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Target Security Breach


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Yes, I called and cancelled the card I typically use at Target.  Luckily, I use the same card every time, so it was easy.


Sadly, I think this is going to happen more and more frequently.  I suppose we're lucky that Target realized the breech as soon as it did.

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I knew stuff like this happens especially this time of year so I have been trying to use more cash and less credit/debit. 


I think I may have used a credit card at Target though. 


I keep checking my statement to make sure no funny business. I did have a problem last  year with unauthorized charge on my credit and debit card. Credit card company was amazing! The bank (debit card) was beyond awful and I still haven't forgiven them. 

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Thank you for posting this! I don't think I charged anything at Target during that time period, but it's still a good reminder for all of us to keep an eye on our credit card bills, particularly at this time of the year when we tend to buy more stuff. When there are lots of transactions on a statement, it's so easy to assume they are all legitimate, instead of really paying attention to the details.


Thanks again! :)

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Ugh! Thanks for posting this. I am there all the time and only use my debit MasterCard. This is the second time this year I have had to cancel it due to this type of breach (first was when a local grocery chain was compromised). Because it is linked to our checking account, it is too stressful for me to just sit back and monitor it, and I don't really get that anyway because the info is out there, to be used, or sold then used by someone else eventually. I am starting to get why people might prefer to shop with a credit card.

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Thanks for posting this!


I did shop there a few times during that period.  Ironically (or perhaps fortuitously), I just canceled the credit card I used at Target for a different reason (we've given my mom a card linked to our credit card account, and she lost it yesterday - I canceled it last night).  

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Target says the problem is "resolved". Any idea what that means? Are they saying if you already don't have strange charges on your credit card that they're guaranteeing none will show up?


Seems like an odd word to use when all those numbers are out there already. I can't see that there'd be a good way to get them back.


I'm assuming that Target is sharing which credit card numbers were stolen so the appropriate credit card companies can cancel our current cards? Or maybe they don't even have that info, so we should all just cancel our cards to be safe?

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Target says the problem is "resolved". Any idea what that means? Are they saying if you already don't have strange charges on your credit card that they're guaranteeing none will show up?


Seems like an odd word to use when all those numbers are out there already. I can't see that there'd be a good way to get them back.


I'm assuming that Target is sharing which credit card numbers were stolen so the appropriate credit card companies can cancel our current cards? Or maybe they don't even have that info, so we should all just cancel our cards to be safe?

If you used a card there during the stated time period, your info has been stolen and may be used.

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Target says the problem is "resolved". Any idea what that means? Are they saying if you already don't have strange charges on your credit card that they're guaranteeing none will show up?


"Resolved" means that they've addressed whatever security breach allowed the information to be compromised.


Anyone whose info was stolen is still at risk for unauthorized charges, unless they cancel their cards or put some other protection on their accounts. 

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I just want to whine so more...


I don't wanna cancel my card.  I know my number by heart and I need it right now during this time of year.  It is the only card I use.  I have things go on there automatically....like my gym membership.  Stupid criminals!!  :willy_nilly:


ETA - I don't even go to Target very often and I managed to go there 2x's in that time! Urrr....

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I cancelled and replaced mine this morning. Not worth the stress of keeping watch for me. Thankfully I have a second account that I can use while we wait for cards.


There are some sites that are saying to just change your PIN but they have the card numbers and the security code on the back . That's all they need to use the info online. Changing your PIN doesn't help with that.


There is something to be said for shopping with cash.


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On a related note, CCs have gotten significantly better at spotting fraudulent charges before they go through.  Well, at least Chase has, as I think that's the bank that all of our CCs are with.  Over the past few years, they've caught fraud right at the outset and contacted us on 2 occasions.  We were never even impacted.  In fact, when we were in Hawaii we had fraud on our card and not only did they catch it first, they overnighted us a new card to our vacation house.  

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Target says the problem is "resolved". Any idea what that means? Are they saying if you already don't have strange charges on your credit card that they're guaranteeing none will show up?


Seems like an odd word to use when all those numbers are out there already. I can't see that there'd be a good way to get them back.


I'm assuming that Target is sharing which credit card numbers were stolen so the appropriate credit card companies can cancel our current cards? Or maybe they don't even have that info, so we should all just cancel our cards to be safe?


I was wondering the same thing.  So if I don't have any strange charges on it yet, am I okay?  I always monitor mine closely because I charge everything on my card so that I can get airline points.  (I have a daughter living in Costa Rica!)  I don't plan to cancel mine unless I see strange charges on it.


Once last year, we did have a fraudulent charge.  The cc company was amazing and immediately credited my card, changed our number, and prosecuted the person.  The person who used it was from China.  They had somehow gotten my number and had everything shipped to an address in Iowa (a completely different state).  The cc company was even able to get the Fed Ex signature from the person who had fraudulently ordered the items.  It was a Chinese name.  Ever since then, I monitor my two cc very closely.


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Target is an out-of-town trip for us, so I usually just go every 6 weeks or so. I used to always go on Black Friday but have noticed that since they open on Thanksgiving, they've been sold out on some of the attractive deals by the time I get there and the atmosphere hasn't been that fun. So this year I didn't even go on Black Friday. Feeling even better about that now.


I did have a credit card number stolen somehow a few years ago during December. I now have more than one credit card because it's a terrible time to have this happen and have to close your account.

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Argh. We had this happen earlier this year right before a trip. Bank reissued everything before we knew what was going on. Reservations were on the old card, causing a small check-in fiasco, and the bank got a little trigger happy when out-of-town charges showed up and blocked our card while at the gas station!


At least the Christmas shopping is done.

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DD works for Target so we've been doing a LOT of shopping there.  She has a million small charges on her debit Red Card from buying food on her breaks.  Her debit is linked to an account her and I have together, but not my account with dh.  It is an account I monitor very closely, I'm probably looking at it everyday since she hasn't signed up for an internet log-in yet so can't check the balance.  

I wonder if Target is going to automatically send everyone new Red Cards or if you have to request one?

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I would suspect you should call and request a new card.


I called my company.  We use Discover and only Discover.  They have amazing fraud protection. I've actually had fraud on my account with them 2 x's and they were awesome.  Once they even found it before we did.  They called me and said, "did you just buy gas in X state and then again in this state 20 minutes later across the country?"  Umm...nope!  The other time was my fault for dropping my card at a gas station.  Someone picked it up and started using it.  I was not held liable for any of it and taken at my word about it. (I tried to get a police report for the one, but cops wouldn't call me back.  :huh: ) Discover has a $0 responsibility policy.  So, even if my card is used, they will credit me and take me at my word about it, no proof needed.  It's really easy and it is one of the biggest reasons I stay with them.


So, that said, I'm going to stick with my account through the holidays and request a new one in January.  It is the only card I use and I need it right now...if possible.  My world would not end if I didn't have it. ;)  In January, I can have a few days to a week without it more easily.  I'll do it then so I don't have to worry about it till the end of time.  :D

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But, what I'm wondering, is that I had to give them a check when I opened that Target debit account. So, I'm guessing that they have more information than just my debit card.

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I would suspect you should call and request a new card.


I called my company.  We use Discover and only Discover.  They have amazing fraud protection. I've actually had fraud on my account with them 2 x's and they were awesome.  Once they even found it before we did. 


Were you responding to me? I did call and cancel.


Last year our credit card got hacked (different institution--they were great handling it) and we ended up using our debit card more than "usual." At least our bank thought it was unusual because they called to ask if those were our charges. They were, but it was nice to know they were alerted to the different spending pattern.

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Were you responding to me? I did call and cancel.


Last year our credit card got hacked (different institution--they were great handling it) and we ended up using our debit card more than "usual." At least our bank thought it was unusual because they called to ask if those were our charges. They were, but it was nice to know they were alerted to the different spending pattern.


Sorry, I didn't quote because I was being lazy and they were right above where I was responding...then you slipped in between.  LOL!  Sorry about that.  Someone above you asked if they needed to cancel or if it would happen automatically.  I think they probably need to call and at least find out.  :)


Discover has called us to make sure a few times too when it's been big purchases.  They have even required it at the register to make sure it was us.  I think it's great when they do it and appreciate that they pay close attention. 

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Sorry, I didn't quote because I was being lazy and they were right above where I was responding...then you slipped in between.  LOL!  Sorry about that.  Someone above you asked if they needed to cancel or if it would happen automatically.  I think they probably need to call and at least find out.  :)


No worries--it's still good advice no matter who it's directed to. 

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Wow, I just checked the credit card I used at Target during that time, and I had over $10,000 of fraudulent charges on it in the last four days!!!!!  AUGH!!!!  It was a US Bank card.  They cancelled it immediately and were very helpful.


Also, our hometown bank just called and said they are closing down our daughter's debit card, because they can see she used it at Target during that period...

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Wow, I just checked the credit card I used at Target during that time, and I had over $10,000 of fraudulent charges on it in the last four days!!!!!  AUGH!!!!  It was a US Bank card.  They cancelled it immediately and were very helpful.


Also, our hometown bank just called and said they are closing down our daughter's debit card, because they can see she used it at Target during that period...


Wow!!!! I bet that was a sit down moment!!!! I"m glad it got taken care of quickly!!! :w00t:

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Wow, I just checked the credit card I used at Target during that time, and I had over $10,000 of fraudulent charges on it in the last four days!!!!!  AUGH!!!!  It was a US Bank card.  They cancelled it immediately and were very helpful.



:scared:  Yowza--$10,000!

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Wow, I just checked the credit card I used at Target during that time, and I had over $10,000 of fraudulent charges on it in the last four days!!!!! AUGH!!!! It was a US Bank card. They cancelled it immediately and were very helpful.


Also, our hometown bank just called and said they are closing down our daughter's debit card, because they can see she used it at Target during that period...

Well...now I can't complain about the minor annoyance of canceling my two cards...


I'm glad it was caught and taken care of!

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Wow, I just checked the credit card I used at Target during that time, and I had over $10,000 of fraudulent charges on it in the last four days!!!!!  AUGH!!!!  It was a US Bank card.  They cancelled it immediately and were very helpful.


Also, our hometown bank just called and said they are closing down our daughter's debit card, because they can see she used it at Target during that period...


So sorry!!  I'm glad they were helpful and took care of it. 


I keep checking mine because I am choosing not to close it until January...now I'm even more nervous.  :o

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I would not recommend the "wait and see" approach for any card that was used in a Target store duing the time period of the breach.  The data they have harvested is now in the wild, and can be sold around the world....people out there may keep trying to use some of the stolen cards up until they expire.   Just because nothing happens on an account this week, this month, in two months, etc does not mean that card is not compromised and it will not eventually happen.  I decided I just do not want to worry about it - I've been through it before and I don't want a repeat.  I shut it down first thing this morning. 

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If you don't want to cancel your cc then you could just keep an eye on it, but if you used a debit card then you really should cancel it.  Fraudulent charges on a debit card are not as quick and easy to deal with as a CC.  Once the money is gone then you must wait for it to be investigated, etc before it is returned.  ugh.

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