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Shows your kids like that their peers don't...


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It's Saturday morning and my 5yog is watching a woodworking show.


Her brothers sit in rapt attention every week during Nova. One is immediately banished from the room if one stirs or makes a peep. You can ask for popcorn during Doctor Who or Mythbusters, but one is named anathema if you chat outside of the pbs commercials.


Their friends don't share their excitement, and my kids don't understand why. (My kids instead bond with them over Pokemon and My Little Pony.)


What "unusual" shows do your kids enjoy?

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Barefoot Contessa

The Rifleman

Shark Tank


... these are shows none of their friends have even heard of, but of which my kids are devoted viewers. ;)



Iron Chef

Austin City Limits


... these are shows their friends may or may not know, but are willing to sit through with my kids. LOL

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My kids have always loved (and still love) Lonely Planet, Globetrekker, any Travel Channel or similar show devoted to travel (and not cooking or something), and all nature shows of any sort - critters, weather, geology, etc.  Then they like the shows dealing with our human bodies (Brain Games, etc), and they like most science shows from Nova to Mythbusters.  They also liked History Channel shows dealing with actual history and shows like Modern Marvels dealing with where "stuff" came from.


Of all of those, only Mythbusters attracts their friends.  The rest their friends find boring and wonder how my guys can find them fascinating.


Science genetics rule in my family... and we're addicted to travel.

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DD has been obsessed with cooking shows -- any cooking show -- since she was about 3. She wants to be a pastry chef. I can't wait for all my free fancy desserts!


Of course, she also loves Spongebob and Sam & Cat (ugh -- does that one girl REALLY talk that way???), so she's not too far out of touch with her peers...

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My daughter started watching documentaries when she was 3.  It was then that she wanted to visit China.  Not too long after that she started watching shows like This Old House and New Yankee Workshop.  I love it when children are unique.

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I don't think it's at all unusual for kids to like those types of shows; it's just that they are niche programming, so a group of kids isn't likely to watch the same niche programming or be excited about the same type of shows. Most kids I know, both home schooled and schooled, like some 'odd' program. 


My kids know all the characters and plot tropes from Bonanza, because whenever my dad watches them, they watch half a dozen episodes with him whilst eating frozen pizza and a bag of candy, lol. He also plays lots of hard-core twangy country music for them, but they are far less excited about that. 

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Ds likes pretty standard stuff for his age. Dd is my oddball. Her favorites:


Monsters Inside Me (about parasites)

Infested (bug infestations)

Finding Bigfoot

Pitbulls and Parolees



Animal Cops



She doesn't watch all of them on a regular schedule. Most she gets from Amazon or Netflix. The others she watches if she catches them while they are on.

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DD15 loved MASH when she was about 5yo and had probably seen all of the episodes by the time she was 7 or so.  She has seen all of the Bewitched and I Dream of Jeanie.  She has a thing for 1960s tv and loves the innocent humor.  


She is old enough now that she gets the innuendo in kids movies and likes to rewatch old Disney movies from a more adult view point.  

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My kids are really into a CBBC show called The Sparticle Mystery.  First season is on Netflix...  They have yet to hook their friends on it though.


Most of the other things they like - Mythbusters, Avatar, Phineas and Ferb, Project Runway...  they have peers who are into them as well.

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My kids are really into a CBBC show called The Sparticle Mystery.  First season is on Netflix...  They have yet to hook their friends on it though.


Most of the other things they like - Mythbusters, Avatar, Phineas and Ferb, Project Runway...  they have peers who are into them as well.


My 10 year old son loves The Sparticle Mystery too. It is his favorite show. 


My 14-year-olds love all the British mystery shows especially Midsommer Murders, Poirot, and Rosemary and Thyme. None of their friends seem interested in watching any of these shows but they don't care.  :)

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DD8 discovered PowerPuff Girls on Netflix and watched all of the episodes. She was Bubbles for Halloween, and none of her classmates knew who she was. Too old-school, I guess.

The new tv reboot just came out so they might be "in" again soon. My girls just picked up two new Powerpuff comics this weekend.


My kids are obsessed with Teen Titans. They get one show a day and it has been Teen Titans for two months. They get so disappointed when their little friends have no idea who they are talking about. I think the show is fairly popular but for older kids. Or maybe we just need to hang out with more comic geeks!


My oldest also really likes musicals. Bye Bye Birdie is a favorite.

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If we're talking older shows... my youngsters loved:


Hogan's Heroes

Beverly Hillbillies

Gilligan's Island

Mission Impossible


Brady Bunch


and probably a couple of others I'm not remembering.  They were always thrilled when they understood things adults were talking about when these shows were referenced. ;)  Few of their peers had ever heard of them.

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My oldest at about 8 years old used to get blank stares when he told kids his favorite show was Daniel Boone.  Poor little guy.


My girls like Finding Bigfoot.  I don't even know what the popular shows are now for their age range. 


They also like the Andy Griffith Show and Bonanza.  



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DS1 is pretty normal, I guess. He loves Clone Wars, Doctor Who, Ninjago, Avatar and The Legend of Korra. He also adores Hetalia (which isn't that strange since its an anime and has boys as main characters...Yay for history content?!). He likes River Monsters and NatGeo specials about tigers and lions. He was also really into the Prophets of Science Fiction a few months ago. He watched the Mary Shelley episode like 20+ times for some reason and asked for a Frankenstein audiobook.


DD is normal in that she likes My Little Pony and Littlest Pet Shop, and other "girl" shows. But she also likes Ninjago, Wild Kratts, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teen Titans and other shows that aren't really "girl" shows. She's obsessed with Goosebumps too, which a lot of her girl friends don't get.


DS2 is all about educational stuff. Superwhy, Daniel the Tiger, WordWorld, Liberty's Kids...He is also really into VeggieTales (Jonah....it's always Jonah!). He also adored the Barefoot Contessa when we still had cable. The first complete sentence he ever spoke was "I made this cake for Jeffrey."...That's when I knew I needed to cut him off from the Food Network, lol.


DS3 love Thomas the Train and Dinosaur Train...and Chuggington Station...notice a theme? Trains! He's watched several boring-as-dirt train documentaries that my DH put on Amazon Prime account recently.


DS4 doesn't like tv. I am not sure that this is my child. :P

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DD 12 loves Top Gear, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Futurama, Star Trek, Mythbusters, Sparticle Mystery.


DD5 loves Word Girl, Wild Kratts, Rugrats, Daniel Tiger, Monster Math Squad, Any of the Sonic the Hedgehog shows, and of course My Little Pony. 

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Your 12 year old and mine like many of the same shows!  His favorites are Star Trek, Mythbusters, and Top Gear.  He also likes stuff like How It's Made and Pawn Stars. 


How it's made is a staple around here. I just forgot it. Pawn stars is too. Gold Rush, Man Vs. Wild too

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My kids like Psych, Bones, NCIS, Big Bang Theory, and are newest fave is Leverage. They also like home remodel shows as well as your more typical pbs shows, documentaries, and other educational shows like How the States got their Shapes and myth busters. Not that they watch much tv, but that's what they ask for when we do let them.

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