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How would you handle something like this?

Pamela H in Texas

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Mooning is the act of displaying one's bare buttocks by removing clothing, e.g., by lowering the backside of one's trousers and underpants, usually bending over, whether also exposing the genitals or not. Mooning is used mostly in the English-speaking world to express protest, scorn, disrespect, or provocation but can also simply be done for shock value or fun. Some jurisdictions regard mooning to be indecent exposure, sometimes depending on the context.(from Wikipedia)

Oh! sort of like flashing?

thank you

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Yeah? I got mostly Tom Selleck and more Tom Selleck and more Tom Selleck. I'm not really a fan, but it wasn't too bad. :D


Well, technically the search term I used was "porn mustache" (not "porn stache").  After I scrolled past the pics of Tom Selleck, there were several pics that featured more porn than mustache.  Let's just say I couldn't tell you whether these guys had mustaches or not.  :svengo:

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Guest submarines

Well, technically the search term I used was "porn mustache" (not "porn stache").  After I scrolled past the pics of Tom Selleck, there were several pics that featured more porn than mustache.  Let's just say I couldn't tell you whether these guys had mustaches or not.  :svengo:


Ah, okay. I didn't bother scrolling down once my curiosity about the term was satisfied. No rabbit holes for me! :D

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But how do jokes/inappropriate sexual comments = "DANGEROUS + ruin his life + get him killed"?

Not my client, but a guy was making an obscene gesture and got his hand hung up in the carpet loom. He lost his arm. There was a lady who got shot in the chest by a co-worker's nail gun... People do stupid stuff around heavy machinery. It becomes so routine that they forget to respect the power and be cautious.

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Guest inoubliable



Hubby shaves beard leaving a thick mustache.

Men on jobsite tease him about being Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds and some less savory things (offensive in my mind, but just men being crude IRL).

This woman felt the need to one-up and just went too far.

Hubby called her on it with a reason why.

She did it again because she's an idiot.  




Truly, the only thing I can get out of this is that she said your DH looked like Ron Jeremy. 

How that equals losing job and/or life is beyond me. Is this a JW thing? 

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Guest submarines

I need to go to bed now. If you find out anything, PM me immediately.  :coolgleamA:


P.S. This thread has been life changing for me. First, I received more likes for my posts here, than on all my other posts taken together. Second, I finally figured out how to switch on my smileys so now I don't have to type "lol" at the end of my sentences to indicate when I'm not entirely serious. Third, I figured out how to post photos. I'm a new woman now. Celebrate with me!


And soon--I can already sense it--I will learn how to upload my very own avatar. 

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Guest submarines

Truly, the only thing I can get out of this is that she said your DH looked like Ron Jeremy. 

How that equals losing job and/or life is beyond me. Is this a JW thing? 


Maybe we will understand this better if we know what kind of job the OP's DH has. Maybe that's the missing link for our puzzled minds. 

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I need to go to bed now. If you find out anything, PM me immediately. :coolgleamA:


P.S. This thread has been life changing for me. First, I received more likes for my posts here, than on all my other posts taken together. Second, I finally figured out how to switch on my smileys so now I don't have to type "lol" at the end of my sentences to indicate when I'm not entirely serious. Third, I figured out how to post photos. I'm a new woman now. Celebrate with me!


And soon--I can already sense it--I will learn how to upload my very own avatar.

I'll celebrate with you!


:party: :party: :party:

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Guest inoubliable

Maybe we will understand this better if we know what kind of job the OP's DH has. Maybe that's the missing link for our puzzled minds. 


I'm guessing construction.

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I need to go to bed now. If you find out anything, PM me immediately.  :coolgleamA:


P.S. This thread has been life changing for me. First, I received more likes for my posts here, than on all my other posts taken together. Second, I finally figured out how to switch on my smileys so now I don't have to type "lol" at the end of my sentences to indicate when I'm not entirely serious. Third, I figured out how to post photos. I'm a new woman now. Celebrate with me!


And soon--I can already sense it--I will learn how to upload my very own avatar. 


You go girl!! 



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Ok, my dh thinks he figured it out.  The woman at work said or did something inappropriate to say or do to a married man and the newly beardless husband knows that if he ever, ever gave into such a thing his wife (the OP) would KILL HIM! That is how the co-worker put the man in danger.


My DH has a beard and he says he is keeping his on for just that reason.

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Oh.  Okay.  So someone said your dh looks like Ron Jeremy?


That really doesn't warrant the hyperbole of "dangerous and will get him killed."  :rolleyes:


Ron Jeremy was big, but he wasn't THAT big that anyone would die from it.

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So, in my mind I am now turning over:  mustaches, heavy equipment, other "heavy" equipment, peanut butter, safety hard hats, laughing co-workers and a brazen woman.  Now what am I going to to do with all that???  I could probably turn it into a 3 part mini-series.  Although it would probably have to be on Showtime Late Night.


If only we had the Village People to sing for us....





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So, in my mind I am now turning over:  mustaches, heavy equipment, other "heavy" equipment, peanut butter, safety hard hats, laughing co-workers and a brazen woman.  Now what am I going to to do with all that???  I could probably turn it into a 3 part mini-series.  Although it would probably have to be on Showtime Late Night.


If only we had the Village People to sing for us....

Ah, the Village People.  Have you seen some of their mustaches?

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No clue what the ding bat did, but if it is that serious even if she doesn't bring it up again and it appears to blow over by Monday it still needs to be reported.  Remember Imps husband the woman there that got him fired for sexual harassment after he basically didn't report her comments etc.  He needs to go to his supervisor and report the incident even if nothing will come of it because it is over, just to establish the paper trail and show a pattern of behaviour if she does something this stupid again or tries to cry foul against him for some reason.  The fact that she did it again after he called her on it speaks volumes imo about the type of person she is.  Sometimes people take jokes a step too far but when called on it they apologize and make it right, they don't repeat the same action.  That woman is trouble and I don't care if her boyfriend/husband gave her an earful over the weekend, it needs to be documented at work.


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Did she say something about how sexy he looks and kiss him?  If so, did she do that in front of someone else?


It could be dangerous if her partner is jealous and could cause him to lose his job if anyone thought it was consensual.


Yeah, document and warn.

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The most dangerous thing that has ever come of my husband fiddling around with different ways of styling his facial hair is me crying out in shock and a bit of horror the first time I saw him clean shaven. The shape of his chin and upper lip are greatly benefited from a nice goatee or well maintained beard. We'd been together a couple of years the first time I had ever seen him sans at minimum a goatee. I may or may not admit to physically pushing him away from me while basically losing my shit. Total visceral reaction. I can't see it getting more dangerous than that unless shaving makes someone look like a specific drug king pin with a price on his head or whatnot.

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Ok so here's my guess


It has something to do with facebook....she's posting pics and saying he's a terrorist of some sort and if anyone believes her he might get killed. Either that or shes spreading rumours on facebook that he is "jazzing himself up" because he's having an affair with a specific person and that woman's significant other will kill him him if he sees the post.


I'm betting money the reason has something to do with facebook and OP won't post what it is because she doesn't want us all googling it to see pics of her handsome DH or making comments on the page LOL

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I'm wondering if co-worker compared dh to Adolf Hitler? Somehow managed to make people think he was a neo-nazi?

Not quoting (I'm on iPhone), but your mention of clean-shaven plus thick mustache....


ETA And your last name sounds a bit like Hitler? Or dh's first name is Adolf or similar to that? Do you live in the German part of Texas? Did co-worker say your dh was related to AH? As a supervisor has your dh been in a position to say that hate groups have free speech rights, and now co-worker is using this against him?

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This reminds me of the mom who was going to shave her son's eyebrows off, but couldn't tell us why for a week. Did we ever find out the answer to that one?

Yes, we did. It had to do with a teacher promising the kid an A if he shaved his eyebrows. But when he did, the teacher laughed and said he couldn't believe the kid had believed him.

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I was also going to speculate that the husband was in Witness Protection, and that when the stupid woman publicly posted his picture without the beard, one of the Mafia guys could see it and figure out where he now lives.


But that falls apart because there is no way that the stupid woman should know that he is in Witness Protection, so she wouldn't know that she shouldn't do it.

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Guest submarines

I was also going to speculate that the husband was in Witness Protection, and that when the stupid woman publicly posted his picture without the beard, one of the Mafia guys could see it and figure out where he now lives.


But that falls apart because there is no way that the stupid woman should know that he is in Witness Protection, so she wouldn't know that she shouldn't do it.

That's the most logical explanation so far. 

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My dh is a safety coordinator in Louisiana, so I'd guess pretty similar circumstances.


he guessed that the beardless fellow is worried about being disrespected and his authority undermined. In which case OP would be wildly overreacting.

Fwiw, safety professionals don't do dangerous, hands on work. They watch other people do dangerous work, give opinions, inspect safety equipment, teach classes, liaise with other professionnals, and file paperwork. Nothing life threatening there.

Basically, my dh calls BS. Without more info, no one can draw any kind of reasonable conclusion. He also suspects that the beard and the incident are possibly unrelated and coincidental. Though we can't judge, because we have no facts, only a vague, emotional reaction.

All of the above is his opinion -the sanitized version -not mine. Don't shoot the messenger.

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