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Have you ever had a Bon-Bon?


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We often say we homeschooling moms don't sit around eating Bon-Bons. I don't think I've ever had one. I don't think I actually know anyone who has ever had one.


Are they a real thing?


Have you ever had one?


I wonder if I can buy some and sit around one afternoon eating them.

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Yes.  Yes, I have.  At a very low point in my life, I actually finished an entire container of Bon-Bons in one sitting.  It was not a proud moment, but it was a tasty one.  :tongue_smilie:


ETA: I'm talking about the little chocolate dipped vanilla ice cream Bon-Bons.

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They used to have tiny ice cream balls covered in chocolate marketed as Bon Bons. My grandmother bought them once because she had a great coupon and thought they were hilarious. She called her friend and said, "Hey just thought I'd call you while I was sitting and eating a Bon Bon!" She rarely laughed that hard, but I remember her cracking up. :)


Oh, they're still made:


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I have never had a Bon Bon. I'm not even sure what they are. I always imagined they were little balls of vanilla ice cream dunked in chocolate hard shell. Is that right?? Now I'll got back and read the thread. :p


Me too, is that right?  Never had one but I'm thinking I should keep some stocked in the kitchen hidden behind something unappetizing.   :lol:

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No. I sit around and eat steak, greens and mushrooms all drenched in garlic butter. I only do it once or twice a month but it is a regular thing. I go to the store, get the the best steak I can find that won't break me price wise and some spinach or collards and a pounds of mushrooms. Then I come home and make a feast for one, usually In the late morning. I do offer the kids some but that is a formality as they never say yes to steak that is not a dinner thing. I then eat it while sitting on the couch and sometimes watching something stupid off of Netflix or reading with one hand. The boys get extra computer time on steak day. I know it is steak day when I am having a bad, bad, bad sugar craving and I know that if I start when I feel like that, I won't stop.


I also keep cookie dough balls in the freezer for those moments when the kids and I just need a fresh baked cookie.

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There is a brand called "Bon Bon" that are little hard candies with a liquid center and foil wrappers that look like the fruit flavor of the candy inside.  I've only ever had the strawberry ones.  If I was going to sit around eating candies I'd rather have truffles or Toblerone.

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Veering off topic, last weekend we watched the movie Romantics Anonymous twice (dd really liked it).  It's set in a chocolate factory.  It would be a good choice for sitting around eating bon bons and watching television.  Except I suspected that any chocolate we had in the house probably wasn't as good as what they had in the movie.

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