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Please pray for a sticky baby!


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Dh and I have been trying to conceive for two years and had a miscarriage in the fall. I was due to start my cycle today, but this past Monday I noticed that the books were not fitting in their shelf. I noticed a couple of other changes, so Wednesday I did a test. It turned positive immediately. I had blood work done yesterday, showing progesterone and hcg labels dead on for four weeks.


I have Hashimoto's and turn forty soon, added to the fact that we have struggled get here. Please pray for a healthy baby that sticks. Dh has no biological dc, though he has been great to my kids. His parents have also been excellent to my kids, but have no biological grand children. This would be such blessing to gel our family, but we not telling any of them for a while since everyone was so disappointed last time. It has already been hard not to slip up and tell the kids though.


All of that said, I am scared after reading that thread about having younger and older children. My kids range from eight to fourteen, and I have enjoyed not chasing toddlers.


ETA: And, I know it's crazy, but I have already been in the school room thinking about what curricula I will keep for baby and wondering what materials to use to teach him or her how to read. Of course, this is from the woman that has already acquired more cloth diapers than any one baby can ever wear, all while just trying to conceive.

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First of all, many congrats and prayers!


Don't let the idea of having youngers and olders at the same time worry you. As you can see from my siggy, I have two stepkids, 18 and 16, then my two boys who are now 10 and 7. So my stepdaughter was 11 1/2 when my youngest was born. Frankly I thought it was fantastic. She is such a blessing to her little brothers; they just adore her. And the 16 year old is looked up to as the "cool big brother" by my boys. Now granted I was all of 28 when I had my last, so I can't speak to being 40. :D But I'm sure you'll do great.


I also wanted to send hugs about the baby "gelling" your family. Obviously my situation is different than yours. But having my two boys as a sort of 'bridge' that connects me with my stepchildren has been an added blessing I hadn't anticipated.

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