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Coconut oil users - either internally or externally...


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I use it as a moisturizer when needed. Face & body.


I use it (expeller pressed) for cooking.


I use it (regular virgin) for baking.


I use it to "butter" toast.


I do not, however, use it on a daily or regular enough basis to attribute any improvements to it. Because....


I'm too lazy to moisturize unless I'm really dry.


I hate cooking.


I hate baking.


I rarely eat breakfast.



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I cook with it (or olive oil) whenever I would use vegetable oil (I don't use vegetable oil anymore). Whether I use coconut oil or olive oil depends on which one is easier to reach/open, lol


I use it on my hair to detangle and on my face/body as a moisturizer. I also use it with equal parts of baking soda and cornstartch + a little bit of essential oil as a deodorant.

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I use it on my daughter's skin and hair (she's African). I also use it for popcorn. Yum!!! And to fry up pancakes and flatbread. Sometimes I'll put it in my kids smoothies to add some healthy fats, as they're all pretty skinny.

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How do you "use" it?




Well basically one just eats it.


I prefer to do the bullet proof coffee every morning (2C brewed coffee, 2T CO, 2T butter--- blend in a blender until frothy)


Before I did the coffee (I tried coconut oil last year while dieting) I just choked down a couple of Tablespoons a day with a spoon.

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I fry or scramble eggs in it. I use it as butter on toast. I use it to "oil" my pans for baking or cooking.


I rinse/swish my mouth out most mornings with it (antibacterial properties)


I use is as a lotion.


I'm trying to drink coffee (so far I have coffee in a protein shake) once I graduate to straight coffee, I am going to try putting a tablespoon of coconut oil in it.

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Before I did the coffee (I tried coconut oil last year while dieting) I just choked down a couple of Tablespoons a day with a spoon.


For a little while last year, I was melting some and then add it 1:1 to a "healthy" chocolate syrup (1/4 cup total?) and eating that each day. It was easy to "choke down"! :D

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I use it as a full body moisturizer, I make deodorant with it, toothpaste, as an ingredient in beauty supplies and soaps, and I bake and cook with it almost exclusivly. I buy it by the gallon. Expeller for eating, and virgin for beauty/baking.


Improvements? Yeast die off. No sugar cravings. No stinking pits, smooth skin, continued weight loss (the more I eat, the faster it comes off. I've actually had to slow it down.)

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Some coconut oil tastes more coconutty than others. I use the Spectrum virgin organic stuff, and it is not so coconutty.


I use it as facial moisturizer. I bake with it. Cook some things with it (I do not like it for eggs - I use ghee instead.)



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Like Lara, I use it as part of my LCHF diet, to get enough fats *fast* LOL.


I just take a spoonful and usually put a *very tiny* smitch of some other food - just about anything - I tend to prefer something sweet like a chocolate chip (*cough* or nutella *cough*); sunbutter works too. I much prefer adding a *little* something to choking it down alone.


Or, I blend it either in my bulletproof coffee or in tea. And, of course, all the usual cooking possibilities.

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I use it in cooking. Love it on bread.


I used to use it on my skin but it burns my face. Olive oil does the same thing so I put no oils on my face.


I've tried it in my tea but it's too oily.


I love the extra virgin. I have the one with no scent or flavor but I rarely use it. I don't find it tastes like coconut, bagged coconut is much sweeter, but it adds a nice little sweet flavor to foods. It's the best thing I have found to cook eggs.


I like to use coconut sugar but it's expensive.

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I primarily use it as a face and body moisturizer. I apply it after my shower; it only takes a small amount. My skin drinks it in and feels healed and healthy in a way that it doesn't with regular lotion.


I have used it in cooking, but generally only use it in recipes where I want the coconut flavor (otherwise I use butter/ghee).


I've eaten it with dark chocolate as a treat that tastes like a Mounds bar.


I always use organic, extra-virgin oil.



I make deoderant with it


Would you be willing to share your recipe?


Does it actually taste like coconut because I really don't like that.


The extra-virgin does smell and taste like coconut.

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For a little while last year, I was melting some and then add it 1:1 to a "healthy" chocolate syrup (1/4 cup total?) and eating that each day. It was easy to "choke down"! :D


I choke mine down :) by mixing equal parts melted chocolate chips (we use Trader Joe's), melted coconut oil, almond flour, and coconut flakes, and hardening in the fridge in candy molds.

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I use it on my daughter's skin and hair (she's African). I also use it for popcorn. Yum!!! And to fry up pancakes and flatbread. Sometimes I'll put it in my kids smoothies to add some healthy fats, as they're all pretty skinny.

. Thanks for the idea. That never occurred to me. We have been purchasing pricey hair stuff for our nephew.



My oldest has acne problems. When she uses coconut oil as a moisturizer her face clears up. It sounds counterproductive, but she swears by it.


We also use it this way.


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We love coconut oil.

I bake with it. Stir fry with it. Best popcorn ever with it. Smoothies.

When I make sure dh consistently gets at least a tablespoon a day he says his brain fog is eliminated.

Sometimes I moisturize with it.

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Okay, so people already have probably said what I will:

  • On my hair as necessary (pre-wash and/or ends/flyaway areas after shower); regularly on "ethnic" hair
  • Skin moisturizer - I just get some and rub it on before drying off
  • dry feet with some extra issues I'd rather not publicize :thumbdown: - same "how" as above
  • yeast issues (obese people who lose weight sometimes have some additional issues with this as I'm learning)
  • to cook certain foods
  • I'm gonna try the bullet-proof coffee one day :thumbup:

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Why. Are you putting. Oil. In. Perfectly good coffee? Just to get it consumed? (The oil I mean). Or is there some other benefit? I use it mainly to cook, and for moisturizer everywhere but my face (it makes me break out). I make lip balm with it too.

I have never noticed much flavor from the oil, so I cannot imagine you are putting it in coffee for the taste...



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Why. Are you putting. Oil. In. Perfectly good coffee? Just to get it consumed? (The oil I mean). Or is there some other benefit? I use it mainly to cook, and for moisturizer everywhere but my face (it makes me break out). I make lip balm with it too.

I have never noticed much flavor from the oil, so I cannot imagine you are putting it in coffee for the taste...



I don't do it, but I think I can answer why. I have read that fats make you get more caffeine out of your coffee. Also, if you dislike the taste of coconut oil and are drinking coffee anyway, well then, there you go! :)

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Why. Are you putting. Oil. In. Perfectly good coffee? Just to get it consumed? (The oil I mean). Or is there some other benefit? I use it mainly to cook, and for moisturizer everywhere but my face (it makes me break out). I make lip balm with it too.

I have never noticed much flavor from the oil, so I cannot imagine you are putting it in coffee for the taste...


Because when you're low carb, your body starts to burn fat for fuel and you need a LOT of fat. So we actually need those extra calories, and it keeps you--meaning, you won't be starving in 2 hours. MAny people make bulletproof coffee with grass fed butter, but those who can't for any reason use coconut oil.

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I use it as a moisturizer when needed. Face & body.


I use it (expeller pressed) for cooking.


I use it (regular virgin) for baking.


I use it to "butter" toast.


I do not, however, use it on a daily or regular enough basis to attribute any improvements to it. Because....


I'm too lazy to moisturize unless I'm really dry.


I hate cooking.


I hate baking.


I rarely eat breakfast.




OMG- funny!!!! :lol:

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Okay, what is bulletproof coffee?


I know I am not taking enough internally every day. I LOVE it on my GF waffles and I put a TON on one, but I don't eat them every day.


I've done it in coffee, but I can't put much - the film drives me nuts. I love the taste, but I can't get past the oily film.


I must try the chocolate "candy" from above.


I use it as a moisturizer on my face and body, and occasionally on my hair. I do use it in the bedroom (it really is amazing for that). I cook with it whenever possible.


Trader Joe's is my favorite so far - creamy and coconutty; I LOVE it! I'll be glad when we have a TJs here and I don't have to stock up when I'm at my dd's or niece's. I also use the organic, expeller-pressed from WF. It's not quite a coconutty, but it's still decent. I don't even see the point in one that has no flavor.

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Okay, what is bulletproof coffee?


I know I am not taking enough internally every day. I LOVE it on my GF waffles and I put a TON on one, but I don't eat them every day.


I've done it in coffee, but I can't put much - the film drives me nuts. I love the taste, but I can't get past the oily film.


I must try the chocolate "candy" from above.


I use it as a moisturizer on my face and body, and occasionally on my hair. I do use it in the bedroom (it really is amazing for that). I cook with it whenever possible.


Trader Joe's is my favorite so far - creamy and coconutty; I LOVE it! I'll be glad when we have a TJs here and I don't have to stock up when I'm at my dd's or niece's. I also use the organic, expeller-pressed from WF. It's not quite a coconutty, but it's still decent. I don't even see the point in one that has no flavor.



Bullet Proof Coffee


When it has no flavor you can put it in everything. I use it like olive oil. In everything. That way I know my family is getting it, too.

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I haven't read all of the comments, so this might be a repeat. I just have to say that I LOVE popcorn popped in coconut oil (even the kind that tastes a little like coconut) and that if you slowly melt 2 T of coconut oil with about 4 oz of dark chocolate, then let it cool a little bit, it makes instant hard shell topping for ice cream. I keep a jar of it in the fridge and just pop it in the microwave for a bit to melt the top part and pour a bit over a scoop of vanilla bean. YUM!

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On the bulletproof coffee, I haven't tried to blend only coconut oil, but I wonder if the butter blends better - the butter doesn't separate and there's some foam on top, so no greasy spots. I just add a little coconut oil (maybe a half tbsp) to my bulletproof coffee (today, 2 3/4 tbsp grass fed butter). Drinking it right now - bulletproof coffee is what eased me into LCHF :).

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I know all the benefits of it and it was highly recommended by my nutritionist....but I just used it this week and got so sick from it. It was the absolute worst indigestion I have ever had in my life. After I stopped it, I was fine. I googled it and I am not alone in my experience. My dh tells me he had the same trouble a couple of years ago. Who knew? It was a good brand, bought it from my nutritionist. Glad to hear others are doing well with it!

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I know all the benefits of it and it was highly recommended by my nutritionist....but I just used it this week and got so sick from it. It was the absolute worst indigestion I have ever had in my life. After I stopped it, I was fine. I googled it and I am not alone in my experience. My dh tells me he had the same trouble a couple of years ago. Who knew? It was a good brand, bought it from my nutritionist. Glad to hear others are doing well with it!



The first time I tried it, years ago, I kept feeling like my throat was closing up and generally felt ill. I took a break, then tried a different brand, and now am fine with it. The stuff that I reacted to poorly I simply used up for body lotion.


I've had bad reactions to many of the better brands of "miracle" foods. Last week I discovered that Jensen's beef gelatin gives me a headache, sweats, and a racing heart -- the cheapy Knox brand is just fine, but I'd like to find something non-pork.

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I know all the benefits of it and it was highly recommended by my nutritionist....but I just used it this week and got so sick from it. It was the absolute worst indigestion I have ever had in my life. After I stopped it, I was fine. I googled it and I am not alone in my experience. My dh tells me he had the same trouble a couple of years ago. Who knew? It was a good brand, bought it from my nutritionist. Glad to hear others are doing well with it!




When you first take it, it causes horrible intestinal distress. I totally was the same. That's the candidia die off. So if you can still keep at it and think of all the bad yeast in your system you're getting rid off, it will balance out.

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