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I have about 1600 sf of concrete floors in my house. Sweeping them and vacuuming the area rugs takes me over an hour. Every time I do this job I am totally down with sick headache withing 48 hours. I don't hurt while I am working, but there is a clear connection.


I need to do some stretching and limbering exercising and get into better shape. I am 15 or 20 pounds over what I want to weight but not overweight. Does anyone have a source for how to properly stretch and move to loosen things up? Several years ago I had a wonderful site that gave detailed instructions for stretching...it was specifically for woman in or nearing menopause.


I can't just stop cleaning my house, but I can't live with these headaches.

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My advice is to get a roomba and a yoga mat. I have wood floors with thick rugs, and the roomba had no problem with them. There are lots of good yoga practices on youtube. For stretching, try a yin yoga practice.


Is it the hard floors or vibration from the vacuum that is causing the headaches, the sweeeping, or both?

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Well I feel like the sweeping does something to my muscles or tendons that gives me a headache, I can feel it running from my eye down through my neck into my hip and down my knee to my ankle! I am sore as if I dug ditches but it is the headache that knocks me flat.


Yoga might work. I am about to use a mat and do so e excises my dh taught me that sometimes helps the headache. I have been icing it this morning.

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My advice is to get a roomba and a yoga mat. I have wood floors with thick rugs, and the roomba had no problem with them. There are lots of good yoga practices on youtube. For stretching, try a yin yoga practice.Is it the hard floors or vibration from the vacuum that is causing the headaches, the sweeeping, or both?

What she said!


I've never enjoyed yoga, and I'm not great at it, but when I DO go to a class I feel better for almost a week. I think it's a worthwhile endeavor.


Also, I don't sweep my hard floors. I use the hard floor attachment and vacuum. It's faster and more thorough and you can do it left handed so the 'workout' is even.

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It is definitely physical. Like when your neck needs to be adjusted it gives you a headache. Or anytime your skeletal system is out of whack there can be pressure exerted that causes a headache. Pinched nerve maybe or just swollen which causes a headache.


I am surprised at the number of people that aren't aware this can happen.


My dh was telling me about a swiffer vac that is cordless....and that yes I could change hands and keep things even...I think that would work. I still also want to exercise and stretch....I am so out of shape.

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I'd guess it's the dust. Could you wear a mask next time to see if it helps? If it's bugging your eyes, you could wear goggles too. You'd look like you're ready for anything!!

I have pain down my entire right side. Definitely related to the sweeping. I have had the same thing happen when I paint.

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Do you wear shoes? I wonder if standing up that long on the concrete is messing you up. We moved to a house with tile on the lower floor (where we spend most of our time), and within a few days, I had to wear shoes if I was going to be down there for more than five minutes.  In fact, I still have to. I would wear a trainer with good support and see if that makes a difference.

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Do you wear shoes? I wonder if standing up that long on the concrete is messing you up. We moved to a house with tile on the lower floor (where we spend most of our time), and within a few days, I had to wear shoes if I was going to be down there for more than five minutes. In fact, I still have to. I would wear a trainer with good support and see if that makes a difference.

Yes I do wear shoes. Almost all the time. It makes a big difference.

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I have pain down my entire right side. Definitely related to the sweeping. I have had the same thing happen when I paint.

Got ya. My husband gets a massive headache when he sits in his parents living room that hasn't been dusted for 10+ years, or sweeps the red clay in our basement. I must have skipped the part about your body hurting. Anyway, maybe you need to sweep and vacuum every day to train your body! Haha! I kid, I kid!

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I would use a vacuum instead of a broom. I imagine a vacuum would be more "muscle friendly" than a broom on such a surface (check reviews on the cordless vacs--- your floors might be too large for a charge to hold). You could get a cheapy electric vac so you don't wreck your nice one if the thought bothers you.


What you describe sounds more like an underlying problem exacerbated by the motions of cleaning those concrete floors, so you may want to see a doctor. Honestly, I would have your neck looked at---you shouldn't have such pain from normal cleaning & painting. I suspect something is 'off'. 


:grouphug: I hope you find something that helps.

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I just checked the cordless swiffer.....horrible reviews. Battery doesn't last longer than a few minutes. A corded version would work though. My lower floor is so open it is REALLY hard to not do it all at once. But I agree for some reason it is too much for me. I guess I need to work on my muscle tone and stretching......and limit the amount of time I sweep....probably going to go to vacuuming instead.

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Well for a little experiment, you might get a janitor supply dust mop, one of the really wide ones, and try that.  Then you'd know if it's the exertion or the *noise* from the sweeper.  With those concrete floors, you have a lot of sound bouncing around, and the sound will create physical stress and headaches.  Try earplugs.

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I'm 1/2 thru school to become a massage therapist and you're absolutely right that this is muscular! No part of our body is isolate or on its own...so yes, it figures that vaccuming can cause headaches :) I recommend 2 things... 


First, go get a massage- LOL Seriously though. Chances are you have some very tight/taut muscles that have trigger points and all of the side dominant work is really aggravating them.  The muscles of the shoulders/upper back can refer pain both up and down the body, and once once muscle is tight & in spasm, others compensate, are overused and it can snowball.  Stretching can & will help.  Tight muscles cause headaches all.of.the.time.  


Secondly, as awkward as it is, equally split vaccuuming time between right & left side of your body!  And do it in shifts- 90 minutes of any motion for a tight body is a lot.  Do one section/room at a time then take a break. Stretch in between.

Well I feel like the sweeping does something to my muscles or tendons that gives me a headache, I can feel it running from my eye down through my neck into my hip and down my knee to my ankle! I am sore as if I dug ditches but it is the headache that knocks me flat.

Yoga might work. I am about to use a mat and do so e excises my dh taught me that sometimes helps the headache. I have been icing it this morning.


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I'm 1/2 thru school to become a massage therapist and you're absolutely right that this is muscular! No part of our body is isolate or on its own...so yes, it figures that vaccuming can cause headaches :) I recommend 2 things...


First, go get a massage- LOL Seriously though. Chances are you have some very tight/taut muscles that have trigger points and all of the side dominant work is really aggravating them. The muscles of the shoulders/upper back can refer pain both up and down the body, and once once muscle is tight & in spasm, others compensate, are overused and it can snowball. Stretching can & will help. Tight muscles cause headaches all.of.the.time.


Secondly, as awkward as it is, equally split vaccuuming time between right & left side of your body! And do it in shifts- 90 minutes of any motion for a tight body is a lot. Do one section/room at a time then take a break. Stretch in between.

I agree with needing a massage....I am just so cheap! I get my ds to vacuum usually....I believe is the sweeping that does me in. I have got to force myself to do shorter jobs.

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It is definitely physical. Like when your neck needs to be adjusted it gives you a headache. Or anytime your skeletal system is out of whack there can be pressure exerted that causes a headache. Pinched nerve maybe or just swollen which causes a headache.

I am surprised at the number of people that aren't aware this can happen.

My dh was telling me about a swiffer vac that is cordless....and that yes I could change hands and keep things even...I think that would work. I still also want to exercise and stretch....I am so out of shape.

I'm sure it's probably a postural thing that is causing your pain, but you still might want to get tested to see if you're allergic to dust, dust mites, or mold spores, because allergies can cause nasty headaches -- and mine also come along with neck pain that can feel just like an injury and can last for days.


Have you ever tried wearing a good dust mask while you clean, just to see if it helps at all?


Again, I'm not saying it's not simply an injury that never really heals because you keep re-injuring yourself every time you do the cleaning, but I just figured I'd mention the allergy/mask idea in case it might be of a little help to you.


I hope you feel better and stronger soon! :grouphug:

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I agree with needing a massage....I am just so cheap! I get my ds to vacuum usually....I believe is the sweeping that does me in. I have got to force myself to do shorter jobs.

Oooh! Cheap/frugal is good. But NOT if it means you won't get a massage! Save in other areas, but get yourself a massage - in this case a GOOD therapist who knows their stuff re: trigger point therapy. Stretching can actually be counter-productive if your trigger points are activated. You can exacerbate the problem if the trigger points are not de-activated first.


Alternatively, or better yet, in addition to a professional massage, there is a book "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies that you can get for daily self treatment.

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We have approximately 4000 square feet of Tile floors inside the house. My wife is interested in buying one of these electric brooms. "The Swivel Sweeper".  This one is not a genuine "Swivel Sweeper" apparently.  The cost here (I'm linking to something like eBay, but it is in Spanish, so I hope you can read Spanish...), is USD$40 plus shipping. I'm sure you could buy one for less in the states.  Not sure if the battery could do all of your 1600 square feet without recharging. I think they sell those in TV "informercials". Here's the link:



Note: Near the top, on the left side, are 3 photos and a video.  THE VIDEO IS IN U.S. ENGLISH! :-)


Also, there is a company that makes Robots. I saw an "extra" on Fox News Channel about them, before Directv Colombia dropped Fox News Channel. So, that was before  01 April 2012.  Not sure if the battery in those could do your 1600 square feet without recharging. Very cool.  You fill it with water (?) and let it loose and it cleans for you.   :-)   You could sleep or be on WTM while it is cleaning your floor.  :-)


There is no need for you to do all 1600 square feet at once.


The area with carpeting will give your family health problems. You could vacuum and shampoo every day and you will never get all of the dirt out of the carpeting.

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I have 1500 sq. ft. of hardwood floors, so I'm right there with you.:-)


I don't sweep these floors; I vacuum them with a canister vacuum cleaner. I use the rug attachment thingie to do larger area rugs and the carpeted stairs. I have occasionally brought the upright from upstairs, where I have 1500 sq. ft. of carpet, and used its bare-floor attachment for the floors and the upright for the rugs.


And I am allergic to dust mites, so sometimes I wear a mask when I vacuum (and dust. Dusting is much worse.).

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I was just thinking -- can you use a dust mop instead of a broom? The mopping motion is quite different from sweeping, and it might be less painful for you. Also, can you switch sides while you clean? If your right side hurts, can you keep switching off to your left side to give the sore side a break?


I don't know if my ideas would work, but I hate to think of you hurting so much so I'm trying to think of anything I can. :grouphug:

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I sweep my hard floors at times, but I use my sweeper (vacuum) as well. It's a Bissell that has a hard floor setting. It's not expensive, and it does a great job. Since you have your son do some vacuuming, maybe your vacuum would do a good job on the concrete as well. You could alternate sweeping with a broom and vacuuming. If you don't have a vacuum that does hard floors, I recommend a Bissell as an inexpensive upgrade. This is all assuming I understand your options. I definitely understand the soreness, etc.! If I didn't have a fantastic chiropractor, I wouldn't be mobile at all.

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We have approximately 4000 square feet of Tile floors inside the house. My wife is interested in buying one of these electric brooms. "The Swivel Sweeper". This one is not a genuine "Swivel Sweeper" apparently. The cost here (I'm linking to something like eBay, but it is in Spanish, so I hope you can read Spanish...), is USD$40 plus shipping. I'm sure you could buy one for less in the states. Not sure if the battery could do all of your 1600 square feet without recharging. I think they sell those in TV "informercials". Here's the link:



Note: Near the top, on the left side, are 3 photos and a video. THE VIDEO IS IN U.S. ENGLISH! :-)


Also, there is a company that makes Robots. I saw an "extra" on Fox News Channel about them, before Directv Colombia dropped Fox News Channel. So, that was before 01 April 2012. Not sure if the battery in those could do your 1600 square feet without recharging. Very cool. You fill it with water (?) and let it loose and it cleans for you. :-) You could sleep or be on WTM while it is cleaning your floor. :-)


There is no need for you to do all 1600 square feet at once.


The area with carpeting will give your family health problems. You could vacuum and shampoo every day and you will never get all of the dirt out of the carpeting.

The swiffer vac is what I wanted....about $50. But it got terrible reviews. My mom just got a $300 lightweight Dyson And she LOVES it. She is quite insistent that I get one even though I told her that is out of my price range. :/. I am going to look at the bissell to see if it is comparable for less money.


There is no doubt it is related to the activity...not the dust. Our house is dusty...pet hair, wood fireplace and we live in the country.


I think a dust mop type would be easier on my body but I don't think it is effective on the concrete floors. I am careful to sweep gently so as not to stir up.....I sweep and vacuum as I go through the house. I think a good hard service vac is my answer....I would even trust ds to do that to my satisfaction.

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We have approximately 4000 square feet of Tile floors inside the house. My wife is interested in buying one of these electric brooms. "The Swivel Sweeper". This one is not a genuine "Swivel Sweeper" apparently. The cost here (I'm linking to something like eBay, but it is in Spanish, so I hope you can read Spanish...), is USD$40 plus shipping. I'm sure you could buy one for less in the states. Not sure if the battery could do all of your 1600 square feet without recharging. I think they sell those in TV "informercials". Here's the link:



Note: Near the top, on the left side, are 3 photos and a video. THE VIDEO IS IN U.S. ENGLISH! :-)


Also, there is a company that makes Robots. I saw an "extra" on Fox News Channel about them, before Directv Colombia dropped Fox News Channel. So, that was before 01 April 2012. Not sure if the battery in those could do your 1600 square feet without recharging. Very cool. You fill it with water (?) and let it loose and it cleans for you. :-) You could sleep or be on WTM while it is cleaning your floor. :-)


There is no need for you to do all 1600 square feet at once.


The area with carpeting will give your family health problems. You could vacuum and shampoo every day and you will never get all of the dirt out of the carpeting.

We only have a few area rugs.

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If it is activity and not dust related, I think exercise and stretching are a serious need. 


This is a nice easy 30 minute stretching sequence that I enjoy:



Also, if you are unable to see a massage therapist, consider getting a foam roller to work out some of your muscles yourself. Like this:  https://www.google.com/search?q=foam+roller&client=firefox-a&hs=S2z&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=P9_lUo26KZfZoASel4LQDQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg&biw=1073&bih=670


My PT and massage therapist (lucky me, my insurance covers both of them) both recommended a roller for me and it's great. 



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If it is activity and not dust related, I think exercise and stretching are a serious need.


This is a nice easy 30 minute stretching sequence that I enjoy:




Also, if you are unable to see a massage therapist, consider getting a foam roller to work out some of your muscles yourself. Like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=foam+roller&client=firefox-a&hs=S2z&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=P9_lUo26KZfZoASel4LQDQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAg&biw=1073&bih=670


My PT and massage therapist (lucky me, my insurance covers both of them) both recommended a roller for me and it's great.

This is exactly what I am looking for ! Thank you! I can't wait to try it out this morning.

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My chiro said that much of the muscle pain I was having doing every day tasks was because my muscles were weak. I did not exercise my muscles much. I am a walker, but that is not enough for muscles. Many of the excerise a he gave me are similar to yoga, so I would start there. Once your muscles are stronger, then you should start feeling better doing every day things. I sure do.

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Consider trying Tai Chi, it's great for stretching and limbering up.  I took a class a few years ago after a neck and back injury; it helped so much with range of motion and general recovery. 


It's pretty easy and takes only a few minutes, and you can go through the movements pretty much anywhere.  You can even check it out for free on youtube.

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I just want to commiserate with your pain.  I get pain all down the right side of my body (from the headache, to the eye, neck, shoulder, hip, all the way down to my foot), when certain weather fronts come through.  It is miserable.  I also get the pain (still on the right side) without the headache when I do a big clean of my house at one time.  My first floor is all tile and hardwood.  I Swiffer or vacuum and them steam mop and I'm right handed.  We have carpet on the other 2 floors.


I know I need to start stretching and strengthening my muscles.  I think that would help.  I'm also getting older and really need to do this to keep me mobile down the road. 


Anyway, we have an expensive Dyson that we've used for at least 10 years.  It's a great vacuum.  However, we just bought the new Shark Rocket vacuum.  My husband loves it -- I haven't actually used it yet, because he has been a vacuum hog :-).  I think we got it on sale for about $140 at Target in December.



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I just want to commiserate with your pain. I get pain all down the right side of my body (from the headache, to the eye, neck, shoulder, hip, all the way down to my foot), when certain weather fronts come through. It is miserable. I also get the pain (still on the right side) without the headache when I do a big clean of my house at one time. My first floor is all tile and hardwood. I Swiffer or vacuum and them steam mop and I'm right handed. We have carpet on the other 2 floors.


I know I need to start stretching and strengthening my muscles. I think that would help. I'm also getting older and really need to do this to keep me mobile down the road.


Anyway, we have an expensive Dyson that we've used for at least 10 years. It's a great vacuum. However, we just bought the new Shark Rocket vacuum. My husband loves it -- I haven't actually used it yet, because he has been a vacuum hog :-). I think we got it on sale for about $140 at Target in December.

Oh I had forgot about the shark rocket! That is one I looked at a while back. Thanks for letting me know it works well.

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I did the stretching video...really made it evident that my body is out of whack. I agree that I need some muscle strengthening.

You'll be amazed at how much progress you can make in a short time. Keep up the the stretching and add videos for strength that use your body weight or some small handweights. Even just a week or two and you will see changes in how well you can do the stretches and how strong you feel. Of course, you have to keep it up. Aim for at least 5 days a week.

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You'll be amazed at how much progress you can make in a short time. Keep up the the stretching and add videos for strength that use your body weight or some small handweights. Even just a week or two and you will see changes in how well you can do the stretches and how strong you feel. Of course, you have to keep it up. Aim for at least 5 days a week.

I will do this! Determined.

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