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Dyson Vacuums--Are they worth it?


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We have a cat. A small, innocent American Domestic shorthair who sheds enough to equal seven cats.  While I adore her, it seems like even with daily vacuuming our house is still dirty.  We have a Hoover Windtunnel which I love, but everybody tells me that I'll really notice a difference w/a Dyson.

The $500 price tag is holding me back…but seeing as I vacuum every day….if it's worth it, I'll try and swing it.


But…are they worth it?


Looking at the new DC65.  We have a lot of wood/tile floors, area rugs, and carpet in the bedrooms.

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Love ours. We have 4 cats and 2 dogs. The Dyson kept up with the 100 lb golden retriever who shed as if it were her duty in life. We have had three. Two still kicking. One finally bit it after 10 faithful years of service. You can take them apart and clean them, and no bags! I would go broke buying bags.

Do you have a Costco membership? They sell them, and the year warranty may make you feel better.

Oh no, 3 cats now. :( I miss my girl!!! Two of the remaining are Siamese-something white and fluffy mixes. They produce enough fur to make a wig for a hairless cat every week.

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Sears sells Dyson and Kenmore, so you could go try them both for yourself.  To me it wasn't, and the reviews bear that out.  Also, my dd reacts to the dog at the house of our friends who use a dyson and doesn't at ours with the kenmore.  Different dogs, but still I find the kenmore to be a very good sweeper at a sensible price.  (bagged canister, top model)  Also, our friends have had several repairs to have to do to the vac.  They like it, but when I bought a new vac for my mother, I went kenmore for her as well. She has a cat, which always gave my dh fits, and with the new kenmore he tolerates her house just fine.  Kenmores are a great vac for a sensible price.  

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I have two cats. I got a Shark Rotator Professional and think it is amazing. I have never seen a vacuum that works like this. All the power of a Dyson and half the price. The litte pet hair attachment is awesome! One swipe and it is all gone.


Seconded. I managed to kill two Dysons over the course of a few years, but I'm really liking my Shark right now. The pet hair attachment is exactly the same as the one that comes with Dyson Animal, as far as I can tell; works great.*


*And how long until my vacuum explodes now that I've jinxed myself by saying how terrific it is? 

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I have a Dyson, and I am not impressed.  It was a gift, and I am glad I didn't spend my own money on it!  It is a yellow one, but I don't know which model.  It seems poorly constructed, and I am constantly cutting my long hair off of the roller.  Maybe I got a lemon.

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Is there a vacuum cleaner with a roller that one doesn't have to cut or otherwise remove long hair from?  Apparently the new Dyson tangle-free turbine tool does this.  It comes with the new Dyson DC65 Animal Complete, the DC65 Animal, and the DC39 Animal.


"The Tangle-free Turbine tool is compatible with all Dyson upright and canister vacuums from DC23 onwards, except DC24 and cordless models."  There is a video at the link:  http://www.rakuten.com/prod/dyson-tangle-free-turbine-tool/240597325.html?listingId=294111579&scid=pla_google_Vacuum-Direct&adid=18172&gclid=CIWe0_X5yr0CFYdFMgodmBgAXQ


You can call Dyson customer service if you want to buy one for your machine, and to see if your machine is compatible with it.  (1-866-693-9766)


I have had a Dyson for many years.  It is easy to use and has worked for far longer than any other vacuum cleaner I've owned.  I love it.


Woot has refurbished Dysons for about 1/2 price pretty frequently.

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I wouldn't pay that much for one.  I did a ton of research before I bought my last vacuum, and from what I read, the new Dysons are really crappy.  Ten years ago, I totally would have paid for one, but it sounds like now they're made with cheap parts and break if you so much as look at them funny.  I paid a fraction of the price for a Hoover Windtunnel Pro with all the pet attachments, and it works great.  Though I don't recommend trying to vacuum up a Christmas tree skirt with it. :P   

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Love, love my shark. I own two. One for upstairs, one for down. My husband has one In his apartment he keeps for the workweek, my two oldest have them in their apartments, and I bought my parents one at Christmas. It's bordering on ridiculous. Want me to buy you one?

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I appreciate mine more now that we have a shedding cat. That said, there are some other excellent vacuum brands. They aren't the be all and end all. We've had ours for 7+ years. It was just less than $300- we bought a refurb on overstocks.

Wash the filter every 6 months.

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I bought my Dyson on Woot for less than $200. I am amazed at how much it picks up.  The only thing that I don't like about it is that the long hair does get wrapped around the roller.  I'm not sure that there's a vacuum out there where that doesn't happen though. 


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Now I want a Shark...


Completely worth it!! I used to think because they were on informercials that they were probably a waste of money. After reading reviews on Amazon (because he didn't want to fork over the $$$ for a Dyson or Miele) my husband suggested it. I am so glad he did! I have never been so amazed by a vacuum cleaner before. I know that sounds corny, but it is true. One of our cats peed on our rug. The carpet cleaner we have did not get all the smell out, so I took it outside and sprinkled baking soda on it. When I vacuumed the baking soda off, you could actually see it flying off the rug as it was being sucked up.

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I went through so many vacuums before I bought my Dyson. I love it and would buy another one in a heartbeat. My favorite part about it is that I can easily take it apart if it gets clogged. The only drawback is that it is a bit heavy so taking it up and down stairs is a pain.

Elise in NC

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I loved my Dyson- up until it broke after 2 1/2 years. Way too much money to be paying for something that isn't going to last.

My mom's got a Kirby that has lasted her 25+ years. My dad thought she way overpaid for it at the time but clearly she's more than gotten her money's worth. I want a vacuum like that.

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I prefer a bagged vaccuum and have gotten years out of my Eureka Boss, but I don't know if they make them any more.


I have a Eureka Boss that's at least nine years old.  We have a central vac, but I still pull out the Boss for lots of stuff.


I personally wouldn't buy a Dyson.  That opinion is based on the many mediocre reviews I've read and from looking at them in stores.  They seem very cheaply made compared to the Boss and the Kenmore vacs I've owned in the past.

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I personally wouldn't buy a Dyson.  That opinion is based on the many mediocre reviews I've read and from looking at them in stores.  They seem very cheaply made compared to the Boss and the Kenmore vacs I've owned in the past.


I agree. I have used my mother's Dyson- not sure which model, but it is purple- and it didn't impress me at all. And the cloud of dust that flew up every time I had to empty it caused my allergies to go crazy.


My 15 year old Electrolux does a far better job, has more sturdy attachments, and has only become clogged once. (This was due to user error. I vacuumed up one of dd's socks. :o )

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I loved my Dyson- up until it broke after 2 1/2 years. Way too much money to be paying for something that isn't going to last.

My mom's got a Kirby that has lasted her 25+ years. My dad thought she way overpaid for it at the time but clearly she's more than gotten her money's worth. I want a vacuum like that.

My brother and his husband have a 20 year old Kirby too. They love if. I'd be all over that but for the massive weight.
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I loved my Dyson- up until it broke after 2 1/2 years. Way too much money to be paying for something that isn't going to last.

My mom's got a Kirby that has lasted her 25+ years. My dad thought she way overpaid for it at the time but clearly she's more than gotten her money's worth. I want a vacuum like that.

Same thong happened to me, but I went thru two. I'm in the market for a new vacuume and it WON'T be a Dyson.
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Welllllll. . . I love my Dyson (the DC18), but DH thinks it wasn't worth the money. It *has* been into the shop several times; I've had it just under 6 years, and while I've had the switch and the undercarriage replaced under warranty, I am currently waiting for replacement filters and motor to arrive. I paid $500 for the Dyson, and the repair cost is about $100 for parts plus another $100 for labor, so DH and I are going to try to repair it ourselves first. However, before that, I'd had a $200 Hoover Windtunnel for four years, and I'd had to repair it once as well, AND its motor was showing signs of dying. So I think the Dyson is a better deal.

I also think that part of the issue is us; we are hard on stuff, no question. We have an old house with two sets of stairs, one of which has narrow treads, and a mix of carpet, linoleum, laminate, and old hardwood floors, and the Dyson does well on all of them. I have to clean the brushes out, because of hair and strings, but I'd have to do that with any vacuum. I love that the Dyson is lightweight and easy to carry, and I love the wand for the steps and for reaching into corners. I personally feel that it does a very good job, and I like that it's bagless. I think it'll have been worth the money overall if it lasts another five or so years.

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I've had my dyson for 10 years now. I bought it as a refurb and I think I paid $260 for it.  Definitely worth it to me.  It is starting to age though and dh has started patching it up for me a couple of times this past year.  

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I have a Meile. My one experiment with bagless between my Kenmore and my Meile was a disaster. I can't imagine emptying the cup if you had allergies. I always managed to send a dust cloud in the air and, because the hair gets so fluffed up in the bagless cups, you have to empty every time you vacuum. Maybe it was my technique and you have to take your time and pour carefully? No thanks.

I actually chimed in to suggest using your seam ripper to clean the hair off the brushes. If you're organized, you can attach one to your vacuum so it's always there. I've never taken that past the idea phase.

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I actually chimed in to suggest using your seam ripper to clean the hair off the brushes. If you're organized, you can attach one to your vacuum so it's always there. I've never taken that past the idea phase.

This is not a bad idea.  I end up taking off the cover and using scissors to cut off the hair.  I have thick, curly hair that is halfway down my back, and it causes vacuum problems such as loss of suction.

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We have a 10 year old Sebo that has never needed repairs and works like a charm.


Nonetheless, I now want a Shark for upstairs!  Even though the Sebo is fairly light and easy to carry, I hurt my back last fall and I keep getting twinges of pain whenever I carry something.  On the plus side, the kids have taken over hauling laundry up and down stairs, but they are now not home frequently enough for me to be able to rely on them to carry the vacuum cleaner when the whim to vacuum strikes.  DH bought me a Roomba last year which I do like, but it fills up quickly (we could also be in the cat wig manufacturing business).


No experience with Dyson, sorry to be off topic. 

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That's the vacuum we have for hardwood. I like, but don't love it. It does a good job cleaning up floors including pet hair. I find it to be a little bit heavy and I don't like that the cord isn't retractable though. Definitely shop around on price. I've seen some good vacuum deals on ebay.

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We have a 10 year old Sebo that has never needed repairs and works like a charm.


Nonetheless, I now want a Shark for upstairs!  Even though the Sebo is fairly light and easy to carry, I hurt my back last fall and I keep getting twinges of pain whenever I carry something.  On the plus side, the kids have taken over hauling laundry up and down stairs, but they are now not home frequently enough for me to be able to rely on them to carry the vacuum cleaner when the whim to vacuum strikes.  DH bought me a Roomba last year which I do like, but it fills up quickly (we could also be in the cat wig manufacturing business).


No experience with Dyson, sorry to be off topic. 

Ooo, I've wondered if Roomba's actually work!  

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Ooo, I've wondered if Roomba's actually work!  


We bought two Roombas when they first came out….one was the vacuum guy, and the other would scrub the floor. No idea if they've improved by the battery had to be replaced relatively quickly…and the little guy kept getting stuck.  I loved it in theory, though. :)

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I had forgotten all a out Kirby vacuums until someone mentioned them earlier. My mom had one when I was a kid and that thing was a work horse. You can buy them refurbished on overstock for the same price as a Dyson. I'm in the market for a new vacuum since my Dyson died and I think I'll look into Kirby's again.

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I owned a Kenmore Progressive for several years. Our house is one of those where avacuum lasts twelve months and I'm grateful. (No indoor cats or dogs, but we have nine girls/women here, so I think it's equal???)

When it died I was deciding between a new Progressive, the Dyson, and due to Consumer Reports, that Hoover Wind Tunnel. The Wind Tunnel worked great for a cheap vacuum, I'll give it that, but it didn't work half as well as my Progressive. It's dead now, we're moving, and I need a new one. We're Costco members so the Dyson is an obvious choice. However, my mom just bought a brand new Progressive. Add on the two year warranty and it's still cheaper than the Dyson and an incredible vac.... I'm going with the Progressive. ;)

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We have one northern breed dog living in Florida = 1 lb. of dog hair per day, two long haired females, two old geezers balding faster than an eagle, and one old crumb spewing old lady.

We have had a million different vacuums over the years and only the Dyson has been able to keep up. One died after 4 years, but the other two are still going strong, ages 6 and 2. Considering we used to go through one Hoover or. Meiele every 6 months, I am excited.

You will still need to vacuum every day because your cat is shedding every day. But when you see how much dirt per room comes up, you will be amazed.

Someone mentioned the bagless spews dust when it is emptied. That is easily rectified by holding the canister down in the garbage and pulling the garbage bag around the arm before releasing.

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Ooo, I've wondered if Roomba's actually work!  


So far I like it a lot but we have had it less than 6 months.  It has had the unexpected side benefit of us all keeping stuff off the floors much better.  My sons' rooms, in particular, look so much better just because they cannot leave small items laying on the ground anymore due to random roomba vacuuming.  I run it every day in 2-3 rooms.  We did have to rearrange a few pieces of furniture so that it wouldn't get stuck.  But, it vacuums under beds and couches just wonderfully. The 'cannister' seems tiny though.  Hair does get wound around the roller but I cut if off easily.  I was hesitant to buy one but DH finally purchased it.

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