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Dh in ER. Please pray. UPDATE post #1


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I noticed earlier that my dh's eyes were dilated differently. One was huge and one was small. We came to the ER and are waiting for a CT scan. Any ideas what it could be? I am scared. Blood pressure and other vitals were fine. I will update when I can.




UPDATE.....Thank you all for your prayers and kind words.


After a full blood work up and a CT scan, dh is in perfect health. Praise The Lord! What they think happened is that he came in contact with an herbicide while working on our farm today and touched his eye at some point while the chemical was still on is hand. It wasn't enough to burn his eye, but enough to cause his pupil to dilate to an extreme level. His pupil is still bigger, but is starting to go back to normal size.


I was so scared and was thinking the worst possible things. I am so relieved.


Thank you all again for your good thoughts and well wishes.

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I noticed earlier that my dh's eyes were dilated differently. One was huge and one was small. We came to the ER and are waiting for a CT scan. Any ideas what it could be? I am scared. Blood pressure and other vitals were fine. I will update when I can.

It's good that his vitals are normal. And I think it's really good that you went in. Eyes and neurological stuff are not to be fooled around with.


My dh suffered a detached retina several years ago. It was a long day at the ER, because they had to rule out all kinds of other stuff before they would even call the Ophthalmologist in.


Please update us when you can.

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Does he have any other symptoms? Weakness, slurred speech, confusion?


Good to have it checked out, but there are lots of benign (or relatively so) causes from idiopathic (= "we don't know why") to antihistamine or eyedrop use to sinus inflammation, iritis, and more. Hopefully it is one of those!


I've had unequal pupils for a couple of months now, with a drooping eyelid (talk about scary!), and am just now narrowing down the cause -- at the moment it looks like it is, of all things, a pinched nerve in my neck. I am seeing a neuro-opthamologist this week to figure out what's doing the pinching (probably RA inflammation).


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My dd just had a case of unilateral mydriasis last week. Very scary. We finally figured out it was probably caused by accidental exposure to sap from a dead Angel's Trumpet. Certainly this isn't a plant we want growing in our yard. Her eye returned to normal within 24 hours.


I hope you get to the bottom of the matter soon.

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