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Update on my dad and dd. Happy news on both fronts.


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Dad made jokes today. Seriously corny, sad, pathetic, groaner jokes. If you

knew my father, you would understand that this is a very good sign.


DD got married in a private ceremony on Thursday afternoon. Today late in the afternoon, the surgeon called. The cyst is not what they originally said they thought it was. She has a chocolate cyst and endometriosis. Her other ovary is fine and the

Doctor said there are some pretty good things out there for trying to control

the problem. She will have surgery as soon as we get back from TARC. That means

she'll only have 2.5 weeks between her laproscopy (which they originally said she

Was not a candidate for) and the June 1st public ceremony and reception. We want

to postpone until the end of the summer. She is stubborn and flat out refuses.

Dh and I are currently arguing over which parent contributed this gene!


So the modified plan is to have her sit for most of the ceremony, not have the special music and extra readings, limit the number of posed shots, and explain if needbe why she and hubby might leave the reception while it is in full swing. She also will not greet any guests standing up. Expedia graciously allowed them to change

their honeymoon vacation to August without penalty.


I am feeling a strong sense of relief.

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Great news for your DD! Has she already chosen a dress? There's a good chance that she'll still be somewhat swollen so soon after surgery even if she feels well. My sister looked about 5 months pregnant for several weeks after a similar laparoscopic procedure and had to buy a few things with elastic waists to wear to work. I think that her swelling was unusual, but it's something for your DD to consider.

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i was back in my jeans 2 weeks after laprascopic surgery (two ovaries + appendix removed). and i went to a dance recital, and funeral....

so she may be pleasantly surprised.


flip side, two weeks after the second one, which was robotic, i am still a bit swollen, and won't be dancing any time soon.


but i'm more than twice as old as she is, so i would say the odds are with her.


and hurray about your dad!!!




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Faith! Oh I'm so happy to hear this. Bless Jesus for your daughter's new diagnosis.


And the corny dad jokes? *Love* that's how I can tell how dad's feeling when he's in the hospital. If he's cracking corny jokes, my world is good.



It's good isn't it! Makes the world feel sunnier.


He got himself with a terrible, just awful pun yesterday. I was fighting valiantly to NOT react, nor smile, nor anything because laughing makes him hurt so I was determined to "dead pan" my face. Well, he got himself! He ended up chuckling. Poor guy had his pillow pressed against his chest wall, holding tight to ease the pain of laughing. I told him that this is proof, positive that nothing good comes from a pun. He just grinned.


It's nice to see the sparkle in his eye.



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I keep trying to upload a pic of DD from her ceremony Thursday and the uploads fail.every.time. On the old board, I did not have this prolem though it took me forever to learn how to do it in the first place.


Sigh....maybe in a few years I'll have this figured out! I've tried the basic and the advanced. On the advanced, it says I've exceeded my allotted disk space for attachment, but I haven't attached ANYTHING since the move to the new board and I wasn't prolific on the old board compared to many regular posters, so I don't know what to think.


Anyway, I'm about to sign off completely until after TARC. I have two banks to visit today on behalf of the team, a 4-H leadership meeting, a car to supervise the vacuuming and washing of (I have learned that male offspring do not SEE the things I see), packing, and I have to take some wet laundry to the laundromat because my dryer decided to die last night. GRRRRRRR.....my clothesline has not been deployed for the year and dh doesn't have time before we leave.


Mom and dad are doing very well without me, though I still hover a little. Dad took a LONG car ride with mom last night and sat on the deck for an hour yelling (in a not too ferocious voice because he can't get enough breath for that yet) at the big nasty birds to get away from his beloved song birds. Ah yes, dad is returning to normal. He isn't happy unless he's doing battle with grackels and such to leave his golden finches, chickadees, bluebirds, and other bird feeder visitors alone.


Thanks everyone!


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Why Liz, I don't have a stubborn bone in my body!!! :smilielol5: :auto:




Actually, it's probably not stubbornness but perseverance which has a much more positive connotation to it. So, just think of your daughter in that light too! :)

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