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Best and Worst Halloween Candy

Word Nerd

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Oh man, those Mary Janes and pb chews are GROSS. Bit O'Honey, too. Wax lips and bottles have got to be up there, too. That Lick and Dip shi I mean stuff is nasty. It's fun, tho. The little cheese and crackers with the red stick is yucky, too.


I like Sugar Daddy (b/c I never buy them, or much candy, really), Snickers, chocolate...


My dd is lucky--we don't live in a neighborhood, so dd TorT's with a friend. The former head of Nat'l Tire lives there and gives out those HUGE candy bars (not king size, I mean the 1 pounders) to those brave enough to walk down his wooded, creepy driveway--it's like a right of passage!

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Assuming we're talking just about edibles (love that commercial in which the kids warn each other that one of the neighbors is handing out floss):


Necco wafers are the worst. Like Tums but with no medicinal value. 


I agree with Word Nerd that the chocolatey (it is so a word!) ones are the best. Especially Three Musketeers, as I'm the only one here who likes them, so I get them. 


There's something to be said for familiarity. I thought I'd be clever one year and picked up a few bags of candy on a visit to Canada, figuring the trick-or-treaters might like something different. You should have seen the looks I got from the pirates and princesses as they watched me put Coffee Crisp and Aero bars into their sacks. Might as well have been floss.




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Best: Anything chocolate.


Worst: Candy corn, pretzels, RAISINS. I have nothing against raisins, per se, but shriveled up fruit does not qualify for Halloween.


DH's 80-something grandma has given out some kind of odd foreign candy for Halloween the past several years. We just say thank you and sneak it out of the dc's bags when they're not looking. It's probably perfectly fine, but no one knows what it is or where she gets it...

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I refuse to see how Necco Wafers even count as candy. Chalky disks of slightly flavored stuff does not a candy make. And where do these things come from? I haven't seen them in stores in years yet on Halloween, someone always gets one pack!

They're my dad's FAVORITE. Every time I see them, it makes me smile. He's truly the only person I've ever met that even likes them.

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Best:  Any jumbo-sized candy bar.  There's always that one big old house with a tray-full.


Worst:  Yes Necco wafers are demon spawn, but I remember popcorn balls and homemade oddities in little wax bags that were never a fav either.  Later, parents started x-raying kids' haul and that all died out.



I forgot Smarties -- they were always the super-energy-pills that I tried in vain to ration out over time, since I only got them at Halloween.  Of course, the flip side to rationing is to chew a whole package, only to realize it's not that far off from dentist office toothpaste.

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When I was a kid, my favourite was the Kraft caramels. Now I prefer Whoppers/Maltesers, with an edge to Maltesers.


Worst: candy corn. Yuck!

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This betrays my age; however, I miss candy cigarettes.

The kids were given some a couple years ago, but the were called "Superhero Sticks." Nobody was fooled though. :D






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OT, but has there been a thread about the woman in North Dakota who plans on handing out insulting letters to any child she herself deems overweight? letters stating that she considers the child obese with parents who need to shape up and take better care of their children.

Ummm...what?! They should all send her letters listing all of her imperfections. What a crazy lady! Going now to google this story...I have to know the scoop!

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WORST = Rockets (what you Yankees call Smarties)


Yeah, people think I'm nuts when I say I like Smarties... but that's NOT what I mean. 

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OT, but has there been a thread about the woman in North Dakota who plans on handing out insulting letters to any child she herself deems overweight?  letters stating that she considers the child obese with parents who need to shape up and take better care of their children.


I read that too. That's even worse than the woman in our town who stapled a 10% off Mary Kay coupon and business card to one of DD's candy bars. I hope the ND woman gets a lot of letters herself.

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We are forced to not give out the "good candy" I would prefer to because of our daughter's peanut/treenut allergy. All of the best stuff either contains or may-contains.


Same here.  We have to order safe candy for DS (peanut, tree nut, dairy and gluten free - that's a mouthful!).  Way too pricey to hand out, and no one would know what it was anyway.


We're in one of those neighborhoods where people drop their kids off to ToT, though, so we go through gobs and gobs of candy.  But I haven't even bought any yet this year.   :blushing:   I'll be the last one at the store tomorrow night, and probably get stuck with bags of Neccos.  

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Wait...there's another kind of Smarties? :huh:

Smarties are similar to chocolate M&Ms. Unfortunately, they're made by Nestlé, but that wasn't a concerning factor for me when I was a kid.

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There's another kind of Smarties I see only at Halloween around here... tiny fake chocolate spheres covered with a candy coating. They are gross.


ETA: Never mind. DH informs me that they are called Sixlets. Still gross. I think I'm confused because I experienced those at the same time I learned about the "other" smarties" and conflated the two.

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Best: Snickers, plain Hershey bars, Peanut Butter Cups, butterscotch discs. I used to love Necco wafers but haven't seen them in years. Whoppers were a favorite when I could eat gluten.


Worst: Tootsie Rolls, peanut M&Ms, tracts and business cards and basically anything with staples in it.


I'll probably only be eating the butterscotch discs this year. Chocolate is still making me queasy.

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And I agree about mounds and Almond joy. Blah!


I'll post my address so you can all send me the dreaded coconut candies. I'll do my civic duty and take them off your hands. :) I'll even give you the KitKats in exchange; those things taste good, but the chocolate is too melty.

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The worst thing I ever got trick or treating as a kid was a package of instant mashed potato mix. I remember we were so excited because we could tell it was something big they had put in our sacks, but mashed potatoes were not exactly high on the list of favorite Halloween food!

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You didn't grow up with chocolate shoes? Old Bavarian thing, I think. Kinda chewy, and ya gotta watch your teeth on the buckle, but otherwise...


From what part of the country do these hail?  I'll run a search. 


Just came back from searching for the candy cigarettes I mentioned earlier.  Those things were not particularly good-tasting -- (Yes, indeed.  "Chalky" as someone observed.) -- but the "fun factor" could not have been higher.  Bubblegum cigars were as nothing in comparison!

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The kids were given some a couple years ago, but the were called "Superhero Sticks." Nobody was fooled though. :D







I just ran a search on "candy cigarettes".  What this picture shows are the "revised product" which omitted the "red flame tip".  (The feature which made them look like a lit-up cigarette -- the "point" of if all !) 

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The worst thing I ever got trick or treating as a kid was a package of instant mashed potato mix. I remember we were so excited because we could tell it was something big they had put in our sacks, but mashed potatoes were not exactly high on the list of favorite Halloween food!


Can't you just picture how that went down?


*Trick or treat!

*Oh, nuggets! I forgot it was Halloween. What do we have? [rustling through cupboards] Potatoes! Kids like mashed potatoes!

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