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The Immodesty Thread


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*hangs head*


I have no self control: "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day."


And I've only had coffee.

It's okay, there there....we still love you and unlike other abuse problems, we see

No need for a twelve step program!


Wear your happy trampy mommy tank with pride.


HMMMMM does anyone else think we should change it to "Happy Trampy Parent Club"?


It doesn't have the same ring to it but we really should acknowledge Bill's




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It's okay, there there....we still love you and unlike other abuse problems, we see

No need for a twelve step program!


Wear your happy trampy mommy tank with pride.


HMMMMM does anyone else think we should change it to "Happy Trampy Parent Club"?


It doesn't have the same ring to it but we really should acknowledge Bill's




It's easier to make him an honorary mommy, or just accept that he has the right to identify as a mommy. HTPC may be more inclusive, but it's not as catchy.

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It's okay, there there....we still love you and unlike other abuse problems, we see

No need for a twelve step program!


Wear your happy trampy mommy tank with pride.


HMMMMM does anyone else think we should change it to "Happy Trampy Parent Club"?


It doesn't have the same ring to it but we really should acknowledge Bill's




This is going to give a whole new meaning to BTDT GOT THE T SHIRT!


AHHHH! I can't make my posts green anymore--but at least I can post.

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It's okay, there there....we still love you and unlike other abuse problems, we see

No need for a twelve step program!


Wear your happy trampy mommy tank with pride.


HMMMMM does anyone else think we should change it to "Happy Trampy Parent Club"?


It doesn't have the same ring to it but we really should acknowledge Bill's




Oh go ahead with your "Happy Trampy Mommy Club."


As you say, the other doesn't have quite the same ring to it.



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It's okay, there there....we still love you and unlike other abuse problems, we see

No need for a twelve step program!


Wear your happy trampy mommy tank with pride.


HMMMMM does anyone else think we should change it to "Happy Trampy Parent Club"?


It doesn't have the same ring to it but we really should acknowledge Bill's





When I was growing up, my ballet school had to change the title of the parents organization from the Ballet Mothers Guild to the Ballet Parents Guild because my dad represented our family half the time. Mrs. Reddick, our ballet teacher, insisted on the change. My parents were groundbreakers. (My dad was also the first father in the delivery room at the hospital where my older sister was born.)


I really like happy trampy mommy club, but I will accept happy trampy parent club.

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Eureka! I'VE thought of the solution....a muscle shirt for Bill that says...


Proud member of the Happy Trampy Pappy Club!"


Has a nice ring to it.



I knew I'd regret whoring out all my likes.



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So, can we in this thread consider ourselves charter members of the HTM(P)C? That's sig worthy.

Kneel my sister. (Envision whatever metaphorical sword you can imagine here and

I'm sure you can imagine a lot!!!) Touch both shoulders with "sword". " I dub thee

Happy Trampy Mommy". Welcome to the club.


NEW siggie useage comes with free membership.



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I can tell another story. I was in the same country where people drink a lot. However, this will be a very sober story. I was working on a dig, was tired, didn't want to socialize, so I just padded off to bed. I climbed into the tent and saw the nastiest, gnarliest-legged spider ever. I quickly retreated back to the larger group and reported my gruesome discovery. A brave guy offered to go on a search and destroy mission, but couldn't find the spider. I climbed back in the tent insisting it was there. I couldn't find it. So, we both went back to the gathering, because i was not, not going to bed. That's when someone screamed it was on my shirt. And, it was. I have never stripped off my top so fast in all my life. No, I wasn't wearing a bra - I was in PJs. I flashed about 45 people, who were rightfully laughing hysterically. Would've been easier to brush it off, but panic ruled.


Hey as far as I am concerned, where spiders are concerned, ANYTHING goes in getting rid of/away from it/them.  Speaking of stripping in crowds, right after college I was modeling. Backstage? When you have about 30 seconds to change outfits? You'll strip anywhere that's out of sight of the audience :)

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Kneel my sister. (Envision whatever metaphorical sword you can imagine here and

I'm sure you can imagine a lot!!!) Touch both shoulders with "sword". " I dub thee

Happy Trampy Mommy". Welcome to the club.


NEW siggie useage comes with free membership.




Thank you, thank you. *sniff*


I sincerely hope I can contribute in my own small way to bring (dis)honour to the club. I'll wear my HTMC t-shirt with pride in all lighting conditions.

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Join us, the Happy Trampy Mommy Club! We are having shirts made up...whilte tank tops, pool worthy to be specific.



FINALLY a club I can join!  


My 3rd child was what we called a "Booby Monster".  She nursed constantly for 2.5 years.  As a toddler, sometimes we would be going through a store and she would refuse any sort of clothing or covering near her.  So I ended up accidentally flashing many people in NC.  Sorry about that, y'all.  


Alas, I don't have much boobage to show off, and I almost never wear a bra, so I guess I'm doing my part to bring the male race to it's weak knees.  I even stretch and bend in public.  Shameful, I know.

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 While I could stand to lose weight, my sister said that when I walked back to the table at a restaurant the other day (wearing my favorite dress which i swear takes off 10 lbs., and hugs my breasts just right. Thank you, Ann Taylor) , a couple of older gentleman looked at, smiling & nudging each other quietly. I did not notice, but my sister was cracking up. I giggled and felt no remorse that they may have lusted. They were 50-65, probably.

Most days I'm quite plain, but once in awhile, it's fun to think you're still attractive, even if you're no longer 23.

It could also have been I had a square or two of tp stuck to a shoe

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He was twenty and a lifeguard with keys to the pool.  I was nineteen.  Skinnydipping in the public pool at two in the morning was divine.  He was gorgeous.  I was gorgeous. The only regret I have is that I was a little self conscious....at first :)


And thank you for this thread. 


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My mother would hate that I posted the Santorini story.


Canadians, however, can be vindicated. The first thing he asked me was, "Do you speak English.' Then , 'where are you from?" He was totally an American. lol But nice. He didn't drool or anything. Dh thinks he stopped talking to me because he finally noticed my wedding ring under the shells and stones. ;)

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The *only* reason I wear a bra is because gravity is against me.


I wear bikinis because I can.


I wore skinny jeans to the grocery store the other day. I noticed (in the glass door while I was deciding on ice cream) that a man was having a long leisurely look at my backside while walking by. He then crashed into a cart coming the other direction. I had a good laugh. Oh, the ice cream I picked out was delicious.


I'm vain. I work for the body I have and it's my shiny trophy.

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He was twenty and a lifeguard with keys to the pool.  I was nineteen.  Skinnydipping in the public pool at two in the morning was divine.  He was gorgeous.  I was gorgeous. The only regret I have is that I was a little self conscious....at first :)


And thank you for this thread.

This brings back a lovely memory. Thanks.

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So can I say here that I like my breasts and don't really want to hide them all the time. While I could stand to lose weight, my sister said that when I walked back to the table at a restaurant the other day (wearing my favorite dress which i swear takes off 10 lbs., and hugs my breasts just right. Thank you, Ann Taylor) my sister said a group of older gentleman stared me down, smiling & nudging each other quietly. I did not notice, but my sister was cracking up. I giggled and felt no remorse that they may have lusted. They were 50-65, probably. Call me a trampy mommy. I don't care.


Most days I'm quite plain, but once in awhile, it's fun to think you're still attractive, even if you're no longer 23.

Link to the dress?

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Depends on the seams. Some are more, umm, invasive than others.

I was once told for the best time EVER one should wear a skirt, thong and a piercing to a certain body part. All this on a windy day. I think the woman telling me nearly swooned at the memory.

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Link to the dress?

Love the practicality of this request amidst the raucous humor that is abounding  :lol:. There is something inherently female about it.


I wore skinny jeans to the grocery store the other day. I noticed (in the glass door while I was deciding on ice cream) that a man was having a long leisurely look at my backside while walking by. He then crashed into a cart coming the other direction. I had a good laugh. Oh, the ice cream I picked out was delicious.




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Mine is more of a participation ribbon that everybody gets just for showing up. :)

That counts. Wear it on your HTMC t-shirt.

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Oh my goodness! I love you all!


I'm very happy to have my drawer full of bikinis and am deliriously happy to wear them and watch my husband stare. I work hard to have this body at nearly 41 but would still wear them if things had not turned out this way! :)


I really enjoy feeling feminine and sexy. I enjoy sexy tops, shorts, short skirts, flirty outfits, etc I have fun with my clothes and I ADORE that I learned to no longer care what anyone thinks.


My confession: I've never had that elusive cup of teA in a dangerous place. I want to so badly but I'm afraid I'll never get up the nerve. LOL!

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My confession: I've never had that elusive cup of teA in a dangerous place. I want to so badly but I'm afraid I'll never get up the nerve. LOL!


Bucket list (not a term I use lightly).


You know what you've got to do. :P

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Try mobile view (theme, bottom left hand corner). Or a different browser. It seems this morning's fix didn't work for Firefox.


And I would like to know what you had to say.

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Think thunderstorm, front door of house (the outside of the front door!!), 10pm, front door is easily viewed from street, doing the wild thang against said front door, a neighbour across the road coming out of their house, quickly opening your front door, nearly falling over and laughing your butt off.


When I was a mid teen I would wear these white pants with a red or pink g-string (which you could see!!!) And these pink strapped platform shoes.

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I read a wonderful article about how to set up an area outdoors for a relaxing bath. I really enjoyed the article and dream of one day finishing my outdoor bathing area.


I'm not sure why. But walking in our big park one day I found a bed. 


First off this is a big park with a stream. A small free zoo (Pigs, rabbits, goats...), two play structures, path through woods, lake with lots of ducks, ....


The bed was set up like a photo shoot. It looked like a real bedroom that belonged in a log cabin. Decrotative pillows and everything. It was around the corner from the play structure. 


No one around that I though would know what was going on with the bed. 


Sort of like this: https://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1372&bih=931&q=bed+outside+p&oq=bed+outside+p&gs_l=img.3...972.5294.0.5527.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.aWM&fp=40c022887f80f1b9&biw=1372&bih=931&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=8-fRrgrDcutbYM%3A%3BJoonCChyPxUX5M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffiles.schnadig.com%252Fphotos%252Fthumb%252F1C9D1CA50B7B516C%252F8553-303-rs-hr.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.schnadig.com%252Findex.cfm%252Ffurniture%252Fcatalog.product%252Fsid%252F2%252Ftid%252F21%252Fpid%252F551%252Fstart%252F1%252Foutside-in-garden-gate-bed.cfm%3B230%3B230


(Man, do I see strange things when I'm out and about)

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While reading about your Happy Trampy Mommy Club, all I could think of was Groucho Marx's line "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member." Not that I don't love you girls (and Bill)!

Believe it (or don't) but I was thinking of the same Groucho quote.



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I always wish elevators weren't so fast and you could guarantee no stops. ;) (can't believe I'm posting this but you all are just so fun to be silly with!) LOL

And the bucket list grows!!!


Dh put on a beautiful fireworks display tonight. But alas mosquitoes are a definite

deterent to romance.


That said according to dh he was more amused by my performance in "There's a box

elder bug down my camisole." Apparently the choreography was impressive.



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In thinking of this topic, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess asks some good guestions:

*Subsititute the appropriate word for them: to wear _______, to not wear, teA. I am sure that you all can figure out other replacements that fit since we are all educators. ;)


Would you like *them here or there?

Would you like *them in a house?

Would you *them in a box?

Would you? Could you? in a car?

You may like *them in a tree?

Could you, would you on a train?

Would you, could you, in the dark?

Would you, could you, on a boat?

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I want to join the club! Please, please, pretty please? I'll even bring the cupcakes to our first meeting.  Maybe I could get my brother to wear his kilt while he serves them?


While my DH and I were dining in Thessaloniki, Greece one summer's evening, we saw a whole bunch of naked bike riders. And then, a few days later while lunching in Rome, we saw another large group of naked bike riders. That doesn't happen in Georgia. (at least the state Georgia. I have never been to the country Georgia, so I will not comment on the lack or presence of naked bike riding groups. Although, I have heard that there are naked bike riders in San Francisco.)


Houston had a naked bike ride a few weeks ago. Someone I know attended.  I can't imagine how that's at all comfortable...



Ahem, silly thought alert, but I would like to point out that each of us is nekkid under our clothes - like it or not.


The beach is on my bucket list...


The beach is nice, but the sand is not.  Although it does pay off to rinse off in the water.  :laugh:


PDA, public intoxication, and skinny dipping were a common occurrence for the first decade of my marriage and a few years before.  DH and I once had a cop politely knock on the fogged up car window to tell us to find somewhere else to be b/c the park was closing. 


In high school, I discovered it's impossible to get off of a motorbike in a mini skirt without flashing everyone. That only made me love them more.


I live in sleeveless shirts, tank tops with and without spaghetti straps, midriff baring tops, and short shorts for half the year.  I even go out in public like that. Once, I even went to church in short shorts.  Okay it was a beach service, but I say it still counts.


I have 3 bikinis for daily wear and a special occasion 1-piece with a mesh cut-out that crisscrosses down to my navel.


I tease DH that my 50-lb weight loss goal will be a belly button ring. :lol:

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Wonder how hard it'll be to talk my husband into it...ROFL!!

That's the easy part.


DH talked me into one of those drive-thru carwash thingies. Bought the expensive package LOL. I was reluctant not because it was well, daring, but because it was in Georgetown, Texas, and I'd rather get arrested in Travis County than Williamson. 

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That's the easy part.


DH talked me into one of those drive-thru carwash thingies. Bought the expensive package LOL. I was reluctant not because it was well, daring, but because it was in Georgetown, Texas, and I'd rather get arrested in Travis County than Williamson. 


Shawna, if you have it down so well that you know the best and worst places to be arrested for public indecency, then ma'am I think you just got nominated for club "field trip" advisor!!! Maybe we can get you a special tank top - motto plus black and white stripes!! :smilielol5:



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True story, we are taking the middle ds to Iceland next summer. Dh, to save money, wants one hotel room...one...that's right...a nearly 16 year old boy will be in the room with us.


Am I the only one who sees a problem with this???? Exotic land, Northern Lights, dh away from work and virtually unreachable by co-workers so he's TOTALLY relaxed????  This just does not add up to me, yah, let's do have a teenage boy room in with us.


We aren't making our reservations until September. I have two months to convince him that ds needs his own room.



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So, the a/c has been out of commission here since Tuesday night. The guy is coming to look at it and hopefully fix it this morning. My mom had an issue with the a/c in May too.


Now, my mom was raised strict Catholic. She only went to Catholic school, including an all girl high school. She has always come across as rather prudish, though she was married in June and I was born in December, so hmmm.. :) Anyways, she told me that the last time the a/c was off, my sister went to spend the nights at her boyfriend's apartment, so my mom was here alone. Then she told me that she slept au natural except for panties. hahaha If you knew my mom, you would be surprised by this admission too. She always wears long nightgowns. lol This time around she's being more modest since we're here.

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