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Target Security Breach


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Dh called our bank and they are keeping an eye on it.  BUT it's a good thing he called because we are going out of town, and they would likely have put our card on hold because of the sudden and uncommon out-of-state charges.  They took down the dates and places of our trip so they can differentiate.


We did that once, told the bank we were going out of town and even told them we were going to max out the card, we had the funds in the chequing but they advised us to not apply it until we got home.  Ok then.   Day 2 of our trip and suddenly, our card is being held and security is asking us to follow them to wait of the police.  WHAT???  It was all cleared up, but boy were we mad!  My husband called our bank branch directly and talked to the manager there and he was very apologetic and got it all sorted out in a hour.


Now, we bring two different cards to have as a back up. 

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I read one report that said it did NOT apply to online purchases, but I'm not sure I would trust that.



Looks like some research is in my future.  I already have one account closed on my credit report this month due to fraud.  I can only imagine the nosedive my credit score is going to take if I have another account closed. 


ETA: There are several news reports that online purchases were not affected.

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If you don't want to cancel your cc then you could just keep an eye on it, but if you used a debit card then you really should cancel it.  Fraudulent charges on a debit card are not as quick and easy to deal with as a CC.  Once the money is gone then you must wait for it to be investigated, etc before it is returned.  ugh.


Very good point!


The credit card I am waiting to close until January is a credit card. It is not linked to my bank account at all.  If it was, I would have cancelled it immediately before even posting here.

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I got a Fraud Alert text from my bank (USAA, Love them!!!) on Tuesday night, before the Target info was public.  It told me a charge of $717 had been made to a Toys R Us in New York.  I immediately called them and they cancelled the card.  They have already credited the account. I got the alert within an hour of the charge being made.  I would highly recommend signing up for the service if your credit card company has it!!!! My dh and I both had our cards in our wallets, so they weren't physically stolen and we were wondering where the info got out.  Then the Target story broke and we think that was probably it. Hopefully the new cards will arrive by FedEx today. USAA expedited them.


I hate having to call all the companies that have the cc number automatic monthly charges, this is the second time this year! Argh! I had just memorized the new one and here we go again.

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Are the dates fairly certain?  I was at Target on the 23rd, which is four days earlier than they said the breach occurred.  I've checked my card, and all is well.  Does that mean I'm safe?

Dh called AmEx last night to cancel our cards and they said the dates go back as far as 11/11. He didn't ask why the dates being reported were different, but AmEx said that anyone who shopped from 11/11 until mid-December should cancel their cards even if currently there is no fraudulent activity. 

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Looks like some research is in my future.  I already have one account closed on my credit report this month due to fraud.  I can only imagine the nosedive my credit score is going to take if I have another account closed. 


ETA: There are several news reports that online purchases were not affected.


It's always been my understanding that cancelling a card due to possible (or already-experienced) fraud did not put a hit against the credit rating.  Am I wrong about that?  I'm not sure why I think that, but I didn't make it up - I read it on a credit card site, or somewhere I felt was reliable.


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Dh called AmEx last night to cancel our cards and they said the dates go back as far as 11/11. He didn't ask why the dates being reported were different, but AmEx said that anyone who shopped from 11/11 until mid-December should cancel their cards even if currently there is no fraudulent activity. 


That's interesting.  I can't find anything that doesn't say it started November 27.  I did shop there early in the month.


Anyone else hear different dates?

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Dh called AmEx last night to cancel our cards and they said the dates go back as far as 11/11. He didn't ask why the dates being reported were different, but AmEx said that anyone who shopped from 11/11 until mid-December should cancel their cards even if currently there is no fraudulent activity.

Oh that's interesting. The statement by Target that I linked above said 11/27. Guess I better dig a little more.


And I don't think anyone has to CLOSE an account over this; you just get the numbers changed, right? I can't imagine that should impact your credit rating.

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The breach made headline news in the AJC--Atlanta Journal Constitution. While the article mentions that card info can be held for awhile before being sold on the black market, it doesn't go so far as to recommend everyone get their cards cancelled and reissued. It seems they--VISA was mentioned--like to rely on their fraud monitoring programs and then go to reissuing cards if necessary. Sounds like they'd rather just wait until you have a problem *then* reissue your card.

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If you actually close a credit account, it can affect your credit score because you have less available credit versus the credit you are using. For example, if you have a $1000 outstanding balance on a credit card with a $5000 limit and you have another card with a $5000 limit and no balance, you are only using $1000 out of a total available of $10,000. If you close the card with no balance, you are now using $1000 out of $5000 balance. That looks a lot worse in terms of credit rating.

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The breach made headline news in the AJC--Atlanta Journal Constitution. While the article mentions that card info can be held for awhile before being sold on the black market, it doesn't go so far as to recommend everyone get their cards cancelled and reissued. It seems they--VISA was mentioned--like to rely on their fraud monitoring programs and then go to reissuing cards if necessary. Sounds like they'd rather just wait until you have a problem *then* reissue your card.


I have not been able to get through to our card issuer yet. There is a phone message and a notice on their web page that says that they are experiencing abnormally high call volume. (No! Really?) There is also a note on the web page that says that they are monitoring all accounts, and will cancel accounts if they see fraudulent activity. Um, no. I think I will be cancelling mine now.

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That's interesting.  I can't find anything that doesn't say it started November 27.  I did shop there early in the month.


Anyone else hear different dates?

I haven't read/heard of any other dates than the ones the media is reporting; but I did find it interesting that the AmEx person told dh that they were looking back as far as 11/11 on people's accounts. I'm not sure why the discrepancy, but we took the AmEx guy seriously. He suggested we just have new cards issued rather than wait around (VISA was the same way when dh called them next). Now I feel like switching to all cash when I shop, but I hate carrying cash out in public; at least worse case scenario, we can get fraud removed from our cards, but cash is not recoverable. 

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Has anyone actually been able to get through to Target? I've been trying for hours to call and close my Redcard, since it is a debit card. I either get, "We're sorry, we cannot process your call at this time" or get through to the selection of closing the account and get disconnected. Grrrrr....so frustrating!

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I got a Fraud Alert text from my bank (USAA, Love them!!!) on Tuesday night, before the Target info was public.  It told me a charge of $717 had been made to a Toys R Us in New York.  I immediately called them and they cancelled the card.  They have already credited the account. I got the alert within an hour of the charge being made.  I would highly recommend signing up for the service if your credit card company has it!!!! My dh and I both had our cards in our wallets, so they weren't physically stolen and we were wondering where the info got out.  Then the Target story broke and we think that was probably it. Hopefully the new cards will arrive by FedEx today. USAA expedited them.


I hate having to call all the companies that have the cc number automatic monthly charges, this is the second time this year! Argh! I had just memorized the new one and here we go again.


We LOVE usaa.  They rock.


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Wow, I just checked the credit card I used at Target during that time, and I had over $10,000 of fraudulent charges on it in the last four days!!!!! AUGH!!!! It was a US Bank card. They cancelled it immediately and were very helpful.


Also, our hometown bank just called and said they are closing down our daughter's debit card, because they can see she used it at Target during that period...

How awful! Thank goodness you caught it!

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The breach made headline news in the AJC--Atlanta Journal Constitution. While the article mentions that card info can be held for awhile before being sold on the black market, it doesn't go so far as to recommend everyone get their cards cancelled and reissued. It seems they--VISA was mentioned--like to rely on their fraud monitoring programs and then go to reissuing cards if necessary. Sounds like they'd rather just wait until you have a problem *then* reissue your card.

Of course they would! It costs them money to issue new cards.

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Thank you for the heads up!


I hate this stuff! Called to cancel and only afterward remembered a couple of outstanding online orders that likely won't clear now. 

But I guess the hassle is better than identity theft. btdt. 


Now have to get Dh to stop by the ATM and get some cash so I can finish my grocery shopping tonight. Of cousre the branch where I need to go Monday to get a replacement card is smack in the middle of the most crowded shopping area for 100 miles. 

So much for a quiet day at home baking....


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Aw, crud. I just remembered something outstanding I have. Shoot. Thanks for the reminder.

Thank you for the heads up!


I hate this stuff! Called to cancel and only afterward remembered a couple of outstanding online orders that likely won't clear now.

But I guess the hassle is better than identity theft. btdt.


Now have to get Dh to stop by the ATM and get some cash so I can finish my grocery shopping tonight. Of cousre the branch where I need to go Monday to get a replacement card is smack in the middle of the most crowded shopping area for 100 miles.

So much for a quiet day at home baking....

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Has anyone actually been able to get through to Target? I've been trying for hours to call and close my Redcard, since it is a debit card. I either get, "We're sorry, we cannot process your call at this time" or get through to the selection of closing the account and get disconnected. Grrrrr....so frustrating!


I had to dial over 700 times before I finally got through. Not kidding. Wasn't fun. Not. One. Bit.

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Did you get through?  Did you get any info worth sharing?



Yep, I got through and had my card cancelled and new one re-issued in less than 5 minutes. The only thing I can tell you is if the line seems dead (as in no music, no ring tone, dead air) don't hang up! When that happened to me, it was tempting to dial again but after calling so many times and finally getting something other than a busy tone I decided to wait it out to see what happened. Eventually someone picked up. it was weird but I imagine their system is under a lot of stress and not quite working correctly right now. :(

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It's always been my understanding that cancelling a card due to possible (or already-experienced) fraud did not put a hit against the credit rating.  Am I wrong about that?  I'm not sure why I think that, but I didn't make it up - I read it on a credit card site, or somewhere I felt was reliable.



I don't know.  In all the paperwork Chase sent me there was a bit about closing the account with the Big 3 and opening a new one. If nothing else my average age of accounts will take a hit.

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Well, in other news, target is offering 10% off all purchases this weekend to make up for it


Well, whoop-de-stinking-do! 40 Million customers affected, thousands upon thousands of dollars of fraud and possible identity theft, and that's the best they can do? :glare:


(My sarcasm is directed at Target, not you, momto8!)

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Well, whoop-de-stinking-do! 40 Million customers affected, thousands upon thousands of dollars of fraud and possible identity theft, and that's the best they can do? :glare:


(My sarcasm is directed at Target, not you, momto8!)

My thoughts exactly! How about bring in a receipt from that time period and you get a free tv? That might make up for some of it. Maybe not the people who are finding fraudulent charges though

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We also have and *love* USAA.  


I don't know how accurate this information is, but it was posted by another USAA member on their site regarding the Target security breach:



7 Hours Ago

A word of caution to USAA and it's members...


I have the highest confidence in USAA and it's fraud team
, as a Information Security professional in the banking industry, I 
 advise you to follow the points made by USAA and 
keep tabs on your statements. 


Despite the fact that USAA has recommended to not cancel your debit/credit cards, 
you are still at risk of fraud
. The "hackers" that have stolen the credit card data have sorted the available information for sale by location and ZIP code. Again, the fraudsters are selling the 
breached information identifiable by location of the fraud
. This means that 
it's possible
 for fraudulent activity to occur on your account and 
NOT be detected by the fraud team at USAA. 

I don't wish to employ scare tactics, but fraud cannot be caught with 100% accuracy.

I have 100% faith in USAA and it's team, but please take extra precaution to safeguard the shared assets of yourself and USAA.


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If you shopped at Target between 11/27-12/15 using a debit or credit card, your data may have been compromised.


This is going to be a big snarled mess.


I don't remember shopping at Target during that time, but maybe my husband did.  Someone tried charging almost $2500 worth of charges on our card, but the bank flagged the charges, blocked our account, and called us to inquire.


If you (the general you, not specifically LemonPie) have to cancel a card, don't forget to change the billing method for any automatic monthly charges such as cell phones and Netflix.

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