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dd went to a teen Christmas party and there was no food, nothing

Jeannie in NJ

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my dd works at a clothing store in the mall where all the employees are 17, 18 or 19 years old. Lots of employees, guys and girls. Well, one girl had a Christmas party at her house (lives at home with parents and siblings). The party started at 5 pm. Dd took a bag of chips as we raised her to always take a little something when you go to a party. She said the parents just took the chips and put them away. There was no food, no snacks, nothing to eat or drink. Everyone stood around and talked. Dd had to leave at 7:30 and come home as she was starving. SHe said she got no feeling that there was going to be any food at all even later.


This reminded me of a time that dh and I (before dc) went to Florida on vacation and friends (husband and wife, no dc) from college invited us to spend a couple of days with them. When we got there the first evening, we all went out to eat. The next morning dh and I got up, went into kitchen and there was no food and no coffee. Nothing in the fridge or the cabinets. Dh and I left to go get breakfast and coffee (our hosts were still sleeping). As far as we knew, our hosts did not eat breakfast or lunch. For dinner, the wife went out and bought some ground hamburger meat and 4 sodas. SHe fried up exactly 4 burgers and all we had on our plates were the hamburger patties, no buns, no lettuce, no tomatoes, no onions, no mustard. Dh and I left early the next morning to continue on with our vacation.


We got no feeling of resentment from the wife that we were there, her and her dh seemed very happy that we were there. They just had no food at all in their house. They both had well paying jobs so it was not a money thing. We got the feeling that they did not eat breakfast or lunch and ate dinner out every night. Strange experience as was dd's experience at the party she went to.

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We had neighbors who were very tight about food - when either my sister or I babysat their two girls, there would be a small portion of food (maybe half a pbj sandwich per person) out on a plate and that would be it. When the girls would come to our house to be sat they would act like they were starved. My mom kinda resented how much they ate when we told her we needed to take our own food when babysitting. The other mom also used a calculator and figured out to the minute and cent how much to pay us and that is what we got. Maybe they were broke - I never knew.

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We had neighbors who were very tight about food - when either my sister or I babysat their two girls, there would be a small portion of food (maybe half a pbj sandwich per person) out on a plate and that would be it. When the girls would come to our house to be sat they would act like they were starved. My mom kinda resented how much they ate when we told her we needed to take our own food when babysitting. The other mom also used a calculator and figured out to the minute and cent how much to pay us and that is what we got. Maybe they were broke - I never knew.


Now I am remembering the one holiday season hubby and I (this was pre-kids) went to see my folks in California. We all went to my aunt's house for Christmas Eve - and were very hungry! There was nothing to eat for the longest time. Her table was very nicely set with her best china, etc. Finally time to eat - and she offered only cold corn bread and veggie broth (it was supposedly veggie soup but there were no veggies in it!) She said "Since everyone will be feasting tomorrow I thought we'd have a light meal!"



Would have been nice to be warned in advance! By the time we left, everyplace was closed, and we ended up desperately putting coins in a motel vending machine for peanut butter crackers!

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my dd works at a clothing store in the mall where all the employees are 17, 18 or 19 years old. Lots of employees, guys and girls. Well, one girl had a Christmas party at her house (lives at home with parents and siblings). The party started at 5 pm. Dd took a bag of chips as we raised her to always take a little something when you go to a party. She said the parents just took the chips and put them away. There was no food, no snacks, nothing to eat or drink. Everyone stood around and talked. Dd had to leave at 7:30 and come home as she was starving. SHe said she got no feeling that there was going to be any food at all even later.


This reminded me of a time that dh and I (before dc) went to Florida on vacation and friends (husband and wife, no dc) from college invited us to spend a couple of days with them. When we got there the first evening, we all went out to eat. The next morning dh and I got up, went into kitchen and there was no food and no coffee. Nothing in the fridge or the cabinets. Dh and I left to go get breakfast and coffee (our hosts were still sleeping). As far as we knew, our hosts did not eat breakfast or lunch. For dinner, the wife went out and bought some ground hamburger meat and 4 sodas. SHe fried up exactly 4 burgers and all we had on our plates were the hamburger patties, no buns, no lettuce, no tomatoes, no onions, no mustard. Dh and I left early the next morning to continue on with our vacation.


We got no feeling of resentment from the wife that we were there, her and her dh seemed very happy that we were there. They just had no food at all in their house. They both had well paying jobs so it was not a money thing. We got the feeling that they did not eat breakfast or lunch and ate dinner out every night. Strange experience as was dd's experience at the party she went to.


That's just weird as heck. Who does that??


I serve enough food and snacks for an army.

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That's seriously strange. I have one friend who eats very lightly. One year she had a Christmas party at her house. Yes, she did attempt to have food and beverages, but there was excruciatingly not enough. It was like 50 people, dinner hour and she had two baked chickens in the starring role and a few sides that I don't recall. I still remember how the later-coming guests looked at one another when trying to scrounge up something to put on their plates! I felt bad for my friend. She never had another party after that one. I think she just has no understanding of how much food typical people eat!

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It's not a party if there's no food. :glare:


Perhaps the "hostess" neglected to inform her parents that she was throwing a party at their home? :confused: (Although, to be honest, even if the dd was trying to pull a fast one on her parents, what kind of person wouldn't feel obligated to at least put out some snacks and beverages?)


I'm surprised the rest of the guests didn't leave when your dd left. I sure would have!

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my dd said that everyone at the party talked about all the people that had not gotten there yet so when dd and her friend left at 7:30 they laughed and said now all the remaining people could talk about them

She also said that the family giving the party had the largest kitchen she has ever seen but no food. She compared it to our tiny kitchen that at our party tonight we had so much food that we had extra tables set up just to hold the food. The tradition in dh's extended family and us is for the hosts to make the main dish (for example tonight we had 2 lasagnas, one veggie and one meat and lots of crusty bread and tons of dessserts and everyone else brings sides and even more desserts and soda, dip, chips etc and then everyone is sent home with tons of leftovers. It is just the way dh's family and us do things. Actually tomorrow will be the 3rd party within the family since Sat. Sat was at adult nephew, his wife and dc's house, tonight at our house and tomorrow at one of my sil's house (take out Chinese food). Luckily we all get along lol.

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Seriously strange! People who come to my house know they will be fed. Whether they want anything or not. (JK) Really, though, the teens that come to my house always bring something to share, as that's the culture in this area, but part of my public persona is that I make killer party food and no one goes hungry on my watch . That last bit will be on my tombstone. : )

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There are people among us in this country who have had no upbringing whatsoever.



I'm thinking they had *some* upbringing, 'cause they recognized a hostess gift. :rofl:


OP, my kids also have been repeatedly told that they cannot show up at such a gathering empty handed. They have come to understand that the cost of attendance is at least the price of a bag of chips.


That is odd.

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I don't expect to always be fed at parties, but given that the party ran from five to at least seven-thirty, that's really strange. You'd think they would have had snacks or something.



I don't expect to be "fed" either, but if you are having a "party" at dinner time (5 or 6 pm) you should have at least snacks/drinks. Plain rude IMO!

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I remember in middle school it was considered "not cool" to eat lunch or eat in front of other people. When we had a school dance, the food went mostly untouched. I hope kids would grow out of that by 16/17/18, but BIL's girlfriend (who is around that age) turned down every offer of food and drink the other night at a family dinner. We had pizza, salad, and cupcakes, and I would have gladly made her something else (I was already making separate GF food), but I didn't even see her drink water the whole night. Very weird.

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I remember in middle school it was considered "not cool" to eat lunch or eat in front of other people. When we had a school dance, the food went mostly untouched. I hope kids would grow out of that by 16/17/18, but BIL's girlfriend (who is around that age) turned down every offer of food and drink the other night at a family dinner. We had pizza, salad, and cupcakes, and I would have gladly made her something else (I was already making separate GF food), but I didn't even see her drink water the whole night. Very weird.



Huh. Maybe that's why I wasn't cool in middle school!

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As an over feeder of all who grace my home, I cannot imagine this. However, once I attended a swim barbecue party at the home of people who didn't have a pool and didn't offer anything to eat for the first 3-4 hours. One lady showed up in her swimsuit, brought a dish which was put in the fridge and had to leave without swimming and prior to any food being served. It was the weirdest party ever.

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I mentioned it to my family this morning at breakfast. We all agreed there should have been food. And they all stared at me when I mentioned the chips! :lol;

We also all agreed that nobody would probably go to a party there next year.


On that note, I went to a cast gathering (not party) at a cast members house. I mentioned something about picking up soda and she told me not to worry as her parents had bought some.

They live in a very nice house in a nice subdivision. They put out exactly two, ONE liter bottles of soda. There were at least 20 cast and crew there. Um, yeah.

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That is very odd! We usually have food leftover after a party, even when there are teens. I've had parties where I provided all the snacks and parties that are potluck, and have been a guest at both kinds, but have never been to a party with NO food or drink. Gee, even when people drop by I will offer something to drink. If the kids have friends over on the spur of the moment I will make popcorn or maybe a pot of chili if it is around meal time. Just bizarre.

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Maybe they don't allow food in some areas of their house but the whole thing is just very strange. It's a HOLIDAY party with TEENS. Hello? Who doesn't provide food? Even if they were going to order pizza later (and that sounds doubtful since she was there 5-7:30) wouldn't they at least open up the bag of chips and have some soda. I've honestly never been to an event like that. We have a few friends who sometimes come over after dinner to hang out and we always provide wine and a snack (like a cheese plate or dessert) even though its extremely casual and right after dinner. Having people in your home with no refreshments is just plain rude.

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how can there be a swim barbeque without a pool? Do they at least turn on the water hoses or something?



I'm wondering too?! Why on earth did they call it a 'swim barbeque' if there was no pool or food? Didn't someone say something? The first thing out of my mouth would've been 'is this a joke?'


I'm just really confused, didn't the host notice that people were standing around with growling bellies? Did they not care? I'm trying to picture the scenario and it just feels like :banghead:

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That is weird. That would not be normal for any area I've ever lived in. At my dd's bday party yesterday, we had kind of a last minute tea party and invited her cousins and our family friends. I realized about 30 minutes before everyone arrived that I only had little kid finger foods and tea party stuff, and no real lunch food for the adults. I was mortified, but being Christmas Eve, there was little I could do. There was plenty to eat, but no real sit down lunch. I hope nobody went hungry!

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How odd. I'm dying to know from someone who stayed 1) if food was ever served and 2) how long people stayed if it wasn't


I hope kids would grow out of that by 16/17/18, but BIL's girlfriend (who is around that age) turned down every offer of food and drink the other night at a family dinner. We had pizza, salad, and cupcakes, and I would have gladly made her something else (I was already making separate GF food), but I didn't even see her drink water the whole night. Very weird.



I don't know about your BIL's girlfriend, but at that age I wouldn't have eaten anything in a house where I didn't know people extremely well - too many allergies / food issues to make the risk worth it. Even now, I don't eat in many houses (or I bring my own - usually enough to share, but sometimes just enough for me depending on the situation).

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