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Is anyone else especially tired and unmotivated this week?


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Two and a half weeks. If I can make it through the next two and a half weeks without dropping the ball on anything major, I'll be okay. It has been cloudy and cooler than normal this year and the lack if sunshine has a definite effect on my energy levels.


April is just about the busiest month of our year and very stressful for me. This time next year there will be more drivers in the house to take off that burden, but April will likely again be busy.


Like Tiramisu said, I just want to stay under the covers or hang out online, but such avoidance behavior is exactly what I should NOT be doing.

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Right there with you. Part of it (just part), for me, is because of allergies. Even though I take allegy medicine, this time of year nothing helps completely. I end up more tired, and my head often feels like it's stuffed with cotton. Thankfully, the medicine does keep the bad headaches away.


When I feel like this, I really just want to be done school. The kids and I both fell ready to be done.

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Tired and unmotivated to do school? Yes. But I'm sitting here with my coffee looking a beautiful, clear blue sky and fruit trees starting to bud, and I feel quite motivated to get outside.


And we need to keep going until the end of May!

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Me! This is unusual for me. February is usually my bad month. I am just burnt. This year I have written curriculum for History & Science for a K-2nd grade group, and a 4th-6th grade group (9 kids total; not all mine) and it is wearing me out! I am ready to call a time out. One month to go!


Amber in SJ

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The last sentence I uttered was "mom is going to go stick her blanket back in the dryer and cozy up under a warm blanket for a few hours" Medically I'm not doing well. The older girls are working on their exit essays (founding fathers unit) and I have not made dd4 or dd7 do any work that wasn't an electronic game.

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Unmotivated here too. And the silly thing is the kiddos have been great about getting ahead this year, so honestly with just about three more days of work we could be done. But we're all grumpy today, and nobody feels like doing anything, so we're taking the day off. I guess we'll have to have school on Monday after all.

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It's hot. And we all have fevers. And some have allergies. And it's hot. Still.


Middle Girl gamely tried to do some math, but soon slumped down over her paper and started to cry quietly. Then she tried to read her new book about the Texas Rangers, only to find several pages ripped out. Thank God for Fred Rogers, free on Amazon Prime, who has kept Wee Girl hypnotized for the last 48 hours, when she wasn't sleeping or throwing up.


Trolley to the Land of Make-Believe, take me away.

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Now, see, I've had all kinds of motivation this week, plenty of energy and have really felt "spring-y'. But then I don't have allergies to pollen that incapacitate me. Everyone else around me is gagging, coughing, sneezing, streaming eyes and I'm totally fine!


But I wish that I could figure out why I've felt so good this last week. I want to bottle whatever it was and use it this summer when I don't feel like breathing because it's too hot to breathe.

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Good gravy, YES. I'm exhausted. Baseball season has started but the schedule isn't done, the weather is messing it all up, everything is up in the air, I feel an intense need to push through more academic stuff before the PS kids are loose in the neighborhood for the summer, and I'm feeling really run down. My foot also hurts (heel spur ?) and my eyes have for some unknown reason stopped tolerating contacts, and I'm not sleeping well. Gah. I can offer sympathy and a hug for anyone else who is dealing with similar stuff - I get it ! And yet....I know that I'm very blessed, and I know these are the good times, even if I can't see the sunshine today....it's there.

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