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How many more days of school


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May 31st is our last day, so we technically have 20 more school days. But, three of those days we'll be in Michigan for the Odyssey of the Mind world finals (our first year homeschool team made it, yay)! We also have a couple of field trip days in there, too. So we really have only 12 or so actual school days left all together.

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Our official schoolyear ends May 31st. At that point we take one week off completely and then spend the summer finishing up whatever didn't get finished. We keep going in math year-round, but anything else that we finish is dropped until August.


My 17yo's cc classes will end May 8th, but she'll still have things to finish for me.

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15 days!! French test plus a Final, dress rehearsal & three performances of "Willy Wonka", prop committee meetings, AP Human Geography test, business plan for personal finance, wrapping up a Brave Writer class, biology final, grammar final, geometry final, independent biology project presented at a local high school, cast party for the play, school dance, photography project, 3D Art project, physical therapy 2x week for broken ankle, Teacher appreciation day, literature discussion class, piano, archery classes, library volunteer, National Sand Volleyball tryouts, End of school performances...


I cannot wait for May 24th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I originally planned May 31st, but I'm going to do the ALEX and DORA reading and math assessments this week and next. Planning to do a year review with DD in math before testing, then probably call it done depending on results. However, we will be doing Miquon this summer to fill any gaps, finishing SOTW 1, and reading.


Oh the perpetual learning of the homeschooled kid. ;)

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We finished last Thursday! I try to be done before we get into dance recital and musical at the studio. We finished grammar, Latin, more than a year of math, reading, and science...we will be listening to the last of SOTW and doing some labs this summer. :)

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Last Tuesday! We finished April 30. We like to take May and June for "summer" break and start back after the July 4th holiday. I'm really glad for the early finish this year because all the activities my kids are in follow the local ps schedule, which doesn't end until mid-June. So we are still busy, but without the added pressure to get schoolwork done.

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We plan to finish the end of June, but we are finishing up different subjects before then (math, grammar and spelling) and will be completely done June 28th (writing, SOTW 2 and science). We are taking 7 weeks off for vacation and camps while I file away old stuff and prepare for next year.



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Dd18 has nine more days of school, including 2 days of AP exams, until Senior finals.


As we follow her sister's schedule, dd13 could have nine more days...but I think we'll go until the end of the month. Maybe! Her AoPS online Geometry class will continue through mid-September so she'll be busy all summer.

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My youngers finished last week, my 8th grader has about a week left of work. My 11th grader has about 5 weeks left because of some major projects he was doing earlier in the semester and one he's finishing this weekend. For the next month he'll be cramming in trigonometry, half a physics course, and some final paperwork things for his Eagle Scout rank. Then he's off to North Carolina for a 6 week music festival - lucky kid!

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