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Remember the guy who freaked me out while I was jogging?


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Awhile back we figured out that he was a neighbor from 1/4 mile up the road.


Fine.  I felt a little foolish, but my dh said that just because he's a neighbor, it doesn't mean he can't be a weirdo.


This weekend, the house burned  the police have been guarding it as a crime scene and now they are looking for that guy for questioning.




Link to the old thread.



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I read the old thread which I had missed and just wanted to say that I've learned to be cautious when something about a situation seems "not right."  IME, that nagging feeling that the pieces don't fit properly, or a definitely creeped-out sensation have often turned out to have some basis in fact.  It could be nothing more than a person who is socially inept, but from your description I think there was more going on and your reaction was reasonable. 

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Guest submarines

That post made such an impression on me back then, that I knew what you were talking about right away. I'm glad you trusted your gut and stayed safe. This is really scary.


At least if they interview you, you won't be saying "He was such a nice guy, I would have never...". You can honestly say that he creeped you out from the start. j/k

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Awhile back we figured out that he was a neighbor from 1/4 mile up the road.


Fine. I felt a little foolish, but my dh said that just because he's a neighbor, it doesn't mean he can't be a weirdo.


This weekend, the house burned and they found the body of his girlfriend inside. He's disappeared, the fire is deemed suspicious, the police have been guarding it as a crime scene and now they are looking for that guy for questioning.




Link to the old thread.




Yikes! That is so scary!

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We are a little unnerved here in the neighborhood. I noticed many homes with outdoor lights all turned on last night. This is a rural area, so he could be holed up in the woods quite easily.


My dh carried his handgun for the first time last night when we went out. (concealed carry permit)


I won't be leaving the kids home alone for a bit, till things settle down.

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How very sad.  Praying for the girlfriend's family.  Also, praying that he will be caught soon and brought to justice if he's guilty.  Thank God you took the action you did when you were jogging!  I'm trying to teach my daughters to trust their instincts about people and situations.  It's very hard because most of us want to be nice.


edited:  spelling

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How very sad.  Praying for the girlfriend's family.  Also, praying that he will be caught soon and brought to justice if he's guilty.  Thank God you took the action you did when you were jogging!  I'm trying to teach my daughters to trust their instincts about people and situations.  It's very hard because most of us want to be nice.


edited:  spelling


I'm using this as a demonstration to my kids to ALWAYS listen to the inner voice that tells you. "Something's weird here."

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Wow! I am so glad you are safe. How awful for his girlfriend.


I'm now thinking that I probably needed to report the creepy guy who was skulking around while my daughter and I were decorating the town gazebo last night. He walked around us multiple times "reading" each and every name written on the bricks. It was cold out. Nobody reads those bricks. I kept a sharp eye on him and refused to speak to him, but really, I should have called the cops just to be safe.


Thanks for the reminder to trust my gut.

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You got big dogs, right? That would unnerve me a bit too.


yes. Very large dogs.  Very thankful for them.


Am I chicken because I was hesitant to go out to the barn in the dark to shut up the chickens last night after church?




I took my big hairy slobbery dog with me.


He wouldn't go in the dark barn with me. sigh.

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yes. Very large dogs.  Very thankful for them.


Am I chicken because I was hesitant to go out to the barn in the dark to shut up the chickens last night after church?




I took my big hairy slobbery dog with me.


He wouldn't go in the dark barn with me. sigh.


I would take my mastiff with me who goes everywhere where I go...or send your dh out to shut the chicken coop. Your dog would still sound an alarm if he/she sensed someone there who does not belong. No, you are not chicken, just wise and cautious. Until more is known about this man and the circumstances of the fire, you should be very cautious.

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Wow! I am so glad you are safe. How awful for his girlfriend.


I'm now thinking that I probably needed to report the creepy guy who was skulking around while my daughter and I were decorating the town gazebo last night. He walked around us multiple times "reading" each and every name written on the bricks. It was cold out. Nobody reads those bricks. I kept a sharp eye on him and refused to speak to him, but really, I should have called the cops just to be safe.


Thanks for the reminder to trust my gut.

Oh yeah, "brick readers," hmmm. Definitely look out for those! I once almost got mugged by a "window shopper." (I don't trust male window shoppers, haha) I guess we all remember getting creeped out by her thread, that was a great public service!


Remember, that guy in Cleveland who kidnapped those girls, he personally knew at least one of them, it made no difference.


Trust your instincts!

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Something similar happened to me. An older teen/young adult came to our house asking for odd job work. I did know who he was. I couldn't have told you one thing that gave me weird vibes, just that there was no way I wanted to open the screen door. Later, I found out he tried to set a woman's house on fire.


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Wow, score one for your female instinct.  We are CCW people here too.  You never know.  How scary and so glad that nothing happened to you, though how sad for the woman they found.  You just never know...it's scary to wonder how many people are walking around who are capable of things like this. 

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Gosh, I am so sorry for his girlfriend and her family! However, I am thrilled you trusted your instincts and was on guard with this fellow!!! I hope everyone stays safe and they catch the perp asap! I admit the story of your big scary dog being too frightened to go into the dark chicken coop made me giggle, though. :)


Thanks for the update!!!

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