ship is still there, buried under sand right on the beach.  Goggle Ocean City NJ Sindia shipwreck if you want to know more about it.


See, I think it's cool if you live at the coast. Lots of decor that you see at the coast is, um, coastal. Lighthouses just don't make much sense 200 miles inland, IYKWIM. But to each his own. I'm not an anti-lighthouse crusader or anything. :D

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