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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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June 6, 2015


Still critical.


Had I posted last night, it would have said only:  ENOUGH already -


From today:


--Bilirubin lower by a tad for the fifth straight day.  Still way too high.

--Team of doctors (not just oncologists) concerned about yet another situation.  Will be testing.

--Engraftment (bone marrow transplant) seems to be working, but is being hindered by the multitude of other problems.

--Oncologist would like to see two problems in particular resolved as, in his condition, each alone is life-threatening.  Additionally, they know how to treat each one, but, if they treat one with standard care, it could prove fatal due to the other condition(s), and vice-versa.  The two conditions are GVHD (graft-versus-host disease) and VOD (venal occlusive disease – has to do with the liver).

--Oncologist freely admits that this is the worst possible scenario of bone marrow transplant, times a hundred.  Yes, I reminded him with the scriptures and the promises that God is in charge and the battle is HIS.   

--My son is in agonizing pain – it is heartbreaking – this whole situation is heartbreaking.

--My peace remains in Jesus, and in His promises.  He is not a man that He should lie.  Even during times when he is less responsive, my son often calls out to Jesus – the only One Who has ALL power to save, heal, deliver.  


Please keep praying for him.  What God has allowed him to come TO, He will bring him THROUGH.


“This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.† (John 11:4)


“God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?† (Numbers 23:19)

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I will add my prayers to those already praying. I have some idea of what you are going through as my son also had a BMT. He had complications, but near so much as your dear son. My son's GVHD and liver problems came a few months later. But, while he was in the hospital after the transplant he was on a morphene drip a lot of the time. Do they not have that for your son's pain? My son has no recollection of the pain he was in, if that is any comfort to you. I will be praying for your son's medical team, that God would guide them and direct them with a plan to treat your son's difficult issues. Feel free to PM me if you need to reach out to someone who has been there. Numbers 6:24-26 to you and your family.


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I will add my prayers to those already praying. I have some idea of what you are going through as my son also had a BMT. He had complications, but near so much as your dear son. My son's GVHD and liver problems came a few months later. But, while he was in the hospital after the transplant he was on a morphene drip a lot of the time. Do they not have that for your son's pain? My son has no recollection of the pain he was in, if that is any comfort to you. I will be praying for your son's medical team, that God would guide them and direct them with a plan to treat your son's difficult issues. Feel free to PM me if you need to reach out to someone who has been there. Numbers 6:24-26 to you and your family.


What a lovely and helpful post, Sharon.


Prayers said for your son and family, as well. It sounds like you guys went through a lot. :grouphug:

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