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How Far in Advance do you buy Curriculums?!


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I'm always finding myself wanting more, more, more of the items that we KNOW we love, and that we'll stick with for the long haul. For example, we really like the Rod & Staff English. We're currently doing English 2, but I've already purchased English 3, and I feel crazy for considering buying English 4!


How far in advance do you buy curriculum?

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Way too far!!!!!!


My worst rookie mistake was buying three levels of TT at once. It didn't end up working for us at all, but luckily I was able to sell them.


I have PreAlgebra, Algebra, and Geometry books, tons of history/lit things I *might* use in high school, college science texts . . .


Over winter break I was planning/researching math, and I've got math curricula for the next 3 years covered . . . assuming it all actually works according to plan.


Hello, my name is Rose and I am a curriculum junkie :tongue_smilie:

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For math and science, I bought 3rd - 6th grade when older was in 1st grade. I was just lazy and order all at one shot. I also bought Voacbulary Workshop for 2nd - 5th grade in one order since my boys are doing that for enrichment.

i have not bought anything for middle school other than some reference books that I like from 2nd hand bookstores.

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I bought too far ahead in the things that didn't matter at all, and not far enough ahead in the subjects that did. :tongue_smilie: How's that for an answer? I have 2-3 yrs worth of Latin that it now looks like we might not use (maybe the 2nd child) and I need the next 2 years worth of math. It is turning out so differently than I anticipated!

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Well, I've got history for at least the next 3 years after this one, and possibly for a total of 5. :svengo: Science, Spanish, and possibly Latin for next year (depending on how far we get with Latin this year), and I have a program we could use for art (I didn't buy it, though! It was free!). English for the next two years...


Yeah, I'm a curriculum junkie, too, but I'm getting more discerning with time. Really! I am! Ask my therapist! :tongue_smilie: If nothing else, I'm getting a good education reading through the more advanced history and science books.

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i dont buy ahead except with something like Hakim's history, where i bought the full set not knowing how long it would take us. I mean, i wont buy more than 1 year in advance, and ONLY if its on sale. Because who knows what could happen, and why clutter up your house?

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I bought a lot of history and lit that is not panning out.at.all. For math, I've bought too many years of the wrong things (Rightstart, LoF). Science - I panic, buy too many different types of curriculum with the grand plan of including it all in my own scheme, find that it's too tough, and then rush out to buy some more :crying: . Where's that money-fly-away icon?!


Does it ever stop me? :drool: Nooooo!


Right now, thinking of buying WWS1 since something in the writing department is finally working :hurray: . We're only at Week 4 :p. And maybe Intellego to add more videos and links to my, cough, Grand Science Plan.

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When I first started, I bought YEARS ahead because I was so sure I had found what I was looking for and didn't want to look any farther. Now, I know better. I only buy when it is absolutely time to buy for the next level. That was a very expensive lesson to learn.

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I don't buy much ahead (except the prealgebra/algebra stuff I bought ahead so *I* could work through it and refresh my memory before teaching it!).


I have sometimes bought the next year up, then ended up changing my mind after using it for a while. Actually, I did that with R&S English, and have changed back, at least for now. :lol: I had gotten level 2, but really needed level 3 for this child at that time. Then I bought 3 and 4 at the same time. Ended up finding 3 still not quite the right fit, so used other things. Now we're back at 4 and enjoying it, at least for now. I plan to get 5 for next year, but won't buy any more than that at one time. Who knows if I'll still want to use it 6 months from now!


I bought MM1-6 when it was on sale, but ended up switching after the first part of 4B. I still saved money though, so that's not really a loss.


I bought 4 Apologia notebooking journals... then after using one for a while, decided I really don't like using them. Plus I prefer Apologia books to be a read-for-fun reference for the kids rather than a curriculum we use weekly. If anyone needs Zoo1, Zoo2, or Zoo3 notebooking journals, let me know. :tongue_smilie:


When I was using AAS, I bought levels 1 and 2 together, which was good - we went through 1 in a month and needed 2 very quickly! So then I thought I was going to continue with AAS to the end, so I bought 3 and 4 next. Well, halfway through 3, I jumped ship and went to R&S Spelling, buying 3 and 4 of that. I have now used all of 3 and we just started 4. ;) I sold all of my AAS.


I bought SOTW AGs as a set for $35ppd (great deal!), and we ended up only using 2 of them. The regular SOTW books were a good buy though, as my son has read the series multiple times. He loves it.


There are probably others... I have learned, through experience, to only buy the level we're about to do, and only buy it about a month before we need it. :tongue_smilie: Ok, I can't really say that, because I just received an RR order today, and it included Pentime 3, which we will eventually get to, I hope. Definitely not next month though. :D


Now if I'd used something for 3-4 years, I'd be ok with buying more years. 6 months of happy usage? Not enough time to say I'll stick with it. I'm a flip-flopper, big time. :lol:

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i dont buy ahead except with something like Hakim's history, where i bought the full set not knowing how long it would take us. I mean, i wont buy more than 1 year in advance, and ONLY if its on sale. Because who knows what could happen, and why clutter up your house?



:iagree: I have never understood why some people buy things a whole year or more in advance or who get the whole set of a curriculum. Who knows what will happen? Unless it's a crazy good deal, why do that? We'll sometimes end up with something that isn't right and I shelve it for later or if I'm trying to round out an order for free shipping I'll throw in the next of something I know I'll need, but mostly I buy things a couple of months before I need it.

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I'm always taking a quick look at for sale options. Never know when a great deal on something I KNOW we will use might come around and save me money in the long run. Sometimes a year or more in advance. Sometimes it's a chance to try something I've been looking at for a long time but couldn't afford too.

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I don't have a problem with anyone buying a whole curriculum package set in advance. I sure hope they use it, but their loss if they don't I guess.


I have met many people though who flat out do not curriculum shop or change things up much from year to year. They decide what they are going to use, they buy it, they use it. They don't research different methods and programs and providers. They decide that oh say Abeka or Seton is a quality program and that's what they use.


Not my style at all, but hey that's why I only home school my own kids. ;)

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I just ordered Rod & Staff Spelling for next school year. DS8 will finish 2 in about 12 weeks, so he will start 3 this year. I already have the TG, as I got it used for free. I went ahead and bought 4 while I was buying the workbook for 3, and also bought another 2 workbook for ds6 to use next year. I figured I should just make one order to reduce shipping costs. A couple of weeks ago I bought SOTW2 for next year, and I was recently given 3 and 4, so history is covered for the next 3 years!

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I almost never buy curricula way in advance. Occasionally, if something has been tried-and-true for us, I will buy ahead if I see a spectacular price.


On the other hand, one of the wisest investments I ever made was to buy Elementary Mathematics for Teachers along with all the Singapore Math textbooks through grade 6 and work through them. They served me well and were then on hand when DS9 moved through the material.


Books I buy always...logic stage, rhetoric stage, college stage... They will get used by someone here, without a doubt. :D

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About two weeks before the school year starts - I just placed my last order yesterday and we start on the 28th -sure hope it gets here in time lol.


I change my mind right up to the last minute and I never know how I will like something or not or if my kids needs have changed.


MM didn't work for my DD so I'm glad I didn't buy the whole bundle at the last sale.

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So I decided against buying English 4 at this point. I don't regret buying 3 at all, as we WILL be using it this upcoming year. I am planning this next year and once our tax refund hits our account, it's buying time!!!! However, it'll only be for this upcoming school year. I agree about cluttering the home, our home is very small and I don't have enough space for school items as it is, we need another bookshelf, but I really don't have much, we use nearly everything we currently have.


I will refrain from buying in advance, especially considering the items for this coming year are going to be a pretty penny.

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I am working on ordering all of Life of Fred. I have Singapore though 6. I want all of Art of Problem Solving. I have all of The Story of the World with AG' s and audio CD' s. I have Latin through Wheelock, but I think I want to look at Latin Prep too. I have tons of classics through high school level. And tons of other stuff. I have a serious addiction, but that is ok, I will use them all even if the kids don't.

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I would typically say I am only worrying about now and trying to anticipate for the next year but I am buying an assortment of writing programs so I can develop my own writing teaching style and philosophy. Buying curriculum is a way to educate myself so I can figure out what to use and how to use it.


I've recently purchased Write On!, Bravewriter's The Writer's Jungle and Jot It Down, WriteShop Primary B and C and Write With the Best just to take a look at them. I'm also considering buying MCT's Island Level and Writing Tales. I just can't figure out how to teach writing without educating myself on the options and their underlying philosophies first.

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I have sometimes bought the next year up, then ended up changing my mind after using it for a while. Actually, I did that with R&S English, and have changed back, at least for now. :lol: I had gotten level 2, but really needed level 3 for this child at that time. Then I bought 3 and 4 at the same time. Ended up finding 3 still not quite the right fit, so used other things. Now we're back at 4 and enjoying it, at least for now. I plan to get 5 for next year, but won't buy any more than that at one time. Who knows if I'll still want to use it 6 months from now!


I do this type of thing. I keep trying some things over and over and over, not because they are so good, but everything else is worse. So I just buy the rest of the series and TRY to stick with it for awhile.


I hate wasting money, but sometimes I have to buy things just to know I do NOT want to use them. So then on top of the series I keep going back to, I have to have the other stuff on the shelf too. It's really all quite pathetic :-(

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:iagree: I have never understood why some people buy things a whole year or more in advance or who get the whole set of a curriculum. Who knows what will happen? Unless it's a crazy good deal, why do that? We'll sometimes end up with something that isn't right and I shelve it for later or if I'm trying to round out an order for free shipping I'll throw in the next of something I know I'll need, but mostly I buy things a couple of months before I need it.


I'll use CGE as an example. I tend to think some early lessons are weak or unnecessary, until I see that they are slowly and systematically built upon in later grades. Once I see the later lessons, I'm able to see what I am supposed to be focusing on NOW and what I do NOT need to focus on now. I teach better when I read ahead.


Sometimes I have had to look ahead to see that I want to abandon a curriculum because it isn't going where I want it to in the future, and I'm no longer so impressed with the current lessons in context of that. This happened with the revised What Your Grader Needs to Know series. I ended out choosing to use the original series based on comparisons of the 6th grade books, when I was still working in the K revised book which I decided to drop even though I liked the book itself.


I dropped Classical Writing Aesop after seeing Classical Writer Homer.


I sometimes use Saxon Algebra 1 based on the fact that Saxon Calculus is the only calculus book that I can teach from.


I choose Henle Latin 1 over the other Latin 1 competition, because I like Henle Latin 2's narrow focus on Caesar instead of a wider selection of authors.


It's my personality to always be looking ahead, even at the expense of ruining the moment. It has it's good and bad points.


The things I have bought ahead the most in, are the things I've used the most. And if I'm not using it, I've pulled it off the shelf at least 50 times thinking I might try again, until I fully refresh my memory on why I hate it so much.

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Now that I think about it, anything that I buy in pdf, I buy ahead. I have Math Mammoth 1-6, WWE 1-4, Miquon, several Ellen McHenry products, Evan-Moor, etc. We've been moving too often to buy a lot of physical books, but I definitely do have a natural inclination to buy ahead.

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Science and history years and years. Math a couple times now I got a good deal and bought 2-3 years in advance to realize it wasn't working. The Good news is when I realized what I had switched to wasn't working I still had the books from the first program that was working available for 3 more levels lol. And the ones I bought ahead for the olders I will save for the next in line because that series is working. Generally speaking though when it comes to language arts, foreign language etc basically anything textbook based rather than living books I only buy a few months before. Science if I get a good deal on the texts I know I want I buy far in advance and if I want lab kits I buy those 1-2 months before. Anything like History that I use livingbooks I may buy 4-6 years in advance as I find good titles used, on sale etc. I just put them in the themed boxes in the basement to save untiil needed.

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So I decided against buying English 4 at this point. I don't regret buying 3 at all, as we WILL be using it this upcoming year. I am planning this next year









and once our tax refund hits our account, it's buying time!!!! However, it'll only be for this upcoming school year. I agree about cluttering the home, our home is very small and I don't have enough space for school items as it is, we need another bookshelf, but I really don't have much, we use nearly everything we currently have.


I will refrain from buying in advance, especially considering the items for this coming year are going to be a pretty penny.


Pretty much the same here. I buy the bulk of it when we receive our refund and usually only for the upcoming year. I might purchase something for another year at a used curriculum sale if I find it for dirt cheap. Like a SM HIG 2A for 25 cents at the library sale. I won't need it until the 2014-2015 school year, but at that price couldn't pass it up.


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depends on the subject. I have bought stuff I 'knew' we would use later only to have something new come out and chose that. I am now selling stuff I bought like that but not getting as much as I paid. So for me now, I look at what will change in the next year, what will stay the same, and only buy things I will use in the next 6 months.

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I usually have next year's books on the shelves...We've had too many super lean times where I couldn't have ordered just a couple of months in advance and I don't want to have a gap of time where I can't order books.


I have two full sets of singapore math primary math series sitting on my bookshelves for my two younger kids. I'm worried it's going to go out of print (like the earlybird series did) and I really love it, so I purchased ahead. I also did a bulk order of HWT workbooks. I've done the program with my first three kids and I know I'm not going to switch.


I'm a little more careful about ordering ahead writing curricula, science, and history.

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I don't buy too much ahead unless you count books in general. I have books on all different topics from K through college level. But I'm usually buying them at a used book store so you have to get them while you can.


I did buy Math Mammoth 1-6 at the sale. We've already used 1 through 3 and are getting ready to start 4 so I think it was worth it given the great price. It's working well for ds so we will probably continue to the end.


I do have all three Level 1 RSO books but we are skipping around between them so it wasn't really buying ahead.


I'm kind of wishing I did buy more ahead, like AAS, since money has recently gotten extremely tight and it looks like I will need to find an alternative, at least temporarily.

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If I find good deals at the used curriculum sales, garage sales or library book sales, I will pick stuff up if it is something I might want to use in the future. I would never pre-buy brand new curriculum . I also have things in my curriculum closet from when sd was in high school that I might want to use. Every year I clear out the closet before our used curriculum sale and see what I have not used and sometimes I will then sell off a few things. The majority of what I am going to use I buy in May/June for the upcoming school year.

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In general, I buy throughout the current year for the following year. I look for things used or on sale. Once in awhile, I buy something that I plan to use farther in advance, but in order for that to happen one of two things has to be true, 1. It has to be an irresistible price or 2. I really want to see it to determine if it is what I want and I find it at a price I know I can resell it for if it turns out I don't want to use it.

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I'm worried it's going to go out of print (like the earlybird series did) and I really love it, so I purchased ahead. .


This is a growing worry in the homeschooling community. Now it's more common for curriculum to go out of print or for there to be a new edition. I don't like this!


I am so OCD, that transitioning to a newer edition in the middle makes me shudder and panic, and feel all sorts of undefinable negative emotions.


I was all set to buy MM 1-6 in the upcoming sale, but it's already partly revised. I think I'll just stick with Professor B. I have the complete series and the author is dead. I don't have to worry about revisions.

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I usually am watching for sales for next year's books. This is Jan. and I have most of next fall's stuff on the shelf. I have never bought beyond that. But once this year has started successfully I start watching the sales.


Now for literature and references and things like I will buy years in advance at used book sales. I just label a crate "ancients" and put books in there that I have seen on reading lists for the next cycle. I know they are good things to have on hand even if we don't use all of them for school.


But algebra currics on the shelf when I am currently only in 3rd and 5th grade? not here.

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I usually buy in the spring what I intend to use in the fall. If we're doing a subject and coming close to the end (like with DD's math) I'll buy the next thing when she has 1/4 or less left. When she was on lesson 95 (out of 120 lessons) of math, I purchased the next level. I will use between now and spring to research curriculum I want or need to change out for next year (history and science mostly) but probably won't purchase those things until the spring.

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:iagree: I have never understood why some people buy things a whole year or more in advance or who get the whole set of a curriculum. Who knows what will happen? Unless it's a crazy good deal, why do that? We'll sometimes end up with something that isn't right and I shelve it for later or if I'm trying to round out an order for free shipping I'll throw in the next of something I know I'll need, but mostly I buy things a couple of months before I need it.



because . . . we can't help ourselves! It's an illness . . . I'm working on recovery. baby steps.

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because . . . we can't help ourselves! It's an illness . . . I'm working on recovery. baby steps.


Good luck with that. I still can't help myself. But in my defense, I sold everything from the first go around as a single mom it was necessary to help with the purchase of new curriculum each year.


I think we just need to form an addict group to compare, you might have something I just need to have too. :hurray:

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I only buy for the upcoming schoolyear. Usually that means purchasing things 2-6 months in advance, because I like to have time to look over new curriculum for planning. The only time I've purchased further in advance was when I bought Sonlight Core D & Core E last winter, because I wanted to get the old instructor guides before they changed it.

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When the kids were little I bought little stuff ahead all the time. Things seemed to change quickly at that age level. The workbook wouldn't be availiable the next year and I already had teacher's instructions etc. My friend who helped me get started had one bookshelf of things she had only been able to do with one of her kids because things became unavailiable. If it was under 10 and I was spending the money for a kit of some sort I bought extra workbooks.


I order almost exclusively from Rainbow. This means free shipping if I order in $150 increments. I do all my shopping in the winter when we are in the states and tend to fill orders up with things that I know we will most likely use like later Henle books and MODG workbooks. Life of Fred was another one I bought ahead. This means I can buy one part of something and look it over and get more in the next shipment. I prefer to not have the hassle of returns but if I am really doubtful about something I will balance it with a keeper and spend more to keep free shipping if I return. By spreading out my purchases of safe curriculum my odds of getting everything I want goes up. Most of it I am happy with and have used.

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