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Our Male Children and the Female Body

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Why do you want him to be so pro-breastfeeding? In the grand scheme of life, breastfeeding is a very small issue.

I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.

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But Cat, if you think this one is the bomb, you need to look up the immodesty thread! The Happy Trampy Mommy Club and the Happy Trampy Pappy Club (Bill being the only charter member due to his pink dress escapades) began there. :D



Clearly, I have a lot of catching up to do. :D

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I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.

Seriously? You would judge a future DIL on the basis of whether or not she was pro-bf? And you'd have anxiety attacks if your grandbabies were formula-fed?


I'm glad you're not my MIL.


It's fine to have strong opinions and to live by those beliefs, but I don't think it is at all reasonable to so harshly judge women who make different decisions about their own bodies and their own babies. (And your grandchildren may be the light of your life, but they won't be your babies.)


And what would happen if your DILs were pro-bf, but unable to do it? (Although if you listen to the OP, I guess your sons should take up the task. ;))

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I did NOT know that men could breastfeed. :-/ I'm not bothered by women breastfeeding in public, covered, uncovered, or standing on their heads, but if I saw a man breastfeeding, it would FREAK me out.

Oh come on.....why would the image of a sweet little baby, suckling on the swollen breast of a 6'6" linebacker, her hands softly parting his chest hair so she doesn't get a mouthful....bother you?   LOLOLOL  Maybe that should be a new thread.  



Manscaping for the nursing father.  


Or we could try our hand at some new tongue twisters:


How much hair would Harriette Hurl from hastily tasting  Herb's heavenly hairy half and half.

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I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.


I think you are entirely too judgmental.

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My husband never even once offered to breastfeed our ds.


I used to think he was a great husband and father, but after reading this thread, I now realize that I was sadly mistaken.


And I'll bet I'm not the only one here whose dh didn't bf their kids, so at least I can take comfort that I'm not alone in my tremendous disappointment.


Perhaps we should start some sort of support group to help ourselves get over the grief and resentment.


If I had a daughter, I wouldn't want her to marry a guy who didn't want to bf their babies for her.


OK, I just made all that up, but I'm trying to get into the spirit of the discussion. :D


Sorry, I just can't get a warm and fuzzy feeling about the image of a bfing father. Not even if it was Ryan Gosling in a kilt.


Really. Picture it:


"Hey girl, I know you've had a long day, so why don't you go upstairs and take a little nap while I breastfeed the baby for you?"


Nope. Not working for me. Not at all. :ack2:

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I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.



Of all the things that could happen to your grandchildren, having anxiety attacks over this is rather pointless.


I am thankful you are not my dd's MIL. What if she has an issue like I did when I NEARLY DIED after my third child was born and couldn't even care for him?




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I really can't weigh in on this thread, but I just had to post to say...



Again, I'm like this .... :confused1:  :smilielol5: Then I think of some of my neighbors, whose moobs I already do not want to see, and I want a vomit emoticon.


Maybe I have the wrong attitude, and I should be forced to see as many moobs as possible so I can recognize male breastfeeding as a natural and beautiful thing.


(Now I need another vomit emoticon.)


MOOBS!!!!  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.


Having nursing difficulties with my first DD and having to supplement with formula because she was losing weight and the pediatrician was very concerned sent me into an anxiety attack—the literal kind, not the hyperbole kind like your comment above. The last thing I needed when I had PPD was a melodramatic MIL putting even more pressure on me than I was putting on myself. I'm so thankful for the MIL I have.

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Seriously? You would judge a future DIL on the basis of whether or not she was pro-bf? And you'd have anxiety attacks if your grandbabies were formula-fed?


I'm glad you're not my MIL.


It's fine to have strong opinions and to live by those beliefs, but I don't think it is at all reasonable to so harshly judge women who make different decisions about their own bodies and their own babies. (And your grandchildren may be the light of your life, but they won't be your babies.)


And what would happen if your DILs were pro-bf, but unable to do it? (Although if you listen to the OP, I guess your sons should take up the task. ;))

I'm as pro-breastfeeding as they come, but even I understand boundaries. I hope all my dds breastfeed, but that is their choice. If they want to or need help, I will encourage them in every way possible and be their biggest cheerleader. If they don't, well, they don't. Privately I might be sad, but that is my issue, and I will keep it private. Plus, I know bottle fed babies who turned out just fine.


All that said, my oldest just had her first baby and is loving breastfeeding. We've done all we can to support her and make her feel comfortable with that choice. If one of her sisters chooses not to or can't, we'll still be totally loving and supportive parents and grandparents.


I had a MIL who could not keep her opinions to herself and would try to manipulate us to get her way. I remember that very, very vividly. Many years ago I swore I would never, ever interfere in my adult children's lives that way, and I mean to keep to that.

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I think the very last thing I want to google search is male bre@st feeding. :leaving:

Oh, there are far, far worse things to search.

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I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.

Well, that's just silly. I've breadtfed for about a million years and I'm really glad my MIL minds her own business (mostly).

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Wow, I am being slammed for being judgmental about hypothetical DILs that I most likely wont even meet for another 10 years.


In all seriousness, we all raise our kids hoping they will live a certain way and marry a certain type of person. Breastfeeding is very important to me. Why would I not hope that my kids will feed their babies the same way they were?

Is it any different than hoping they will make the best education choice for their children?

Is it any different than hoping they stay the faith they were raised in?

Is it any different than hoping that they hold on to the values they were raised with?


I am well aware that my grandchildren will not be mine. Just like my children are not my parents or my MIL's.

But I know that my mother breathed a sigh of relief when I breastfed. I know she continues to hope I will do certain things a certain way. She never says anything when I do something in a way that she disagrees with. She keeps it to herself.

I would hope that I do the same for my kids.

How I respond to a thought now (and anxiety attack was exaggeration) is no indication how I will respond later. And while I did say I hope my hypothetical DILs breastfeed, no where did I say I would treat them like crap if they didn't.

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You won't find much with that spelling. Try "Male Breastfeeding" or "Male Lactation"

Ha! Google is smarter than you think. Try it.

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I'm just going to try to understand here. 


You want your son to accept the normal, natural act of a woman breastfeeding.  Yes!  I agree!

This way, if his wife isn't interested in bresatfeeding, he can do the normal, natural thing of inducing lactation in himself. 


Oh wait. 


I am all for young men knowing that breast is best for babies.  I think my son watching me feed his sisters is perfectly adequate exposure, plus any friends of mine he happens to see nurse.  At some point he'll hit puberty and bresats will take on a new dimension to him, but it's not like he'll forget what they can do, when his own chidlren come along.  I would have to htink pretty poorly of his intelligence and priorities if I believed him incapable of making this mental switch when necessary.

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wouldn't hair on the nipples bother the infant? Or do they shave their nipples?

I nursed all 6 of mine, and at one time, my dh made a joke about this while holding one of our babies because he has a hairy chest.We thought it would be pretty uncomfortable for the baby.

(No, he never had the desire to breastfeed our children.)

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I started paying attention to how many moms are nursing when we are out in public. 2 in 6 months. I see more women going to their car or somewhere private because of how our society views nursing babies.

Did it occur to you that some of these women want to keep their bodies private?  I did. I nursed in public when I had to, but covered up. My preference was to find a private place. It's my body. I choose who to show it to. It has nothing to do with how society views nursing.

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Did it occur to you that some of these women want to keep their bodies private?  I did. I nursed in public when I had to, but covered up. My preference was to find a private place. It's my body. I choose who to show it to. It has nothing to do with how society views nursing.

Very honestly, this would not occur to me. For me nursing has nothing to do with keeping your body private; it has everything to do with feeding your child. I would assume if a woman was uncomfortable with nursing in public it would be because society has made her uncomfortable with a natural function. I've never heard this mentioned as a deterrent to nursing in public. Showing off your body in order to be sexy and nursing an infant just seem to be polar opposites to me.


So no, this line of thinking would not occur to me.

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Wow, I am being slammed for being judgmental about hypothetical DILs that I most likely wont even meet for another 10 years.


In all seriousness, we all raise our kids hoping they will live a certain way and marry a certain type of person. Breastfeeding is very important to me. Why would I not hope that my kids will feed their babies the same way they were?

Is it any different than hoping they will make the best education choice for their children?

Is it any different than hoping they stay the faith they were raised in?

Is it any different than hoping that they hold on to the values they were raised with?


I am well aware that my grandchildren will not be mine. Just like my children are not my parents or my MIL's.

But I know that my mother breathed a sigh of relief when I breastfed. I know she continues to hope I will do certain things a certain way. She never says anything when I do something in a way that she disagrees with. She keeps it to herself.

I would hope that I do the same for my kids.

How I respond to a thought now (and anxiety attack was exaggeration) is no indication how I will respond later. And while I did say I hope my hypothetical DILs breastfeed, no where did I say I would treat them like crap if they didn't.

We do raise them a certain way and hope they will marry certain types of people. As a mom of two adult sons, let me tell you that things don't always turn out how you want them to. I have great kids, but I had to realize that they are adults and get to choose how they want to do things and with whom they want to do them. I had to decide that my relationship with them was WAY more important than them doing things the way I think they should. And I think I can safely say we have a great relationship. Believe you me, whether or not their spouses breastfeed is not even worthy of being on my anxiety-inducing radar. BTW, I am very pro-breastfeeding.

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Ahh, but how often did he see nursing mothers in public? I do not want my DS to only see a few women nursing and only when together in the privacy of a home. I want him to see women nursing out in public, while they shop, while they are chasing toddlers, at the park, in the open. Not in a closet, not in a restroom and not covered. When I realized how few of my friends are still nursing babies-preschoolers I started paying attention to how many moms are nursing when we are out in public. 2 in 6 months. I see more women going to their car or somewhere private because of how our society views nursing babies. I have never seen a mom nursing an older baby or toddler in public and that makes me really sad that something so normal is hidden.



I've nursed all three of my children as toddlers in public.  I've even had people make rude comments about it or give me the stink eye.  I didn't care about that BUT I still covered because of my own personal views on modesty.  That doesn't mean I did something wrong.  If I had forgotten my cover at home, I'd still have nursed my children.


This makes me think of "The Clapper" commercial.

LATCH-ON! (clap, clap)

POP-OFF! (clap, clap)





Now I need to go do something productive with my day ....



:lol: :lol:



Very honestly, this would not occur to me. For me nursing has nothing to do with keeping your body private; it has everything to do with feeding your child. I would assume if a woman was uncomfortable with nursing in public it would be because society has made her uncomfortable with a natural function. I've never heard this mentioned as a deterrent to nursing in public. Showing off your body in order to be sexy and nursing an infant just seem to be polar opposites to me.


So no, this line of thinking would not occur to me.


This is a little ridiculous. I cover in public while nursing.  I have personal views about keeping my body private that have nothing to do what general society thinks (as proven by the many modesty threads on this board) or breastfeeding.  This doesn't mean that I don't still think that breastfeeding has everything to do wtih feeding my child.  Women have different standards/comfort levels about many issues.  And that's okay.

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I haven't been here in weeks because I have been too busy dealing with personal stuff, and the very first thread I saw when I logged back on was.... this one. :eek:


What have you people been smoking while I've been gone -- and where can I get some of whatever it was?


I have read this entire thread, and I think it's absolutely over the top, and that if anyone has a breast or a breastfeeding obsession, it's the OP, and not her or anyone else's sons.


OK, I might have believed that she had good intentions at first even if she sounded a little extreme about wanting boys to watch as many women bf as possible, but she started to lose me when she started judging women who choose not to bf... and then I got to the part where she said that if a woman couldn't bf, her husband should do it and.... well... that is quite possibly the most extreme and bizarre idea I have ever heard.


Seriously, I can understand wanting your sons to realize that bfing is normal and healthy and non-sexual, but it's certainly not the only acceptable way to feed a child. And wanting to intentionally expose children to as many bfing women as possible sounds kind of obsessive and weird to me. Why the obsession about it??? Why would anyone even think about something like that in those terms? I'm sorry, but while the general concept that kids shouldn't be hidden away from bfing moms seems reasonable, the OP seems to be taking it to quite an extreme.


And don't even get me started on the bfing dad thing. :rolleyes:


Cat!!!!!!!  We have  been so worried about you and yours!  Go find the threads we started asking for you to check in...

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I nursed all 6 of mine, and at one time, my dh made a joke about this while holding one of our babies because he has a hairy chest.We thought it would be pretty uncomfortable for the baby.

(No, he never had the desire to breastfeed our children.)


I clearly need to get off this thread. I kept reading this as-I nursed all 6 of mine, at one time.  I kept wondering how is that possible?

As for wanting to expose your son to lots and lots of bre@st. Sorry but I don't think it is good to make a hobby horse out of any issue. Especially bre@sts

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Is this a joke or can men really breastfeed naturally? I am asking this in all seriousness. I feel completely ignorant and misinformed right now. I breastfed 3 babies and read a few books on breastfeeding and many on parenting. I have never come across this fact or EVER heard of a man breastfeeding! I knew women who were not biological mothers could breastfeed but not men.


Can someone fill me in on this? Can your average man breastfeed if he is not taking any special hormones?

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Is this a joke or can men really breastfeed naturally? I am asking this in all seriousness. I feel completely ignorant and misinformed right now. I breastfed 3 babies and read a few books on breastfeeding and many on parenting. I have never come across this fact or EVER heard of a man breastfeeding! I knew women who were not biological mothers could breastfeed but not men.


Can someone fill me in on this? Can your average man breastfeed if he is not taking any special hormones?


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Is this a joke or can men really breastfeed naturally? I am asking this in all seriousness. I feel completely ignorant and misinformed right now. I breastfed 3 babies and read a few books on breastfeeding and many on parenting. I have never come across this fact or EVER heard of a man breastfeeding! I knew women who were not biological mothers could breastfeed but not men.


Can someone fill me in on this? Can your average man breastfeed if he is not taking any special hormones?







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This is a little ridiculous. I cover in public while nursing.  I have personal views about keeping my body private that have nothing to do what general society thinks (as proven by the many modesty threads on this board) or breastfeeding.  This doesn't mean that I don't still think that breastfeeding has everything to do wtih feeding my child.  Women have different standards/comfort levels about many issues.  And that's okay.

She asked a question, and I answered. When I see a nursing mother, or my dh, neither one of thinks about something private showing. All we see is a nursing mother. I don't see nursing having anything to do with modesty. A nursing mother is modest imo because she using her breasts as intended. Sometimes I covered, and sometimes I didn't depending on the child. I never considered my nursing being a modesty issue. Usually our standards and comfort levels are a result of the culture we belong to.


Either way, it's all okay. Ask a question and you might get an answer.


eta: for example, if we were members of some African tribes, this wouldn't even be an issue since we wouldn't be wearing tops.

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Is this a joke or can men really breastfeed naturally? I am asking this in all seriousness. I feel completely ignorant and misinformed right now. I breastfed 3 babies and read a few books on breastfeeding and many on parenting. I have never come across this fact or EVER heard of a man breastfeeding! I knew women who were not biological mothers could breastfeed but not men.


Can someone fill me in on this? Can your average man breastfeed if he is not taking any special hormones?


Men do have nipples.  There are instances of male breastfeeding.  I read somewhere that viking men would sometimes keep a motherless child alive by puncturing their nipples and letting the baby suck blood until milk came in but honestly, I don't claim to be certain this is accurate.  Though if anyone is man enough to do that, my money is on vikings.  

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I haven't been here in weeks because I have been too busy dealing with personal stuff, and the very first thread I saw when I logged back on was.... this one. :eek:


What have you people been smoking while I've been gone -- and where can I get some of whatever it was?


I have read this entire thread, and I think it's absolutely over the top, and that if anyone has a breast or a breastfeeding obsession, it's the OP, and not her or anyone else's sons.


OK, I might have believed that she had good intentions at first even if she sounded a little extreme about wanting boys to watch as many women bf as possible, but she started to lose me when she started judging women who choose not to bf... and then I got to the part where she said that if a woman couldn't bf, her husband should do it and.... well... that is quite possibly the most extreme and bizarre idea I have ever heard.


Seriously, I can understand wanting your sons to realize that bfing is normal and healthy and non-sexual, but it's certainly not the only acceptable way to feed a child. And wanting to intentionally expose children to as many bfing women as possible sounds kind of obsessive and weird to me. Why the obsession about it??? Why would anyone even think about something like that in those terms? I'm sorry, but while the general concept that kids shouldn't be hidden away from bfing moms seems reasonable, the OP seems to be taking it to quite an extreme.


And don't even get me started on the bfing dad thing. :rolleyes:



Cat, it's good to have ya back.

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I feel like I am in the Twighlight Zone reading this thread.


About the original topic....Most of the people in my circle have bf their babies.  Ds13 has seen plenty....but he is old enough now that when he sees a breast, sorry he is just going to be embarrased because well, he is 13.  He even gets a little flustered if he sees me in my bra....he was going through my phone and found a pic of I had sent dh of me in a bikini top....and he was slightly scarred.  LOL..  Still and yet I think he will be fine when his wife someday breast feeds their child.  If she does.  I highly doubt he will bf....HIGHLY doubt it.


And you know, I'm ok with that.  ;)


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I think breastfeeding is a huge issue. I want my sons to be VERY pro-breastfeeding and hopefully marry women who already know that is how they will be feeding their babies. The thought of grandchildren being formula fed gives me anxiety attacks.



Oh, wow.  I'm glad you don't have any ACTUAL problems in your life then.

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I don't think this is necessarily the case.


I know when the big problems I actually have in my life are overwhelming, I can start to get anxiety about anything.



Anxiety attacks over future potential grandkids getting baby formula is more  than a little extreme.  Thank goodness everyone was happy that Sylvia and I survived her birth and forgave me for poisoning her with formula.


And trust me, I get anxiety.

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Ahh, but how often did he see nursing mothers in public? I do not want my DS to only see a few women nursing and only when together in the privacy of a home. I want him to see women nursing out in public, while they shop, while they are chasing toddlers, at the park, in the open. Not in a closet, not in a restroom and not covered. When I realized how few of my friends are still nursing babies-preschoolers I started paying attention to how many moms are nursing when we are out in public. 2 in 6 months. I see more women going to their car or somewhere private because of how our society views nursing babies. I have never seen a mom nursing an older baby or toddler in public and that makes me really sad that something so normal is hidden.

Just because it's normal, doesn't mean I feel obligated to nurse in public, to satisfy YOUR young, when doing so makes ME uncomfortable. I've had nothing but support in the breastfeeding arena - I've nursed for 4 years consecutively (I nursed my middle son until age 3 and I'm currently nursing my 1 year old), but I *prefer* to "hide it". I'm simply not one who feels comfortable displaying that much of myself in public, and it has nothing to do with societal views.


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Of all the things that could happen to your grandchildren, having anxiety attacks over this is rather pointless.


I am thankful you are not my dd's MIL. What if she has an issue like I did when I NEARLY DIED after my third child was born and couldn't even care for him?





Then Dad steps up to the plate with "moobs."


Oh, people you made my day! It's been a long week and it's not even over...but coming here was oh so worth it.  :lol:

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This conversation is so strange. I was never able to breastfeed. I could have had I opted for surgery, but dh and I both decided that was not what we wanted. Dh is not freaked out by nursing women, but he doesn't stare them down and watch the entire process. He looks away while they get settled, and then continues his conversation while facing them. I don't think anyone needs to watch the process closely to decide its normal and/or what's best. I also look elsewhere while my friends are getting settled. I think women should be able to nurse anywhere, but I also think they should be able to nurse anywhere without people watching their every move.


I'm not fond of nursing in public, although I've had to do it on occasion, and if a child came up and insisted on intently watching my breast while I did so, I would politely tell him to LEAVE.

I respect that the OP wants her son to see it, but please keep him from staring at other women who are doing so in public - otherwise you may end up with more who, like me, run to hide when nursing.

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Thanks for those links. Pretty amazing to hear of a man breastfeeding exclusively for 8 months!


OP: You can bring your child to a developing country where women breastfeed in public, on buses etc. more commonly.


I don't consider that a credible story at all.

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Very honestly, this would not occur to me. For me nursing has nothing to do with keeping your body private; it has everything to do with feeding your child. I would assume if a woman was uncomfortable with nursing in public it would be because society has made her uncomfortable with a natural function. I've never heard this mentioned as a deterrent to nursing in public. Showing off your body in order to be sexy and nursing an infant just seem to be polar opposites to me.


So no, this line of thinking would not occur to me.

I have an AMAZING support system and grew up in a nursing supportive home.

I prefer to breastfeed privately.

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I have an AMAZING support system and grew up in a nursing supportive home.

I prefer to breastfeed privately.

I just don't think I'm explaining myself very well. I certainly wasn't criticizing anyone for wanting to nurse privately; I just normally thought it was our culture that would make women feel uncomfortable about nursing in public.


Nursing in public has not been the norm nor accepted. I live in a state where nursing in public isn't protected. At any time, regardless if you're covered from head to foot, you can be asked to nurse in a dirty restroom or in your car - whether freezing or 103 degrees, like it is today. That says our society sees something indecent or not acceptable about nursing, and that, I think, does cause women to be uncomfortable with nursing. If we lived in a culture where all women nursed openly in public, I truly don't believe women would prefer to be in private to nurse because it's something that wouldn't occur to us. That's why I used the example of an African tribe. I don't think this has a lot to do with having a support system although that was a huge help to me when I first started breastfeeding our first child. Our culture is different, it sets the standards, and we are products of that culture.

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