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How much are you spending on curriculum?


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I seem to remember similar threads being posted before but I can't seem to locate them. So! How much do you spend? This can be how much you spent last year or how much you are spending for the new school year.


How much is too much for you/or have you ever gone seriously over what you wanted to spend?


I haven't bought anything since my dd was 4, and it was very reasonable. Now as she is going to be entering into first grade, which is where the WTM really picks up with their curriculum suggestions (Im so excited) I have a big ol' list.


My dh says we can spend however much I need to spend (I'm the voice of reason in our marriage if you can't tell ;) ) but Im really not liking my total. So how much do you normally spend?


(P.S. I know a lot of people reuse curriculum with younger kids, but Im curious as to how much it costs you for an entire year, buying new/used for every subject. She's my eldest so we are purchasing everything for the first time.)

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This year I bought a ridiculous amount of curriculum. BUT it was also because I found good package deals and Math-U-See had their student sets on clearance so I bought uh, 1-6 grade math seeing that my aunt is handing down her teacher's guides and dvds after her kids finish with them and it's the older stuff. We bought a lot that would be used for many years to come (including all of the Life of Fred elementary series) and some encyclopedias on top of the regular curriculum that we needed just for this fall. With loads of curriculum, extra books, and school supplies I spent $1107. If I had bought just the stuff needed for this coming school year, it would have been around $500. I also bought pretty much the whole Ambleside Online year 1 curriculum to use over this summer (and possibly next) so it was double the curriculum.


I'm okay with that because we're set on math and science for years to come and everything else is handed down seeing that my oldest is starting 1st grade this fall and there are four youngers.

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Last year I spent about $1500 for 4 dc. This year I expect to only spend about $1000, but that doesn't include $700 for the year for two outsourced science classes for my 10th and 8th graders. So, really only $200 over what I spent last year. I could spend a lot less if I would re-use everything for younger dc, but they have such vastly different learning styles, interests, strengths and weaknesses that I just don't like too. I started homeschooling so I could customize each of my dc's education...I'm not going to give up on that ideal for the sake of saving a couple hundred dollars...okay a couple, couple hundred dollars. :p

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I'm spending around $700 this year. I haven't added up the exact total. I will be ordering from RR for my final purchase this weekend. I'm really not sure what I spent last year.


Does that amount include curriculum for all of your kids? :)


I'm at 717 right now for just my dd. BUT.. thats the total of my "wish list" on RR. I have a lot that I could cut out. Im thinking it might come to around 530 ish. Which still makes me light headed. :laugh:


Ugh, plus tax.


ETA: Someone needs to reign me in.

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I got $450 on my spreadsheet of curriculum plans for next year. That's for both of my boys. That's if I get it all as new. Two big used curriculum events coming up next month so I might get some things used. That $$$ also does not include a few readers here and there that I might pick up along the way to go along with science and history.

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I spent about $200-$300 this year for my two older kids, and I'm really, really pleased with what we have. However, I spent a lot of time looking for deals. Some things I am using for free (Saxon math for DD and the Prairie Primer) because our support group's lending library has it. Some things I just got really good deals on. And sometimes I spend time collecting free resources (supplemental math for DD) or making my own (notebooking pages, or worksheets to go with the geography book I bought). I also have a pretty decent home library, and we have amazing public library services too, which helps a LOT.

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I still need to spend about $250 on stuff that we'll need for the fall. I was lucky to be able to get some science books loaned for co-op classes and my daughter is doing some free stuff online using cheap textbooks. I don't really have a lot of extra to spend, so I'm trying to use what we have (a friend gave me Trail Guide to World Geography years ago and I'm finally going to utilize it this year.) We'll use the library a lot and I've changed things up to not have to spend as much.

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Well, we're just starting out. We're building up our library of books, so that's taking quite a bit. As far as programs go, we're really not spending that much, especially since we'll use them for three more kids after this one. I would put our basics (grammar, writing, math, history, science, geography) at around $200 for the texts. Adding in all of the books that go along with those brings the total much higher, but a lot of that we don't pay cash for. We have an Amazon rewards card and our regular, budgeted spending on that gives us around $50 a month in points. I use that each month to work my way through lists of supplemental books, games, and supplies.

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I'm really kicking myself with all of you frugal ladies posting amounts that are fractions of my total.


I need to let some things go... but... I want it all :drool5:


I'm sure its just a curriculum high. When I wake up tomorrow and look over my wish list I'm sure I'll be sane enough to knock off half of what I thought I "needed" today.


Did I mention my RR catalog is in two pieces? I looked through it so much that it fell apart... :crying: I might have a BIT of a problem. :)

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My budget this year is $1,000. I buy all of our history and reading books so that is a big bulk of it. Most of that budget goes to my third grader, with my first grader using a lot of what is on hand.


This covers all curriculum, stocking up in art supplies for the year, supplies for science experiments, printing and spiral binding, and a few supplemental games and activities. It is amazing how it adds up!


I know I could certainly do It cheaper..but I like having everything on hand. It is actually hard for me to stay within this amount, but it is what my Dh and I have agreed is reasonable for now.


I majorly blew my budget last summer. I heavily debated histories, decided on one, bought most of the books, changed my mind, bought the other and started it, a week later changed my mind again and had to buy the rest of the first history. Two compete literature based history programs seriously blew the budget. I made a deal with my Dh...If I didn't have to total up how much I spent...I would NEVER do that again! :lol:

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Here's my 1st grader for next year.


Math - $25 (traditional textbook costs only, not including MEP printing costs) + $10 (amortized cost of several supplements)

Language Arts - $10 for various supplements plus printing costs

French - $100 for annual magazine subscription, plus printing costs

History - $70 for SOTW materials

Science - $40 for various materials

Art - $20 for materials


That's off the top of my head, putting us at less than $300. I'm probably forgetting some things. We also spend a couple hundred dollars (at least) on books throughout the year, but I have trouble counting those as a school expense because we've always bought lots of books.

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What Aimee said. :p


I spent more than I should have, but their were some unplanned things on sale that needed to be done when the funds were there. I hadn't bought what I needed for a couple of years really - and so I have been window shopping and revising my list since October. I'm set for over a year now - unless DD3 comes home for next year and then I will need a couple of things for her since she won't just be after schooling (mainly LA materials).


I honestly can't think about it today - I spent what was given to me to spend, on what it was given to me to spend it on, but I find myself in a "single mom pickle" at the moment and well, we will get thru it, but there is some stuff I would do differently the last couple of weeks had I known what was going to happen. UGH.


So that means, back to window shopping.

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I would estimate about $700 next year for all three youngers, including the co op classes, which are science and Latin for the boys and science for my dd. But I have access to a copy machine at work which allows me to use consumables as nonconsumables. I also have the benefit of having homeschooled for five years so I have plenty of curriculum to pass down to the youngers. The only consumables are Singapore math workbooks, Latin workbooks and science workbooks. Well, dd uses ETC and Spelling Workout, but I have all of the ETC workbooks we will ever need. I don't count good literature in this total, though I am frugal in buying books, as well, using HPB and library sales and such.

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We try to keep it around $1,000 for our 3 each year (coming up they'll be in 8th, 6th, 4th). First year was more because I bought extra readers which we have enjoyed owning. I spent less last year because I took the time to find deals/used books. This year I'm hoping it will be more like $800 - but that depends on if I add in the things I've already purchased for the fall lol ;)

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I spend about $1000 per year on curriculum, but that usually includes an "extra" big ticket item. Last year it was a telescope and this year it will be a microscope. We are also required to do annual standardized testing in our state which costs $$ as well, so our total homeschooling budget is about $1200 for the year.

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Including all extra reading books and books for dd - maybe about $400 a year at the most. I buy through the year at thrift shops, the local HS used book room, & sales though, so it's not all in one bug chunk.


A fair portion of that comes via Amazon GC's that I earn doing surveys, reading mypoints emails, etc.


I also get a LOT of stuff from PaperbackSwap, and the $400 includes shipping for books sent out.

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I spend between $200-500 on average, depending on how much I need to buy. That's for 3 DC, although most is spent on the oldest since I mostly buy re-usable curriculum. We also buy most of our living books used and some of our actual curriculum as well. When I had one in school, we only spent $100-150. We were doing unit studies at that point, so I imagine classical HSing would be a bit more.

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Okay well I will be the crazy one here :) Might make a few others feel less crazy?

We spend a lot I guess compared to what others are writing. We are buying for

2 children first time use and buy new. We will use most of this for our youngers also.

We budget about $2500 a year.


This includes:

Online History & Curriculum & Lots of books

Science Labs, Curr & Lots of books

Geography & Lots of books

Grammar, Vocab, Writing, Spelling, Reading, Phonics & extra workbooks

Multiple Math Curriculums (MUS, LOF, TT, MM)



Critical Thinking

Memory Work




We use lots of books which do cost a good bulk of $$ when buying new but will always be in our "home library".

We have not tried to buy things because of cost but by what they are. Anyway this is what it is for us.

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Does that amount include curriculum for all of your kids? :)


I'm at 717 right now for just my dd. BUT.. thats the total of my "wish list" on RR. I have a lot that I could cut out. Im thinking it might come to around 530 ish. Which still makes me light headed. :laugh:


Ugh, plus tax.


ETA: Someone needs to reign me in.


Yes this total is for all kids. I mostly had to buy for my oldest because most of what we use is reusable, but there were some workbooks for the girls. I usually buy more used but this year only a few things were used. Here is what I have and will be buying. Most of what I will be using with the younger three I already owned or purchased awhile ago so that isn't in the total. Also I have a lot of kids lit books already. I'm always picking them up used. Here is what I purchased:


HOD CTC(Economy, Science Adder, and Basic History Interest set.)

DITHR 4/5 workbook and Book Projects 4

R&S grammar 4

R&S Spelling 2

R&S GHI workbooks

SM Essentials K A/B

SM 5a/5b Text/Work/HIG

Write With the Best

Pentime 4, and 2(for summer work)

3 Opal Wheeler composer books and CD's

2 Artist books


Set of Holling C Holling Geo books + Pagoo

Logic Countdown and Liftoff

Live Butterfly garden

Owl Pellet kit

Total for this when I added it up was. $700.87 so my guess was right on. :)

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At least $1000 per child for curriculum, books, and supplies.


This year:

dozens and dozens of books, the biggest expense (our library doesn't have many children's books)

2 teaching textbooks sets

several reference books

2 wwe books

4 ETC books

2 FLL books

2 AAS sets

2 subjects of real science 4 kids

memoria press astronomy

a book of art curriculum plus supplies as well as extra art supplies for general use

around $100 of basic supplies and laminating pouches

religion curriculum

a bunch of random workbooks on topics like logic

history books and workbooks

music books

lots of audio books

rightstart math (which we didn't use)

a snap circuits kit

lots of math and some phonics manipulatives, including a big knex math set

a dry erase board that was required for AAS

math games

a globe and wall maps

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On just curriculum, I'll be spending around $300 on my rising 7th grader:


Math - $54

English - $92 (lit); $10 (vocab); $17 (spelling); $33 (grammar & writing)

History/Geog - $65 (including a carryover)

Science - $0 - carrying over


Supplies, classes, field trips, scouts, theater, & sports are another story...

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This year- over $5000 easily. That includes 2 kids in CC Challenge (around $1500 or so each), 2 kids in Foundations (around $1000) so that was half of it. My 12 yo did a year long writing class ($200). My 8 yo twins did an awesome year long hands on science class ($500 each). Then add in Math curriculum for all 4 kids. My twins did MFW Adventures. Then add in other curriculum like AAS, Explode the Code books, Science materials, and numerous other things like art supplies and it does add up. I spent much less when they were all little.

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I think I spent about $225 at convention, which included a couple things I may not end up using, but I still need to buy AoPS Algebra and Apologia Science for next year, which I may be able to get used at our book swap here in town. I also buy books as I need them, but usually only the ones I know we will keep or I have previewed from the library and know I want. Co-op is $125 for the whole year. So I hope to keep it at about $500 for this coming year. I don't have any youngers, so I will try to sell everything I can to make some money back.

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In last 12 months, I spent $2,000 for three kids which is for everything including all programs, workbooks, art materials, paper, pencils, printer paper, printer ink, etc. I buy a lot of new things, but I also will get used books when I can find them in very good condition. I also have over 100 books checked out from the library at any one time since I don't don't usually purchase books we read for literature and history. In addition I spend money on extracurricular activities including sports and camps (such as art camp).

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I'll only spend about $200 total for both of my kids combined BUT I'm not starting from scratch and that doesn't include every single thing. I already have quite a bit on my shelf for next year that I won't need to purchase. Also, I initially just buy the main curricula and spines that I'll need for the year. I make many small Amazon purchases throughout the year for various paperback novels, random books and supplies, etc. It just works better for me to spread my purchases out and buy the smaller, inexpensive books/items on an as-needed basis. I might only spend $200 now, but I don't even want to add up all of my small Amazon orders. $10 here and there, several times a month, adds up over time... ;-)

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Wow. I can't imagine having the budget to spend $700-$1000 a kid. My oldest will be going into 2nd, and here is the breakdown for her. I buy used anytime I can.


Math: $26 (Math Mammoth and trying out 1 LOF book)

Reading: free from library. She is finished with phonics.

Science: $35 REAL Science Odyssey

History: $100 SOTW in our weekly co-op (along with art and science clubs)

Grammar: $20 FLL 3

Spelling : $25 AAS 3

Writing: $17 WWE 3

Art: $50? Discovering Great Artists, supplies, and art club at our large co-op


Total: about $270. This includes a year of a large, weekly co-op covering SOTW, Human Body and Forensic science, art club, science club, and two additional clubs. We may spend a little more if LOF works for her.


I have three youngers, so most of this will be reused several times.


I will spend $100 each on my.preschoolers for co-op. My 3 year old will be using AAR ($50) and random, mostly free, fun math stuff.


I'm sure this will be increasing every year for a long time! :-)

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Although the amount is still more than I ever wanted to spend.. I feel a little better knowing that most of what I'm buying is nonconsumable and will be used for who knows how many more years. My eldest will probably always be the big $$ but if I buy it now, I wont have to buy it later. That is of course, assuming my ds and any future children will be able to use it with their learning styles :)



Now, I will keep repeating the above statement to myself until the order is made.

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A LOT. I get $2200 per child to spend on curriculum and classes, and I will spend all of it. The bulk of my kindergartener's funds will go to an outdoor science program, and I will probably get my 6th grader an iPad with some of his funds.


I could spend very little on my kids this year, but since I have the money available, I enjoy picking out the programs I think they would enjoy and would suit them. So even though I technically have middle school math, science, and history that I could use, I am probably going to start over. Some of the stuff I was going to use next year I can save for later, too.


6th grader:

Science class ($1100)


Math in Focus Course 1 ($160)

Moving Beyond the Page 10-12 for science, history, writing, and literature ($700-ish)



Science class ($1800)

Math in Focus 1 ($75) - unless I just use the US Primary Math I have.

Adventures in America ($15)

science and history readers and supplies ($100)

(I already have grammar, writing, reading & spelling covered)

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I am afterschooling but still spend quite a bit.

German textbook and workbook for their Saturday class is about $50 per kid. Math for kids would be around $100 per kid for two years worth. For science and music we just buy as needed and I didn't tally.

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I just finished my currciculum shopping for the fall (yay!! I've never been done this early!! I have a 7th grader and a 4th grader. Here's what we're doing in the fall --


BJU American republic complete teacher / student set

BJU Earth & Space science complete teacher / student set

BJU Space & Earth Science investigations dvds

Saxon Math 8/7

Dive Disk 8/7

Rod & Staff Grammar 8 complete set

Bju Excursons in literature complete set

Apologia Astronomy

Apologia Botany

Apologia Human Anatomy

BJU HeRitage Studies 5 complete set

BJU reading text & worktext

2 BJU booklink sets

Rod & Staff Grammar 5 complete set

Saxon math 6/5

Dive disk 6/5



I had set my budget for $400, but came in at about $225!! I buy everything used! I'm very particular about the condition of the used books I purchase, but if you keep your eyes on some of the online blogs & curriculum store, you can get some exceptional deals this time of year.


Good luck!!

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Okay well I will be the crazy one here :) Might make a few others feel less crazy?

We spend a lot I guess compared to what others are writing. We are buying for

2 children first time use and buy new. We will use most of this for our youngers also.

We budget about $2500 a year.


This includes:

Online History & Curriculum & Lots of books

Science Labs, Curr & Lots of books

Geography & Lots of books

Grammar, Vocab, Writing, Spelling, Reading, Phonics & extra workbooks

Multiple Math Curriculums (MUS, LOF, TT, MM)



Critical Thinking

Memory Work




We use lots of books which do cost a good bulk of $$ when buying new but will always be in our "home library".

We have not tried to buy things because of cost but by what they are. Anyway this is what it is for us.

This sounds somewhat like me. I have just the one and have already spent $1300. I've got about $400-500 more to go. We tried some new materials this year (Mosdos Press, WWS-I've decided to wait 1-2 years to use this, k12 Elementary Spanish, Cicero:History Beyond the Textbook, a hard copy of RSO-biology, etc) and we are getting a microscope, guitar and keyboard. We also use multiple math programs. It does add up fast. LOL

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Less than $100


I write a lot of my own, use lots of free/cheap online resources as well as the library.


I do also do some online subscriptions but I don't figure that into my budget because I use PayPal funds that dh earns writing on hubpages. I usually do spelling city, enchanted learning etc.

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With the exception of the times I've totally changed my plans for the year (which adds up after a couple of times), and completely ignoring the things I've bought in advance of actually needing them, not a whole lot. But that is also taking Ito account that the majority goes toward real (living) books, not consumables or teacher's guides, and I'm definitely not counting real books in my total.

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Hmm...let's see. This would be for DD's first grade year, which we're finishing up now. (Well, her K year, but she worked on the first grade level for most subjects. So confusing.)


$140 - SM 1A/1B with supplements and HIGs

$72 - Hooked on Phonics, Grade 1 (Didn't actually pay this. I got them for almost free from Totsy with credits that I had earned.)

$72 - Hooked on Phonics, Grade 2 (Didn't actually pay this. I got them for almost free from Totsy with credits that I had earned.)

$21.75 - History Odyssey on sale

$33 - RSO on sale (which, I ended up dumping)

$130 - Atelier Art, Level 1 from HSBC, plus shipping

$10 - Teach Them Spanish K & 1, price includes both

$10 - McGraw-Hill's Spanish Picture Dictionary

$70 - Evan-Moor TeacherFileBox.com subscription via HSBC (We use this for History Pockets, ScienceWorks...)

$12 - The Mailbox - Investigating Science eBook supplements on sale

$50 - To use the St. Louis Country Library system for a year...we're out of district

$100 - Misc. art supplies, manipulatives, resources, books, etc.


So, $720.75, but I paid closer to $600 since I didn't pay anywhere close to sticker price on the HOP sets. Of course, this doesn't include random educational games, etc. that I bought to play/use for school. I'm sure I'm not remembering a few other little things too. This also doesn't include "summer school" last year, but that wouldn't have amounted to much. And, SM and HOP...those were used some last year too. We just continue on with those.

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I don't think about it. My oldest is taking classes at the cc this year and the rest are online, about $ 3,000 or more . I also outsource several online classes for my 12 year old twins including Spanish and writing. My upcoming 9th grader is going to ps this year to preserve my sanity and for the sake for our mother-son relationship. I also think i will be paying for my 3yr old to go preschool 2 days a week.

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For next year, 2 kids, 8 and 10 yo I'll either spend about $350 if I buy Oak Meadow 4 or about $200 if I piece together my own stuff (McRuffy math, SOTW2, MCP Phonics D, Essentials in Writing... and something for science) The problem is that I like aspects of both plans, so I sort of (really, really) want to combine, which would put my total closer to $450-500 (gulp). DH is no help, as he just says "Spend the money you need so you have the right tools."

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We have managed to squirrel aside $4k and it won't be enough.


That's 2 maybe 3 concurrently enrolled at college, that's 8-10 college classes plus books over the year.


Whatever additional homeschool courses those 2-3 will have at home. Likely just one subject for 2 of them.


Plus all high school for one and maybe 2. (We are undecided if one is ready for college classes. I'm leaning to needing to mature more.)


7/8th grade, 6th grade, 3rd grade, 2nd grade, and Youngest two are just osmosis learners at this point.


Latin tutor for 3 of them.




AHG and CAP costs


I don't know if we will continue music lessons for any of them.


We might purchase a family membership to a gun club because I have one that wants to learn archery and another skeet shooting, both if which is not cheap to get started.

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HaHa! I am so glad you posted this tread it makes me feel tame! (seeing other big spenders).


I spent well over $2K the upcoming year that I actually decided to post pone starting until January! Not to mention I will add to it before then! And it depends on how you look at it how many kids I bought for LOL. We started homeschooling in 2nd Grade and dd is now in 3rd. I just had my second baby. There is an 8 year age gap but I decided to back fill with the curriculum I love for LO.


SO it looked something like this:


For next year

Sonlight Core D

Liberty's Kids DVD's to go with History

Sonlight Science D (was gifted to me so no money spent there aside from refill science pages for my LO)

Science Supplements (Butterfly Kit, Root Viewer Kit, Evolution Materials)

Moving Beyond the Page LA 8-10 (& refill sheets for the older to use & then I have the books for LO or to resell later)

Math in Focus 4th Grade Homeschool Package

I bought 2 Recorder books for dd to learn to play the recorder (per her request we may actually end up doing that this year though)

Artisitic Pursuits 4-6 Book 1 and Kit

I bought the Composer study from ConfessionsOfAHomeschoolMom and had the teachers book printed and spiral bound and the student pages printed through fedex and purchased the associated books. add nexos subscription

Tai Chi DVD Lessons

Word Roots A1

AAS Level 3 add 4

add Piano Wizard Academy

add First Language Lessons 4


for this year:

Beginning Word Roots

First Language Lesson 3

I had Progressive Composition Lessons Printed and Spiral bound through Fedex

3 units of Moving Beyond the Page 7-9 LA (to see how we like it and ensure she is ready for 8-10 version)

Math In Focus 3 (she just finished 2)

more science stuff

AAS Level 1 & 2



Back Filled for LO:

Ordinary Parents Guide for Teaching Reading & CD


Child's Play Science

Peak with Books (and some of the books. I got a great deal on this & couldn't pass it up)

All the Math In focus workbooks for 1-4

Refill Items for SL Core A (Core A was gifted to me by a friend)

I also bought the remaining Items I was missing for SL Core C.


I would like to also get a subscription to Discovery Education Streaming again as well as BrainPop. We had them, loved them and they expired :(

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