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3 things you are embarrassed to admit you like

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1. I'm addicted to Law and Order - all of them. We made a conscious decision not to get cable so I'm a collector of DVDs and I have every set released.


2. I have a closet Heath bar addiction. Never Skor! Skor bites. It must be Heath or I cry.


3. At our other home, I have every Star Trek novel ever written until 2005. Yes, you can be an even bigger ST nut than just watching the TV shows. And heaven help me, some of them have the worst writing EVER. I'm almost afraid to move them up north because I don't want anyone to know how big a geek I truly am.



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Oh. This is difficult.



  1. Smoking, even though I quit. From time to time it sounds very good, though other people's smoking makes me ill. :001_huh:
  2. Fritos. With hot sauce. :drool:
  3. Fashion. And modern art. I find beauty in some outrageous things. :D Oh, and...
  4. I laughed during Borat.


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I'll play confession:D


1. I adore People magazine, either in real life or online, even though I don't watch television and don't know who most of the celebs are. I think People is lowbrow and downmarket, but I love, love gossip and photos.


2. Garth Brooks's "I've Got Friends in Low Places" and "Rodeo". I crank these up, roll the window down and sing at the top of my lungs in the car when I catch them on the radio. Otherwise, I detest country-western music, with the exception of Reba's "Fancy", of course.:D


3. I prefer to sleep on the couch and have for most of my marriage. Only my mom knows I do this. I wore out our old couch and we had to buy a "new" one at the Salvation Army recently. Dh said he wanted me to be comfortable. I do so love my new-old couch and my dh. Couch-sleeping is my deepest secret shame and cozy joy.

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LOL...I haven't been there in a long time, but I somehow found the "Manpri" post about Kevin Federline, and visited it more than I care to admit.


It made me laugh. Over and over again.


(My other thing I don't like to admit--but have 'fessed up to, occasionally--is my fondness for television judge shows. Judge Judy is number one, with Judge Mathis a close second. My oldest son can do a great Judge Joe Brown impression, though. "Now, be a man!")

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You know, I've looked at Nutella but never bought it. I'll definitely have to try it now! lol


I'd have to agree about reading People magazine. I never buy it, but given the chance, I'll snatch it up and read it. And truly, who really cares about all these people who don't seem to have real lives anyway? Along those lines, who were Nick and Jessica when they got married on television anyway?? I truly have no idea where they came from. And very guiltily, I'll admit I hope she doesn't make it in country music. :ack2:


I was a big Bobby Sherman fan way back when. (Telling my age, now!) But the best part of that was, my dad would turn the radio way up when he got out of bed and a BS song was on, so I could hear it. Then I'd go right back to sleep. That was just so sweet of him.


I eat far too many chocolate chips right from the bag. In fact, I no longer care for sweet chocolate like Hershey's bars!


Good thing I'm in fine company here, or I'd probably have to be embarassed about liking to spend far too much time on my pc. :)

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Well I love to visit http://www.celebrity-babies.com/. It's not so much about the celebrities--I'm just fascinated with pregnancy and sweet babies. But, ironically, I don't want to be pregnant. I guess it gives me a fix without having to do it myself!


I also like haikuoftheday.com. Beware, this chick can use some strong language. But there is something about her point of view that cracks me up. Here's one of her "letters to people I hate and other funny stuff" that made me laugh until I cried. (If you're offended, I'm sorry!) http://www.haikuoftheday.com/haiku_of_the_day/2006/05/express_yoursel.html




Three...I can't think of three...yet. Maybe a Nutella snack will get the brain juices flowing.

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1. Pork rinds. The hot-and-spicy kind.

2. Bombastic program music (think "Pirates of the Caribbean" soundtrack).

3. The smell of clove cigarettes. You can take the boy out of the Goth club, but...


HA! I love the smell of clove cigarettes too. Ah, the long ago days of the college intelligentsia crowd. ;)


And Country Mouse, I also love Zoo Tycoon. I think the software nerds at Best Buy were actually embarrassed *for me* when I went to buy Zoo Tycoon 2 the day it came out.


And I make crepes just so I can smear nutella on them.

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1. I like Lost. (Just watch 4 seasons in 2 weeks).

2. I used to watch soaps (Bold and the Beautiful & As the World Turns). Maybe that why I like Lost. I love Dexter too.. but actually think it's a much better show.

3. That I can eat a whole thing of Almonds in a Cloud from Trader Joe's. I have to get them when others are around to I can (have to) share.

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muffinmom: I read celebrity-babies too! I only remember a few times a week, Saturday is usually the only day I manage to get there with any regularity (unless Im stalking someone who is overdue or the Jolie/Pitt annoucement or something (: )


1) I still have a crush on my first crush! Embarassing!

2) I think Zac Efron (HS Musical) is just about the cutest thing.. see crush on my first crush bc he lookes like him! LOL

3) Nora Roberts, Diana Gabaldon, Stephenie Meyer mindless romance novels. They do need to be really well written fluff though!


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I don't have a clue what Nutella is!? :tongue_smilie:


By all means, let's not let you stay clueless. Nutella is a chocolate/hazelnut spread. Its consistency is sort of like peanut butter, but not as stiff.


Peanut butter has its place and all, but Nutella is betta.:drool5:

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1. Ok, yes, I also play Destruct-O-Match. Ds and I opened an account together years ago. I wanted to open it with him to see what the site was about and make sure it was ok. I still love that game. It is highly addictive!


2. I play the Sims occasionaly on weekends. It has been my stress reliever for years. I started with Sims I and had all of the expansion packs. Now I play Sims II and have all the expansion packs. I even have thousands of aftermarket downloads for the game. One can never have too many different curtains to choose from. I am a decorating nut.


3. I regularly leave dirty dishes in the sink until the next morning. I am a morning cleaner and despise cleaning at night when I'm tired. My poor mother, if she were still here, would be appalled that she had raised me. I'm quite sure she would not have let her head hit the pillow with anything out of place or dirty in the whole house! I have such guilt over this, can you tell?!

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By all means, let's not let you stay clueless. Nutella is a chocolate/hazelnut spread. Its consistency is sort of like peanut butter, but not as stiff.


Peanut butter has its place and all, but Nutella is betta.:drool5:


Can we say that Nutella may be the unofficial sweet treet of the Hive?!


Nutella and pound cake!! (I need a new jar!)

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Can we say that Nutella may be the unofficial sweet treet of the Hive?!


Nutella and pound cake!! (I need a new jar!)



But have you ever tried Nutella on graham crackers? All it needs is a bit of marshmallow creme, and voila, a much better version of s'mores.

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1. When I was growing up my mom watched Guiding Light religiously. I, in turn, developed the habit. I haven't watched it regularly in years, but who can resist taking a peek every now and then to check in on Josh and Reva...."Always." Can't believe I'm admitting this. I would be alarmed if my kids ever developed a taste for such trash.


2. Celebrity news. I never. ever. pay money for it. But I'll flip through People magazine at the checkout or when I'm getting an ocasional pedicure. I don't even watch the movies or listen to the music these celebrities generate. In fact, I think many of them are kinda pathetic. So why am I drawn to ridiculous shows like Insider, Access Hollywood, or TMZ? This is really embarassing. I guess it's just morbid curiosity. The only time I tune into these shows is when my whole family is sound asleep and I'm up late cleaning, clipping coupons, folding laundry, etc... And when Access Hollywood is over, I watch Law and Order. Since we don't have cable, never watch network TV as a family, and mostly listen to classical music, my husband wonders how in the world I know what people are talking about in casual conversation when names like Amy Winehouse and Lindsay Lohan come up. I'm ashamed.


3. Land of the Lost. As in....Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition. I just bought Season 1 on DVD for my kids and they love it. The acting is even worse than I remember, but I'm still drawn to it. The Sleestaks are still just as creepy, and Cha-ka is still cute...in an ugly sort of way.

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I'll play confession:D

2. Garth Brooks's "I've Got Friends in Low Places" and "Rodeo". I crank these up, roll the window down and sing at the top of my lungs in the car when I catch them on the radio. Otherwise, I detest country-western music, with the exception of Reba's "Fancy", of course.:D



Nothing wrong with those Garth Brooks songs! Our whole family likes to sing "I've Got Friends in Low Places" when it comes on. There's nothing like singing a drinking song with your kids for family entertainment:lol: He just has two songs I really hate, "The Thunder Rolls" and "That Summer" a.k.a. that other thunder song, ugh! I absolutely cannot believe you like "Fancy", though! That is shameful! That one makes me ill.

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3. Land of the Lost. As in....Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition. I just bought Season 1 on DVD for my kids and they love it. The acting is even worse than I remember, but I'm still drawn to it. The Sleestaks are still just as creepy, and Cha-ka is still cute...in an ugly sort of way.


We *totally* have Land of the Lost on DVD! My kids love it!!


Apparently, I have a lot more to be embarrassed about than I originally realized. :lol:

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1) I LOVE reality TV. I'm another Tori and Dean fan. Pretty much love anything reality- minus dating shows. Current fav is Flipping Out.


2) I like Christian Rap. I only learned this about myself on a recent missions trip to New Orleans. By the end of the week, I was ready to load it onto my ipod.


3) Family Guy

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In no particular order...



  1. Tinkerbell - We are going to Disney next year, and I am ashamed to admit I have a growing Tinkerbell fetish. (Does that sound too strange? Looks strange typing it.)
  2. Strawberry Twizzlers - love 'em - eat 'em all day!
  3. Like Paula Deen - Butter, sour cream, and mayonnaise. Not that I use them often, or at least, not as often as she does! :D
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HA! I love the smell of clove cigarettes too. Ah, the long ago days of the college intelligentsia crowd. ;)



College?? That was junior high & high school!


You know... There was once a guy who smoked too many clove cigarettes, and they found HUGE golf ball sized holes in his lungs... (Did you tell each other that story while you sat around smoking them? It was a fun myth to us, but it was probably really emphysema.)

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3. Land of the Lost. As in....Marshall, Will and Holly on a routine expedition. I just bought Season 1 on DVD for my kids and they love it. The acting is even worse than I remember, but I'm still drawn to it. The Sleestaks are still just as creepy, and Cha-ka is still cute...in an ugly sort of way.


I was telling my dd about this--all I remembered was Dopey, and the giant fruit--so I rented it for her to see--and she is in love with it! Help me, somebody!!:ack2:

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We used to get Nutella in England long before it was popular here. My xh loved it (he is from France), but he ate so much of it when we lived in Paris, and had it around so much, I got sick of even seeing it, so I have refused to buy it, and haven't even tasted it in more than 18 years.


I am so dying for a jar right now I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!


Thanks a lot, folks! Here come the pounds, running through the street, looking for me!

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2. One of my favorite songs is International Harvester and I'm not a farmer.




I'll play!


1. Ditto on "International Harvester"


2. Ditto on the nutella - nutella plus peanut butter makes a "Reeces"!


3. Another couch sleeper here but I alternate through the night with the arm-chair. I dread over-night guests. I hate trying to explain that I love my husband but I can't sleep in a bed!

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1. I love bad boy fictional characters. Mr. Darcy, Heathcliff, Mr. Rochester, William the Bloody, Angel/Angelus, Severus Snape, and Easy Rawlins all make me swoon. My new favorite is Sir Guy of Gisborn on BBC's Robin Hood.


2. I really like animated superheroes. I record X-Men, and Justice League Unlimited on my DVR for myself, not my boys.


3. I've always been a big fan of orange candy. It doesn't matter what type of candy, as long as the flavor is orange. As I've gotten older, I've begun to develop an appreciation for dark chocolate. Now if I could only find a way to combine the two...

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My new favorite is Sir Guy of Gisborn on BBC's Robin Hood.




Oh my yes. Have you ever seen North and South from the BBC? Richard Armitage is a semi-bad guy in that. Darker than Darcy anyway. *sigh*


And for your Dark Chocolate and Orange fix...have you had Terry's Oranges? They're an orange and chocolate candy in the shape of an orange. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry's_Chocolate_Orange


They make a dark chocolate. You can find them in lots of stores, even Walgreens I think.

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1. Toxic by Britney Spears. I don't understand it - I don't even know if DH knows about this. I know the girl can't sing and she's morally bankrupt, but I like that song!


2. Grey's Anatomy. And we don't even have TV! I have to stream it - and DH makes fun of me.


3. Eating brownie mix with a tablespoon and washing each bite down with a big gulp of WHOLE milk.


Ahhh... the "sins" of adulthood.

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Oh my yes. Have you ever seen North and South from the BBC? Richard Armitage is a semi-bad guy in that. Darker than Darcy anyway. *sigh*


And for your Dark Chocolate and Orange fix...have you had Terry's Oranges? They're an orange and chocolate candy in the shape of an orange. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry's_Chocolate_Orange


Jean and Jami, thanks for enabling me. I'm going to check out your suggestions. I can just see myself having orange-chocolate candy while watching North and South. Yum!

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1. Barry Manilow :001_huh:




DH took the girls to the fireworks for the 4th. I stayed home with a (okay, 2) single servings of B&J Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and a Barry Manilow LIVE DVD from the Library :leaving: NOBODY knows that, except everybody here. But you guys don't count, cause you all sit around watching <show of shame> and eating <food of embarassment> all day, while frantically reading and typing on the message board, just like me!:D

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I can't think of much I'm embarrassed that I LIKE. I can think of something that I'm embarrassed that I do though. I can hold a grudge till hell freezes over. I'm working on that, I know I should be more forgiving.


I'm embarrassed that I pick at my nails.


Let's see, my dds are embarrassed that recently I listen to a few country songs. They are mortified when I sing "Suds in her Bucket" at the top of my lungs.


I'm right there with ya!

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1.Listening to explicit lyrics on my iPod when I'm in a bad mood. I never listen to them without the earphones so the kids don't hear it. Sometimes I need some Rage Against the Machine, Public Enemy or Snoop Dogg.


2.Bad movies. I know a movie is horrible but sometimes I'll watch it anyway.


3.Playing the Wii when the kids are asleep. I just finished playing The Godfather. I beat the game so I'm done playing it now. I don't get how my kids can beat a game and just keep playing it. (They don't play The Godfather though. Definitely a mature game)

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