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Nervous Wreck


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Can't believe I'm posting this... But don't want to burden family or friends IRL with this worry.


Have had some tests done lately, and the doc called me in early to discuss the results. It's probably nothing, he probably just had a cancellation, but I've never had a doc call and want me to come in the very next day. I'm nervous. My follow up was scheduled for a few weeks from now, and I was enjoying the blissful ignorance.


If you are inclined, I could use some good vibes, juju, pats on the back, whatever...



Updated on post #32, but the upshot is - everything's fine! Yippee!!!!

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So, when are you going to discuss the results?


Today at 1 pm. His office called yesterday afternoon. My appt was scheduled for March, but they asked me to come in early.


I'm thinking an appt to discuss results is better for the coffers. Maybe they had a cancellation today.


Ugh. At least it will be over soon!





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Hope you get good news today! :grouphug: A long time ago, I read a quote along the lines of "Always assume that people are conspiring to help you". In other words, when left with a choice of how to interpret something, go with the interpretation that favors you. So....assume that your doctor is just trying to be helpful and get the results to you as quickly as possible. :grouphug:

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Thanks, all!


Ok, so I love the concept of a diligent doc conspiring to help me... And that is the new attitude of the day. Will hold that thought as I drive. Thank you!


I started out liking all the replies and ran out if time... Gotta run... So I'm going to say a big thanks for all the well wishes and good thoughts. Thanks!!!!

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I'm back! It was totally fine. :)


There were some minor things that the doc didn't want me to see on the report and panic about later. So he wanted to go over them with me. But overall - great news!




Next time a doc requests that I come in right away - no panicking, promise.


Thanks for all the support today!

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